
Long-Awaited Battle

Riche's voice called out to everyone.

It was the first time that his team had also revealed themselves. All of them were wearing strange superhero attires based on various animals. All of them had a cape and assumed a formidable pose.

"Do you really have to go with that shout, boss?" A man appeared behind him and frowned.

Leading the group behind him was Sammy Theoden, the first person Richie recruited to his team.

Next to him was the former Admiral, who was in charge of the Kraken. He was later taken by Richie after seeing his potential in sound.

Pizar Atlas spent months learning as Sammy Theoden trained and soon won the favor of Richie.

"Even when I was Admiral of the Kraken, I never thought I'd witness and participate in battles like this."

Pizar's potential and how he won Richie's favor surprised another member of Richie's team.