
New Deus

(Rewriting-) A story about the big bad. The last boss. The ultimate villain queen that can't be bested, unless multiple broken rank heroes gang up on her. ..... Kel Lucifer is a 16 year old tall, handsome and strong schoolboy. He one day randomly finds a weird card on his desk and tries to pick it up. The next thing you know, the card phases into him and he ends up passing out. Once he awakenes, he finds that his glorious pecks are replaced with two huge mountains. He turned into a woman! However as a woman he has superpowers. He soon finds out that he can turn into a man again and has a female form and a male form. However as a man, he is ordinary. Only being able to use superpowers in his female form. At first he doesn't think about this eldrich scene too much, except for the fact that it interrupts his life and how to fix it. But soon he gets a message that he awakened as something called a Dea. And the world of Deas is a bloody and murderous one. *Warning!!! Mc is evil and will commit things that might make your stomach churn. Do not read this if you are faint of heart. *As the Mc is originally a man, there will be no sexy stuff with men, in his female form. As a woman, he is strictly lesbian. Ps. The novel is in the female mc category, since he will be in his female form for most of the novel. Additional tags: #Action, #Overpowered, #StrongToStronger

GlassFrame · Urban
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29 Chs

Where Is She

"Are you sure she's in Oslo?"

"The police identified her 10 days ago, so yes. I'm sure."

Two women walk through the streets of Oslo. They garner a lot of attention and it's not because of their foreign language.

One of the women is absolutely massive. Standing at over 2 meters tall. She has long black hair, fastened into a ponytail. Her eyes are red and she has a small smile on, as she gazes at the people around her.

The other woman is shorter, but still has an impressive height of 180 cm. Her hair is white and she has a cold expression on her face. Her sharp features and hazel eyes truly make her look like a top eastern european beauty.

Both of these women are absolutely stunning. So stunning that you rarely see a woman like this walking around.

These 2 women are on a very important mission to retrieve their missing boss.

Artoria was apparently arrested 10 days ago, in Oslo, Norway. This is the first time anyone has heard of her in 6 months. After the fight it was like she jumped off the planet.

"Do you think the leader got sick of working and decided to take an unannouced vacation?" Eleanor muses, just to pass the time. Then she takes a flask from her jacket pocket and takes a few sips.

"I don't know if you're retarded or an idiot. Do you know what Victoria would do to you if she heard you say that." Jezebel admonishes. When she spots the flask in the white haired womans hand, she looks at Eleanor with a disgusted expression.

"What? I did not say anything bad." Eleanor doesn't understand why Jezebel is so mean to her.

"Ughh. I just had to be paired up with you. You know the worst part is that everyone thinks we're best friends. Like me and you have some sort of deep friendship." Jezebel grumbles.

"But are we not friends?" Eleanor once again drinks from the flask and asks innocently.

Jezebel stops walking and looks at her. Eleanor stops as well in confusion. Then Jezebel kicks Eleanor lightly, enough to make her lose balance and stumble backwards.

Suddenly a truck horn sounds. Eleanor turns to look at her left and discoveres a truck speeding towards her.

"Bljat." *Crash*

Jezebel nonchalantly looks on, as Eleanor gets hit by a truck and goes flying.

"That's one less boozehag in the world. Haah." She sighs in relief and claps her hands. Then starts walking again.

The surroundings are in chaos, as people focus on the traffic accident in shock. Instantly a hoard of cameras come out and start filming the freak accident.

Eleanor gets up from the ground, suprising many of the audience. That was a big fucking truck that she got run over by after all. However instead of being hurt, Eleanor is pissed.

She mumbles a bunch Russian curse words and stomps away from the scene.


6 hours later.

While Jezebel and Eleanor roamed around in the city, barely looking for Artoria. Another group of women was actually productively fulfilling their purpose.

(Artoria PoV)

"I don't like this one." I mumble, as I try on a dress.

"Yeah that dress makes you look innocent. Not your style." The blond haired man in the corner of the room comments.

"You say that like it's a bad thing." I respond.

"Who do you think you're trying to fool? I know you better than you know yourself." He answers with a grin.

"Tch." I click my tongue and ignore him.

I woke up 15 days ago on the outskirts of Oslo. I had absolutely no clue where I was or who I was. My memory is completely gone.

Thankfully some of my memories returned soon after. I remembered the basic things about the world and how to get by. I also remembered my name and the existance of somethin called Deas. Other than that, nothing.

After I regained some clarity, I was luckily picked up by a kind woman, by the road and she gave me a lift to the city. I'm in Norway, but a lot of people here speak english, so it's not that bad.

Once I was in the city, I quickly used whatever means necessary to aquire some money. That included robbing, extortion and gambling. I discovered I have a real talent for these things.

I also got arrested because I had a confrontation with a casino. They figured out I was counting cards and tried to take away my money. Luckily it was nothing serious and I got away with a small fine.

I managed to rent an apartment in the city. Then I made some connections with the underworld and aquired a bunch of contacts and a few weapons.

I'm stronger than a normal human, but it's not enough to dodge bullets. Funny enough as my memories start to return, I find myself getting stronger each time it happens.

"What are you spacing out about?" The blonde man asks.

"I was thinking about my fun time with your mother yesterday." I respond with a grin. This seems to take all the wind out of his system and his expression goes dark.

This blonde man isn't actually real. Atleast I don't think he is. Let me explain.

Around 10 days ago I started seeing him. No one else can see him. Neither can anyone, including me, touch him. So the most logical explenation is that he's an imaginary man, inside of my head.

His name is Kel Lucifer. I have this feeling that I know this person intimately. Like he's my dead brother or something, but I can't remember. He won't tell me anything as well. He just keeps talking to me, making me feel like a crazy person. Oh well, I've accepted it by now. I don't really care if I'm crazy.

"Hmm? Looks like someone is here." Kel says and looks towards the door without explaining.

I curve my eyebrows in confusion, then I hear a click on the door. Without wasting time, I grab the handgun on to counter and point it at the door.

*Click* The door opens and an attractice blonde haired girl looks back at me.

"Lucifer!" She squeales and starts to run towards me.

*Bang* *Bang* I fire a couple of bullets towards her face, but the next moment I get scared shitless, as she casually dodges them.

"What was that for? Are you mad that I didn't find you earlier?" She stops and frowns.

"Who the fuck are you?" I question the mysterious girl with an intimidating tone. I'm quite afraid of her, but I don't show it.

"Eh? You don't remember me?" She looks at me with suprise.

"Should I?" I ask, still pointing the gun at her, with my finger threatening to contract.

"Big sis, It's me, Alena. I'm your little sister in the organisation. The Assassin? Don't you remember?" She blabbers with, what is it? Fear? Anxiety?

I try to remember this girl, but it just isn't ringing any bells. I feel like I've seen her before, but that's as far as my memory goes.

"I..." I start to say, but can't find any words. To me she's a stranger, but by the look of this girls expression, she knows me very well.

"Just ask her to sit down and talk." Kel advises. I briefly glance at him, then look back at the sad looking blondie.

"Haah." I sigh and lower my gun. "Take a seat somewhere."

Alena looks around the apartment and finds a chair to sit down on. I look at her and rub my eyebrows.

"Start from the beginning." I urge her to talk.

She looks at me and seems to collect herself.

"My name is Alena Neverova, I'm 17 and I love cats. You are my superiour and big sister, Artoria Lucifer. You recruited me into the organisation over a year ago. You went missing for 6 months and now I have found you." She explains very carefully.

"Hmm..." I ponder, while grabbing my chin and staring at her. Whatever she explained was very unhelpful, so I have to try myself.

I narrow my eyes and walk towards her. I stand infront of her and grip her cheeks. Then I mush them thoroughly. She looks back into my eyes without blinking.

"Hehe." I chuckle. I don't know why I started to mush her cheeks, but now that I look at her, she's stunningly beautiful.

Alena is about 168 cm tall, she has long blonde hair and sparkling, green eyes. She has sharp facial features and a slender body, with moderate assets, that are just big enough to give her an hourglass figure. Overall she's a slender blonde beauty, with curiosity shining in her eyes.

I release her cheeks and go to sit down myself. Then I cross my legs and tell her. "Alright, tell me about my organisation."

She looks at me, then smiles and starts explaining the whole thing.

Impudence! I like this word a lot.

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