
New Deus

(Rewriting-) A story about the big bad. The last boss. The ultimate villain queen that can't be bested, unless multiple broken rank heroes gang up on her. ..... Kel Lucifer is a 16 year old tall, handsome and strong schoolboy. He one day randomly finds a weird card on his desk and tries to pick it up. The next thing you know, the card phases into him and he ends up passing out. Once he awakenes, he finds that his glorious pecks are replaced with two huge mountains. He turned into a woman! However as a woman he has superpowers. He soon finds out that he can turn into a man again and has a female form and a male form. However as a man, he is ordinary. Only being able to use superpowers in his female form. At first he doesn't think about this eldrich scene too much, except for the fact that it interrupts his life and how to fix it. But soon he gets a message that he awakened as something called a Dea. And the world of Deas is a bloody and murderous one. *Warning!!! Mc is evil and will commit things that might make your stomach churn. Do not read this if you are faint of heart. *As the Mc is originally a man, there will be no sexy stuff with men, in his female form. As a woman, he is strictly lesbian. Ps. The novel is in the female mc category, since he will be in his female form for most of the novel. Additional tags: #Action, #Overpowered, #StrongToStronger

GlassFrame · Urban
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29 Chs

Finding Out You Are Popular

(Artoria PoV)

Just as Alena is about to finish her long explenation of the organisation, 2 women enter my apartment.

"Alena?.. Oh! Boss!" The first woman to enter exclaims.

This time, I tactfully don't shoot at the women, since they most likely can dodge bullets as well.

The first woman to enter is about 172 cm tall and has a muscular build. She has short, spiky black hair, violet eyes and sharp facial features. She also has piercings in her eyebrow, ears and lower lip. Her right shoulder, down to the elbow, has some kind of tribalistic tattoo.

"Oh Remi, you guys finally caught up." Alena smiles at the woman.

I stare at the woman and the woman that enters behind her. Just like with Alena, I have a feeling I have seen these two.

I grip my head, as this supposed familiarity infuriates me. I hate when I can't recall things. Like when you have to remember where your keys are and you spend 10 minutes looking for them.

I choose to ignore this annoying feeling for now and address Alena. "Alright, take me to my organisation." I tell her.

"Great." Alena stands up and walks to the door. She sees Remi looking at her weirdly, so she explains.

"Lucifer lost her memories." She says.

"Oh." Remi nods in understanding.

I quickly start packing my stuff. I don't take much, just clothes, cash and some weapons.

"Hmm? Why do you need weapons leader?" The third girl in my room asks me.

"Umm. Who are you?" I stop and ask.

"Oh, my name is Thea Vorend." She introduces herself awkwardly.

Thea is a 184 cm tall woman. She has a curvy, muscular body with big assets. Her hair is white, with blue eyes. She has brown skin and she's wearing a very tight outfit.

I nod at her introduction and continue packing. Thea looks at me and asks again. "Why do you need weapons leader?" She seems really confused.

"I can't dodge bullets like you guys, so I have to defend myself with something." I respond.

"Huh?" She looks at me with such confusion, like she just saw an alien suck off a cow.

I finish packing and go to the door. "Let's go."

We walk out of the building and walk over to my car.

"Hmm. So they found us as well..." Alena mumbles.

"Mm." Remi hums affirmatively.

"Who?" I ask.

"Well big sister is popular, so lots of people want your attention. See these girls there?" Alena says and points at 3 women next to a bust stop.

"They probably tracked you down as well. But since you are too powerful, they choose to simply observe." Alena explains.

"Umu." I dumbly nod and get in the car. We start driving towards the airport. The car I have is nothing special, just a normal Volvo. We leisurely drive through the city.

"I'll play some music." Alena announces and starts fumbling with the radio. All of a sudden she comes to a stop.

From the back seat I hear a whisper. "Incoming."

Then my vision instantly changes.


Everything goes to hell. I don't understand what is going on. A bunch of loud sounds are all around me and rocks are flying and explosions are happening. Oh yeah the car is gone as well.

I feel like I'm flying, but it's all happening so fast, that I can't proccess it in time. Next thing I know, I hit some kind of resistance. *Crash*

I fly through the window of an office building and bounce off the roof.

"Ugh." I groan, because it hurts like a bitch. Then I slowly start standing up.

The workers who are around me, look at me with wide eyes, like they just saw the ghost of Michael Jackson.

I quickly make an intelligent move, which is to stand up and start running away. Based on the whisper I heard and me flying into an office building. I can tell that we were attacked. Like a rational person, I choose to run away. I can't possibly contend with these superhuman creatures.

I quickly find the staircase and start climbing up. Meanwhile when I'm running, I hear all kinds of battle sounds around me.

The higher I climb on the high rise, the quieter it gets. Once I reach the 25th floor, I exit the staircase and go to find a window.

Some of the doors in my way are locked, so I just kick them open. I run to an office, that has a dude in it and look out the window. He keeps babbling, so I take out my gun and point it towards him. This works to shut him up.

When I look down, I see a lot of destruction. However it seems the fighting has stopped and now it's very quiet.

"Hmm." I mull over my plans forward. While I'm doing that, from the corner of my eyes, I see an object flying towards me.

I immediately throw myself on the ground. This action saves my life, as the dude who was still standing loses his top half. Most of the office is gone. Whatever was throw was quite big.

I quickly get up and start running again. It seems that with that throw, the sounds of destruction started up once again. I quickly run towards the stairs again, but I get interrupted by a woman, who is leaning on the door to the stairway.

"Damn, you're hot..." She exclaims when she sees me. Then she recovers and goes back to neutral.

"Artoria Lucifer. I would like to have a word with you." The woman says with a smirk. She is a beautiful woman, about 170 cm tall, with long brown hair.

"Why should I entertain you?" I quickly suppress my emotions and make my speech even.

"Heh. You don't really have to. We can go straight to fighting." The woman stops leaning on the door and looks at me with a wide smile.

"Tch. Talk." I pretend to be annoyed and haughty.

The woman shurgs and leans back on the door, crossing her arms.

"After the chaos you caused in North Carolina, as expected you became quite famous. Maybe not with the populace, but the world powers know about you now. The strongest Dea. Or well... Atleast back then you were." She explains with a smile.

I shrug and look at her. I'm actually getting annoyed now. "What's your point?"

"Basically I'm here to kidnap or kill you. Choose which will it be." She casually says.

"I think you have brain damage, from how much you have been fucked silly. You just said yourself that I'm the strongest Dea and you want to threaten me?" I bluff.

Her smile misteriously turns wider. "As I said, you were the strongest, in the past." She explains with a smile.

"Now, well... Not so much, hehe." She stops leaning on the door and walks towards me, stopping straight in front of me.

"Another thing... We have made a portfolio about you. And of the things in there, it says that you are very impulsive and aggressive. This is interesting because if that's true, you would have already attacked me. If you haven't, that means...." She stops speaking and just smiles. The next second, my vision blacks out.

(Artoria PoV end)

The woman who knocked Artoria out, stands over her looking suprised.

"So she really did lose her powers." She mumbles in shock. She did guess that something was wrong, but the difference in the women before her and the woman she saw in the video is too big!

She was saying all this confident stuff about Lucifer not being the strongest anymore, but she was actually not that confident.

The Dea who layd waste to a town within minutes still rings in her head vividly. Truth be told she admired Lucifer. She was prepared to sacrifice a few of her teammates if it comes down to it. But now...

"Looks like you're nothing much." She says and picks up Artoria like a ragdoll.

Without dallying around, she jumps out of the building and runs away, with Artoria in her arms.

The rest of her squad is suppressing the 3 women that are from Artorias organisation. Unexpectedly for the 3 women, the aggressors actually manage to put pressure on them.

Once the woman carrying Artoria is a substancial amount of distance away from Oslo. She announces the command for her squad to retreat.

Once her squad mates get out of the city. Alena, Remi and Thea start looking for Lucifer but can't find her anywhere.

"Where did she go?" Alena mutters in confusion.