
New Deus

(Rewriting-) A story about the big bad. The last boss. The ultimate villain queen that can't be bested, unless multiple broken rank heroes gang up on her. ..... Kel Lucifer is a 16 year old tall, handsome and strong schoolboy. He one day randomly finds a weird card on his desk and tries to pick it up. The next thing you know, the card phases into him and he ends up passing out. Once he awakenes, he finds that his glorious pecks are replaced with two huge mountains. He turned into a woman! However as a woman he has superpowers. He soon finds out that he can turn into a man again and has a female form and a male form. However as a man, he is ordinary. Only being able to use superpowers in his female form. At first he doesn't think about this eldrich scene too much, except for the fact that it interrupts his life and how to fix it. But soon he gets a message that he awakened as something called a Dea. And the world of Deas is a bloody and murderous one. *Warning!!! Mc is evil and will commit things that might make your stomach churn. Do not read this if you are faint of heart. *As the Mc is originally a man, there will be no sexy stuff with men, in his female form. As a woman, he is strictly lesbian. Ps. The novel is in the female mc category, since he will be in his female form for most of the novel. Additional tags: #Action, #Overpowered, #StrongToStronger

GlassFrame · Urban
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29 Chs


Artoria gets flung back for 500 meters. She quickly gets to her feet and releases another demonic scream at Zeladrea.

Zeladrea understands that Artoria has lost all her reason. "Heh. Attacking me with raw power? Bad move." Zela snarls.

Artoria rushes straight towards Zela, conjures big ice claws on her hands and tries to impale Zela's head with her right hand. Zeladrea isn't even intimidated by this obvious attack and dodges it leisurely.

Then then she knees Artoria in the stomach and punches her in the face.

*Wham* A shockwave comes out from the force of the punch and Artoria goes flying again. The shockwave clears out all the snow within 50 meters of Zela.

As powerful as that punch may be, it is in the end, just a warm up attack. Should Zeladrea get serious, they would probably destroy a big chunk of the city.

This time Zela doesn't wait and aggressively pursues Artoria. She strikes her with the blunt end of the spear and sends her flying into the sky. Then Zela uses her fire to propel herself into the sky, chasing Artoria.

In the sky Artoria tries to attack Zela, but Zela again easily dodges the attack and makes one herself. This time she makes a much more powerful attack. If the attacks before were lovebites, then the one now is a real one.

The shockwave of the strike demolishes the top of a nearby high-rise. A loud crack, like thunder, is heard all around. Artoria goes flying in incredible speeds and flies out of the city. This is exactly what Zela is trying to do. Since she knows that if they get serious, the whole city will be gone.

Without giving Artoria a chance to breathe, Zeladrea continues to constantly attack her and drive her further and further from the city.

Once they're about 50 kilometers away from the city, something unexpected happens.

When Zela goes to attack again, Artoria catches her spear and delivers a devastating kick to Zela's face. Zela quickly goes to dodge it, but it still manages to scratch her. The kick scraches Zela's shoulder, spurting some blood.

The attack gets Zela off balance, so to ensure another attack doesn't come when she's vulnerable, she casts a flare. Flare is a technique where she covers herself in fire and then it explodes outwards from her. Delivering a bright flash, a shockwave and incredibly high temperatures.

Artoria instinctively reacts to the flare and conjures a cone shaped ice shield in front of herself.

Once the flare has passed, Artoria sharpens the tip of the cone shield and sends it hurling towards Zela.

The 2 tonnes of reinforced glacial ice travels towards Zela at high speeds. Zela knows she can't melt something so heavy, so fast, so she dodges it and tries to stab the coming Artoria in the neck.

Artoria dosn't dodge the strike. Instead, in a fit of genius, she conjures a small, but thick ice plate on her neck, that deflects the tip of the spear.

Then using her leftover momentum, Artoria slashes at Zela with her ice claws. The claws whistle through the air with terrifying force.

Zela manages to let go of her spear and duck under the claws just in time. Then she rolls behind Artoria and catches her spear.

The strike of Artoria missed Zela, but created 3 devestating gashes in the ground, that stretch forward for 150 meters and go who knows how deep.

"Tch. I suppose I have to get serious." Zela mutters and conjures a plasma battle armour that emits ridiculous amounts of heat. 4 times that of the surface of the sun.

The grass on the ground within hundreds of meters of her is evaporated and a thick cloud of mist rises to the sky. The dirt on the ground starts melting. The air around Zela vibrates like it's alive and the sheer amount of light Zela radiates is enough to think she's a second sun.

Artoria looks at Zela and instinctually feels danger from her, so she also releases her cold aura. A blue plated, heavy, ice armour forms around her. Emitting temperatures near absolute zero. The frost directly counteracts Zela's fire and the ground freezes around Artoria.

The atmosphere in middle point of Artoria and Zela is put under so much strain that there are constant lighting sparks appearing between them.

Artoria doesn't dawdle much and immediately conjures multiple gigantic ice spikes, then hurls them at Zela.

Zela reponds by firing a plasma beam in the centre of the ice, hoping to burrow through. But she quickly realizes that she can't melt it fast enough and abandons her strategy, instead doging the spike narrowly.

Zeladrea understands that she doesn't stand a chance from the distance, since her fire is weaker. So she tightens her hold on her spear and rushes to fight Artoria in close range.

They start their fight again, now with increased intensity.

They absolutely devestate their surroundings with their attacks. Tens of kilometers of area is melted, frozen, evaporated, destroyed or dug up.

Their fight takes them 60 kilometers away from where they turned it into second gear and they end up in a town called Greenville.

The people of Greenville have been hearing these horrific thunderclaps for a few minutes now and they also see a great deal of light originating from the direction of the sound. They stare at the direction in confusion and fear, but fear is the only emotion they should be feeling.

Artoria manages to land a devestating kick on Zeladrea and sends the plasma armoured Zela, as a welcoming gift to Greenville.

Zeladrea flies through whatever buildings ended up in her way and lands somewhere in the middle of the town.

When Zela stands up, she sees the sunny sky replaced with thick, dark and ominous clouds. The temperature of the whole town drops below -100, leaving only the area around Zela untouched.

As if the wrath of a goddess if about to decend upon the world, a feminine scream of rage echoes in the sky. "AAAAAAARRRGHHHH."

A completely insane scene comes next. The sky starts raining ice spikes, the size of trucks, on the ground. These blue reinforced, glacial ice spikes rain down on the ground at insane speeds. Screw being able to kill a person, with the velocity and weight they have, just one is enough to level a building.

Most of the spikes are consentrated into the middle of the town, where Zela is. Zela can see the absolutely ridiculous attack Artoria is making and wisely decides to run.

It's not something simple like firing a plasma beam at. Literally millions of truck sized ice spikes are raining down at her.

Once the first ice spike hits the ground, that's when the symphony begins. The countless number of ice spikes level the whole town in minutes.

With this attack, Artoria brings new meaning to the term carpet bombing. Dropping 2-10 ton ice spikes from 2km above the ground, would already do the trick. But Artoria not only made the ice much stronger, she also accelerated the falling speed of the ice by an insane amount. Later on the people who will analyze the fight, will shudder in terror of what this woman could do, if she really wanted to destroy something. Who is to say she doesn't recreate the meteor and delete humanity, like the dinosaurs?

Zeladrea is literally running for her life. She is in incredible danger right now, as even getting hit by one of these spikes would mean death. Not because it would take only one to kill her, as sbe would be injured, but would still survive. It's because when she even slows down a bit an uncountable number of ice spikes will pierce her and she will die before she knows it.

Utilizing her fire, Zeladre manages to quickly get out of range of Artorias attack, by running 10 kilometers away. Then she takes a minute to pause and assess her wounds.

What Zeladrea finds weird is that Artoria doesn't seem to be keen on attacking her. It's as if Artoria is only trying to defend herself. The more they fight, the more she feels like her guess is true.

However Zela is already too invested in this fight. She will not stop until one of them falls. She is both humiliated and angry at the fact that the power gap between her and Artoria has widened once again. She must not lose to her. She must not!

Zeladrea once again heads back to Artoria, with maddness overflowing from her eyes.

If anyone saw the usually calm, composed and strong Zeladrea now, they would doubt their eyes. Right now she looks like a crazy and murderous girlfriend, out to kill the slut that slept with her boyfriend.

When Zeladrea reaches Artoria, one would think one more time that the world is ending. Zela hurls a massive beam of plasma at Artoria. Artoria quickly dodges that beam, but yhe beam continues to travel and hits an airplane 10km in the sky.

Zeladrea again fights Artoria at close combat. They continue to fight ferociously, while Artoria maintains a defencive stance the whole time. It's as if she's injured and can't output 100%.

Soon Zela's persistance pays off and she manages to lock Artoria's arm between her leg and her spear and break it.

"AAARGH." The bone juts out from her forearm and she screams in agony. However in a show of insane tenacity, Artoria pulls the arm that's locked by Zela, ripping it off wholly. Then she grabs Zela by her mouth and shoves the same bone, that's jutting out from her forearm, into Zela's neck.

"Urgh." Due to the suprising move, Zeladrea can't dodge it.

Using the momentary stun created by her move, Artoria stomps on Zela's knee, breaking it. Then she moves in for the kill, aiming to rip her heart out. But Zela manages to dodge that, yet that doesn't come without a price.

Artoria's claws attach themselves onto Zela's shoulder and seeing that she missed the heart, she rips off Zela's arm instead. Straight from the shoulder socket.

"AAAAAARGHH." Zela screams in pain, but thanks to adrenaline, she is not that effected by the pain. She quickly casts flares to seperate herself from Artoria.

However Zela has made a fatal mistake. She forgot about where she is. She is in the same place Artoria carpet bombed her and the clouds in the sky haven't dissipated.

Zeladrea who is slightly disoriented from the blast, that she used in panic, quickly looks around to find Artoria, but doesn't find her. Suddenly her senses alert her of lethal danger.

She looks up and is shocked to see millions of huge ice spikes raining down again. This time the spikes are even bigger, as if the caster is angry.

Zela tries to escape. She uses her fire to propel herself. The lone beam of fire continues flying across the ground as Artoria looks on from above.

The ungodly amount of spikes consentrate in the area of the little flame. Until eventually the flame disappeares.

Artoria waits for a few minutes. When she doesn't see a movement, she concludes her opponent as dead and flies away.

Some heinous bullshit happened and this chapter was erased for some reason. So I'm reuploading this and the next chapter.

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