
New Deus

(Rewriting-) A story about the big bad. The last boss. The ultimate villain queen that can't be bested, unless multiple broken rank heroes gang up on her. ..... Kel Lucifer is a 16 year old tall, handsome and strong schoolboy. He one day randomly finds a weird card on his desk and tries to pick it up. The next thing you know, the card phases into him and he ends up passing out. Once he awakenes, he finds that his glorious pecks are replaced with two huge mountains. He turned into a woman! However as a woman he has superpowers. He soon finds out that he can turn into a man again and has a female form and a male form. However as a man, he is ordinary. Only being able to use superpowers in his female form. At first he doesn't think about this eldrich scene too much, except for the fact that it interrupts his life and how to fix it. But soon he gets a message that he awakened as something called a Dea. And the world of Deas is a bloody and murderous one. *Warning!!! Mc is evil and will commit things that might make your stomach churn. Do not read this if you are faint of heart. *As the Mc is originally a man, there will be no sexy stuff with men, in his female form. As a woman, he is strictly lesbian. Ps. The novel is in the female mc category, since he will be in his female form for most of the novel. Additional tags: #Action, #Overpowered, #StrongToStronger

GlassFrame · Urban
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29 Chs

Behind the scenes

After Artoria and Zeladrea's fight, the world powers that used drones to spectate the fight are left with incomparably dark faces.

In fact some of them are hovering their finger over the nuke button and thinking of targeting the 2 women's last known location. That's just the level of fear they feel, when they look at the fight.

But how can they not be afraid, when they witness the destruction that happenes when 2 superpowered women... No, 2 goddesses fight each other.

Thanks to the fight, they can also see that the anomaly in Charlotte city, was created by Artoria. This is an additional reason why each world leader is racking his or her brain right now, trying to come up with some way to control these 2 women.


-USA, white house.-

"Mister president, you have a call." A man, wearing a suit, enters the presidents room and hands him a phone. The president takes it without fuss and answers.

"Hello?" He says.

<Mr. president, mr. Haines requests a meeting. Be at xxxxx within the hour.> The voice who answers the phone, says and cuts the call.

"Haaah." The president sighs and puts the phone down.

"Ready the helicopter." The president gives the order.


-In an unknown location-

A helicopter lands on the landing pad of a lavish mansion. The mansion and the huge backyard scream "A rich person is living here!!!".

Out of the chopper comes a white man in his forties, with slick black hair combed back. He is wearing a very expensive suit and looks elegant overall.

He is the president of the United states of America, David Kordell.

He walks up to the mansion, followed by 2 men in black suits. Once he gets to the door, it's opened by a woman in a maid outfit.

She looks at the 3 men and addresses the president.

"Mr. president, please this way." She says and leades him to a lounge, where another man is waiting.

This man waiting is dressed sloppily, only in a bathrobe and boxers. He is a big, tall man, with a bit of fat. Enough to be called chubby, but not outright fat. The man is around his forties and slightly balding, with very short hair.

"Good afternoon mister Haines." President David greets him and shakes his hand. Even though David is the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world, he acts subservient to Samuel.

The reason for this is simple. The Haines family could be said to be the true rulers of America. The Haines family control the elections and the decisions of the country. They are basically the power, behind the power.

Obviously there is no way the ruling elite would choose to elect a person to lead the entire government, based on some popularity contest where hundreds of millions of idiots, who don't even know how a country functions, vote. All of that is simply a facade to keep the masses docile.

The leader of the Haines family, right now is Samuel. Which by definition, makes Samuel the most powerful man in America.

The Hains family are not only behind USA, but also Canada, Mexico, Brazil and a few other countries in south America.

"Hello David. Please sit, we have something to discuss." The man, Samuel, says and points at the chair across from him.

President David nods and sits in the chair. The maid quickly fills David's cup with coffee and runs away.

"Now then." Samuel leans back in the chair and crosses his fingers.

"I assume you saw the incident." Samuel speaks, referring to the fight.

David takes a sip of coffee, then looks at Samuel and nods. "I did."

"What are your thoughts on that?" Samuel asks with interest.

"I think we have 2 uncontrolled, superpowered individuals running around that do not answer to our laws. I think that's incredibly dangerous." the president responds.

"Haha, yes. Quite the political responce." Samuel quips. "But yes, you are right. They are 2 beings that hold unimaginable power. Currently I don't think we have enough power to stop them. I think that going after them would only result in a phyrric victory..." Samuel says and pauses.

Before Samuel can continue, David interrupts. "That is what I think as well. But from the looks of your relaxed expressiom, I assume that you are already working on a reliable counter measure." David states.

Samuel looks at him and smiles. "That is exactly so. Tell me David, what do you do with a potential threat that you can't control?" Samuel sits up and asks.

"You eliminate it." David responds.

"But what if you can't eliminate it?" Samuel asks with an amused expression.

"Then you find someone who can, or build something that can." David responds.

"Exactly. Ever since Zeladrea rejected our proposal, I have been constantly trying to prepare for confrontation." Samuel stands up and moves to a cupboard. "By now I have created a viable solution. Something that can contend with these 2 monsters." Samuel looks at the president and says with incredible excitement.

Then he takes a phone from a drawer and gives it to David.

"Look for yourself." Samuel says excitedly.

When David takes the phone, he sees multiple women that are seemingly doing yoga. Just from that, David seems to have a hunch of what Samuel is doing, but still asks. "What is this."

"This is my solution. If you can't control a powerful Dea, you create one that you can control. I mean think about it. Those 2 that we saw fighting are just single individuals. Imagine how powerful a Dea can grow if they have the backing of a country or 2." Samuel explains.

"But how do you guarantee their loyalty?" David asks.

"Mhm, that's was the main problem. After all, when a person becomes as powerful as a god, who is to say they will still obey someone comparatively much weaker than them." Samuel nods sagely. "The best case scenario would be to grow kids as future soilders, but that doesn't work in this case. So we use brainwashing."

David frowns when he hears that. "Do you have a way to guarantee loyalty with brainwashing?" He asks.

"We do now." Samuel proudly tells him. Then he gets up and beckons David. "Follow me."

They make their way to the elevator, that they use to go underground. Meanwhile on the way, Samuel explains a bunch of things to David.

"We live in an unique time, where everything learned is preserved in pristine condition. This has given us the ability to have an amazing amount of indepth information about any subject. That is including the more darker themed ones. Given that fact. Don't you think we've pretty much figured out how a human works by now." Samuel says.

"A human is an incredibly complex creature. To say you have figured it out is hubris." David responds.

"You are not wrong. However with the amount of psychological and neurosurgical knowledge we have, we can entirely control someone. The most incidious part of it is, they think they are making their own decisions. They have no clue these decisions are actually implanted." Samuel explains.

David widens his eyes hearing this. As he knows that the most powerful type of manipulation is the one where the subject thinks they made the intended decision by their own cognition. However...

"However that would not be enough to assure loyalty and control over the subject." David counters.

"Yes, it is so...."Samuel says, then continues. "Did you know David, that thanks to science we can actually target a persons pleasure centre, in their brain. Through this we can make someone feel pleasure, unlike any other."

"There was actually an experiment done, where they had a woman hooked up to this device and she was given a button. When she pressed the button, she recieved pleasure. Did you know what she did?" Samuel stops and turns back to David.

"She pushed it until her finger bled?" David guesses. Samuel smirks at his guess.

"Ha ha ha, exactly! Then she started begging the scientists to take the button away from her. But when they did, she attacked them..." Samuel concludes with his booming voice, turns around and starts walking again.

"The point is, that if you have all the pieces of the puzzle, fully controlling someone is possible." Samuel explains.

"Still. It seems like a slippery slope to climb on. How does this relate to what you're going to show me?" David questions.

"You will see." Samuel answers. They move into an underground train and ride it for tens of kilometers. It takes around 10 minutes, since the train is moving incredibly fast.

When they arrive, they get out of the train and enter a facility with white walls, that scream "We're doing a big, secret science experiment here!!!".

Samuel leads David through the hallways. David sees some people working from time to time, but overall it seems this facility is sparsely populated.

They enter a small room, that has a few tables with computers on them. Other than a window, there isn't anything else in here.

Samuel moves to the window and starts to speak. "This is the best we came up with. To control the most powerful Dea, we must create it. With the rescources we have, it shouldn't be too hard."

As David walks to the window, he sees a big room through the window. About 5 meters down, from where he is looking, he sees a girl meditating there.

"She is your solution?" David asks, referencing the girl below.

"Not just her. We have about a hundred of them. The best will survive." Samuel scoffs and says.

"In about three months we will have an asset who can contend with those 2 monsters." Samuels muses.

"How in gods name are you accomplishing this task so fast?" David exclaims and asks.

Samuel looks at him with a vicious smile. "By doing whatever is necessary, of course."