
New Beginning: Second Life

When Alex Summers is betrayed and murdered, he awakens in a medieval world under the name Marcos. Unknown and full of determination, Marcos embarks on a new beginning to discover the mystery of his reincarnation. In "New Beginning: Second Life", accompany him on a journey of self-discovery, full of dangers and surprises, where each choice can change his destiny forever.

TheDiego_Novel · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Gift Verifier

Chapter 3: The Gift Verifier

Marcos was taken to another town. He tried to feign sleep so they wouldn't discover him, but that plan failed.

"What an idiot, I already realized you woke up halfway there," said the burly soldier with an annoyed voice.

"So why haven't you let me go yet?" Marcos replied, already starting to feel nauseous from the journey to the town.

"Because it's annoying," replied the soldier with a somewhat tired voice.

"…Oh, I see," murmured Marcos with a somewhat uncomfortable voice. He still didn't understand how he ended up in this situation. First, he reincarnated and saw the memories of this new body of his, then he was kidnapped. What's next?

"By the way, kid, my name is Rodrick, and I came to find you because the citizens had warned us that you were injured," casually replied the soldier, now called Rodrick.

"Oh yes, um… they were exaggerating, since I didn't suffer serious injuries," Marcos nervously replied, finally realizing his current situation.

"Is that so?" asked Rodrick with a somewhat curious voice. "Well, I don't care what happened, you'll have to discuss that with Hugo, the mayor of the town," said Rodrick before letting go of Marcos, who ended up stamped on the ground.

"Hey, that hurt," complained Marcos, before realizing he was in front of a rather large house, and in front of the door, stood a middle-aged man looking at him.

"Hello Marcos, I'm the mayor of Stalvar town, Hugo, please come in quickly," said the middle-aged man, Hugo, quickly. He seemed not very excited about this conversation, as he had other things to do.

"Well, my job is done, goodbye mayor," said Rodrick, before walking away to the other side, seeming happy to finally finish this mission.

The mayor, Hugo, took Marcos inside his house. They arrived at a room that seemed to be his office, as there was a desk and behind it bookshelves with several books.

"Sit down, Marcos," said the mayor. Marcos, for his part, sat in the chair in front of the desk, seeming to be thinking about several things. Seeing this, the mayor frowned.

"Tell me, Marcos, how are you still healthy?" asked the mayor. Marcos, for his part, was surprised by this question.

'I thought he would ask me about how I offended those nobles, but it seems he went straight to the point,' thought Marcos, before answering the mayor's question with a serious face.

"The truth is, I also don't know why I'm still healthy, since as you know, I was stabbed," replied Marcos, who sounded serious, but there was honesty in his eyes.

"…I see," replied the mayor expressionlessly, but his thoughts were elsewhere.

'I'm sure this boy has awakened a regenerative type gift,' thought the mayor excitedly. But on the outside, he remained just as expressionless.

'He must think I've awakened a gift,' thought Marcos too. He was somewhat excited, as it could be a possibility.

In this world called Teria, there are people who awaken supernatural abilities called "gifts." These gifts could range from a simple increase in strength to throwing plasma balls.

When Marcos was left unconscious, he was able to assimilate all the memories of his new body. Now he is very excited, as he knows what the mayor will ask him next.

"Well, Marcos, it's possible that when you were stabbed, there was a great change in your body and soul," said the mayor with an excited tone.

"It may be that you have awakened a gift," said the mayor with an excited tone, it had been almost 2 years since the last time someone awakened a gift in his town, as it is quite rare for someone to awaken one.

"Really?" Marcos replied with an excited voice, although he expected that answer, he still couldn't help but get excited, as he could gain a supernatural power.

"I'll tell someone to bring the gift verifier," said the mayor somewhat hopefully, he was happy to see one of his citizens excited to verify if he has a gift. The gift verifier.

The Gift Verifier is a portable machine used to determine if a person possesses an innate gift. Since a person can naturally awaken a gift from birth until they are 20-30 years old.

After a while, an assistant came to the mayor's office, where Marcos and the mayor himself were waiting. The assistant was holding a machine that seemed somewhat magical and strange to Marcos.

Marcos looked curiously at the Gift Verifier, a small portable machine that the assistant had in his hands. This device, with a bright mana crystal in the center, was used to identify if someone possessed an innate gift. The assistant explained that all he had to do was place his hand on the crystal. The machine would send a stream of mana energy through his body. If there was a latent gift within him, the crystal would emit a specific glow, indicating its presence. If not, the crystal would remain inert.

"So there are mana crystals? No, the most important thing is that there is mana, something cliché, but I like it," thought Marcos quickly as he placed his hand where the assistant had indicated.

"Just place your hand on the crystal, I'll do the rest," replied the assistant expressionlessly, he seemed to have done this many times.

After placing his hand on the crystal, Marcos saw the assistant press some buttons before asking.

"Are you ready?

"Yes, I'm ready," Marcos replied hastily, then closed his eyes so as not to get too nervous.

After waiting a couple of seconds, the assistant replied, still with an expressionless face.


"That's goo-…Nothing you said? Are you sure?" said the mayor, who seemed surprised, since, as the assistant said, there was no reaction from the device, which means that he has not awakened any gift naturally.

"…Really, I don't have any gift?" asked Marcos, who seemed somewhat disappointed and sad for not having had any gift.

Seeing the disappointed expression on Marcos' face, Mayor Hugo tried to console him. "Don't be discouraged, Marcos. Even though you haven't naturally awakened a gift, you still have many abilities and potential to discover. Besides, there are ways to cultivate and unlock your potential in our town. I'm sure you'll find your way here in Stalvar," said Hugo with a reassuring smile. Although Marcos still felt a little disappointed, these words gave him a ray of hope for his new life in the village.