
New Army

In a not so distance, there's a unknown person who died of car accident. The gods then decided upon his death of his fate. Since he yet to truly die, he was given another chance in life. A unique quite of life.

KittyKatKat · Fantasy
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4 Chs


In a rather cliché story. Everyone told tales like this:

A hero was born/summoned. There, they were blessed by the Gods with extraordinary power, one that establish dominance over the majority.

Then they were to venture the lands, experience struggles, and by the end of the day, destroy the root of evilness called the demon lord.

However, it seems in my story, it's quite a unique one. One you may find quite rare in this kind of story.

You see, I wasn't summoned. Instead, I was given birth to my beautiful second mother, the duchess of St. Anemone.

I had a memory of myself back on earth. I rather lived a normal life, but due to a car accident, I died.

I was a reader back in my days. Although I've read mostly of novels and fanfics. So I can't consider myself a bookworm, can I?

By then, I've made friends, some were gone by the end of the year, few stayed.



It means this is currently my second life. And this time, I go by the name of Wesley Erzio Freia, 14 years old. I am the first son of my mother, but due to our tradition, I will not be the one who will succeed my mother's position.

But! I am still loved despite having a sister. So I can guess I live a normal life for the last 14 years. That is... until I was appraised by the priest of our town.


"Quite a unique skill, you got here, young master. However, according to its description, it commands an effective order that can be initiated to various direction. I have no idea about that, which is normal for a blessing, but an idea I have is, it's about territorial governing.

Though it may not satisfy you, your highness, but it seems to be an excellent skill to be gifted. A unique one, at that!"

The priest tried to flatter my mother, which is extremely beautiful despite her ages, however, she remain unaffected by his flatters. Instead, she wear a disappointed look as she stare at the holographic-like water formation where my appraised skill is.

Then she looked at me and smile.

"Your coming of age is next year, right? Perhaps I could teach you some of my techniques on how to govern like a true lord!" She made a joke, with a playful tone at that.

Which made me assume that my life will be okay.

Well, I guess we could say destiny is such a stupid entity.


With me, massive bags are stored in a cabin of this isolated island just off the shore of my mother's port town. She is so considerate of me, that, not only did she gave me a land to govern, she also gave me a sold, hard-wood made, cabin.

I'm truly grateful, mother! If not for these, I would die of frostbite!

That's sarcastic, of course.

Huh... An island as big as Madagascar, with a handful of population. I mean, yeah, the empire is big, but she could've at least given me a land within the mainland.

"My..." What will I do with this land.

For starters, I should probably rest. I felt so much motion sickness from that air-propelling boat. Not only that, it's freezing outside with the current season.

I should also probably use some of the bags I had brought with me to light a fire. Fortunately, this world is so generous it gives all populace a power to manipulate their mana.

Tomorrow, someone will probably arrive here to collect me. If not, I should just come and see them.

Since the day after being appraised, I

trained myself how to control my power behind my family's back. Unlike what my mother and the priest think, my power is a lot more powerful in a lot of ways.

Funny enough, it's so simple even a grade level could understand it.

I can build my army out of thin air.

It even states that; [Overlord/Commander is a skill used to manipulate mana, creating a physical figure of a desired creature. Developed creatures will perform intelligent actions automatically upon orders, while on standby, assigned position will be their rightful obligations to maintain.]

Not only that,

[Overlord skill guarantees equipments, infrastructures, and/or vessels, such as:

Weapons(all kind)

Armored land vehicle(including tanks)


Ships(all kind)

However, due to the system restriction, development beyond considered modern will require higher intelligence.]

It seems the system take note of my past life. Since modern armies are not something what we currently have. Though electricity had been invented much sooner due to the involvement of mana. But that's it.

Also, upon activating my skill. Which is different from creating a creature. I will be given an option to select the position of my infrastructure. Naval shipyard, of course, is for shores only.

I laid my head to the uncomfortable bed.

There's also aircraft. A revolutionary invention in transportation... and warfare.

Wyverns are used in this world for air superiority fights. But, let's just say that, even the earliest recorded air superiority aircraft could defeat it... Probably.

We can also create bombers and hypersonic jets. With so few, yet so powerful a squadron of these kinds could obliterate an entire army. An air fortress one may call it.

Whooo! I can't wait to experience a fantasy every man desired!