
New Army

In a not so distance, there's a unknown person who died of car accident. The gods then decided upon his death of his fate. Since he yet to truly die, he was given another chance in life. A unique quite of life.

KittyKatKat · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Otherworldly monster

Ugh, what a fuckin' headache. A meager disowned child to govern this land, and in such young age. I couldn't fathom those son of bitches thinking.

"Oi, lad, search that cabin there." hehe... You see. I had a great idea. It goes like this.

We received notes from the duchess herself regarding the arrival of her dear son. A favor you may say, and a favor from that sexy lady is something one would die for, so for me, such an honor.

Then, I only realize her intention was contrary to my expectation the end of the letter.

"Careful about my eldest. He's my most precious boy. Know that if I hear something amiss, your entire land will cease from existence." I even imagine that bitch looking down on me while I read this absurdity.

Perhaps this is the right time to land an attack to those arrogant Zanians and establish a non-colonial nation, giving freedom to my oppressed people. Striking the most important thing to them will certainly cause a disorganization.

I can't help but laugh. Certainly, my plan will come to fruition after this.

"Yaaah!?" A loud of a bang echoes from the southwest of our location. It is the direction where I sent my men just now.

A monster attack? Or a damned mage?

No matter, "Our men seems to need a helping hand, let's go!"

Since the child has yet to see our true intention, I can still have my time. Saving my own kin is a good example of using it.

As we get nearer to the area of the ongoing echoes. Our vision soon sighted a mysterious otherworldly monster. Its skin is green, like that of the surrounding and have long hollowed... horn or nose like a monster I once heard.

This thing's long nose or horn currently points itself to a chunk of meat lying on the grassy ground. With splash of blood all over it, we instantly knew something is wrong.

"Retreat to the forest! Scatter!" What the fuck is that?! I didn't know such monster exist in this world! I thought as we run for our lives.

It growls like a hungry beast, yet upon analyzing the surrounding using my analysis skills, I knew it didn't eat my men. What the hell.

Wait, perhaps that was the "son" that duchess slut was talking about. Ever since we relocate in this island, never did we encounter such monstrous of a creature... not until we received that message.

No, no. That's impossible. I know that duchess is wicked, but not to this point.

A sudden change of heart perhaps? No way. That woman is the most consistent person I've ever bed.

Fuck! Fuck!

As I speak, one by one, my men burst into chunk of meats as a sound of continuous explosion echoes from my behind.

A monster that uses sorcery, I have never heard such thing!

Goddammit! Yse just disappeared like a fucking air!

"What do you fucking want from me!" I shout in fear, with no expectation of answers other than from our god."

"hahahahah! I should be the one asking that! Coming to my place with knives on your hand!"


"You seem to have misunderstood something! We were hunting and we came by your place perchance! Let's talk about this!" 

"Sure sure! After everything I've done to your hunting team, you WILL talk with me, right!" 

I am starting to see the purpose of the loud bang, it seems that upon the explosion resounding, an unknown arrow make its way towards its target. A few more of those, surely it's my turn to die.

And to my luck, at that point, I stagger on my step, completely falling to the leaves that would've been my utmost relief if not for this kind of situation.

Upon landing, the loud, otherworldly steps of the monster stops as well. The explosions are no longer heard, and complete silence befell onto the forest. Birds chirping, wind breezing.

I was prepared to die. At least, turning into a chunk of meats is better than getting tortured. I closed my eyes before finally accepting my fate.

Then a slap made me open my eyes, widening it to see clearly who would do that.

A child, no... "Young master?"

A smirk form on his face. "You've finally come around. I didn't know you would be such a stupid bastard who dares to bite his owner. I guess karma is truly a bitch, huh."

I have been alive for 50 years, with an experience of war against the demon for 13 years and as a garrison for the rest of the year until now. But this is the very first time I've seen a real devil.

"Whats up?! Pissed yourself?"

His mere smile began to threaten my entirety, my body shivers in fear.

What in the actual fuck did you send me, you stupid bitch!