
Soul Clone


Among all the pains that Ajax went through in his life until now, today's pain will take the first place.

No matter how much Ajax prepared for this, he could not bear the pain and clenched his teeth, trying his best to endure.

His mind stopped working and he started regretting the decision of choosing to create a Soul Clone with 99 percent of his soul.

No matter how daring a cultivator is, he won't use 99 percent of his Soul in creating a clone; however, Ajax wanted not a clone but another him who could not only do chores for him but he should also assist him in the battle.

Before he chose the option of using 99 percent of his soul in creating the Soul Clone, Ajax guessed that the Soul Clone he created using 99 percent of his Soul would have 99 percent of his battle prowess which was equivalent to his own battle prowess.

Therefore, he was excited about it and decided to endure the pain no matter how painful it would be.