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'Th..this is...me?'

Nameless cultivator opened his eyes with much difficulty as he looked at the image in the mirror and was shocked.


Soon, Nameless cultivator started crying as he remembered the face that he was seeing in the mirror.

If he didn't know it was a mirror, then he would have thought it was not him because after staying in this Cursed Heaven for more than two decades, he even forgot how he looked except for a vague image in his head.

"Don't cry."

Master Elek still remembered the innocence of a young man that wanted to join their group of vagrants and his eyes could not help but turn misty.

"Finally, you can come out of this Cursed Heaven and leave with the regular human."

Master Elek noticed that Ajax was looking at him and hurriedly controlled his emotions as he said to Nameless cultivator.

"Yes. I can finally go out.'