
Lion King's Blessing


Frey looked at the 27 fox tribe leaders that surrounded him and growled before selecting the weakest tribe leader and jumped on to him.

"We are expecting you to make that move."

A huge azure coloured fox revealed an evil grin and at the same time, all the other huge foxes jumped at the grey-furred fox.

Actually, the tribe leaders didn't require much intelligence on whom Frey would pick as his first target. So, everyone was waiting for Frey to make that move and as expected when Frey jumped at the weakest tribe leader, everyone became excited.

"And I was expecting that same move from you...Grr."

As for Frey, he revealed a cunning smile along with a low growl and shouted, "Lion king's blessing...activate."

As soon as Frey said those words, his huge beast body started shining with a golden light.

"Oh no. This is not good."

"Everyone, use your defensive moves and move away from here."