
Never Was There

Switching sides. "I have only one condition, and I trust it won't be hard for you to meet. I want Granger. . . . Read the complete novel in PDF, available at my Patreon Store! Subscribe to me Patreon for more advanced content... patreon.com/Web_Jesus

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Blaise studies my expression for a moment, and I wonder if he already knows the answer.

"Tell me when you're ready, I guess," he finally says. "Oh, and about what happened at Grimmauld Place tonight… since you're tired, we'll talk in the morning. I'm sure McGonagall will be having a meeting in the morning, when everyone's had some time to recover."

I sigh. "I'd almost forgotten about that."

"Good thing I'm here to remind you, then," he says, smiling. "Well, I'm off to bed. I'll take Weasley's wand back to him."

I pass him the wand. "Good night, Blaise."

"Good night."

He pauses in the doorway to smile once more before pulling the door shut.

I really couldn't have asked for a better friend. Blaise always understands me, and he always takes my side when Harry and Ron are pushing for something else. In the past, they used to say that it was two against one, so I had to go with what they wanted. But the addition of Blaise has really evened things out, since he thinks so much more like me. I'm grateful for him.

I slip under the covers and glance in Ginny's direction. She's stable, but I'll get a bezoar for her in the morning, just to be safe.

I close my eyes and try to picture Draco's face. It comes to mind much more easily than I'd expected: strong jaw line, pointed chin, smooth cheeks, full lips, prominent brow, and those eyes… I see his eyes as they were just before he kissed me earlier tonight—hesitant, and more vulnerable than I'd ever seen them before. Those silver eyes had never looked so beautiful to me before.

Yet no matter how accurately I try to recreate his face in my mind, it just seems to fall short of reality.

I miss him.

Oh, no.

"Where've you been? I've been waiting for you."

"I was busy. And who are you to question me? Have you talked to him?"

Rowle sighs. "Yes, I have."

"Lose the attitude," I say.

"Malfoy, I missed a summons for this. And now you're late. How can you expect me to—"

"Shut up."

His voice cuts off on command, and he glares at me.

"Do not question me. We both know who's in charge here," I say. "Do you know where it is?"

"He has it locked away, but I saw him glance at the container while we were talking about it."

"Excellent. I want you to retrieve it tomorrow night, at ten o'clock. Come back here, bury it in the backyard, and conjure a rosebush to mark the spot."

"But why can't I just give it to you?"

I smirk. "I can't have anyone knowing that I want it. How are your Memory Charms?"

"Very good," he says.

"Good. If he sees you, make him forget that you ever came. After burying it, you will be finished."

"You'll let me go?"

"Yes, Rowle," I say. "I will let you go."

But I don't know if I'll really let him go. I'll most definitely be modifying his memory so that he only remembers wanting the dagger for himself—that's in case anyone finds out and asks him about it. But then again, if Voldemort decides to break the Memory Charm… maybe I should keep Rowle under the Imperius Curse, even after he's gotten the dagger.

"Is there anything I should do now?" Rowle asks.

"Just be your usual self," I say. "Tomorrow, 10 PM. If you fail and get caught, kill yourself."

His eyes widen. "But—but—I don't want to die."

"Better you than me. If you do your job right, you won't have to die. So I advise you to watch yourself."

Rowle nods obediently.

"Goodbye," I say.

Then I Disapparate, appearing at the Manor moments later. A glance at the clock on my nightstand tells me that it's just past 4 AM. I rub my eyes and consider getting to bed, but I'm starving—I haven't had time to eat since noon. I make my way down to the kitchen to fix myself something to eat.

About twenty minutes later, as I'm returning to my room, I notice a ray of light coming from a crack beneath the door of my parents' chambers. What are they doing up so late? Late night discussions between my parents are never about anything good.

I silently make my way down the hall and press my ear against the door.

"Lucius, I really don't think—"

"I'm tired of having this argument, Narcissa. I am the master of this house, and you will stand down!"

"I don't understand why we can't just wait—"

"Until when?" my father asks. "Until the war is over and the Dark Lord is satisfied? No! You know as well as I do that this will never end. The Malfoy bloodline has lasted for centuries, and it will not end with my son!"

Fuck, I don't like the sound of that.

"These are bad times to bring a child into the world, Lucius."

"We were wed at Draco's age, and he was born into the same type of times as these. He's turned out perfectly fine. In fact, the Dark Lord has even honored him with a seat at the table. What makes you think that Draco's child will not do as well?"

Someone taps my shoulder, and I jump, surprised. I turn to see Aunt Bella standing beside me.

"It's not polite to eavesdrop," she whispers.

I grin. "Would you like to know what I heard?"

She smiles deviously. "Ah, you're becoming more and more like me every day. What is it that you heard?"

"They want me to get married."

Aunt Bella starts cackling, and before I can tell her to be quiet, the door beside us is thrown open.

"Bella, Draco, what are you doing here?" Mother asks.

"Dear Cissy, do you really think Draco will want to settle down right now?" Aunt Bella says.

Father speaks up. "You were listening to our privateconversation?"

"No, of course not," Aunt Bella replies. "Draco here was. But before you scold him for being an impertinent child, I'd like to point out that as he was the topic of your conversation, he didhave a right to know what you were saying."

"Bellatrix, I allow you to stay in my home. If you cross me—"

"Oh, don't be ridiculous, Lucius, you know you wouldn't be able to turn me out. The Dark Lord has asked me to keep an eye on you. Imagine what he would think if I went to him with the news that I'd been forcibly removed from your home."

"Are you threatening me?"

"No, no, I would never threaten you. I'm just kindly reminding you."

"Lucius, calm down," Mother says. "Draco, dear, what did you hear?"

"That Father wants me to marry."

"Well, what do you think?" she asks.

Aunt Bella speaks before I have a chance to. "Oh Cissy darling, isn't it obvious? He doesn't want to marry. He's so young—hardly two decades old. He's got such a promising future ahead of him. Imagine how much a marriage would hold him back."



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