
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urban
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Phone call.

Katty wore a long face when she entered her mansion. Vince Carson, her husband, took a glance at his wife, then asked, "Did something happen to Mother-in-law?"

Katty throws her bag on the couch before she drops her body on the cushion. "Not Mother but your son!"

"Which son? All of my sons are doing so well" Vince commented proudly making his wife glare at him.

Carrying a glass of water, Barry strode toward the living room and seated next to her mother.

"Mom, someone upsets you?"

"You are the one who upsets me. You jerk!" Katty slapped her youngest son's shoulder.

"Why?" Barry retorted.

"Don't waste your time in the club! Are you just going to stay as a loyal Manager? Don't you feel anything when you saw Nicholas?" Katty roared at her son.

"Mom, I am doing well," Barry said in a light tone.

"Good for you!" Katty yelled.

"Call your Brother Nolen right now" Katty ordered before she walked out.

"Did something happen with Nolen?" Vince whispered to his son.


A lady in pink undies began releasing sweet pleasurable moans into Tony's ears, urging him to lose control.

"Ahh..." The lady moaned into their kiss as her own hands went to work on his hair, pulling and massaging it for him, roughing it in the process before attacking the buttons on his shirt.

The insistent trill of his phone sounded in his back pocket and they both froze, eyes locked.

"It's mother," He said hoarsely, then tapped the phone screen.

"Yes, Mom" Tony's voice was quieter than hers but firm. Meanwhile, his hand reached up to cup her breasts in both hands and gave them a soft squeeze.

"Tony, Are you with Monica?" Mother Serene asked.

"No... Um...I am with my friend. Why?" Tony opened his knees and slid his hand down her back to her butt to slide the lady closer.

"Nothing. Come home early" Mother Serene said.

"Umm.." Tony nodded and hung up the call. The lady coughed a laugh into his neck.

Monica rubbed her thumb down his cheek and asked, "Am I your friend?".

"You are my love" Tony muttered, intertwining their fingers. He then leaned in and took her lips. Slowly he peeled his lips away from hers, tracing down to her neck.

Monica is a singer and an actress. She is one of the most influential people in the industry. She and Tony first met at a charity event and dated secretly for almost five years. Mother Serene is the reason Tony and Monica can date without any scandal.

"Babe," she called out softly before brushing her tender lips against his. "I think you need to go," Monica said.

"Why? Because Mom wants me to come home early" His chin dropped in disappointment.

"You are leaving tomorrow. Go and take rest properly. I will visit you tomorrow" Monica pecks his lips.


Green's family residence...

"I bet Brother is with Monica right now," Leila said meekly as he opened the box and took a big bite from a slice of pizza.

"Yes. He is lying. Earlier, Brother left the hospital dressing so nicely. He won't dress up like that if he went to meet his friend" Bonnie said as she scooped a spoon of a banana split in her mouth.

"I guess there will be no change between them even if they didn't meet for months. You know! They rarely met but still maintained a great relationship" Bonie said in an envious tone.

"Yes. Who would think that our sister-in-law will be the Billboard queen, Monica Gomez?" Leila squealed happily.

Mother Serene sighed with a painful expression, "It is hard for them".

Bonnie and Leila nodded their head in agreement.

"So, I will never let my Daughters date or get married to a known man" Mother Serene asserted.

"What known man?" Leila asked back.

"Don't date a man whose face is known by the public or surrounded by media" Mother Serene advised.

"Why would that kind of mandate us?" Leila chuckled.

"I am not talking about you. I am talking about Bonnie" Mother Serene teased.

"What?" Leila yelled making Bonie bellow into laughter.

"Are you my Mother? How can you look down on me so much?" Leila asked in disbelief.

"You don't even have a boyfriend" Mother Serene continued.

"She doesn't have a boyfriend too" Leila snorted. "And stop arranging a blind date for me," Leila said before she leave with heavy steps.

"I am worried about her. It's already three months since Jack got married" Mother Serene sighed.

"Mom, Are you worried about that? She moved on" Bonie asserted.

"Really! Did she say that?" Mother Serene asked curiously.

"Yes..... "Bonnie answered. Mother Serene relaxed her tight face in delight.


Leila rolled on her bed after having dinner. She reached for her phone that was on the bedside table and answered, "Hello?"

"Leila, I am in the police station now. Please come over immediately." Drew's solemn voice emerged from the other end of the line.

Frowning, Leila glanced at the caller ID and asked surprisingly, "Drew, Is that you? Why...Why? What police station?"

"I will explain to you later. Please come over. And Don't tell anyone. Please, Come alone" Drew said in a pleading tone.