
Never Twice

Leila got herself in a complicated situation to saved his brother's life by entering into a contract with her dominating boss, name Nicolas Wayne. In one moment, she realised that her heart was already stole by someone and broken into pieces. With that fragile heart, Will she take steps to mend her broken heart? Nicholas is dismissive and cold toward Leila. But as they spend more time together, he starts to wonder if he isn't perhaps falling for her.

thisVal08 · Urban
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33 Chs

Go out with me.

"Thank you, Samson" Leila got into the car.

"What did Drew say?" Samson started the engine.

"He didn't say anything. What's wrong with this man? Unusually, he got himself in trouble" Leila whispered in a shaky and small voice. 

Samson turned to Leila. "Don't worry! Everything will be fine. I will help you" Samson assured her.

After arriving at the police station, Samson mentioned Drew's name, and the policeman led them in.

Soon, Leila saw Drew with a helpless look sitting down and lowering his head.


His eyes lit up when he saw Leila. Leila hugged him preciously.

"What happened?" Leila asked.

"I got into a fight with one of my classmates and I accidentally broke someone's car window" Drew explained with an apologetic voice.

Drew's face fell when he saw Samson talking with some policemen. "Why is Samson doing here?" Drew spoke sharply.

"Oh...I came with him" Leila replied.

"Why? I told you to come alone" Samson snorted.

"He is a detective. He would help with something" Leila replied indifferently.

"If he knows then our whole family will know" Drew complained.

"Huh..! That's not important. Why did you fight with your classmate in the first place?" Leila asked with a frown.

Drew gave her a hesitant look. "He annoyed me!" Drew replied curtly.

Leila heaves a long deep breath silently. She knows her brother's personality. Drew generally does not easy to get angry. If he is angry, it means that it is not an ordinary little thing.

"Excuse me, Are you Mr Drew Green Guardian?" A voice came from behind.

"Yes... " Leila replied as she turned. I'm sorry...." Leila's eyes nearly popped out of their socket. She swallowed back her words, with her eyes blinking rapidly.

Drew's raised a brow when Leila looked at him with an awkward look that he couldn't interpret.

"Nicholas Wayne! What is he doing here?" Her lips moved but no words came out.

Nicholas was slightly taken aback when he saw Leila but he didn't show it.

"What is this unusual coincidence?" He slipped his hands into his pocket as he stared at her without any emotions.


"If his classmate doesn't take back the complaint, things will be complicated. After all, he is a law student." Samson said seriously.

Leila leaned back in her chair and closed her eyes in frustration.

"For that car...I will try my best level to help you" Samson assured her.

"Two million in a car window! Does that make sense?" Leila swallowed bitterly.

"Leila. If he is your boss, Why don't you try to talk with him?" Samson suggested.

"Yes... Yes. It made me crazy. But Why Nicholas Wayne?" The light in her eyes seemed to dim.

"If that put you on edge, I will talk with him," Samson said when he saw the grimace on her face.

Leila draw a sharp breath and said quietly, "Thank you but don't worry about that matter."


YourB foundation.....

Leila's eyes were fixed on the data displayed on her screen but it was obvious that her attention wasn't focused on it. She suddenly rose to her feet making her deskmate Veronica jolt in surprise.

"What's wrong with her?" Veronica gasped as she watched Leila sprint away like a squirrel.

Leila straightened herself as she walked towards Nicholas's office. She composed herself as she walked to Secretary Joe's desk.

"Good evening sir" She greeted.

"Yes evening" Joe greeted back.

"Can I meet CEO Wayne?" Leila requested politely.

Leila was standing in front of Nicholas's door. After calming herself by taking deep breaths, she slowly knocked on the door.

"Come in" His voice came from inside the office.

The moment she walked in, Leila saw him sitting at the centre of the room. The afternoon sun streamed past his figure and prolonged the shadow of his profile, his necktie was loosened slightly against his stark white shirt, he currently looked like a professional, shining brightly all over.

Feigning her confidence, she then flashed him a polite smile. "Sir, Can I talk with you?"

Holding her gaze, he got up from his seat, and Leila's body tensed up. He was towering over her and that feeling of uneasiness was slowly creeping in again.

"Speak!" Nicholas lifted his eyes.

"Sir, I apologize on behalf of my Brother. He didn't do it intentionally. It was a mistake. So, Can you take back the charges and gave us some time to pay?"

Nicholas who has been listening to her stoically, suddenly had his lips curled upward in a smile. "Miss Green, I can help you out if you accept my favour".

"Of course. Please tell me anything" Leila replied hurriedly.

"I would like us to pretend that we're going out."

Leila blinked her eyes at him a few times.

"What....?" Leila shouted. Her eyes widened in shock and the words that were at the tip of her tongue disappeared.

Nicholas's expression turned frosty immediately with her reaction. Nicholas took a step closer to her, his gaze intensely focused on her. He leaned forward, getting closer to her as he simplified the words he just told her.

"Go out with me!"