
Never Granted

Want Fame, Fortune, Power, Immortality? What ever it is you desire you can have it as long as you can take it. Every 100 years or so the council of God's hold a tournament to see which guild has the strongest guild in the universe. The prize is 1 wish per participant and that wish can be what ever you desire, with no limits what so ever. Follow along as Karma goes on adventures and trains for this event.

KarmaAkuma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 5

Karma woke up as the sun was rising not feeling any pain, Shiro still sleeping in the chair from the other night. Scarlet slowly started to wake up, she rubbed her eyes before saying anything. "Fuck I'm tired." She stretches.

Karma just chuckled as she spoke. "That wasn't very lady like if you." He laughed.

Scarlet covered her mouth looking at Shiro hoping she wasn't awake or didn't hear. "Oh shi…" She paused as Karma gave her a look. "Sorry."

"It's fine just try not to do it." He replies.

*CRASH* the sound of a plate crashing to the ground alerted a waking summer (who dropped her plate of food) and Shiro. "NOOOO MY FOOOOD." Summer cried out rushing to her food on the ground.

Shiro rubs her and looks at Karma. "Oh, good morning." She looks around the room at the others.

Summer still half asleep. "Can we go to the Orical now??."

"When does it even open?" Karma asked, getting up and putting on a shirt.

Flabbergasted Summer and Scarlet stared at Karma as he got dressed both blushing and looking away. When Karma was about to put on his shirt Scarlet noticed a bunch of scars and gashes on his back looking like burns or whip scars. "What are those?" She asked pointing to his back.

Karma paused before putting his shirt on fully. "I honestly don't know my dad…. said they were birth marks" He looks down with a saddened look.

Scarlet looks at Shiro, she looked confused as to why Karma was upset. "Why do you look sad Dad just sent us on an adventure right?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah, your right we are just on an adventure." He puts on a fake smile.

Scarlet getting what happened looks down before changing the subject. "So the Orical, where's that at?" She looked at summer.

Summer looking confused before being excited. "This way to the food." She starts skipping out of the room.

"I'm going to check in with Jace to make sure I'm not dying on the inside." He goes off in the opposite direction.

"So where to Summer?" Scarlet went to ask Summer, but she was already skipping down the hall humming happily.

Scarlet giggled and looked at Shiro as they both followed Summer. "Hey Jace." Karma says from the doorway of Jace's room.

"What's up, and call me Knox." He said, turning in his chair.

"I came to check if I'm still dying inside, am I?" Karma asked walking in the room.

"Well, your vitals seems to be stable, and your heart rate is a little faster than normal but you're not gonna die. Now leave my room I'm going back to sleep." Knox said as he got up and sitting in his bed.

"Before I go where is The Orical?" Karma asked as he was leaving.

"It's out of the guild hall then take a left it's about a 20-minute walk from here to there. But make sure to check in with atlas when you get back, he wakes up around 1." He replied, laying down with his eyes covered. "Oh, and I'm taking over Shiro's training, you're a shit teacher."

"Hey I did my best." He walked out the door.

Karma walked out of the guild hall and walked around a bit, getting lost. After about 30 minutes of walking, he saw an older looking guy, around 20 maybe older, he had short black hair with yellow eyes talking to a girl maybe younger than Shiro.

Karma just assumed they were father and daughter because they did look similar, the girl had dark black hair with yellow eyes. Karma walked up to them to ask directions but when Karma got closer, he noticed the girl looked terrified as the man was trying to pull her away into an alley. The man quickly unsheathed his sword to swing at the little girl. "COME WITH ME YOU FUCKING BRAT." The man yelled at the girl.

"NO SOMEONE HELP" The girl looked around.

Before Karma could react Jack quickly swooped down slitting the man's throat with chain scythes, but Jack didn't hit anything too fatal, so he watched the man slowly suffer as he bled out through his throat. "Next time don't touch my little sister" as the man took his final breath Karma silently watched as the man lost the light in his eyes. "Jack, I didn't know you have a sister." Karma says looking towards Jack.

"That's because you never asked." he replied wiping the blood from his scythes.

"And where did you get those didn't you have two swords?" Karma asked.

"Yeah, but the writer thought it would be cooler if I had chain scythes." He replied as the scythes went into his shadow.

"Well anyway where is the Orical I'm supposed to meet up with Summer and Scarlet?" He asked Jack

"It's over there" he points to the building they're in front of.

"Oh thanks" He walks towards the entrance.

When Karma walked in, he saw a big man maybe 7 foot tall, he had short messy grayish brown hair with dark yellow eyes, he was wearing a greenish brown shirt with brown jeans. He had a warm smile but when a drunk guy started to harass one of the waitress' he got pissed, his smile went from a warm smile to a straight emotionless face as he started to walk towards the drunk. "Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." The tall man said to the drunk with a forced smile.

"Ehh *Hic* the fuck you say to me?" The drunk says while trying to stand up straight.

"Well, I warned you." The man started to change half of his face went into a blur it was as if an Abyssal creature was trying to escape, black like spears started to shoot out of his right arm picking up the drunk. "I asked you to leave."

The tall man was definitely not human his right arm had long black, green, and white spikes sticking out the right side of his face was a hardened obsidian material with a light green eye. He started to walk out of the Tavern with multiple spears in the drunk all in pressure points so all the guy could do was look in horror as he was dragged off. Karma just watched as he was dragged off by the creature after a few seconds you could hear the drunk scream as he was slaughtered. "I smell blood, and lots of it." Karma covered his nose.

After Karma commented the tall man walked around the corner covered in blood and wiping his hands. "Are you sure this is the right place?" Karma nudged Jack.

"Yeah, that's Aizen he works here he's kind of like a bouncer but he's a bartender/ waiter." Jack replied swatting away Karma 's hand.

"Oh, hey Jack and who's this you're with." Aizen asked and unlike his appearance his voice was warm and welcoming.

"Hi, the names Karma." He held out his hand for a handshake.

Aizen grabbed Karma's hand and the grip on Aizen's hand was strong enough to crush Karma's skull. "Well anyway nice to meet you let me introduce you to some of the staff." He walked into the tavern.

As Karma walked in Jack went straight to the counter with his little sister to talk to the one behind the bar. Aizen looked around and walked towards the waitress that was harassed, she was wearing the uniform for the tavern it was a short-frilled dress with red and white highlights she had long orange hair slowly fading into a light orangish red with a red ribbon tying up her hair in a ponytail she had sky blue eyes. She was holding a tankard full of booze and a plate of food. "Hey April you, ok?" Aizen asks. "Also, this is Karma one of Jack's and Summer's friends." "Hey my names April, nice to meet you." She bows not spilling any of the food or booze.

"Hey the names Karma, nice to meet you too" He gave a slight bow. "Hey where's Maple?" Aizen asks.

"Oh, she's in the backroom talking with Katsuki." She replied.

"Alright thank you." He waved and started walking to the counter where Jack, Scarlet, Shiro, Summer and Jack's little sister.

Aizen signaled Karma to follow him as he walked to the back, when Karma walked through the doors to the kitchen there was a guy cooking a large meal, but what was weird is that he was making 10 meals at a time, he wasn't going from dish to dish the dishes were making themselves. The guy was wearing a grayish green long sleeve shirt with brown pants, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, his eyes were glowing a lime green, he had short dark brown hair with a fade, what stuck out the must was a small metal plate bolted to his forearm. "Hey Ivan meet Karma he's Jack and Summer's friend." Aizen grabs a piece of food from one of the plates.

"Aizen, you know how much food I have to make?" Ivan yells at Aizen.

"Yeah, Summer is here." Aizen says grabbing some plates. "If you turn the corner over there, you'll see Maple and Katsuki."

Karma starts to walk towards the corner, he stops when he hears voices. "No, we can't do this here, it's too risky nya." A girls voice whispered.

"Come on its going to be fine no one is here." A man voice whispered.

Karma knocks on the wall before turning the corner, giving them time to stop doing whatever they were doing. "Hi Aizen sent me over here, I'm one of Summers friends." He walks around the corner covering his eyes

"Why are you cover your eyes nya" A girl with brown hair that just went past her shoulders with cat ears and a cat tail, her eyes were a reddish brown her uniform was like Aprils but hers had orange highlights instead of a red, she was holding a plate of fried squid with peanut butter on it. "Katsuki is just making weird food to put on the menu but it's always too gross nya"

"Hey so you're one of Summers friend, right?" The man that's over the weird looking fryer. He had short blonde hair he had crimson red eyes, he was wearing a light brown vest with a light green undershirt and a yellow tie.

"Yeah, why?" Karma replied with a question.

"Because she puts me to work." Katsuki groaned.

"Why?" Karma asked.

"Have you seen her appetite, holy shit she can eat." Katsuki replied. "Alright I'm busy so leave me alone, git git"

Karma starts to walk away from the two when Maple jumped to her feet and started walking with Karma. "Yeah, I'm gonna leave with you, he makes me eat his food and it's so gross nya." Maple walked into the kitchen to grab some food for the customers.

Karma walks out of the back and towards the front of with the bar, Karma just plops down next to everyone. "Hey, Karma, you want anything I'm paying." Scarlet asks while handing him a menu.

The menu for the orical

Specials (Drinks, Alcoholic):

1. Briggen (Homemade Booze 70%)

2. Grunt (Extremely high alcohol percentage infused with mana 90%)

3. Rumage (A bunch of alcohols put together 85%)

4. Gaster (a fine wine infused with mana aged for 10 years 50%)

5. The Kraken (Has the mana of the Kraken which makes people drunk 70%)

Specials (Food):

1. Ribskey (Boar ribs slowly cooked in whiskey of choice)

2. Trifec (3 different meat of choice compiled into patty and made into a sandwich)

3. Poulder (The roughest part of a strider that's been pulled and aged for 3 days put on to a sandwich)

"So, these are the custom items?" Karma asked. "Is there a different menu or is this it?"

"These are the specials of our tavern but if you want anything else don't hesitate to ask because we can make anything." The man behind the bar spoke, his hair was a dark orange with a lighter orange eye to match on the right side of his face like Ivan he had a metal plate, his uniform was a little different to Katsuki's though the vest was a dark green instead of brown and wore a beige undershirt with a light green tie. "The names Kaza and I heard you met the rest if the staff."

"Yeah, they are an interesting bunch. Oh, shit what time is it" Karma panicked and checked his nonexistent watch.

Summer checked her Ἥφαιστος. "It's 12:30."

"Oh, shit I got to go meet up with Atlas, it was nice meeting you guys" Karma said walking out the door. "Scarlet watch my sister and bring her to Knox to help her train later."

Karma walks down the streets stopping by and taking another apple from a stall when the owner wasn't looking. As he walked there were a lot of people out and about so early. When Karma turned the corner, he saw those nobles from the other day trying to flirt with a group of girls all bandaged. "Yeah, how we got these, we were fighting dragons, yeah dragons" One of them said

"Yeah, it was a huge dragon and there were three of them." Another one agreed.

"Mhm I killed the one I was fighting in one shot." The last one spoke.

"Aren't dragons extinct?" One of the girls asked.

"Yeah, but we killed the last three." What seems like the leader answered quickly.

"Hey boys tell me more about those dragons." Karma emphasized the word dragons as he put his arms around their shoulders and smiled.

All three of them stopped in place, sweat started pouring down their faces, their eyes widened. "You guys seem pretty strong if you can take on a dragon by yourself." Karma said grabbing the leaders shoulder and crushing it. "Even I can't take on a dragon by myself."

"Hello a-again s-sir." One of them stuttered.

"Don't talk to me, talk to them, pretend I'm not even here" He interrupted

"Any way when we k-killed the *gulp* dragons we sold their corpse to the king, and we got a huge reward." The leader managed to get out.

The girls caught what was going on. "This is the guy who beat you up isn't he?" One of them asked.

"Yeah, and apparently I'm as strong as a dragon" He looked at the nobles. "If I ever see you around here again, I'll kill all three of you"

The girls laughed nervously as they ran away. "Hey thanks they were creeping us out, and dragons seriously?"

"Hey what's your name your kind of cute?" one of the girls who had long brown hair with bright green eyes asked while grabbing Karma's arm.

"Uhh it's Karma what's yours?" He asked.

The other girl that was blonde and had bright blue eyes. "Hey my names Krystal." She started to twirl her finger in her hair.

"Hey he's mine I talked to him first" The brown haired girl yelled at Krystal.

"Well, I have to go I have to go meet up with a friend." Karma said, escaping the grasp of the brown haired girl. "Also, I didn't get your name."

"Oh, its Hibiki." She blushed and let go.

"Where are you going, we can go with you." Krystal asked.

"I'm sorry but I'm going to my guild to meet with the master." Karma started to walk away.

"We were actually on our way to go join the guild because we wanted to be hunters." Krystal said as both the girls ran up to start walking next to Karma.

"I mean I guess you can come then, but it's dangerous work." He replied.

"We know, we came from a village of demi-humans" Hibiki replied.

"Fine but I have to talk to the master so you're gonna have to do the joining part by yourself." Karma sighed as he continued to walk.

As the trio walked to the guild hall, they started to learn more about each other. "Wait are you guys sisters or?" Karma asked.

"No but we grew up together, so we are like sisters." Krystal answered.

"So are you guys related or not." Karma still confused.

"No just best friends, no offense but your kind of stupid." Hibiki answered.

"Ah ok that makes sense" Karma answered brushing off the rude comment.

"Well, we are here." Karma said as he walked in. "Uh go to the front and say you want to join I'll see you guys later."

"See ya." The girls said in unison.

When the girls leave Shiro, Summer, and Scarlet came running in trying to catch their breath. "Karma do you know where Atlas is I was supposed to meet with him to see what class I got." Scarlet said trying to catch her breath.

"Hello Scarlet, Karma if you would follow me, we can see what class you guys are." Atlas appears out of nowhere.