
Never Granted

Want Fame, Fortune, Power, Immortality? What ever it is you desire you can have it as long as you can take it. Every 100 years or so the council of God's hold a tournament to see which guild has the strongest guild in the universe. The prize is 1 wish per participant and that wish can be what ever you desire, with no limits what so ever. Follow along as Karma goes on adventures and trains for this event.

KarmaAkuma · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter 4

Atlas quickly rushes at Karma nearing light-speed. Karma quickly blocks the sword that was aiming for a kill. (Woah that was unexpected) Karma thought to himself. Karma blasts a giant ball of dark black flames towards Atlas, but Atlas walks through the flames like it were nothing. "Flames don't work on me, try again" Atlas says in a cocky tone.

As the flames dispersed, Karma disappeared when Atlas surveyed the area but suddenly Karma appeared and punched atlas in the face sending him flying across the coliseum. The crowd goes completely silent no one had hit atlas before not even Ketsuki. "Alright Karma I see how you play now. I'll step up my game." Atlas gets up from the hole in the wall.

Atlas gets even faster than before and slowly starts to overpower Karma. BAHDUMP, BAHDUMP, the sound Karma's heartbeat is all that he could hear his eyesight started to get fuzzy as Atlas gets closer when Karma collapses. Karma is on the ground sweating and coughing profusely at some point he starts coughing up blood. "WE NEED HEALERS NOW" Atlas yells towards the crowd when 2-3 females rushed into the arena.

"Check his vitals" One of the female medics called to one of the other medics.

"Heart rate decreasing." another called out.

"Someone go get Knox." One of the girls next to karma yelled at someone in the stands.

Karma slowly drifts unconscious, when suddenly the room gets filled with an icy presence freezing all the liquids and freezing over all the glass in the room. A boy maybe around Karma's age walks up casually. He was wearing a dark gray collared shirt with light blue highlights and a blue undershirt, he had dark gray hair with a lighter tint of gray his left shoe was a light gray, and his right was a light blue, his Ἥφαιστος on his left wrist it was a dark gray. "What do you want Atlas" The boy asked while sighing.

"Jace heal him to the best of your ability please and thank you." Atlas replied pointing to Karma.

"Fine but you owe me." Jace says walking up to Karma as his eyes started to glow a grayish white as his hands were glowing a snow white.

He puts his hands onto Karma's chest and chants something in an ancient language "θεραπεία" Jace lifts his hands from Karma's chest.

Jace's hands stop glowing and Karma starts to breathe better but is still unconscious. "I did the best I can he will need to rest for a day or 2 before waking up." Jace walks away. "Remember you owe me."

"Yeah, yeah" Atlas sighs "Thanks again."

Everybody goes back into the stands and a few medics bring Karma to the infirmary. "Alright everyone we have 2 more matches. Match number 2, Scarlet, Akane. You will be fighting Summer, Hana. Is that ok with you Scarlet?" Asks Atlas

"Yeah, that's fine" Scarlet replies walking down to the arena. "Is Karma alright?"

"Yeah, he'll be fine in a day or two. SUMMER DROP WHAT EVER YOU'RE EATING AND COME TO THE ARENA NOW!!" Atlas' yell echoed throughout the empty guild hall.

"HOLF ONN UM EETING (Hold on I'm eating)." A girl muffled voice yelled back.

"SUMMER, DON'T MAKE ME DRAG YOUR ASS HERE." Atlas yells as he starts walking towards the food court.

Atlas disappears. "NO, MY FOOOOD" Summer yells as she's getting dragged by Atlas.

Just like Knox when she entered the room got really hot some of the plastic started to melt. She had long ruby red hair tied in a ponytail, her eyes were a crimson red, she was wearing a light blue ribbon that was tying her hair down. She was wearing a light blue t-shirt and dark blue jeans, her Ἥφαιστος was on her left arm and was red and light blue. "Fine I'll fight now let me go" Summer groans.

"Alright." Atlas says throwing summer in the ring "Now will Scarlet come down."

Scarlet approaches Summer as she inhaled to calm her nerves. "You got this Scarlet." She whispered to herself.

"You, ok?" asked Summer. "No hard feelings after this right?"

"Of course, not it's a test." Scarlet replies.

"Winner gets treated a free meal at The Orical, deal?" Summer asks while warming up.

"I don't know what that is but sure." Scarlet stretches.

As the girls warm up to fight Shiro went to the infirmary with Jace. "Alright Shiro, you can't fight, can you?" asked Jace.

"No, not really I just learned how to use magic" Shiro looked down "Do you think I'll be as strong as my brother?"

"Of course, you will as a matter of fact you will be stronger." Jace replies with a smile.

"Really?" Her eyes light up.

Jace takes out a black orb that's emitting some sort of purple mana. "Yes, now can you please run mana through this orb." He held the orb to Shiro.

Shiro grabbed the orb and had a concentrated look on her face. "Are you ok?" Jace questioned with a confused look.

"Shhhh I'm trying the run mana into it." Shiro hushed at him.

"Oh my god, your brother is a terrible teacher." He says. "Here, take a deep breath and focus all your energy on your hand."

"Ok" Her gaze goes towards her hand and her face goes from focused to relaxed and the orb goes from a dead black to a glowing white. "Woah, I did it!"

"Well turns out you're a healer class." Jace responds.

"What does that mean?" Shiro asks.

"Well, you heal people and usually healers don't get into a lot of fights with some exceptions." He says proudly.

"Oh." She looks down

"Don't worry you'll be fine, and since you're this monster's sister I think you'll be strong" He points to Karma. "And if you want and he allows it you want to be my student?"

"Yeah, that would be nice to have a competent teacher." She giggles

"Ok well talk to him when he wakes up, I'm going to go watch the fight I'll be back to check on him in an hour." He walks out of the room.

10 minutes earlier.

"So, we going to The Orical after this right?" Summer asked.

"I don't know what that is but sure." Scarlet replies. "Loser is paying right?"

"Yes ma'am." Summer seems happy with scarlet's question.

The girls simultaneously rushed at each other summer ignites her hand in crimson red flames as she goes to punch Scarlet, Scarlet dodges and blasts summer away with a powerful wind attack launching her into the stands. Summer starts to laugh and jumps back into the arena stretching her arm. "That one hurt"

As expected, Scarlet didn't let Summer recover and dashed towards her using wind to propel her forward at neck breaking speed striking viscously, but Summer was able to block the flurry of hits. Summer quickly countered by upper cutting Scarlet sending her flying across the arena. Scarlet gets up and wipes the blood from her mouth. As she gets up Summer dashes nearing the speed of light Scarlet couldn't follow her with her eyes, Summer ignites her fist and goes to punch Scarlet in the face when suddenly her fist gets caught. When both the girls looked up no one was there and when they looked down Atlas caught Summer's hand and extinguished her flames. "I think that's enough" Atlas let's go of Summer's hand. "B Rank"

Summer throws her hands into the air exited. "YES FREE FOOD."

"Wait so what rank is Karma?" Scarlet asked.

"I don't know yet, I might put him in C." Atlas replies. "Now time to figure out what class you guys are"

"What?" Scarlet looked confused.

"Yes basically it's a bunch of test to see what class you are, a slash with a sword for swordsmen, shooting a bow for archer, etc." Atlas explained.

"Ok but how does that tell what class you are." She questioned further.

"Well, each of the items are magic based so we can see" Atlas replies. "Now will you follow me."

"No, I'm going to go to the infirmary and wait for Karma to wake up" She walks in the direction of the cafeteria.

"It's the other way" Atlas points in the right direction.

Scarlets face gets really red as she walks away. Summer runs to catch up to her. "Hey aren't we friends?" Summer asks as she puts her arm around Scarlet.

"Of course, we are." She puts her arm around Summer.

- A few days later. -

When Karma woke up it was in the middle of the night in an unfamiliar place when he looked around, he was surrounded by girls, his little sister Shiro was passed out in a chair and Scarlet had her head resting on the bed asleep, but what stuck out the most was the girl he never met sleeping with a plate of fries in her lap. Karma thought to himself (What the, who is that?). This is when Scarlet wakes up, she rubs her eyes and yawns then smiles. "You're awake" She gives him a hug.

"I am, but who is that?" He hugs her back pointing at Summer.

"Oh, that's Summer I have to buy her food and drinks at the Orical." Scarlet looks over at Summer.

Summer bolts up. "Huh I'm getting food? Oh, who are you"

"You're sitting in my room wondering who I am" Karma says sarcastically.

"Yes" Summer confidently stares at Karma. "Do you have any food"

"No, you have a plate of….." Karma pauses. "Where did your fries go?"

"I ate them like a normal person would." Summer responds.

"You had a whole plate full of fries just a second ago." Karma says confused.

"Well, I ate them. And I'm still hungry, Scarlet when are we going to the Orical?" Summer asks putting the plate down.

"We can go when Karma can walk and when it's not the middle of the night." Scarlet replies.

Summer gets up and walks out the door pouting. "I'll go get Jace."

After a few minutes of silence Jace walks through the door. "Oh, so you're awake." Jace says checking his Ἥφαιστος. "I heard you put up a fight against Atlas."

"Yeah, although I fainted do you know what rank I got." Karma questioned.

"I think he said D" Jace responds.

"D!!" Both Scarlet and Karma shouted waking the sleeping Shiro.

"What's going on, why is everyone yelling?" Shiro asked while rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing Shiro go back to sleep" Karma says petting her head.

Shiro looks up at Karma and starts to tear up while going to hug him. "I thought you wouldn't wake up."

"No matter what I'll wake up" Karma lifts his hand from Shiro's head. "Anyway, my head hurts I'm going back to sleep."