

When Kimberly reached to the family members, Hiram came running towards Kimberly " sis I missed you so much where did you go ?" Kimberly replied " you know I went to see someone important God had to send me their ," Hiram started laughing " you know a m so happy how come you went to see someone special when we are just visiting Zambia ?" Kimberly replied " I know you have a lot of questions to ask me but for now I m busy ," Hiram " it's fine mum called we have a dinner together ,who is this girl you have come with ?" Kim " it's Emma she is a nice person you can like her ," how many surprises do you have for me sis today ," Hiram said Emma cheerfully greeted Hiram and she said " I hope you have enjoyed seeing around the tourist attraction found in Livingstone , it's a memorable day to remember , when you go to America tell them about the might Victoria falls and how big it is , Zambia is a awesome please to be ," Hiram started clapping " you are really fabulous just like my sister had said , I kinder starting to like you ," Emma " it's nothing much I just like making people Happy , Kendal Came " who do you have for me Kim ?" Hiram quickly answered " her name is Emma she lives here in Livingstone ," Kendal raised her hands and saluted " look a m like a soldier one two three ," every one started laughing stop nagging us it's funny , it was laughter when they funny was over , Emma went home and Kimberly and the whole family went to the Hotel .

It was morning Sabbath day Kendal was prepared to go to church ,when she went to see Kimberly still sleeping she wake her up , and asked her why are you still sleeping ?" Kimberly replied " yesterday I was tired it was a busy day seeing around the might Victoria falls and other tourist attraction ,I didn't even say goodnight to the president of Zambia Mr Hakainde Hichilema ," Kendal anchored " it's not a big deal he said to me that he will be us during church today ," Kimberly " really that's great I didn't even know that it is church today ,I was occupied with the issue of yesterday but that's nothing ," Kendal got obsessed " get ready fast we go to church ,we will be late , I don't want anyone to Leave behind today at church a m the inspector of Police , how does that sounds Kim?" yes you are Kimberly said , Kendal went out of room and Kimberly dressed up quickly , when she came out of the room the mother of Kimberly was sparkled by the way she dressed it was tremendous and mesmerizing , Troy started laughing " I don't know what's happening today with you maybe you have , I won't say it ," Kimberly but daddy you always like tizzing me about that issue why ?" Kendal Loudly shouted " we are getting late to church let's go !" the whole family quickly went out side and got into the car and went to church .

When they reached at church Kimberly fast got out of the car and started laughing " finally a m at home where all happiness and peace dwell ," the mother of Kimberly asked " what's wrong honey ?" you are happy today I can just say extremely happiness , this is mischievous ," Troy nodded and said " I think we should get in now ," when the family heard this it clutched in their heads and the all got in Church , it was main service and Mr Hakainde Hichilema was there and the wife Mutinta Hichilema and when they preaching began , Pastor Mwansa was the one was preaching and he stood up and started praying We thank Thee O Lord for our friends.

Help us remember all human love is a beam of Thy light.


Take from our hearts all selfishness, all jealousies and possessiveness.

May we seek at all times to give and not get.

Keep us ever open to Thy love in Christ Jesus,

that our love may communicate and reflect Thine own,

and our friendship become a gateway to Thee.


Oh God, who strengthens us so that we may strengthen others...

Kindle in our hearts a flame of love for Thee and our fellow man.

Help us so to live that our lives may witness to Thy power.

Help us by deeds of love and mercy to show forth Thy praise.

Help us also, as we have opportunity to reveal to others what Thou has done for us,

that they may share our experiences and open their hearts to Thy Grace.


Oh God, who called us to fight the good fight of faith... 

Help us to stand against all that would assail us from within and without and having done all to stand.

Help us all take our place in the fight against evil in the world, trusting in Thy Holy Spirit -

That Thy rule of love will be established in all the relationships of men and nations.

Oh God, help us in this world of change and chance  - to reflect on Thine unchanging love.

By the memory of all Thy mercies and by the recollection of all that has the power to cheer and comfort our hearts,

Kindle within our minds the lamp of undying gratitude.

Make us conscious - when life is crowded by fear of doubt -

​of those experiences that give us strength and hope and renew our confidence in Thee. 

When pastor Mwansa had finished praying he started preaching " it was a well known fact that today you expect me to preach same topic but today is the today of rememberance and pushing you to know that we are living in the last days cause we are at the edge of collapse title of today is end times prophecy , this topic every one has many questions and your doubts will be heared let's read What they rarely point to are Jesus' words in Matthew 24:14 in which He said the ultimate End Times sign is the preaching of the gospel to all people.

One question to be raised about Matthew 24:14 is: What exactly does it envision? Does it mean getting the gospel to every single person or earth? The term translated "people" in Matthew 24:14 is plural and thus could or should be rendered as "peoples." In this sense Matthew 24:14 could mean having a viable Christian witness within every single ethnic and people group.

To be sure, whatever is envisioned, great progress has been made in accomplishing that task. The Good News of Jesus Christ is being preached today in more places around the world than ever before. Nonetheless, we still have a ways to go. At least 5,000 distinct people groups have no viable church planting movement in their midst.

Many of the doomsday "signs" which people seize on are things that generate fear. The sign Jesus gave in Matthew 24:14 -- the gospel being proclaimed everywhere -- should do the opposite. The thought of all people hearing clearly the Good News should generate delight at what will happen as we approach End Times.

If Matthew 24:14 is true, then declaring the Good News to the ends of the earth is not something optional. It has to be accomplished. Will we be an obedient part of making it happen? Then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten crowns, and on his heads a blasphemous name.

Then I stood on the sand of the sea: In Revelation 12, John's vision mainly had heaven in view. Now the scene of his vision shifted to the earth, and in his vision he stood on the sand of the sea.

Many people today love the sea, but as a whole the Jewish people in Biblical times regarded the sea as a wild, untamed, frightening place. While ancient Israel under Solomon had a navy, Hiram the King of Tyre supplied the sailors (1 Kings 9:26-27).

Because ancient Israel was wary of the sea, it was a figure of evil and chaos that seemed to resist God, though the resistance was unsuccessful:

For God is my King from of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. You divided the sea by Your strength; You broke the heads of the sea serpents in the waters. (Psalm 74:12-13)

LORD God of hosts, who is mighty like You, O LORD? Your faithfulness also surrounds You. You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, You still them. (Psalm 89:8-9)

But the wicked are like the troubled sea, when it cannot rest, whose waters cast up mire and dirt. (Isaiah 57:20)

And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea: From the place identified with evil and chaos and resisting God, a beastcomes forth. The ancient Greek word translated beast here has the idea of a wild, dangerous animal. Because John calls him a beast and not a dragon (as in Revelation 12:3), this creature represents someone distinct from Satan who was represented by the dragon (Revelation 12:9).

Having seven heads and ten horns: Though this beast is distinct from the dragon of Revelation 12, he is still closely identified with him. He is not the dragon, but he is like him, because the dragon also had seven heads and ten horns(Revelation 12:3).