

Happiness was supposed to be free. Love was supposed to be a choice.

Tamunotonye_Brown · Others
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8 Chs


Today is probably the worst day of my life, I will meet with Nelson or whatever they call him. I wish I could just vanish from the face of the Earth, I feel devastated.

"This is disheartening!" I shouted

"I know babes, I'm really sorry" My childhood friend Joanna said

"You just don't understand do you? I'm about to spend my whole life with a total stranger" I paced up and down in my room

"I can't believe you want to leave me in this single life" Joanna teased with fake tears, obviously to lighten the mood but I'm not finding it funny

"Can we exchange our lives, this is the best thing that you can ever do for me" I smirked

"Don't be silly Lola, you know that can not be possible" She frowned

"Who told you it can't be possible huh? sorry to burst your bubble but your father is also influential in this Lagos why not we tell you father....."

"Lola please don't go there, please" she interrupt and I laughed. I got her

"Oh I thought you don't want to be single anymore" I teased.

"Shut up" she said and I laughed "I was just trying to lighten up the mood. I have no intentions of getting married, marriage stops a lot of things" She said and I laughed again

"Look who took a U-turn"

"Anything concerning marriage count me out please" she gestured "no" with her hands

"I don't want to get married either, but I can't imagine loosing this rich lifestyle. Everybody at your Beck and call, people adoring you like your the most precious thing.

Just imagine me Damilola Akim sleeping on the street or finding it hard to eat good food, can't go to the mall to buy what I want, can't buy expensive wines in the club. What's the essence of living. I can't leave all this Things, I can never. No no no no no noooooo" I kept a disgusted look

"Me too" Joanna said

"That's the reason why I have to marry the idiot that doesn't even meet my standard'' I folded my hands

"Are you kidding me babes? that guy is on fire. Come on girl, you know it. That guy is on point" Joanna said with dreamy eyes and I scoffed

"Oh please, that idiot that looks like a rat" I scoffed again

"We both know that's a lie" Joanna said

"Go for him then, since he's so dreamy and handsome" I hissed

"Hmmmm" I turned to her

"What?" I asked

"Are you jealous?" she wiggled her eyebrows. Me? jealous. No way

"Jealous of what? " I laughed, "You must be kidding me"

"I was just saying" She shrugged

"Please don't ever say that again" I sat down on the couch in my room

"So what's the way forward" She sat upright

"Getting married to the pig, but guess what?" I Smirked

"What?" she stood up from where she was sitting and sat close to me

"I will make his life miserable, he will regret accepting to marry me" I crossed my leg, feeling myself

"Just take it easy on him" Joanna said and I looked at her

"Who's side are you on, why are you always supporting him?" I frowned

"Your side obviously, I'm just saying...."

"Don't say anything please, keep your thoughts to yourself" I flipped my hair

"Sorry" she surrendered

"Better" I said and silence filled the room, I decided to break it "so how about Micheal?" I wiggled my brows and she frowned

"He's fine" She said dryly, why isn't she squealing as usual, did they break up?

"Why are you frowning, did you break up with him?" I asked

"Yes, the idiot doesn't spend on me anymore. Can you imagine?" She folded her arms

"I thought he got you a car last week?"

"He got me a car so? is that why he can't buy an ordinary 9 Million Naira wig for me?" she asked and I looked at her with shock

"9 Million Naira wig?" I asked to be sure

"Of course, is that too much to ask from a boyfriend!" she hissed

"Don't you think it's too much for a hitchy something?" I said

"Lola you have natural long hair, I do not. So when I'm talking about quality wigs, stay off. You know absolute nothing about wigs" She was pissed off already

"Well I'm sorry, I'm just saying that.."

"Keep your opinion to yourself" She interrupted and I surrendered.

Somebody knocked on the door which I'm guessing to be a maid

"Miss Damilola" She called

"What can I do for you?" I asked

"Your father said I should inform you that your finance is here" She said

"Call him my fiancee one more time and I'll sack you and make sure you don't see a job in your entire miserable life, idiot" I shouted with anger

"Sorry Miss Damilola" She said in a Shaky voice

"Not get out" I said rudely, but who cares

"Babes I think you should calm down" Joanna said, I looked at her, stood up, hissed and Walked away

"Wait for me" she ran after me

I got downstairs and saw him looking at a painting.

"It's rude to come to people's house and Snoop" I folded my hands and he turned to look at me

"I wasn't snooping" he defended

"I'm not blind"

"Guess you are" he shrugged

"Did you just indirectly call me blind"

"Indirectly? come of it. You are blind girl" he said with a smirk
