

Happiness was supposed to be free. Love was supposed to be a choice.

Tamunotonye_Brown · Others
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8 Chs

2. WHY ME?

<p>Marriage is something that hasn't even Crossed my mind. I haven't even thought about it. I don't think I can even be with one girl in a day, let alone for a lifetime. All I do Is one night stand and that's it. I don't even remember their names<br/>My dad really did me dirty, how could he? <br/>I can't believe I'm getting married and the worst thing is that it's not even my choice. But I don't even have a choice right now.<br/> He threatened to remove my name as his heir in the company, that can't happen. I've prepared all my life for that position. I can't lose it for nothing at all. Nothing even that witch. Why most my dad be a governor, he sure has a crazy bucket list. <br/>The girl in question is not even somebody I can stand in a minute, let alone a lifetime. She doesn't even have a big ass, too small for me. But to be honest she's really beautiful, he long hair is so smooth, I've dealed with lots of women so I know a lot about wigs and natural hair. Her hair is definitely natural. Her perfectly manicured nails, he bright white teeth, doe eyes, perfect and plum lips. My spec and she's so classic goshhh, even her perfume could make you fall in love, definitely not me. But mehnn her looks could kill, we'll definitely kill each other someday. I can feel it. They'll come to visit us one day and meet our corps.<br/>I wonder how they can't see that she's just a devil, Lucifer herself. <br/>I'm currently in the club with my friends as usual, chilling but I'm not in the mood for anything, thinking about my life.<br/>"Guy what's up, why so gloomy" Chike asked and I sighed heavily drinking from my glass.<br/>"Didn't you hear when he said his dad arranged a lady for him to Marry? He'll soon turned to a man married and even a father, probably thinking of how to change diapers" Anthony said and they started laughing. Typical.<br/>"Oh that's the problem, He doesn't want to marry, too too bad" Chike said and they burst into another round of laughter. Assholes<br/>"You'll survive" Anthony patted my back showing fake concern <br/>"You guys are going nuts right?" I said <br/>"I'm thinking of my problems and you guys are laughing, what's funny?" I shouted with frustration.<br/>"Sorry man, we were just trying to help and lighten the mood" Chike said and Anthony was trying to hold his laughter, clown<br/>"Mr Nelson to be" Anthony said and Chike couldn't hold his laughter anymore, he bursted into laughter and Anthony joined. Can he be ever serious. <br/>"It suits you though" He said and they laughed again. Mitcheww<br/>Silly people. How did I become friends with them.<br/>"Guys how do I go about this?" I said while running my hands in my hair.<br/>"Let the company go bruh" Anthony said and I turned to look at him if he's serious and he shrugged. Asshole.<br/>"Sometimes I wonder how we became friends, I told you earlier that I can't forfeit my position as CEO for anything. Is it that you're deaf? Because I won't be surprised" I asked with anger lacing in my voice.<br/>"Sorry bruh, there's no other option" He said and took a sip from his drink and started shaking his body to the beat of the music. <br/>I shook my head. <br/>"Guy I think I have a solution" Chike said and I start up straight, that's the only thing I want to hear<br/>"Go on, I'm down" I said <br/>"Why not get married to her and divorce after sometime. You guys will just tell your parents that the marriage didn't work" He said and I thought about it, by then dad most have handed the company to me. He can't take it back, I immediately Concord. Great idea, I mean everybody gets divorced these days. It wouldn't be a news<br/>"Guyyyyyyyy, this is the best idea. Thank you so much" I said and he smirked feeling himself.<br/>"You know I gat you" he said with a broad smile. we turned and Anthony is still dancing, he's just something else<br/>"By the way, is she beautiful?" Anthony asked<br/>"Why asking?" I said rudely<br/>"Calm down. it's just a question" He said and I rolled my eyes<br/>"Tell us, is she beautiful?" Chike winked and I smiled<br/>"She's really beautiful, too beautiful to exist" I said with a wide smile and sipped my drink again<br/>"I'm so happy for you" Chike said and patted my back<br/>"That doesn't mean I like her dude, you guys should take a chill pill" I said we can't even stand each other<br/>"As long as she's beautiful and endowed, I don't see any problem there, cheer up" Anthony said. He likes talking out of point. <br/>"Guy marriage is not about beauty" I said and I was surprised at myself. Wowwwww. <br/>"I never knew I'll see this day, Nelson Chuckwudi giving marriage advice. Woww. This is interesting, please Nelson the marriage expert enlighten us about what it's about" Anthony said jokingly and we all laughed. He started Looking at me like I have two heads.<br/>"I'm surprised myself" Chike said with a shock<br/>"Did you hit your head somewhere?" Anthony asked and I looked at him. Who's supposed to be asking this question.<br/>"I'm perfectly alright" I said dryly<br/>"So since when did you know about marriage" Anthony said not letting the topic go. Of course<br/>"I'm surprised myself though" I said and we laughed again.<br/>"It's just that I can't stand that girl man" I said and remembered how we were giving each other death glares, she looks like a murderer<br/>"Nelson Chuckwudi is scared of a girl" Chike said<br/>"Guy I've not seen somebody like that girl" I said truthfully<br/>"Come of it man" Chike said <br/>"She's just too full of herself" I added<br/>"Just like you, I wonder how you guys will cope" Anthony said and they laughed "oh like they say beds of the same feather..."<br/>"Flock together" they both said and laughed again<br/> I sighed "I'm praying for myself" <br/>"I wish you all the best" Chike said and they laughed again. I wish it was funny<br/>"Keep your wishes to yourself man" I said<br/>"Just drink and forget about all this things, you'll be fine. Just use the idea I gave you. Talk to your wife to be, What's her name again?" Chike asked and Anthony sat up straight<br/>"Yes what's her name" <br/>"I've forgotten to be honest" I lied<br/>"Are you sure you don't know?" Chike pressed on<br/>"I don't care about her name ok, go ask her yourself" i said pissed off<br/>"Wow, this marriage will be full of drama" Chike said and I sighed<br/>"I'm not looking forward to it" I said and poured the remaining content of my drink in my mouth.<br/>"You'll push through, now let's get 'em ladies" Chike said and I smiled.<br/>Time to do what I know best, womanising. I pity Damilola, she's gonna be seeing a lot. She'll even call for a divorce before I do.<br/>We invited girls, drank with them, danced all night, got drunk and took them to our hotel rooms to get laid as usual. <br/>I woke up the next morning with migraine, tried to lift my hands up and noticed it was wrapped around a girl. I turned to look at her and she was putting on a red wig, ewww. <br/>I decided to wake her Up, the funniest part is that I don't even know her, well I don't care. She's good in bed though. I patted her and she didn't even budge, I was irritated<br/>I shook her vigorously to wake up, why sleeping like a log. I need to get out of here.<br/>"Five minutes baby" She said in a sleepy voice and I rolled my eyes. Who's she calling her baby. Do I look like a child to her?<br/>"Get up right now or I'll push you off the bed" I shouted and she woke up immediately<br/>"What's the matter darling, want another round" she trailed her hands on my bare chest and I pushed her hands off.<br/>"I want you to get dressed and leave this place right now" I shouted but she didn't move an inch, she kept giving me looks and thought they are sexy. Ewwwww<br/>I dragged her up and she was shocked, I could feel the fear. <br/>"I said get dressed and leave" I said again and she nodded. I let her go and she ran to the bathroom. <br/>She came out five minutes later looking all slutty. <br/>"My money" she said, I reached out for my trousers, brought out my wallet and gave her everything in it. i think it should be around four hundred dollars. <br/>I quickly got dressed and called Chike. I know Chike will be up by now but Anthony will probably be cuddling with girls.<br/>He picked immediately<br/>"Good morning bro" He said<br/>"Where are you, I'm coming out" I said<br/>"I'm outside, planning to buy something to eat" he said<br/>"Okay I'll meet you there, by the way where's Anthony" I asked<br/>"I don't know man, he'll surely come around" Chike said and he was right. I shouldn't worry myself about that<br/>I cut the call and went outside to meet him, he has already ordered something.<br/>"Come and join me" he said and I rolled my eyes<br/>"You that don't ever get satisfied no matter how much you eat is calling me to come and join you" I said and he laughed<br/>"All you need to say is thank you, don't come close to my food" he said and I laughed<br/>I called the waiter and ordered my food, he brought it five minutes later and I started digging in. My phone rang and it was my dad<br/>"What does he want?" I asked rhetorically<br/>"Who's that, your pops?" Chike asked and I nodded "you won't find out till you pick" <br/>I picked the call<br/>"Where are you, come home now" he said and cut the call<br/>"What again" I sighed<br/>"What did he say?" Chike asked<br/>"He said I should come home" I said<br/>"Then go and hear what he has to say, I'm sure it's about your fiancee to be" he said and I know it is<br/>"Not today man, why can't he let me be" I screamed<br/>"I feel you" chike said with his mouth filled with food<br/>"What's up guys" Anthony said while walking up to us looking like he got hit my a train<br/>"I thought you'll stay in all day" chike said<br/>"Mennnnn last night was a bomb, I enjoyed myself" she said while taking a sit "and why do your face look like a squashed tomato" he said facing me and chike laughed<br/>"You're crazy" I said<br/>"I know that already" he said and pushed my plate to himself. I don't even have the energy to fight with him today<br/>"I need to go now" I stood up<br/>"Oh thank God" Anthony said and we all looked at him "what? I get to eat the food at least" he said and starting eating. I'm tired of this guy already<br/>"I don't have your time" I replied. "I'll see you guys later" I grabbed my keys<br/>*Byeeeeeee" Anthony said. Chike slapped him on the head <br/>"Don't argue with your dad man, just take it easy okay" chike said and I nodded<br/>"Oh it's about my sister in-law, yunno I can't wait to see her. We'll get along so well. " Anthony said and we looked at him. Chike touched his neck to check his temperature<br/>"Are you okay?" He asked concerned<br/>"Get your cold hands off me" he wanked his hands off<br/>"You're obviously not alright" I said and left. I can't deal with this right now. I entered my car and drove over to my father's mansion. God help me please, I'm running mad. <br/>*****************************<br/><br/>HAPPY WEEKEND<br/><br/>SAFE SAVE AND HAPPY<br/><br/>I LOVE Y'ALL <3</p>