
Net King: The Age of Miracles!

Don't underestimate the world?" "Are you kidding? Our junior high school students' competition is the world!" "Zeng Kunichi's Awakening Fuji, Tenki Tezuka, Bible Shiraishi, Black Dragon N Heavy Slash Sanada... Which one is not the world? Level?" "Don't the world look down upon us junior high school students!" "Professional players in our junior high school world should look at the water fountain!" "The barrier to high school? The physical gap between them has been closed long ago!" "Our Emperor's Light is the wall breaker in the realm of the Kingdom!" "Me! The inner scroll madman! The opener of the fourth heavenly robe! The king of the "different dimension"!" This is the story of the encounter between the princes and the miracles, and also The story of an outsider causing trouble is also an "era" in which a group of young people are stimulated by each other and undergo crazy changes. >>>

ZeroESM · Sports
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129 Chs

Sin nombreChapter 10. The two disappeared! The cycle of light and shadow!





  In the constant confrontation between Bai Jin and Aomine, the doubles seemed to have completely turned into singles mode.

  Kagami knew that he could not react faster than Aomine, so he chose to go behind the baseline, leaving almost the entire area to Aomine.

  Because of the agreement with Shirazu, Kuroko did not take any meaningful action, which resulted in the scene seeming to completely become a 1V1 between Aomine and Shirazu.

  (As expected of Aomine, his eyes definitely couldn't focus on Chidori all the time. To feel the wildness, there was no pressure at all.)

  (He could completely catch up with Chidori due to his speed advantage.)

  I don't know what happened. How many times have I hit Chidori, but Aomine has become very skilled at catching it.

  This proves that Qingfeng has tempered his wild nature during this period and is not as immature as before.

  "Get it!!"


  He hit the ball back with a backhand swing, and it bounced out of the right baseline where Shirazu couldn't catch up.


  Not long after the start, "Chidori" could declare that it had been cracked by Aomine.

  "That's amazing."

  Seeing Qingfeng's happy expression, Bai Jin could only say sincerely.

  Compared to the unawakened wild fire god, Aomine is indeed the type that grows faster.

  Although the Chidori Shirazu is playing has not yet reached its limit, there is currently no obvious effect.

  "Alright! Bai Jin, if you don't use other moves, then I will win this game!"

  As if making a declaration of victory, Aomine said calmly. He knew that Bai Jin still had something hidden. , so it's not too careless.

  "Wow, now it looks like the winner has been decided."

  "I can't even see the path of the ball at all."

  "Chidori is cracked, which means Shirazu has no advantage at all."

  Murasakihara, Kise, and Midorima They were not optimistic about the follow-up development, but Momoi thought differently. Having been exposed to them since childhood, Momoi knew that Chidori was not Shirazu's only scoring method.

  He also has a serving move called the "Rasengan" and a "Explosive Blow" that can break all returns and double them back.

  These are powerful and incomprehensible skills.

  "Is it really like this?"

  But Akashi's words made everyone startled. Midorima frowned. He immediately felt something was wrong, but he couldn't find it.





  Akashi declared unceremoniously after catching the ball landing.


  "What's going on?"

  Qingfeng and Kagami were confused. They stared blankly at the tennis ball rolling on the center line, not understanding what was going on for a moment.

  Why did tennis suddenly appear in this position?

  They didn't even see who was serving.


  "What's wrong?"


  "What the hell!!?"


  For the next three goals, they had no ability to resist at all and could only stand there staring blankly. Watch the tennis ball suddenly appear rolling on the ground.

  "What's going on?? Why did the tennis balls appear like ghosts from their side of the court?"

  "The tennis balls disappeared?"

  "How could such a ridiculous thing happen."

  Kise, Murasakibara, Midorima, and Momoi They all stared with wide eyes. From the onlookers, they couldn't even see clearly what was going on in the bureau.


  "Where did Heiheizi go?"

  After a long time, Midorima suddenly woke up and shouted out of control.

  "Yeah! That person disappeared?"

  Kise heard Midorima's reminder, and finally remembered something at this moment.

  This is obviously a doubles match! The serve just now was undoubtedly Kuroko's.

  But Kuroko's figure could not be seen anywhere, they could only see the tennis ball rolling on the ground.


  Momoi folded her arms and looked around, very surprised. This was the first time she encountered such a player.

  "His presence is too strong."

  "Not only Aomine and Kagami, but also all of you outside the court only pay attention to Shiratsu and his Chidori." "

  Under such a strong attraction, of course you will not see Tetsuya. Where is it?"

  Akashi was sitting on the referee's bench and was not attracted by Bai Jin's "light".

  (Tetsuya was actually always present.)

  Unlike the others, Akashi was not fooled by appearances.

  When everyone was looking around blankly, he could see that Kuroko had hit an ordinary serve before.

  Unfortunately, Aomine and Kagami had no reaction at all.

  The same is true for Midorima, Murasakibara, Kise, and Momoi off the field.

  (Light and Shadow)

  (Sure enough, the stronger the light, the more it can cover up your existence, allowing you to fully utilize the power of "shadow".)

  Kuroko was "covered" by Shirazu. This is all because Kagami and Aomine did not put Kuroko in The consequences in your eyes.

  All their attention was on Shirazu, and because Shirazu continued to play "Chidori", he was the most eye-catching "Zai" in the entire stadium.

  That unusual sense of presence maximized Kuroko's "sight induction".   

  All they could see was "Shirajin", Kuroko was active on the field as if he had become invisible.

  "Damn it! How could such a thing happen?"

  The belated Kagami and Aomine only remembered the incident about Kuroko at this moment, and tried hard to capture Kuroko in the opposite field with their naked eyes.

  But no matter how they looked, they could only see Bai Jin.

  For some reason, it seemed like he couldn't take his attention away from Bai Jin.


  Bu Xie hit the ball out, and Vulcan was very angry.


  Bai Jin stepped to the left, revealing the gap in the right field, and then waved the racket with both hands to knock back Kagami's serve.

  Then he made a gesture as if he was going to hit the "Chidori".

  "What do you want to do?"

  Although I don't know why Shiratsu would hit the "Chidori" after hitting a normal return ball, Kagami would not show mercy, swung his arm and hit the ball into nothing. One person area.

  But then, he saw a horrifying scene.

  In the arealess space, the tennis ball was hit back as if it was touched by something.


  The tennis ball hit the handle of Aomine standing in front of the net at a strange speed and bounced back.

  The rebound trajectory of the ball after it passed the net was just within the range of Shirazu's swing.





  This time the Chidori was hit. Aomine had no chance to make amends. He could only watch helplessly as the Chidori bounced from the ground. Blue flash.

  The serve was broken, and he and Vulcan were stunned.

  "Is that a pass?"

  Midorima looked at the situation on the court in surprise. Although it is very strange to use the term "pass" in tennis, the phenomenon just now was indeed expressed in this way.

  "That can be considered Tetsuya's technique."

  "By observing Shirazu's pre-swing movements, and then hitting the ball back to the opponent's handle to bounce it into Shirazu's swing range." "

  In a sense, It can also be said to be "passing the ball.""

  Akashi explained as he watched what happened on the court with interest.

  (Disrupting the rhythm of the opponent's counterattack, and at the same time preparing the swing movements in advance, omitting some of the counterattack process.)

  (Is it possible to cooperate like this for the first time?)

  To be honest, Shirazu and Kuroko's doubles cooperation exceeded Akashi's imagination.

  It was obviously their first time playing doubles, but their tacit understanding was so high.

  boom! !


  "It's over."

  Although the game has not reached the end point, in Akashi's view, Kagami and Aomine have no chance of winning.

  When they first stepped into the trap of the combination of light and shadow, their defeat was doomed. Even if they got rid of the influence and found Kuroko, they would fall into a new trap. This cycle is currently unable to be broken by Aomine and Kagami.


  "30-0!" "



  Outside the venue, Midorima, Murasakibara, Kise, and Momoi were speechless.

  It was completely unexpected that Qingfeng and Kagami, whom they had previously expected to be beaten, would be beaten so bad.

  It obviously looks like Shirazu is alone in 1V2, but Kuroko is the most critical one.

  He hides in the light called "Shirazu" and moves in the shadows. His figure cannot be caught, and the interference to Aomine and Kagami is too great.

  Even Aomine, who had gradually awakened his wild nature, could not trace Kuroko's traces by intuition.

  "See you!!"

  He swung the racket and hit the serve. This time Kagami could finally see Kuroko's figure.

  Gaze induction reaches its limit!

  "There is still a chance!!"

  After trying hard to get rid of the high attention on Bai Jin, they finally gradually recovered Kuroko's existence.

  It is difficult for Kuroko to return his serve! They still have room for recovery!

  "Is this really the case?"

  In response, Akashi showed an inexplicable smile as he watched Aomine and Kagami struggling to their death from the outside.

  "Wait!! Kagami!"



  But just as Kagami hit the ball in the direction of Kuroko, the familiar sound came out, accompanied by lightning and birdsong. Pass through your feet.


  "Really? False?"

  Kise stared blankly at the changing situation in the venue, feeling a little incoherent.


  this time it was Shirazu's turn to disappear from everyone's sight.



  "   "40-0!



  At the last moment, Aomine and Kagami were like statues, they could only watch helplessly losing points.

  They didn't understand until the end, why Bai Jin disappeared after finding Kuroko?

  Even the "Chidori" disappeared, and only the sound could be heard.

  (End of chapter)