
Net King: The Age of Miracles!

Don't underestimate the world?" "Are you kidding? Our junior high school students' competition is the world!" "Zeng Kunichi's Awakening Fuji, Tenki Tezuka, Bible Shiraishi, Black Dragon N Heavy Slash Sanada... Which one is not the world? Level?" "Don't the world look down upon us junior high school students!" "Professional players in our junior high school world should look at the water fountain!" "The barrier to high school? The physical gap between them has been closed long ago!" "Our Emperor's Light is the wall breaker in the realm of the Kingdom!" "Me! The inner scroll madman! The opener of the fourth heavenly robe! The king of the "different dimension"!" This is the story of the encounter between the princes and the miracles, and also The story of an outsider causing trouble is also an "era" in which a group of young people are stimulated by each other and undergo crazy changes. >>>

ZeroESM · Sports
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129 Chs

 Capítulo 9: ¡Shirazu Kuroko VS Kagami Aomine!

  "Is it really okay? If Bai Zai takes Black Zai, there is no way he can beat Vulcan and Mine Zai."

  Murasakihara was holding snacks and looked at Akashi's distribution with confusion.

  Shirazu is indeed very powerful in Murasakibara's eyes, but "Chidori" is almost beaten by Aomine in one-on-one, let alone doubles.

  Not to mention bringing a black man with him.

  Isn't this the legendary weight training?

  "Although I think he is very powerful, if you bring such a weak partner to fight those two people, there is absolutely no chance of winning, right?"

  Kise sat on the ground, looked at the combinations on both sides, and said bluntly.

  After fighting Heizi, he had a good first experience.

  At least Kuroko was too "poor" in terms of speed and strength, so Kise thought it was nothing more than that.

  He had seen both Shirazu and Aomine yesterday, and the one named Kagami was extraordinary in terms of aura. This was clearly the difference between 1+2 and 2+2. No matter what, the latter would be bigger.

  "Akaashi must have his considerations, and doubles and singles are completely different fields." "

  Those two physical monsters performed very well in singles, but doubles might just hold each other back."

  Midorima had a different view. It will be as "free" as singles, and to some extent, it will be more optimistic about tacit understanding.

  In addition, Aomine and Kagami are playing doubles for the first time, so there will definitely be no shortage of jokes.

  (Of course, the same goes for Shirazu and Kuroko.)

  Pushing up his lenses, Midorima looked at Shirazu and Kuroko, trying to read something from the latter's expressions.

  But he found that Bai Jin looked very troubled, while Heizi was as calm as ever.

  (It seems that Shirazu also finds it difficult to handle.)

  (In this case, it seems that Aomine and the others might be able to win on their own.)

  "Have you ever played in a doubles match?"

  "How could I have touched it?"

  Aomine and the others On the contrary, Vulcan was a little confused. Although the doubles area was larger than the singles area, it still felt completely different with more people standing next to it.

  Aomine has never had any contact with it, while Kagami has seen others fight, but has never fought himself.

  "However, to be honest, there is only one opponent."

  "That's right.!"

  Before they understood the intimidation of doubles, both Kagami and Aomine turned their attention to Shirazu, basically ignoring Kuroko completely.

  Heizi is so weak in singles, can he still reach the sky in doubles?


  "I didn't expect that my first doubles match would be with you."

  Bai Jin scratched his head and glanced at Kuroko, whose presence was gradually disappearing and said.

  "Please give me some advice, Shirazu-kun."

  Kuroko still had the same unchanging attitude, but he was somewhat concerned about forming a doubles team with Shirazu.

  How strong is Bai Jin's light?

  Can it adapt to myself as a shadow?

  "Is it really okay?"

  Momoi looked at the combination of the two curiously. Now she had no idea what kind of matching effect the two would have.

  Like Midorima and others, she is not very optimistic about this team.

  "No problem, maybe the combination of me and Kuroko will be the strongest."

  But what was waiting for Momoi was not a complaint, but those inexplicably confident words.

  (Where did Xiaobai get this confidence?)

  Not understanding where Shiraizu's confidence came from, Momoi looked at the two people heading to the middle of the court and wondered.


  Momoi, who was about to go to the referee's seat, was suddenly stopped by Akashi.


  "Let me be the referee this time. Letting you report the score may be a bit overwhelming."

  Akashi walked by and sat on the referee's chair under Momoi's puzzled gaze.


  Although she didn't know what Akashi said, she still walked to Midorima and others obediently.

  On the court, Bai Jin consciously moved his body closer to the center, and then looked at Aomine in front of him who was preparing to serve.

  Aomine's strength now all lies in speed, which does not refer to the speed of the ball, but his own agility.

  He may be able to easily recover a missed goal that ordinary people cannot catch up with.

  Coupled with his free and easy hitting style, he is as smooth as a fish swimming in a river.

  What's more, his wild nature is gradually awakening, and it will become more and more troublesome.

  The reason why he was able to detect the landing point of the "Chidori" without relying on his eyes was basically relying on this keen "animal instinct".

  On the contrary, Vulcan has not yet fully awakened, so he is not difficult to deal with because he is relatively powerful.   

  It is said that he can crack the "Chidori", but he can barely hit two out of ten goals, which is completely different from Aomine.

  In a normal game, he might have a lot of headaches against Aomine just using "Chidori", but if he teams up with Kuroko in doubles.

  That might make it easier.


  There was nothing outstanding about Aomeng's serve, or he was playing quite casually.

  He didn't specifically aim at the corner, but deliberately hit Bai Jin's convenient click.

  The purpose is to let him use the "Chidori" to fight back.

  "Well, before that, it's actually not impossible."

  Glancing at his teammates who were no longer around, Bai Jin knew that they had succeeded.

  The combination of light and shadow has already been created before the game begins.

  His too strong sense of presence directly covered up Kuroko's existence, making Kagami and Aomine only focus on him.

  And this is bound to make the two of them suffer a lot in the future.

  "Squeak, squeak, squeak!!!"

  He didn't hold anything back, and he used his signature move right from the start.

  "It's Chidori!"

  Kise said excitedly, his eyes widening as he learned about that wonderful skill from Midorima.

  Accompanied by the chirping of birds, a beam of lightning passed through the midline and landed straight on the service line in the middle.

  "Hey! This landing point is too easy!"

  Kagami had just noticed the landing point of the ball, but Aomine was already waiting at that position, holding the handle of the racket tightly with both hands and swinging over.

  Aomine would not be careless about fighting back with one hand.

  When he tried to do this before, the result was that the racket was directly penetrated by the "Chidori".

  In addition to being "fast", "Chidori" also has strong "penetration".

  It would have been possible for Kagami to take it with one hand, but Aomine, who had suffered a lot, also had his own way of dealing with it.


  "Hit it back?!"

  Just as he was still at the top speed of "Chidori", Kise realized that the ball had been hit back by Aomine.


  Unfortunately, Bai Jin, who had expected it, had already chased him, stretched out his racket and hit him again.


  It was still the same move, but this time he aimed at Vulcan's left foot.

  "Get out of the way!"


  When Kagami hadn't awakened his wild nature, his reaction would have been much slower than Aomine's. Therefore, when Aomine spoke, he still didn't know where the ball landed, and then Aomine hit him. .


  The result was naturally obvious. Aomine collided directly with Kagami, and the two fell to the ground.

  "Hey! Stay out of the way!"

  "What did you say?!"

  After losing a point, Aomine got up from the ground and shouted to Kagami in annoyance.

  Vulcan was naturally unhappy and said in an excited tone.

  The two started to quarrel in public.

  "Look, 1+1 might still be 1."

  Midorima looked at the monkey show between the two with an expression that he had already guessed, and said in a calm tone.

  "It's so embarrassing. If it were me, I would definitely stay aside."

  Murasakihara actually likes doubles, because if his teammates are stronger, he can hide behind and fish.

  Only Akashi's face remained unchanged, and he just stared at the scene.

  "Heizi, let me play two games first."

  "Waiting for your serve game will really make them panic."


  (End of Chapter)