
Nerevar Eln : I'm in a Fantasy Beast World

#Beast #Adventure #ReverseHarem #ConciousFL #Nonhuman #R18 #Beauty #Psycho #Sliceoflife #Transmigration #NotsoAnnoying * contains fantasy atmospheres * A woman from the modern world transmigrated into a Primitive beast world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keira was stunned the moment he lifted her into his arms, he was too close...the feeling of his rock-hard abs against her skin, the roughness of his palms that carefully settled on her, and the soft chocolate scent from him. 'Oh gosh he even smells good' like dark chocolatey mix of powdery iris and lavender, with caramelized vanilla, and the velvety cedar added into an intoxicating scent. It's warm, mysterious, endearing, and unique. His scent was literally mouth-watering, It took concentrate afford to not bury her face into his chest and sniffing him like a weirdo. He was beyond alluring, like a puzzle that slowly pulled her into an endless loop of wonder, Like a mystery that sink her down and keep feeding her with distorted obscurity binding her until it's too late to turn back, Like a deadly poison coated in irresistibly sweet chocolate that tempting her to pick it up and taste it... She let her gaze roam over the velvet hair down to the thick, ropey muscles of his strong arms to his incredible onyx scales. They were gleaming like shimmery makeup tempting to the touch It's tormenting the loving hell out of her how hard she try to not let her itching fingers slip away and caress his scale like a mad girl. Yet, for all his massiveness, his movements were gentle and precise. Peering back to his profile, she followed the line of his pointy ears down to the hard cut of his jaw over to his sharp chin and flirtatious soft lips. his skin gleamed in the sunlight except for the matte black, symbol-shaped patterning that coiled on his arms. As she stared, his muscled arms flexed slightly then slowly relax back. Glancing at his face, she found him watching her from the corner of his eye and felt like her heart skip at having been caught ogling. She winched, automatically turned her face away, bracing herself to stop plunging more deeply into his charm. (ch. 57) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *The story's heartwarming but contains 18+ mature contents in some ch. which I put ( * ) behind ch. ** It's not a stressful novel. The story will be smooth, with simple words, a slice of life. ***The female lead is a madly beauty, a bit insane and you will hear from her sometimes. *** It's reverse harem!! [ [ Recommend atmosphere song artists: Celtic woman , Erutan, Jean luc lenoir, Eurielle, Adrian von Ziegler ] ] # All the cover belongs to the author, I'm using Ai to made it, and I changed the cover frequently when I was bored lol #

Bebeto_candy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Why am I so unlucky

Although there wasn't enough room for the stranger to squeeze through the window, It still managed to slip a hand in and try to drag her out.

The hand had a death hold on her arm, yanking on it with such tremendous force that it was next to impossible for her to slip away.

Trying to resist the pulling force, she leaned off the window, with her other hand gripping the towel and her heels pushing against the wall.

Screaming in anger, her heart was pounding. The pain spreading throughout her entire arm forced her to release her other hand from the towel and try to pull the big hand out. "Fuck off, you bastard, my arm's about to tear off!"

Hearing the word tear off, the stranger was unmoved. Keira seized the chance to wrench her arm forcefully until it slipped out of his grasp.

When her arm was finally free, she hurried to the door and yanked the wood log out to unlock it.

She emerged to the lobby, seeing the inn empty; everyone had gone to the bonfire. She realized that, in this devil time, it was only her and that bastard.

With the fear lurking inside her, she rushed out of the inn, peering for the brightness of the bonfire. Though the night had grown into deep blackish that she could no longer make out her surroundings, the distant glow of the bonfire served as a signal.

Hearing heavy footsteps, she whirled around and saw a huge creature trailing closely behind her. 'What the heck is that thing, a giant?' Without light poles or lanterns in this place, she had trouble making out the details. She strained her eyes to see the figure more clearly, but it remained shrouded in darkness, looming over her like a silent sentinel.

Keira quickened her steps and charged straight toward the bonfire, but another creature halted her in her tracks and blocked her from reaching the path. 'Why the hell am I so unlucky?' Given the lack of light and the presence of two of them, she stood no chance of fighting.

"Arel!!" She shouted above the ear-splitting scream, praying that her mate would hear. Thinking fast, she searched for a different route that the two creatures weren't blocking.

Her heart was pounding with fear as she tried to figure out where she could go when suddenly a hand reached out and pulled her into his arms. "Don't move."

After she heard that it was a person's voice, Keira nearly wept with relief.

The surroundings were pitch black, and her shock had taken over her rationality. As a result of her extreme fear of those creatures, she leaped up and clutched his waist firmly with both her thighs. With the leaping force, her towel slipped from her chest to her hips, bringing her naked breasts pressed directly into his face.

That person breathed heavily at the pressure of her breasts squeezing against his face.

The rhythm of his breath clung to her skin, and she felt something wet and soft suckling on her nipple. She winced at the sudden thrill. But he didn't stop there, instead, he sucked her nipple harder, flicking it harshly with his tongue, and releasing it with a growl, before he leaned forward and sunk his fangs into her breast.

Gasping, she quickly jumped down and rubbed where he bit her.

"Why did you bite me?" she asked, but there was no response. That person has disappeared into thin air.


Suddenly, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching from behind. She swiveled around to check on who was behind her.

When the two figures of Arel and Frost appeared, she cautiously stepped back, as she couldn't recognize who they were.

Seeing that Keira was wearing just a single towel, Arel hurriedly took off his animal skin and wrapped it around her.

She grabbed his arm "Arel, is that you?" while squinting her eyes at him.

He knew that she couldn't see in the darkness, so he swiftly held her back to the mud inn. Frost followed them behind and waited outside by the door.


As the light of the room brightened and Keira could see his face clearly, tears welled up in her eyes. She was terrified. Her hands were trembling in fear, her arm was severely bruised from the pulling, and her feet were stained with dirt from running barefoot. Arel was heartache. Seeing how much pain his mate endured, he pressed her tighter into his warm embrace, kissing the top of her head and stroking her back to calm her down.

Her eyes widened, her mouth still trembling with horror at how the two creatures were chasing her. "Is it gone? Did you see them?" she asked, panicked, her gaze darting everywhere.

Arel cupped her cheeks, turning her face to look straight at him. "It's me, I'm here. There's only me here."

"Arel .. a big hand reached through the window, yanked my arm until it was almost torn off. When I was free, I ran out of the room and saw two creatures running after me. They were huge, and I couldn't see exactly what they looked like," she explained quickly.

"Monsters.." he breathed, recalling what Keira told him.

"I don't know Arel. I've never seen one," she answered honestly, as she had never encountered a monster in her life.

"Don't fear, I'm here." He held her to the bed and took a damp cloth to gently wipe her clean. He then tugged her into a blanket and lulled her to sleep.

As he walked to the door, he found Frost standing there. "Go summon the chief of this tribe," Arel ordered, then came back to sit next to Keira.



As soon as the tribal chief arrived at the inn, he asked, "What's going on?" He came with the vice chief, who also had a worried expression on his face.

"Keira was attacked by monsters in your tribe, Xander." Frost answered.

Xander furrowed his eyebrows in deep confusion, "By monsters in my tribe?"

Yes," Frost replied, "have you encountered anything like this before?" He added, his gaze shifting between Xander and the vice chief.

"Xavier and I have encountered monsters in the vicinity of the tribe recently, but it was quite a distance away from here," said Xander, then glanced at his brother, who's the vice chief.

"How is she?" Xavier gazed toward the room.

"Her arm was injured," answered Frost.


Arel came out of the room and faced the three males waiting outside.

"I could smell a strong monster scent on Keira. They must have a high level." Arel explained, wearing a calm expression, but his tone was coated with anger. He then turned to the deer tribe chief, "How many leveled-beastmen do you have in your tribe?"

"Me and my brother."

"Fine. We'll go hunting those monsters"



Outside of the deer tribe, two giant monsters kneeled down, waiting for the next order from their leader.

"There is no reason for me to stay. Either way, she'll come to find me," the leader smirked then disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

The two monsters nodded. They quickly split in separate directions.

