
Nerevar Eln : I'm in a Fantasy Beast World

#Beast #Adventure #ReverseHarem #ConciousFL #Nonhuman #R18 #Beauty #Psycho #Sliceoflife #Transmigration #NotsoAnnoying * contains fantasy atmospheres * A woman from the modern world transmigrated into a Primitive beast world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keira was stunned the moment he lifted her into his arms, he was too close...the feeling of his rock-hard abs against her skin, the roughness of his palms that carefully settled on her, and the soft chocolate scent from him. 'Oh gosh he even smells good' like dark chocolatey mix of powdery iris and lavender, with caramelized vanilla, and the velvety cedar added into an intoxicating scent. It's warm, mysterious, endearing, and unique. His scent was literally mouth-watering, It took concentrate afford to not bury her face into his chest and sniffing him like a weirdo. He was beyond alluring, like a puzzle that slowly pulled her into an endless loop of wonder, Like a mystery that sink her down and keep feeding her with distorted obscurity binding her until it's too late to turn back, Like a deadly poison coated in irresistibly sweet chocolate that tempting her to pick it up and taste it... She let her gaze roam over the velvet hair down to the thick, ropey muscles of his strong arms to his incredible onyx scales. They were gleaming like shimmery makeup tempting to the touch It's tormenting the loving hell out of her how hard she try to not let her itching fingers slip away and caress his scale like a mad girl. Yet, for all his massiveness, his movements were gentle and precise. Peering back to his profile, she followed the line of his pointy ears down to the hard cut of his jaw over to his sharp chin and flirtatious soft lips. his skin gleamed in the sunlight except for the matte black, symbol-shaped patterning that coiled on his arms. As she stared, his muscled arms flexed slightly then slowly relax back. Glancing at his face, she found him watching her from the corner of his eye and felt like her heart skip at having been caught ogling. She winched, automatically turned her face away, bracing herself to stop plunging more deeply into his charm. (ch. 57) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *The story's heartwarming but contains 18+ mature contents in some ch. which I put ( * ) behind ch. ** It's not a stressful novel. The story will be smooth, with simple words, a slice of life. ***The female lead is a madly beauty, a bit insane and you will hear from her sometimes. *** It's reverse harem!! [ [ Recommend atmosphere song artists: Celtic woman , Erutan, Jean luc lenoir, Eurielle, Adrian von Ziegler ] ] # All the cover belongs to the author, I'm using Ai to made it, and I changed the cover frequently when I was bored lol #

Bebeto_candy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs


At the mud inn.

The incident tonight made them leave the bonfire and come back to the inn early. It's understandable, and Keira didn't want to stir it further. Nonetheless, Frost's expression made her worried. Even though what Arel told her was the truth of this world but she felt uncomfortable acting indifferently toward him.

How silent Keira has become made Arel notice that this was unusual. He got up from the campfire and went straight to sit on the bench next to her.

"Are you still worried about that person?" He gently stroked her head. The expression that she had on her face made him distressed; he didn't like it when she wasn't herself.

"..." The comforting touch of his palm kindly settled her down. She knew—of course, she knew how much he was concerned about her. Although Arel was raged at seeing other male close to his mate, he controlled himself and didn't cause any trouble, proving how much he cared about her intentions.

"I'll go out and check on him if you're unsettled," he added.

Turning her face to him, she held Arel's hand tightly. "Could you do it? Just checking at how he's doing is fine," she paused, lowering her gaze. "I'm sorry to bother you like this. You are my mate. I know you didn't like it, but I'm begging you please go and have a look."

Arel half smiled. Even if he disliked it, he should do it to make his mate feel better. "After dinner, I'll go check on him." He then got up from the seat and returned to continue cooking at the campfire.

Today at the market, they bought lots of stuff, including salt and plenty of spices, turning tonight's meal into a fragrant aroma spreading throughout the room.

Watching how Arel stir-fried the meat, threw it into the air, and down to the stone slab, she was stunned at his talent, as though he prosessed the soul of a professional primitive beastman chef. Contrasting with how she first met him, the day he almost smoked her alive with the burned garlic, she let out a low chuckle at how the memory popped up on her head.

Soon later, the stir-fried meat was set on the table.

Clapping her hands, "You are awesome! You really amaze me with your cooking skill," she leaned forward and sniffing the fragrance of the familiar spices.

His mouth curved up with the sudden compliment, "Eat well, you haven't eaten all day." He patted her head and sat down beside her, enjoying the food together.


It's true that food boosts happiness; the drooping face has turned brighter by the delicious meal. She leaned her body against the table and rubbed her stomach that has been overfilled.

After dinner, Arel prepared water for Keira to bathe, wanting to help her bathe before he headed outside, but Keira was too anxious and told him she would do it by herself.

"Arel, I'm fine, please go find Frost. I'll bathe in the room and wait for you," she said with a pleading tone to make him do as she said.

He was silent and went to check on the door. "Don't forget to put down the wooden log to block the door when I'm away, and be careful not to soak in the water for too long," he said, pulling her into his hug without wanting to let go. She lightly pushed him to release the hug.

"I'll be back soon," he said, then left the room.

Keira nodded, shut the door, put a log on the door, and returned to the bathtub.



Arel walked towards the bonfire's square, which was crowded with people circling around it. A silver-haired figure was still there, sitting on the same seat with those green eyes staring blankly into the space, looking absolutely miserable.

"Keira told me to check on you."

Frost turned his gaze to the speaker. It's hard to read this male's expression when he's got a bandage covering his eyes, and it's strange how the pressure that spread from this golden-haired male was so pristine in element—uncommon for beastmen on this continent to have such power.

"How's Keira?" Frost asked.

"Keira is fine." Arel didn't want to answer the truth about how worried she was. This silver-haired guy was really troublesome; why did he have to show up to make his mate worried? "I appreciate that you helped her in the forest, and I'm going to repay your gratitude. Tell me what you want."

"I don't want anything from you, I want her."

"That's unacceptable." Arel turned around, ready to go back to the inn. After all, he had said everything that he had to.

"Hey! Wait!" Frost shouted behind him.

Facing the male, Arel dashed forward, clutching Frost's neck, "Who do you think you are to bargain with me?" He gritted his teeth, letting out a threatening speech. His hand that tightly clenched Frost's neck has now turned into a murderous dragon's claw.

The bloody scent wafted as the sharp claw pierced deep into his neck. The attention of those gathered around the bonfire turned to them, forcing Arel to transform his claw back into a normal hand and throw Frost to the ground. This was not the time for him to cause trouble, and he didn't want anyone to know who he was. He stopped paying attention to Frost and went straight to the inn.

Quickly getting to his feet, Frost pressed the wound on his neck to cease the bleeding, and ran after Arel.



Without knowing that her mate had nearly snapped someone's neck, Keira was having a long, relaxing soak in the wooden tub. After scrubbing herself clean, she climbed out of the tub, and wrapped herself in a towel.

While she was humming and taking a step toward her clothes pile, she heard a noise outside the window. She paused her step and turned to check what it was.

The noise turned out to be a tree branch tapping against the wall—nothing suspicious—so she turned her face away from the window, only to be halted when a large hand suddenly grasped through the window and seized her arm.

Screaming in shock, her other hand held tightly onto the towel. "Who the hell are you? Let me go!"

