
Nerevar Eln : I'm in a Fantasy Beast World

#Beast #Adventure #ReverseHarem #ConciousFL #Nonhuman #R18 #Beauty #Psycho #Sliceoflife #Transmigration #NotsoAnnoying * contains fantasy atmospheres * A woman from the modern world transmigrated into a Primitive beast world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keira was stunned the moment he lifted her into his arms, he was too close...the feeling of his rock-hard abs against her skin, the roughness of his palms that carefully settled on her, and the soft chocolate scent from him. 'Oh gosh he even smells good' like dark chocolatey mix of powdery iris and lavender, with caramelized vanilla, and the velvety cedar added into an intoxicating scent. It's warm, mysterious, endearing, and unique. His scent was literally mouth-watering, It took concentrate afford to not bury her face into his chest and sniffing him like a weirdo. He was beyond alluring, like a puzzle that slowly pulled her into an endless loop of wonder, Like a mystery that sink her down and keep feeding her with distorted obscurity binding her until it's too late to turn back, Like a deadly poison coated in irresistibly sweet chocolate that tempting her to pick it up and taste it... She let her gaze roam over the velvet hair down to the thick, ropey muscles of his strong arms to his incredible onyx scales. They were gleaming like shimmery makeup tempting to the touch It's tormenting the loving hell out of her how hard she try to not let her itching fingers slip away and caress his scale like a mad girl. Yet, for all his massiveness, his movements were gentle and precise. Peering back to his profile, she followed the line of his pointy ears down to the hard cut of his jaw over to his sharp chin and flirtatious soft lips. his skin gleamed in the sunlight except for the matte black, symbol-shaped patterning that coiled on his arms. As she stared, his muscled arms flexed slightly then slowly relax back. Glancing at his face, she found him watching her from the corner of his eye and felt like her heart skip at having been caught ogling. She winched, automatically turned her face away, bracing herself to stop plunging more deeply into his charm. (ch. 57) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *The story's heartwarming but contains 18+ mature contents in some ch. which I put ( * ) behind ch. ** It's not a stressful novel. The story will be smooth, with simple words, a slice of life. ***The female lead is a madly beauty, a bit insane and you will hear from her sometimes. *** It's reverse harem!! [ [ Recommend atmosphere song artists: Celtic woman , Erutan, Jean luc lenoir, Eurielle, Adrian von Ziegler ] ] # All the cover belongs to the author, I'm using Ai to made it, and I changed the cover frequently when I was bored lol #

Bebeto_candy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Staring game

Keira cast a glance at the merchant, who was clearly not broken out of his shock yet, she gasped her mouth to explain only to be cut off by the sound of incoming footsteps.

The three newcomers studied the merchant. "I heard a massive explosion. What happened?" questioned the guy who was standing in the center.

He has long, wavy hair in a shade lighter brown than the arid sands. His eyes had the same piercing cunning as a wild fox, and the lineaments of his face were perfectly balanced. Those who fell under his steady gaze were instantly bewitched by the depth of his ocean-dark eyes. The intensity of his sly blue eyes was as though he could roam her entire body by simply moving his gaze. Handsome in a Machiavellian way, with his basalt jaw and strong shoulders that weren't hulking but athletic, muscular but agile, and a short trimmed beard, enhancing his face to look even more attractive.

He glanced over at Arel briefly before turning to Keira. When their gazes met, he stared at her without blinking until Arel shielded her behind him. Despite this, the male persisted in staring at her without breaking his gaze.

Arel clenched his jaw at how this male was staring at his mate. The sly looks on that face drove him to release his inner murderous aura toward that guy.

Keira seized Arel's elbow, halting him at the exact time as he charged forward. The merchant finally broke down and quickly explained to ease the tension on both sides. "T..the red monster's soul had cracked when this person approached it."

The male who stood in the center broke off his stare on Keira as he came back to his senses. He narrowed his deep blue eyes at Arel, gazing at the arm that Keira gripped firmly, and then turned to the merchant and asked, "Do you need any help?"

"No, no, vice chief. I'll handle this myself," insisted the shaking merchant. Keira felt that the merchant was very considerate of the person he just referred to as the vice chief, which might be a normal reaction from the people in this tribe.

Once the merchant had finished speaking, the vice chief's gaze returned to Keira again.

'What the heck is wrong with this guy? This is too disturbing' she thought as she yanked Arel's arm to get him to stop paying attention to that vice chief. She then turned to the merchant and pushed one red cubic into his palm as payment for the shattered red monster's soul. She guessed that one red cubic was equal to the price of one red monster soul. 'Both are red. So it's probably worth the same, isn't it?'


They left the store and found a spot to rest under a tree. Sitting down, she sighed deeply, and tugged Arel's hand to settle next to her.

She was aware of his anger because that vice chief was really annoying; he stared at her as though he were digging a hole in her face. If this were not the center of the tribe, she would be munching popcorn and watching them fight. No doubt, it will surely be entertaining.

As for the broken red crystal, it was nothing more than a regular miscommunication. How can she forget that her husband has an extravagant way of thinking?

"Are you alright?" he questioned, gently lifting her onto his lap.

"Yeah.. yes, I'm fine. Let's rest here for a while." She leaned her back against his chest, enjoying the cool breeze.


After a short break, the sun was setting. Arel lifted Keira up into his arms and went in search of a safe spot in the deer tribe.

"Where are we going?"

"We'll spend the night here. It is too late to return to the Mystic Forest today," he replied as he searched for an inn.

They came to a halt at a large inn near the market, a circular house made out of wood, mud, and a straw-thatched roof.

Once inside, they found a lobby-sized hall. In the center of the hall was a long hardwood counter with some tables, benches, and chairs for customers to rest. Each side of the hall, like in a hotel, was lined with many separate rooms.

A friendly middle-aged female welcomed guests at a counter. She grinned and waved them in. Arel informed her that they would like to spend the night, and she guided them to an available room.

Arel swung the door open and let Keira inside. This room has one window, a bed made of clay, covered in fluffy fur. In the center of the room were a wooden bench and a table, and at the corner of the room near the window was a stone bathtub.

"You seem to like this tribe," he lifted Keira up, holding her in his arms.

"Yeah, it's refreshing, with many things I've never seen," she replied, wrapping her legs around his waist.

He leaned forward, kissing her from the crook of her neck down to her chest. "Would you like to go see the bonfire? I heard they had a bonfire tonight."

"Arel, you asked as if you were inviting me, but you act like you want me to stay." She let out a moan as she answered.

"I can't help it, I've been holding back all day."

"Then wait after the bonfire, alright? Let's go see it first."

"I listen to you."



They came out of the mud house's inn and headed in the direction where the bonfire was starting.

At the square behind the market, a large bonfire was built in the middle, circling by lots of seats made of logs around the bonfire.

The place was now crowded with people, and the air was thick with the sound of cheering and dancing.

Arel brought her to an unoccupied bench close to the fire pit. Sitting down, she watched the surroundings, where she saw a pack of cubs racing around and having a great time with their beastman pals. It's such an admirable scene, seeing how the young of both herbivorous and carnivorous beasts can get along so well.

While she was smiling, her gaze fell to meet the dark blue irises of the vice chief, who was looking at her the whole time. He was seated on a throne across from Keira. Beside him was a grand pillar with a larger throne that has been raising up high, probably the seat of the tribal chief.

Though she hid herself behind a hooded robe and sat in the midst of this bustling crowd, he was able to catch her with surprising ease. Keira tightened her robe and avoided his gaze. Still, she couldn't shake the sensation that she was being stared at. When she glanced back to check if he had finally stopped, she saw him still stubbornly staring at her unblinkingly, really wanting to dig a hole in her face.

Her lips scrunched together as she got mad at his insistence on disturbing her. Not knowing how to make him stop, she stared back at him, 'There is nothing for me to fear. C'mon, whose face is going to be a hole first!'

Soon, the vice chief averted Keira's gaze. 'That's it? Why didn't I stare at him sooner?' She grinned with her victory while resting her head on Arel's chest.

