
Nerevar Eln : I'm in a Fantasy Beast World

#Beast #Adventure #ReverseHarem #ConciousFL #Nonhuman #R18 #Beauty #Psycho #Sliceoflife #Transmigration #NotsoAnnoying * contains fantasy atmospheres * A woman from the modern world transmigrated into a Primitive beast world. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Keira was stunned the moment he lifted her into his arms, he was too close...the feeling of his rock-hard abs against her skin, the roughness of his palms that carefully settled on her, and the soft chocolate scent from him. 'Oh gosh he even smells good' like dark chocolatey mix of powdery iris and lavender, with caramelized vanilla, and the velvety cedar added into an intoxicating scent. It's warm, mysterious, endearing, and unique. His scent was literally mouth-watering, It took concentrate afford to not bury her face into his chest and sniffing him like a weirdo. He was beyond alluring, like a puzzle that slowly pulled her into an endless loop of wonder, Like a mystery that sink her down and keep feeding her with distorted obscurity binding her until it's too late to turn back, Like a deadly poison coated in irresistibly sweet chocolate that tempting her to pick it up and taste it... She let her gaze roam over the velvet hair down to the thick, ropey muscles of his strong arms to his incredible onyx scales. They were gleaming like shimmery makeup tempting to the touch It's tormenting the loving hell out of her how hard she try to not let her itching fingers slip away and caress his scale like a mad girl. Yet, for all his massiveness, his movements were gentle and precise. Peering back to his profile, she followed the line of his pointy ears down to the hard cut of his jaw over to his sharp chin and flirtatious soft lips. his skin gleamed in the sunlight except for the matte black, symbol-shaped patterning that coiled on his arms. As she stared, his muscled arms flexed slightly then slowly relax back. Glancing at his face, she found him watching her from the corner of his eye and felt like her heart skip at having been caught ogling. She winched, automatically turned her face away, bracing herself to stop plunging more deeply into his charm. (ch. 57) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *The story's heartwarming but contains 18+ mature contents in some ch. which I put ( * ) behind ch. ** It's not a stressful novel. The story will be smooth, with simple words, a slice of life. ***The female lead is a madly beauty, a bit insane and you will hear from her sometimes. *** It's reverse harem!! [ [ Recommend atmosphere song artists: Celtic woman , Erutan, Jean luc lenoir, Eurielle, Adrian von Ziegler ] ] # All the cover belongs to the author, I'm using Ai to made it, and I changed the cover frequently when I was bored lol #

Bebeto_candy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
68 Chs

Found you

After the staring game was over..

A male figure walked in and seated on the throne of the tribal chief. He has scythe-shaped eyebrows, sharp nose, and defined cheekbones sat above a strangth jaw. The hypnotic-blue eyes were as clear as a calm lake, dazzling with wise intelligence.

He has long hair that reaches to his hips in a light brown color that reminded of the ashen desert. He stepped with sure-footed purpose with the grace of Hircine, amidst the gaze, he glanced toward the tribe, terrorizing all who fell under his consistent glow. Sending a chill run down Keira back by the leadership ambiance that spread from this person.

Follow behind the tribe chief was a figure that Keira felt familiar with. The glistening shoulder-length silver hair was catching her attention. When she saw his green eyes, she was startled but immediately recognized him. "Frost.." she accidentally called out his name.

"Do you know him?" Arel asked, cocking his head to the side. His voice was calm but tinged with frigidity.

"He was the one who helped me out of the forest when I first got here," she explained.

The moment she took her eyes off of Arel, she was startled by Frost's green stare. He focused intently on where Keira was sitting.

'Does he recognize me, even though I'm wearing a hooded robe like this?' Her heart raced, seeing him get closer.

The silver-haired male came to halt his step in front of the hooded female. The green eyes were riveted on the fire-reflecting amethyst eyes that were exposed from the hooded robe. He slowly pulled down the hood, revealing the face he was longing for. In spite of how tough these past months were, he persevered in hopes that he would see her again.

His green irises were burning hot, the overwhelming feelings that crossed through his mind were fused to the point that made him freeze in place. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to compose himself before taking the final steps towards her. As he opened his eyes, he saw her standing there, looking just as beautiful as the day they first met. For a long while, Keira stood there, looking at him with her apologetic gaze.

He couldn't contain himself but felt a mix of emotions, from sadness to fulfillment. "Keira, I've found you.. I've finally found you." He pulled her tightly into his embrace, needing her body against him to prove that this was not a dream.

She ran her hand over his back, assuring him that she was here. But she released her hold as soon as she felt her mate exert homicidal pressure. She stepped back, seeing Arel tightening his jaw tightly in an effort to maintain composure after witnessing another male embrace his mate. Her heart racing as she realized the gravity of the situation. Her mate was not himself, and she needed to find a way to calm him down before anyone got hurt.

In order to prevent fighting on both sides, she shoved Frost away. "It's alright, I'm here .." Keira said as she tightened her lips and looked at Arel, pleading him to ease up the pressure, but he showed no sign of ceasing.

'This situation is a mess.. seriously, I want to jump into a pit and bury myself..' She breathed a sigh and brushed Frost's tear 'It's a mess anyway, so let's do it to the max'

Frost then turned his gaze to see who was exerting such ferocious pressure beside Keira. When Arel saw that Frost had finally regained his senses, he pulled Keira back into his arms, wrapping his hands around her waist to show that she was his.

Frost creased his brows. He sniffed and found that every inch of Keira's body was filled with the scent of this male "You have mated.." His tone was icy, clenching his fist, and he stared fixedly at Arel.

'Oh god, I'm not dead enough. Please dig me out of the pit and kill me again.' Keira felt the strong urge to collapse to the ground, but she couldn't when Arel's hands were firmly gripping on her waist.

'What do I have to do? Do I have to introduce them to each other? Yeah, go ahead, do it...' She darted her gaze between Arel and Frost, who were glaring blankly at each other.

"Arel, this is Frost, he saved me in the forest.." she explained to Arel, and then shifted to Frost "This is Arel, he saved me from the river.."

Arel was not satisfied with her answer, so he added, "I'm her mate."

Keira finally made up her mind and grasped Arel's arm. "Please, Arel, let me speak to him. There are many things I have to explain."

Arel was silent, and Keira couldn't read his emotions. She didn't want him to overthink about this, but she really has to talk with Frost and explain what happened that day. After all, Frost has spent this whole time trying to find her.

When her mate didn't say anything, she took the silence as an agreement. She pulled both Arel and Frost to the seats and kept her palm firmly on Arel's the whole time to lessen his temper.


Keira explained to Frost what happened that day—why she went into the river and tumbled off the waterfall, almost drowning but fortunately being saved by Arel. Otherwise, she wouldn't survive.

Frost glanced at Arel for a second before turning his gaze back to her "I've been looking for you since you disappeared. I've searched many tribes, until it's only on the border of the mystic forest that I haven't yet searched," he paused "That's why I came here." He then lifted her hand and held it on his cheek, saying, "I miss you..."

Keira heaved a deep breath and pulled her hand out of Frost's grip.

"I appreciate what you have done for me. From now on, you should go back to your tribe without any worry and tell everyone that I'm fine" Her tone was as gentle as possible so as not to upset Frost.

He leaned closer. "You're not going back with me?"

"I have my mate, I'm not leaving him," she said firmly.

Arel couldn't control himself any longer, he got up from the seat and lifted Keira up into his arms. "There's no reason my mate has to go with you," and holding her out of that spot.

She wrapped her arms around Arel's neck and looked across his shoulder, seeing Frost still remains in the seat.

"Do you like him? Why are you so worried about him?" Arel asked as he walked.

"I didn't feel that way with him, but I'm worried because he's in trouble because of me."

" Keira..the males in this world would do anything, even die, to please their female, so what he'd done was nothing special."

She was frozen by what he had just told her. Even though she knew that females were rare in this world, she never thought that males would even die to please them.

Seeing how he had made her startled by his word, he hugged her even tighter. It was hard for her, but this world was more cruel and savage than she knew. Though he has no intention of frightening her, he didn't want her to be easily softened; otherwise, people would take advantage of her.

"But if he didn't save me from the forest that day, I must be dead. I feel like I still owe him."

"That's nothing to think about. I will give him whatever he asks for, but not you. You are my mate, and I don't want to share you with anyone, especially a kid of that age."

"Oh.. how can I forget that my mate is thousands of years old? You don't act like you're that old at all"

He shot his brow up, "Was it a compliment? Why do I feel something strange?"

"Exactly, it must be a compliment! It's a compliment only for you," she chuckled sarcastically and kissed his cheek. "Are you feeling better now?" she asked.

Turning his face away "Not yet"

So she kissed his cheek again "Now?"

"Hmm, I need more."

Until they arrived at the mud house's inn.

