

"What do you want? What's with you? Can't you leave me alone?" I say calmly as I slowly make my way to the bathroom door

"All I want is you." He says too calmly that it chills my bones and then he starts laughing, maniacally and I take that as an opportunity to rush to the door, I pull on the handle but it doesn't budge, I pull harder but the handle removes and enters my hand

"Shit!" I curse and his laugh only gets louder

This guy is dangerous he's not meant to be with a normal person in the same room, let alone me. Hell this is stupid

"So what exactly do you want from me?" I turn to face him and I mean that literally cause he moves too fast, and he's currently directly at my front

"Simple, just Kae El..." He trails and laughs again "...then you, literally all of you." Oh shit this is hell shitless

"Why would you want all of us? checking this, I'm the only one aware that Kyle even has an identical twin, who isn't an earthling if I may add."

"Who said I wanted all of you guys?" He asks and raises a brow

"Uh... You did dumbass." I say and I earn another maniacal laugh

"No silly! I meant you! All of Y-O-U." He says and smiles at me, very sickly smile that gives me creeps and chills.

I back up against the door and he walks closer

I don't know why but I just have this instinct to duck and move to my left, and I do just that. While I was doing just that, the door blasts open, where my head should've been if I was still there, sat a big hole and the lower part of the door was missing. The silent room is filled with the maniacal laughter of the non-earthling psychopath

"Oh so the 'prince' came for his true love. Exactly how I planned." He laughs again, his laugh so sickly and creepy

"What are you talking about? No one is behind that door." I say to him

"Oh really? Why'd it blast open like that?" He says, looking confused

"I should be asking you." I say and he looks at me, yeah those green orbs that look like emeralds pierce into mine as if looking directly at my soul

TBH it was creepy as heck

"What?" I ask and he blinks as if regaining consciousness

"What did you do to him?" He asks

"Who? Kyle?" I ask and he nods "I kinda like hurt his feelings, I already apologized though." I say looking anywhere else but this inhuman buddy

"Bitch! You're ruining my plan! " he yells and pulls away the bathroom sink, leaving it to crash on the tiled floor, I don't know why but he doesn't scare me, his super strength is what baffles me.

"Please can you shut the fuck up? I'm not a bitch okay?" I say and he turns to look at me

"What did you say? Come on say it again." He says looking pissed as ever, I still stood my ground, even as he came over to me, totally towering over me

"I said I am not a bitch." He just stares at me, mouth in a thin line, this guy is Kyle's identical twin, but the look on his face makes Kyle's face look terrifying

"Oh I like that... Feisty huh?" He smirks creepily, still towering over me, seems like he's taller than Kyle or I just didn't notice how tall Kyle is

He turns around to look at the broken door again, he tries to open it but it pulled off its hinges and into his hand, I take that as my chance and swiftly slip through the open door, running my way to the dorm, I turn into the left hallway only to smash face flat into something, rather some one.

I look up to see a puzzled Clark in the hallway

"Clark! Thank God help me get away quickly, please!" I say and he looks even more puzzled

"Why? Get away from who?" He's asking too much

"No time to explain, just get out of the way I gotta go- oh no." I say and give up my running because Kor El was just walking yet he covered up the pace I gave him while running in just few minutes

"What's up with you? It's just Kyle." Clark looks at me like I'm stupid "Why are you running from Kyle?" He says as he turns to face Kor El

"He's not Kyle." I whisper but I was too late, Kor El already had a death grip on Clark's neck, raising him up and choking the clueless guy who was struggling to catch his breath.

I can't let Clark suffer this way, he might die considering Kor El's super strength

I run behind Kor El and quickly do the 'black widow' jump and grip his neck with my legs, grabbing his head and making him lose focus on Clark, making the poor guy struggle for breath and scamper backwards, still surprised. Now i know it's my turn to be in that death grip but I still didn't loosen my leg grip on his neck, he just simply grabs my ankle, pressing hard, almost dislocating it and making me scream out in pain. Much to my disadvantage, this wasn't a hallway with classes around, instead this was more like the hallway leading to the schools garden aka Lakes Ville but It also leads to the dorm hallways and nobody will be in the dorms so no one will hear my screams, I was heading there because I didn't want to complicate Kyle's matter since no one knows about his twin.

I see myself tumbling to the floor, once I land, pain shoots through my side and I can't help but scramble down the hallway, but behind Kor El, Clark was standing and holding a stick about to smash the hell out of Kor El but then everything pauses and moves in a very slow motion, oh wait, everything but me and Kor El, Kor El just turns around and smiles at a slow moving Clark then just snaps his finger, causing everything to go back to normal but something pushes Clark, something like an invisible forcefield, causing him to hit his head on a pillar and blacks out. Now it's just me and Kor El left. Shit just got real.

Now I'm scared. I try to scramble backwards and stand but the excruciating pain on my ankle prevents that occurrence. Kor El's face twists into a creepy grin as he speaks

"Did I hurt you?" He says and walks up to me, picks me up by my arm and forces me to stand on my feet, my ankle doing it's best to stay put and not shift off its joint "Move." Is all he says and I find myself moving towards the dorms.

I reach the dorms, precisely my room, which is just opposite Kyle's, but before I could go on into the room, Kor El stops me, putting his hand out to stop my movement, its not like I'm moving willingly, he's the one controlling my movement. I hate this guy

"There's someone else besides him in there." He speaks and I stare at him incredulously because I knew Kyle is presently in class.