
Nephilim: Rise & Fall

** RESUMING UPDATE ON SEPTEMBER 6** After the Gods Abandoned Humanity, the human race lost almost 90% of its population. Without the Gods protection, they could not handle the demons that were surging in the depths of the earth, without counting the other races who also started to waged war on them, on the brink of extinction, the humans understood that they could only rely on themselves if they wanted to survive, after struggling for centuries the humans started to adept and developed powers to fight back, among those humans the strongest one and humanity greatest hope are known by the name of Meisters.

Thierry_Scott · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 8: The Calm before the storm (4)

Adam was struck with terror as he gazed upon the towering behemoth before him. This was no mere goblin, like the ones he had just faced. This was a true monster, rising up to a height of three meters, with muscles like iron and skin as dark as the deepest forests.

Its skin was adorned with mysterious black markings that looked like tattoos, which hinted at the terrible power contained within. But it was its teeth that truly caught Adam's attention. Two massive, razor-sharp fangs that glimmered in the sun, so long and deadly that they seemed impossible to contain within its massive jaws. The creature held two massive weapons, that looked like huge baseball bats that could crush bones with ease. The very air around it seemed to hum with the promise of violence. Adam knew that he was facing no ordinary opponent he could feel the fear taking root in his chest. This was a real challenge, unlike the goblins he just faced.

"What is that?" Adam stammered, his voice shaking with fear.

"That, my child, it's what we call an ogre," Raoul said with a sly grin. "Good luck!" In a flash, Raoul disappeared into thin air, leaving Adam to face the massive monster on his own.


The ogre let out an ear-splitting roar and charged toward Adam, each step causing the ground to shake.


As the ogre swung its massive weapon toward Adam, he felt a surge of fear run through his body. He stood there frozen, unable to move as the weapon closed in on him. Suddenly, an instinct kicked in and he reflexively dodged the blow, but not without consequences. The ground shook beneath him as the weapon smashed into it, sending him flying several feet away.

Adam stumbled and regained his balance, looking down at the shattered ground and feeling a lump form in his throat. He tried to calm himself, taking deep breaths as he tried to regain his composure. Despite the odds against him, he refused to let the fear consume him. He closed his eyes and focused, feeling a red energy surround him as he let out a fierce shout, "First Gate Opening!"

The ogre seemed unfazed by Adam's show of power and instead appeared to be entertained as it readied itself for its next attack. But Adam was prepared this time, his fighting spirit having been reignited. He stood tall, his expression reflecting a determined resolve, as he braced himself for the next strike.

Raoul, who was observing from a tree high above, could see the determination in Adam's eyes. He knew that his student was ready to face the challenge head-on, and he couldn't help but smile at his bravery. Despite the odds, Adam refused to give up, showing the true spirit of a martial artist. He stood tall and proud, his muscles tensed and ready for the next attack.

The ogre let out an ear-splitting roar, slamming his weapons onto the ground with such force that the earth shattered beneath him. The shockwave was directed straight at Adam, who calmly muttered, 'Blink.' In an instant, he disappeared, reappearing behind the monster.

'Lilian Blade,' Adam declared, as a blade of mana formed on his right arm, taking shape before his very eyes. 'Slash!' He lunged forward, attempting to slice the ogre's neck. But the beast was too quick, dodging Adam's deadly blow.

Undeterred, Adam circled around the ogre, sizing up his next move. He knew he had to be quick, for one misstep could mean the end for him. He gathered all his energy and strength, focusing it on his mana blade.

With a fierce roar, he lunged at the ogre once more, this time with a lightning-fast strike. The blade sliced through the air, leaving a trail of shimmering light in its wake. The ogre tried to defend itself, but it was too late.

Adam's strike connected, slicing through the monster's arm with a satisfying crunch. But the ogre wasn't going down so easily. With a deafening roar, it bellowed in rage as green blood flowed from its shattered limb. The markings on its body began to glow with a bright, dark light, and in a matter of seconds, the ogre regenerated its arm right in front of Adam's very eyes.

'No, I have to end this now,' Adam declared, as he raced towards the monster with lightning speed. He raised his blade high, determined to deliver the finishing blow. 'Slash!' With all his strength, he aimed for the ogre's neck, hoping to end this once and for all. But to his shock and disbelief, the blow connected, yet there was no damage to the monster. Adam was momentarily stunned, losing his focus for a split second, and the ogre seized the opportunity. It reached out, grabbing Adam in its vice-like grip."

Adam struggled against the ogre's hold, but it was too strong. He felt the crushing weight of the monster's grasp, and he knew he was in trouble. But he refused to give up. He summoned all his energy, and with a fierce roar, he unleashed a powerful burst of mana, breaking free from the ogre's grip.

'Baby human strong,' said the ogre with a sly smile playing on its face. Adam's mind went blank for a second, as he struggled to come to terms with what he was hearing. 'You can talk?' he asked in a trembling voice.

'Baby human strong, Torka stronger,' the ogre replied, its eyes gleaming with a sinister light. 'Torka will eat.' And with that, the markings on its body began to glow brighter and brighter, until they shone like stars in the night sky.

The monster opened its palm, and with a single word - 'Fire' - unleashed a massive ball of flame that hurtled towards Adam with incredible speed.

'Magic!' said Roul with a terrified look on his face.