
Nephilim: Rise & Fall

** RESUMING UPDATE ON SEPTEMBER 6** After the Gods Abandoned Humanity, the human race lost almost 90% of its population. Without the Gods protection, they could not handle the demons that were surging in the depths of the earth, without counting the other races who also started to waged war on them, on the brink of extinction, the humans understood that they could only rely on themselves if they wanted to survive, after struggling for centuries the humans started to adept and developed powers to fight back, among those humans the strongest one and humanity greatest hope are known by the name of Meisters.

Thierry_Scott · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 7: The Calm before the storm (3)

"Aaaaaah!" Adam screamed, jolting awake from another strange dream. He rubbed his eyes, trying to shake off the strange images that still lingered in his mind. Ever since his grandfather left, Adam had been plagued by strange dreams, dreams that felt more like visions of someone else's life.

He looked out the window and saw that the sun was just beginning to rise, staining the sky a beautiful shade of orange. Adam quickly washed his face and changed into his usual attire, but as he reached for his necklace, a feeling of sadness washed over him. "You didn't really go to visit a sick friend, did you? It's okay, take your time," he whispered, letting a few tears escape his eyes. He took a deep breath and shook his head, trying to push away the sadness. He washed his face again and then rushed outside to start his morning routine.

"Good morning, Adam, You're up awfully early this morning" a kind voice called out. It was Aunt Vallyn, a middle-aged woman who lived nearby.

"Good morning, Aunt Vallyn," Adam replied with a smile. He was jogging but stopped when he saw Aunt Vallyn struggling with what looked like a heavy bucket filled with water.

"Do you need help?" Adam asked, pointing to the bucket, eager to show off his newfound strength.

"No, no, I'm fine, my boy," Aunt Vallyn replied, waving her hand dismissively. "I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"Come on, Aunt Vallyn, let me help," Adam insisted. "I've become quite the powerhouse, you know." He flexed his muscles, a grin plastered on his face.

Aunt Vallyn chuckled. "I can see that."

"Right? Right?" Adam asked excitedly.

With ease, Adam picked up the bucket, causing Aunt Vallyn's eyes to widen in surprise. "What is Raoul making you do?" she asked, a look of curiosity on her face

"Oh, nothing much," Adam replied. "He's just teaching me martial arts."

As the two of them walked towards the farm, Aunt Vallyn fired questions at Adam, eager to learn more about his training. When they arrived, everyone greeted Adam warmly, but an old man grumbled, "Why did you make this poor boy carry that heavy bucket, Vallyn?"

"Oh, hush, Old Man. He offered to help, and he's strong enough to carry it" Aunt Vallyn replied with a smile.

The old man scoffed at Aunt Vallyn's remark. "What do you mean 'strong enough'? Can't you see he's just a tiny little boy?"

"Not anymore," Adam replied with a cheeky smile. "Raoul is teaching me some martial arts."

"Martial arts? Oh my, the boy is turning into a little 'meister', who knew?" The old man named Edward chuckled.

"Well, I'm not a 'Meister' yet, but I'm getting there," Adam grinned, flexing his biceps playfully.

"Ha! Let's see how strong you really are," Edward challenged, playfully punching Adam's arm.

"Ow! That hurts, Granpa Edward!" Adam pretended to be hurt, rubbing his arm and making everyone laugh.

"Come on, let's go inside and have some breakfast," Aunt Vallyn suggested, leading the way.

"I'll race you inside little Adam!" Edward shouted, taking off running and making the young boy chase after him.

The morning was filled with laughter and playful banter as everyone sat down to enjoy breakfast together. Despite the old man's rough exterior, it was clear that he had a soft spot for the young boy and was always happy to see him. And for Adam, spending time with people whom he cared about, learning and growing stronger each day, was the greatest joy in his life.

"Thank you for the meal," Adam said politely, rising from the table. "I must get back to my training now."

A middle-aged man who was sitting with them chuckled. "I wish my son was as dedicated as you," he said, his eyes shining with pride.

"Don't forget to stop by my place later," Aunt Vallyn added with a warm smile. "I'll cook you dinner."

Adam bowed politely and then resumed his morning routine, jogging through the countryside.

Several hours later, Adam joined Raoul in the forest. Raoul was sitting in the lotus position, meditating in silence.

"Good morning, Master!!!," Adam called out, approaching Raoul and interrupting his meditating session.

Raoul opened his eyes and smiled. "Good morning, Adam. Old habits die hard, I suppose."

"Are you ready for today's lesson?" Raoul asked, his voice ringing out as he rose to his feet. Adam's heart skipped a beat as he gazed up at his master, taking in the sharp lines of his profile and the look of determination in his eyes.

"Yes, master!" Adam replied eagerly, his eyes shining with excitement. He was always eager to learn, to grow stronger and better, and today promised to be no exception.

"Very well," Raoul said, his voice deep and rich as he led the way deeper into the forest. "Today, we will do something different. Something that will test your skills and your courage."

As they walked, Raoul suddenly turned to face him. "Have you ever seen a goblin?" he asked, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Adam's eyes lit up at the mention of goblins. "A goblin?" he repeated excitedly. "As in a real, live goblin?"

Raoul chuckled at Adam's enthusiasm. "Yes, a real, live goblin," he said. "Today, I want to see how well you will fight against a real enemy."

"Bring it on!" Adam replied eagerly, his eyes blazing with excitement and anticipation. He had trained with Raoul for months, but he had never been tested in this way before. He could feel the thrill of the unknown coursing through his veins.

"Very well," Raoul said, leading the way deeper into the heart of the forest. The sounds of the forest grew softer and more distant as they walked until the only sounds were the crunch of leaves and the soft rustle of leaves.

As they walked, the atmosphere of the forest changed. The air grew colder and still, and a chill ran down Adam's spine. He had never been this deep into the forest before, and he couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching him.

Suddenly, Raoul turned to him, his eyes sharp and piercing. "Are you scared?" he asked, his voice low and steady.

Adam hesitated, his heart pounding in his chest. "A little bit," he admitted in a shy voice.

"Good," Raoul said, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Fear is a powerful motivator. It will help you fight harder and smarter."

With that, Raoul continued to lead the way deeper into the heart of the forest, and Adam followed, his heart racing with fear and excitement. He knew that this would be a true test of his skills, and he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

Raoul came to a halt, his eyes piercing as he asked Adam a question, "Can you feel it?"

Adam was taken aback by the question, the chill of the forest causing him to shiver. "The cold?" he replied, not quite understanding what Raoul was asking.

Raoul's voice dropped to a whisper as he responded, "The stares."

Adam's heart raced as he finally comprehended the gravity of Raoul's words. He spun around, his eyes frantically searching for the source of the stares. Suddenly, four small, dark green creatures materialized out of the shadows. Their eyes were locked onto Adam, their intentions clear.

"This is what goblins look like?" Adam asked in awe, taking in the sight of the creatures before him. They were small, only a few inches taller than Adam, but their sharp features and dark green skin made them look far more menacing.

Panic started to set in as Adam turned to where Raoul had been, but to his horror, the master was nowhere to be found. He was alone, surrounded by the goblins, with no weapons or protection in sight.

Adam took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. He had trained for this moment for months, and he refused to let fear get the best of him. He reached deep inside himself, tapping into the strength and courage he had honed over countless hours of training.

The goblins started to close in on Adam, their sharp teeth bared and their claws outstretched. But Adam was ready. He moved with lightning speed, his fists flying as he fought back against the creatures. He dodged their attacks and countered with precision, his countless hours sparring with Raoul was finally paying off.

The goblins were no match for Adam. One by one, they fell to his feet, defeated. He stood victorious, his breaths coming in heavy gasps as the adrenaline slowly started to subside.

As he caught his breath, Raoul emerged from the shadows, a proud smile on his face. "Well done, Adam," he said, clapping his student on the back. "You have proven yourself a true warrior today. But you should look behind you, the real battle will start now"

"behind me?" With a sinking feeling in his stomach, Adam slowly pivoted on his heel, his eyes widening in shock as he took in the sight before him. His breaths came in short gasps as he struggled to comprehend what he was seeing...