
Chapter 19

Originally posted on 15/10/2018.  

There was a tense silence as Roxas, Griselda, Pit, Grayfia, Serafall, most of Serafall's Peerage, Rias and her own Peerage walked into the courtyard of Kuoh Academy. As they passed under the defensive barrier being cast by Glynda, Kazane, Silver, Sona and her Peerage, they saw a great number of beings standing around, either with fangs or black feathery wings (that ranged in number from 4 to 8), all of which were dressed in Nazi battle attire. 

Roxas' eyes were immediately drawn to a large white mirror with an ornately-designed black and red border, that floated in the air. He (along with everyone else) saw Nazi Vampires and Fallen Angels, three or four at a time, were walking and standing in front of the mirror. After a few seconds, the mirror would flash, and what seemed to be clones of said Nazi Vampires and Fallen Angels walked out from behind it. 

"Keep them coming!" 

Roxas looked up and saw Kokabiel sitting on a huge silver throne, which was floating in the air, with a bored look on his face. "Make as many forces as possible before those fuckers arrive!" 

"'Those fuckers', Kokabiel, are already here." Roxas remarked, folding his arms and smirking. "Nice little trinket you got there." he added, nodding to the mirror. 

"Thank you, Nephalem." Kokabiel replied, looking down at Roxas. "That's a little invention that Millennium and I cooked up together, named the "Schaff Mirror". It clones whatever stands in front of it, and creates beings that are loyal to our cause. With this mirror, we can create more and more forces to overwhelm and kill the lot of you!" 

Kokabiel laughed loudly, but his laugh was cut short when Pit, drawing a golden bow with blue accents, and rushing towards the mirror. Splitting the bow into two blades, he quickly slashed up the Vampires in his way (that all disintegrated into dust from such a powerful Holy weapon cutting them that deep) and jumped towards the mirror. 

"HEY!" Kokabiel shouted. "What are you doing, you little fucking defect of an Angel?" 

No-one replied as Pit continued to charge towards the mirror and deliver a flying kick. But just as his foot came into contact with the mirror, destroying it, his reflection seemed to flash. 

Roxas saw Pit flying through the mirror and landing on the other side as the glass of said mirror shattered into pieces and fell on the ground, but what he also saw landing in front of the mirror, where Pit was before was... Pit himself, but with a few differences. 

Namely that this Pit had black hair, as opposed to Pit's light brown hair, black clothing compared to Pit's white, and red eyes, as opposed to Pit's blue ones. 

"...Huh." Kokabiel remarked to himself. "That's interesting. Didn't expect to gain a new soldier from one of you fucks." 

Pit swivelled around from Kokabiel's words, and his eyes widened from what seemed to be his dark doppelganger. 

"...Hey." the dark Pit spoke. His voice was identical to Pit's, but it had a rather deeper inflection than the white-winged Pit. 

"Let's get to introductions, I guess." Kokabiel made his throne disappear with a flick of his hand, and descended to the ground next to the black-winged Pit on his ten Fallen Angel wings. "This here is Dark Pit." 

"What an original name." Roxas muttered. 

"He'll be your escort..." Kokabiel grinned. "Out of this life." he turned to Dark Pit, then pointed at the actual Pit, who had put the two blades of his Palutena Bow back together, not quite sure what to do. "Dark Pit! Your orders are to-" 

To everyone's surprise, Dark Pit looked at Kokabiel, and, quick as a flash, drew a bow that was similar to Pit's Palutena Bow, but was made up of silver blades with blue accents instead of gold. 

He then split the bow into two blades and used one of them to stab Kokabiel in the stomach. 

"Screw off." Dark Pit spoke, simply. "I don't plan to serve you." Spreading eight black wings, Dark Pit flew up, clearly intending to leave Kuoh Academy, but he crashed into the barrier that held strong all around the Academy, and fell to the ground with a grunt of pain. 

"You BASTARD!" Kokabiel shouted, pointing at Dark Pit as he bled from his stomach. "Make this little mutineer learn his place!" 

In an instant, several Nazi Vampires jumped into the air and made to land on Dark Pit, but he was already back on his feet, and he fired several arrows of green light at the Vampires, disintegrating them. 

Seeing their fellow soldiers die so easily at the hands of this new person, more Nazi Vampires tried to attack Dark Pit, and the real Pit, seeming to have come to a decision, spread his own eight Angelic wings, and flew over to assist. 

"..." Kokabiel stayed silent for a moment, before raising his hand and beginning to heal himself with magic. "Well. The Schaff Mirror wasn't my only tactic tonight!" 

As his body finished healing, Kokabiel snapped his fingers and thirty pillars of light shot up, all around the courtyard. 

Once all the pillars faded away, Roxas and co. All widened their eyes as they saw what stood around them. 

There were ten three-headed dogs, each of which stood up to twice Roxas' height, ten multi-headed winged serpents (that ranged in how many heads they had from 3 to 7), 5 creatures that seemed to be an amalgamation of a lion (as these creatures had the head and front body of a lion), a Dragon (as a Dragon's head rose from the creatures backs, and the creature had the back legs of a dragon, along with wings), and a snake (which served as the creatures tails). 

Finally, there were five copies of what seemed to be a creature that had the appearance of a combination of a Dragon that had red eyes, and a tree. 

"Cerberus'..." Grayfia muttered, looking around. "Hydras, Royal Chimeras, and..." she widened her eyes, though Serafall voiced exactly what she was going to say. 

"How in the hell did you get your hands on clones of the Evil Dragon Ladon?!" she shouted. "Ladon was killed by the first-gen Heracles!" 

"And a friend of mine let me have access to his soul so I could create clones of him from it!" Kokabiel shouted in reply. "But wait! There's more!" 

Drawing a magic-circle with one hand, Kokabiel snapped his fingers, and out of the magic-circle came four swords, one of which Roxas and Griselda both recognised as Irina's Excalibur Mimic, and another of which was Excalibur Rapidly, the sword that Freed had used before he was killed. 

The third sword looked rather similar to Roxas' own Excalibur Galatine, but the blue in Roxas' sword seemed to be replaced with a darker silver. It was similar in size and length to a European longsword, otherwise. 

The fourth sword had the appearance of a normal sword with a unique swirl-like pattern on the handle. A huge golden ring surrounded the guard, from which on each side stemmed over almost the entire blade in another swirl pattern, almost resembling a rapier more than a normal sword. 

"Now, who wants to play?" Kokabiel grinned sadistically as he drew a magic-circle in front of him, and flicked his other hand, sending the four swords into it. 

A blinding light emerged from the magic-circle, and what came out of it was an immensely long sword that seemed to have two blades on it, a longer one and a shorter one beneath it. There was barely any hilt to speak of, and the sword reached nearly three metres in length. 

"I dub this sword the 'Chopper Rapidly!'" Kokabiel shouted, gleefully. "I'll chop the lot of you to pieces, if you make it through my forces, that is!" 

No-one replied (though some of the weaker Devils cringed from the intense Holy aura that the four fused Excaliburs gave off), except Roxas, who yawned, and pulled his golden headband out of his hair. 

"Well." Roxas remarked, pulling out Excalibur Galatine. "Even if it's a broken Holy Sword... since it's technically an Excalibur, I wouldn't mind testing myself out against a fellow wielder." 

As Kokabiel continued to arrogantly laugh, Roxas stepped forward, then turned around to everyone else. 

"Everyone, take care of those beasts, will you? I'll deal with Kokabiel." 

Kokabiel's arrogant laugh was cut short when Roxas dashed towards him, spreading his white Devil wings. IN return, he spread his ten Fallen Angel wings, and jumped into the air, towards the top of Kuoh Academy. 

Roxas followed, swinging Excalibur Galatine. His sword clashed with Kokabiel's as the two of them crashed into the building with enough force to crack the brickwork where they were. 

The two beings struggled for a moment, before Kokabiel fired an explosion spell right into Roxas' midriff, and kicked him, sending him flying backwards. He righted himself, and flew quickly at Kokabiel, swinging at him. Kokabiel blocked his swing and returned in kind. Roxas flew back slightly, twisted himself around in mid-air while creating a magic-circle behind him which he landed on with his feet, and then sprang off to give himself the momentum to swing at Kokabiel even faster and harder. 

Kokabiel blocked Roxas' fast attack while leaning backwards, as he knew that Roxas was gonna keep going, no matter if he blocked his swing or not, blocked Roxas' next swing, along with his next two, then dodged out of the way of Roxas' final swing, before he began returning proverbial fire. 

The two beings kept clashing until Roxas' Excalibur Galatine broke THROUGH Kokabiel's so-called Chopper Rapidly, shattering it into pieces. Kokabiel realised this faster than Roxas, as he gave a shriek of rage. 

"Heh." Roxas chuckled, twirling Excalibur Galatine in his hands. "As I thought. An approximately-sixty percent-version of the original Excalibur isn't gonna compete with my ninty-percent-as-strong clone of it." 

"And your arrogant, mangled Devil/Angel Hybrid ass isn't gonna compete with a Fallen Angel like me!" Kokabiel retorted. "Someone's who's lived through combat his entire life, over ten times longer than you've lived, and survived battle with your dear mother's-side grandfather, along with the now-dead Biblical God himself!" 

Kokabiel then flapped all his wings towards Roxas, and, to his surprise, a third of the jet-black feathers that were on his back dethatched themselves from Kokabiel's wings, and flew towards Roxas, embedding themselves in his body and cutting him all over, like fast little steel knives. 

Roxas hiss in discomfort as Kokabiel created another sword, this one of Light, and flew towards Roxas, attempting to bisect him. Roxas blocked the attack and flew backwards, briefly considering pulling out his Phenex Tears and using them, before Kokabiel attacked again, forcing Roxas backwards again. 

Roxas was now on the defensive, blocking Kokabiel's attack, turning himself around to avoid crashing into a building, and then retreating backwards, as Kokabiel came onto him harder and harder. 

Growling, Roxas slashed at Kokabiel again, but as he had created another sword of light in his other hand, he was able to parry Roxas' attack while attempting to decapitate Roxas with his other sword. Luckily, Roxas hovered backward, before flying in and managing to deliver a very deep gash to Kokabiel's left arm, making him yell in pain. 

"That all you can take, Kokacunt?" Roxas jeered. 

"Shut up!" Kokabiel roared in reply, punching Roxas with enough force to break his nose and send him backwards. As Roxas looked up, eyes watering from the pain of it, Kokabiel seemed to have done away with his light-swords, and was pointing his hands up into the sky. 

Looking up, Roxas saw, to his shock, that Kokabiel had conjured a large boulder, around ten metres wide and seven metres tall, and he was preparing to throw the whole thing onto him. 

Which was just what he did. 


Grayfia spread her ten Devil wings and took to the air, her red eyes focused on the five Ladon-clones, which were a lot smaller than she remembered the real one being described as. 

Creating a large magic-circle, Grayfia flicked her hand and fired a number of icy orbs at each of the Ladon-clones. Once the orbs came into contact with said Dragons, they exploded with enough force to blow a sizeable hole in the hides of each of the Dragons. 

But the Ladon-clones didn't even flinch from this. Each of them spread a huge pair of leathery wings, and flew up into the air to meet the Ultimate Queen, and seemed to create enormous barriers in front of them, that surrounded Grayfia. 

Unfazed, the silver-haired beauty snapped her fingers and allowed a magic-circle to appear behind one of the Ladon-clones, which a large number of the same ice-bombs came of, though they were smaller in size than the ones they used earlier. 

As well as that, these ice-bombs were infused with Dragon-Slayer magic, which Grayfia had a rather special talent for. 

Said ice-bombs pelted against the unguarded back of the Ladon-clone Grayfia had targeted, and exploded when they hit its back. 

Unlike before, the Ladon-clone gave a scream of pain, and dropped to the ground from the pain of being smashed in the back with so many Dragon-Slaying bombs. Grayfia snapped her fingers, conjuring several dozen spears of the Primordial Power of Darkness, and firing them all with pinpoint precision into the brain of the specific Ladon-clone, until it let out a final, feeble cry, and expired. 

The Ultimate Queen then turned on the second Ladon-clone, which silently created another huge barrier around Grayfia, trapping her inside. However, the unfazed Grayfia merely held her left hand out towards the Ladon-clone that had created the barrier, and closed her fist. 

Creating a silver magic-circle inside her closed fist, she began to pull her hand towards herself, and as she slowly pulled, the barrier, which was a dark orange in colour, began to change to silver. 

Once the barrier had fully changed from orange to silver, Grayfia clenched her other hand into a fist, and brought both fists together, the left one crossed over the right one, up close to her chest. 

The silver barrier then dispersed into silver particles, that then seemed to fly behind Grayfia and form themselves into a pair of huge silver wings, with each of them being at least three times larger than just one of her regular Devil wings. 

Disappearing through a transportation-circle and appearing behind the Ladon-clone that had tried to create a barrier behind her, Grayfia fired an enormous laser of demonic energy (infused with Dragon Slayer Magic) at the Ladon-clone, which had enough power in it to completely disintegrate the Tree Dragon from behind. 

With the three remaining Ladons in her sights, Grayfia conjured up three magic-circles, one each of them behind each one of the Dragons, and fired the same laser from each magic-circle. The Dragons were disintegrated as soon as the lasers hit them. 

After the final laser was fired, the two silver wings disappeared from Grayfia's back, and the sole daughter of Lucifer had to consciously flap her wings to keep herself in the air, as she finally realised that she was (in terms of stamina) running on fumes, thanks to the magnitude of the spell she had done. 

It was a spell that allowed her to 'pull' the energy of a magical spell away from the one who cast the spell, and use the energy for herself. It could be stated that it was the main reason that she was able to destroy an entire battalion of Old Satan Faction Devils in one fell swoop during the Battle of Agreas in the Devils Civil War. 

A drawback of it was that it required an immense amount of power to be able to perform (like higher-ends of Satan-Class power, which meant that only Gods and exceptionally powerful non-God beings would be able to perform it even once), and drained the stamina of the caster. 

Serafall's Peerage  

"Hey, you two." Hange remarked to Behemoth and Ziz, who walked in front of her, Kurome and Cocytus, as they faced down the ten Hydras. "Now might be a good time to get serious." 

Behemoth silently nodded, and before everyone's eyes, he transformed into an enormous, ten-metre tall four-legged creature. It was dark blue in colour, had a copper-red mane, red eyes and a long black horn. It had razor-sharp teeth protruding from its mouth, and twelve spines protruding from its tail, in four layers of three. 

Ziz winked at Hange, and before everyone's eyes, she spread two huge bird's-wings from her back. The tops of these wings (the part closest to the bone) had golden feathers, and at the bottom, the colour seemed to graduate slowly from gold to silver. 

Ziz's body then transformed into that of a gigantic bird that equalled Behemoth's beast form in size. The bird's head was covered in silver feathers, which was complimented by its golden beak and crimson eyes. The rest of the body of the gigantic bird had golden feathers. 

Ziz gave a loud shriek that would have likely killed any normal humans standing close by, and began to flap her wings with such force that powerful gusts of wind flew at one of the Hydras and sent them flying off their feet. Hange immediately flew into the air, drawing two katanas from scabbards on her hips, and carving deep wounds into the Hydra that Ziz sent flying into the air (which had four heads), along with removing two of the heads while she was at it. 

However, that did little to phase the serpentine creature, as it landed back on the ground, hissing angrily, as the two heads that Hange removed began to immediately regenerate. While they regenerated, the two heads that hadn't been removed opened their mouths and spat balls of poisonous liquid towards Serafall's first Knight. 

"Oh, fuck!" Hange cried, as she flew into the air on her four Devil wings, and had to do a couple of loop-the-loops to avoid more of the poison that the Hydra shot at her. 

On the ground, Behemoth roared at a six-headed Hydra, and leapt towards the beast. He opened his mouth and, to the surprise of everyone there, managed to catch one of the heads (and a majority of the neck) of the Hydra he battled, and chomped down on it with such force that the head neck came clean off of the Hydra's body, and remained in Behemoth's mouth... until he spat it out, that is. 

The Hydra's head spurted out blood for a second, before, like before, it began to regenerate, while the other five heads spat dozens of poisonous darts at Behemoth. However, by the time that single head of the Hydra had fully returned, the Magical Beast King of the Earth had torn off four of the other five heads with such ferocity that if one were to say that Serafall had managed to convince him into her peerage by playing a few games of Fetch with him as one would do with their dog... 

Well, they'd be right. But you'd never have believed them. 

Oh wait, it's Serafall. So Serafall-logic applies here. Therefore, anything is possible with her. 

Kurome's small form dashed around the bolts of poison that the Hydra she was currently fighting shot at her, too fast to even come close to getting hit. The black-haired black-eyed Tengu jumped into the air and slashed at the neck of the Hydra, too fast for it to see her coming, and sliced its head clean off. 

Landing on the ground, Kurome raised her sword, which was a regular katana that had an immensely dense Demonic aura coming from it, into the air, and after a second or two, a bolt of purple lightning shot from the sword and onto the ground next to her, where a twenty-foot tall skeletal dinosaur-like creature came out of the ground, towering over everything in the courtyard, and spat out a huge blast of energy from its mouth at the Hydra that Kurome was fighting. 

The creature that Kurome had summoned was a creature known as a Death Tagool, which she had killed with her sword, the Demon Sword Yatsufusa, considered to be the 'sister' of the Demon Sword Murasame, and one of the 'children' of the Demon Sword Muramasa. Yatsufusa had the power to reanimate and control those who the sword had killed. 

The energy blast that the Death Tagool had sent from its mouth struck the Hydra in a direct hit, and disintegrated the entire monster. 

"So, looks like you can kill these guys after all!" Hange remarked to Kurome, as she flew over her fellow Knight's head, and narrowly avoided another shot of poison. "Fancy helping me out here?" 

"No problem." Kurome replied, grinning as the Death Tagool turned around and fired upon the Hydra that had been chasing Hange around for the past few minutes. The beast that Kurome had defeated on a Stray Devil mission just a few months before managed to disintegrate a majority of the body of the Hydra that Hange had been flying away from, along with three of its four heads. 

However, one more blast from the Death Tagool was enough to kill it for good. 

"Thanks." Hange thanked her fellow Knight as she landed on the ground next to her. "Now to deal with the other eight of these fucks." 

Rias and Peerage  

"Alright, everyone!" Rias shouted, spreading her Devil wings and taking to the air, along with the rest of her peerage, as they faced down the five Cerberus'. "Let's go!" 

"Right!" They all shouted in unison. Mirajane entered her original Satan Soul form, Koneko released her cat-ears and tail, Kiba drew his Sword of Betrayer, and Isane entered her Balance Breaker form while Promoting to Rook. Spreading her four Dragon wings, Isane flew towards the first Cerberus she saw, and crashed her fist against one of its three heads. 

["Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost! Boost!"] Ddraig called, as Isane conjured three small spikes, made of lightning. ["Transfer!"] Ddraig added, as the Boosted power transferred from Isane to the spikes of lightning, which grew exponentially in size and shot towards the Cerberus, penetrating it in three different places. 

As the lightning-spikes disappeared, Isane was shocked to see that the Cerberus was still standing. Not only that, but its wounds were regenerating before her very eyes. 

"Isane!" Rias called. "You have to get it in the heart, else it can regenerate from pretty much anything!" 

"And where-" Isane replied, failing to dodge a swipe from one of the Cerberus' clawed paws, but due to the armour in the way, she suffered no damage. "Would the heart be?" 

"Above the front legs!" Rias replied. "I think!" 

Right as Rias said that, Kiba quickly dodged a vicious bite from the Cerberus he was fighting, and jumped up, under the three heads of the beast he fought. Creating a second Sword of Betrayer in his other hand, he drove both of them into the body of the Cerberus, right down to the hilt. 

The Cerberus gave a scream of pain, and slowly dropped to the ground, its breaths growing weaker and weaker until it finally expired. Blood slowly oozed out of the wounds Rias' Knight inflicted on it, as said Knight shook his swords, sending most of the blood flying off it. 

"Okay, it's in that general area." Rias remarked to her peerage, as Isane fired another lightning-spike straight into the heart of the Cerberus she fought, killing it on the spot. 

"Someone come and help me!" Koneko shouted, as she was facing down two Cerberus' at once, with moderate success. Her clothing had been pretty torn from a few slashes that she'd barely escaped from, but apart from that, she seemed uninjured, yet slightly fatigued. 

The two Cerberus' that she faced both leapt towards her, mouths agape, but Koneko was saved from becoming cat-flavoured puppy-chow by a transportation-circle forming in front of her... 

And Kuroka jumping out to deliver a barrage of magical attacks to the three-headed beast. 

"S-sister?" Koneko panted, standing up. 

"Yup." Kuroka replied, turning around. "Are you okay, Shirone?" 

"I'm... okay." Koneko replied. "I'm not sure I can keep fighting for much longer, sis." 

"Leave that to me, nya." Kuroka replied, as she extended her hands out and let a dark blue aura come out of them, which washed over Koneko. As it did, the smaller white-haired Nekomata found her stamina returning to her. 

"I really need to teach you how to do that yourself, nya." Kuroka muttered, as she quickly flicked her hand to create a transportation-circle under the two Cerberus' that made to leap at the pair of them. 

One of the Cerberus' was sent away to where Xenovia had just arrived through a transportation-circle of her own, her own sword out. She quickly drove her sword into the heart of the Cerberus that showed up in front of her, killing it instantly. 

The other Cerberus was transported right into the path of a powerful shot of demonic energy, sent by Isane. It missed the Cerberus' heart, but nevertheless, the three-headed beast was stunned for long enough for Rias to arrive and blast the hole in the beast that Isane created with her Power of Destruction. Which presumably blew up the beast's heart, as it fell to the ground. 

Pit and Dark Pit  

Dark Pit jumped into the air and span, his bow in hand, as he let said bow slash up the three Nazi Vampires that tried to attack him. As he landed on the ground, the dark clone of Pit fired a green arrow of light from the bow, that split into two smaller arrows after being fired. The two arrows then homed in on two separate Vampires, with each arrow hitting its target in the head and killing it on the spot. 

Dark Pit was then forced to quickly duck as he heard the sounds of someone running and jumping at him. From his position on the ground, he saw a Vampire who would have taken his head clean off, had Dark Pit not dodged. Once it flew over him, Dark Pit jumped onto the Vampire from behind, split his bow into two separate blades, used one of the blades to sever the head of the Vampire who had almost killed him, then threw the headless corpse into a couple more Vampires, which stumbled right into the path of a single arrow, fired by his light-coloured counterpart. 

Pit split his bow, which was created for him by Palutena herself, into two blades, and quickly used the blade in his right hand to slice the hands off of a Vampire that came at him, arms outstretched. He then kicked it away and horizontally bisected another Vampire that came at him from the right. 

Twisting his body around, he used the blade in his left hand to stab a Vampire that came at him from his left in the lower portion of its neck, before using his other blade to decapitate it for good. Attaching the two blades back together, Pit began firing continuously at Vampires that came at him from all sides. More and more bodies fell around him as the first creation of Palutena fired on the Millennium forces, while occasionally splitting his bow into two blades to dispatch any Vampires that got too close. 

As soon as Pit had a spare second, he dispelled his Palutena Bow from his hand, and swapped it out for a blue and gold single-barrel-shotgun-like weapon that had a blade below where the barrel was. There was also a golden guard close to Pit's hand (which he held the weapon in) that stretched downwards over his hand. 

Pit pressed a trigger, which was located under the guard, and fired a number of bullets of light, shotgun-style, at a crowd of Vampires that advanced on Dark Pit. The Vampires that he aimed at suddenly weren't advancing on his dark clone anymore, as they all dropped to the ground, dead from the Holy bullets in their heads. 

Pit and Dark Pit continued to fire on the Vampires, until they all lay, either dying or already dead, at the feet of the two Angels. Or rather, one Angel and one Fallen Angel, if one were to judge by the eight black wings that spread from Dark Pit's back. 

"Looks like you got my skill in battle from that mirror, Dark Pit." Pit remarked to his raven-haired clone, as they took a second to breathe. 

Dark Pit did not respond. 


"Let me help you, Roxas~!" Serafall shouted, spreading her ten Devil wings and making to fly towards Roxas and Kokabiel so she could assist her godson (and hopefully future lover and husband) in his fight against the mad Fallen Angel. 

However, before she could even get five feet off the ground, the current Leviathan found her path blocked by a man who was over a foot taller than her, with white hair, red eyes and an immensely muscular body, which was fully on display for Serafall to see. He wore combat pants and leather boots. 

Before Serafall could even blink, the man had delivered a harsh punch to her abdomen, which sent her flying into the ground. But Serafall was back on her feet, spitting blood from her mouth and readying her magical staff for a fight with her new opponent. 

The man rushed towards her, attempting to deliver another punch, but Serafall was ready for him. She waved her staff and created a thick barrier of ice in front of her, that the Captain's fist crashed against, and actually crashed through, much to her surprise. However, Serafall managed to lean back far enough for the Captain's fist to fly over where her head would have been, leaving her unharmed. 

Flipping backwards and landing outside of the Captain's punching range, Serafall waved her staff and created a large block of ice around one of the Captain's arms. When she snapped the fingers of her other hand, the ice-block shattered, taking the Captain's arm with it, leaving him with only one arm. 

But, much to her shock, the Captain's arm quickly regenerated, right before Serafall's eyes, and while it regenerated, he burst into a cloud of mist, and flew up into the air. 

Once he was right above Serafall's head, he reformed into a human body, and tried to axe-kick Serafall from above, though the elder Sitri child slashed with her staff, which sent a sharp wave of demonic energy towards the Captain's legs, cutting them right off his body, giving her the vital second she needed to slip out of the way of her opponent's attack. 

But before the Captain even reached the ground, both his legs had regenerated, and he was back on his feet. Silently glaring at Serafall, the Captain began to morph, before her eyes, into an enormous white wolf that stood on its hind legs, at nearly twice her height. 

"Oh, shit." Serafall muttered, taking in the sight of the huge wolf standing before her. "Haven't fought a werewolf in a while." 

Serafall fired a large beam of ice towards the huge wolf, but a large barrier of what seemed to be the same mist he formed into moments earlier formed around him, blocking the ice-beam entirely. The wolf then leapt over the barrier and tried to slash at Serafall with his claws. Said claws actually came so close to slicing Serafall up that they ended up cutting the outfit that she was wearing, namely a personal favourite outfit of hers (a cute blue and white one). 

"Nooo...!" Serafall shouted, once she looked down and realised what had occurred, before glaring at the Captain with just about as much intensity as the Captain had been glaring at her. "Do you even know how much this outfit cost me?!" 

Fiercely waving her staff, Serafall created a large dome, made entirely of ice, around both herself and the Captain, and at the same time, created a huge magic-circle under the dome, transporting both herself and the werewolf into a pocket-world of her creation. 

Planting her staff into the ground, Serafall shouted "CELSIUS CROSS TRIGGER!", and from the point her staff was in the ground, the entire pocket-world that she and the Captain were in was converted into a world made up entirely of ice. 

Looking around, Serafall tried to locate the Captain inside the icy world she'd created, but to her surprise, he wasn't there. Which was odd, as she was sure that she sealed him into the pocket-world along with her. 

Quickly teleporting herself out of her pocket-world, Serafall looked around wildly for the Captain, but saw the same mist that he'd turned himself into floating into the sky. 

As Serafall groaned at the fact that she hadn't been able to defeat her opponent, and looked around to see a huge boulder, thrown by Kokabiel, crushing Roxas, she realised one thing. 

The barrier around Kuoh Academy had been broken. 


Everyone who had finished their respective fights (that being everyone in the courtyard except Pit, Dark Pit, Kokabiel and Roxas) had been watching the fight between the latter two combatants, and most people (particularly Serafall, Grayfia and Rias) gasped when they saw Kokabiel throwing the large boulder onto Roxas. 

"Oh, no..." Grayfia whispered. With the force and speed Kokabiel had thrown the boulder, along with its size, she wasn't fully sure if her oldest son would come out of an attack like that alive. 

Kokabiel laughed, cruelly. 

"Wow." he remarked. "Seems that the oldest son of the current Lucifer, with power supposedly equal to Azazel himself, can't even be beaten by me. That's honestly... fucking hilarious!" 

"ROXAS!" Serafall shouted, not that it would have done anything if Roxas was dead. 

Which he wasn't, as Serafall found out by feeling someone tapping her on the shoulder. 

"Yeah?" Roxas replied, as a transportation-circle beneath him closed. "I'm right here, Sera. You don't have to shout." 

"Oh..." Serafall whispered, surprised Roxas was okay, apart from the cuts on his body, which slowly disappeared after Roxas drank the vial of Phenex Tears from earlier. 

"Yeah." Roxas grinned. "Now, to finish this fi-" 

Roxas' remark was interrupted as Kokabiel, who was preparing to throw a light-spear at him while shouting something about how he would kill the son of the Strongest Satan along with the Weakest Satan in one go, suddenly froze in mid-air, unable to move at all. 

Kokabiel's skin then started changing colour from his usual pale skin tone to a more bluish-white skin colour, with grayish-yellow skin in some places. It seemed as if he was rapidly contracting frostbite while his body slowly froze. 

Kokabiel's body was then encased in a large block of ice, perfectly preserved, for a few seconds, before the block shattered, taking Kokabiel's body with it. 

Even Kokabiel's blood and inner organs were frozen, due to how no blood or inner organs spilled out and fell on the ground when Kokabiel's body shattered. 

Roxas looked up at where Kokabiel had been before his body was mysteriously frozen, and his red eyes met with the blue eyes of a gorgeous blue-haired woman that he hadn't seen before in his life. The woman, strangely, wore the outfit of an army General. 

The woman, who hovered on eight black Devil wings, smiled down at Roxas, and spoke. 

"Hello there, Roxas. My love."