
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Yhwach and Zaegar became commentators?!

Author: Today marks a somber moment for Dragon Ball fans and the anime community at large. We mourn the passing of Akira Toriyama, The Author of the Dragon Ball series whose impact on the world of anime will be deeply felt. ( Comment RIP )


The day was absolutely beautiful, with the sun shining down through just a few thin clouds giving a little bit of shade to those below. Another perfect day. And for Yhwach, it was even better as he watched Team RWBY overpower the team they were fighting. His lessons were paying off and it was a glorious thing to watch.

He stood at the top of the Vytal Colosseum, near one of the exits to the massive stadium standing just far enough out so he could watch the team fight. Once the final buzzer sounded Team RWBY won, which in turn put a smile on the Quincy king's face.

As the crowd erupted into cheers, Yhwach couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within him as he watched Team RWBY's victory. His teachings had clearly made an impact, and seeing his students succeed filled him with satisfaction.

Lost in his thoughts, Yhwach didn't notice Zaegar materialize next to him, sitting on the edge of a nearby seat with a massive cotton candy in hand. The tiny Hollow wasted no time in stuffing his face into the sugary treat, his eyes widening with delight as he indulged in the fluffy confection.

Yhwach glanced down at Zaegar, his expression amused as he watched the Hollow devour the cotton candy with gusto. Zaegar, sensing Yhwach's gaze, lifted his head, his mouth and face smeared with pink and blue sugar.

Zaegar: What?

Zaegar mumbled through a mouthful of cotton candy, his eyes blinking innocently at Yhwach.

Yhwach chuckled softly, shaking his head in amusement.

Yhwach: Nothing.

Zaegar grinned before diving back into his sugary feast, his tail wagging happily behind him.

But suddenly, Zaegar's playful demeanor took a sharp turn as he turned to Yhwach with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Zaegar: You know, Yhwach, for a teacher, you're not half bad. But I still think you're a little too soft on them. Maybe you should try being a bit more... ruthless.

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, taken aback by Zaegar's unexpected comment. Before he could respond, Ginjo interjected with a chuckle.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind ) I must admit, Yhwach, I never thought you had it in you to be a teacher. But hey, everyone's got their hidden talents, right?

Yhwach's expression darkened slightly at Ginjo's words, feeling a twinge of irritation at the implied insult. But before he could voice his displeasure, Zaegar spoke up again, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Zaegar: Yeah, Yhwach-sensei, who would've thought the great Quincy king would stoop so low as to waste his time babysitting a bunch of brats? Talk about a fall from grace.

Yhwach's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing at Zaegar's cruel words. Despite his efforts to remain composed, a flicker of anger flashed in his gaze.

Yhwach: Zaegar, that's enough.

His voice was low and stern, his tone conveying a warning to the mischievous Hollow. Yet Zaegar only grinned, seemingly unfazed by Yhwach's reprimand.

Zaegar: What? Just speaking the truth, aren't I?

Yhwach turned and left the arena. The past weeks had been peculiar, not just for him but for Beacon as a whole. It was no ordinary year when Zaegar began wreaking havoc, causing a few... incidents.

Timeskip - A few minutes Later

Yhwach and Zaegar made it only a little ways towards their new destination when suddenly there was a series of explosions going off around the landing pad. 

The two people fighting, a white-haired girl who resembled Weiss and a raven-haired man with a bit of hair growing on his chin in a dirty five o'clock shadow. The two of them had jumped away from each other and charged back in to attack, and Yhwach took that moment to launch himself in between them.

With the Quincy king suddenly appearing before them, the two fighter's eyes widened as Yhwach threw his hand down and twisted his entire body into a handstand where he threw a dual kick into the two of them sending them flying backward. The Quincy king quickly twisted himself upright before he landed on the ground, a stoic look on his face.

???: What the? Who the hell are you?

Yhwach: Someone wise enough to avoid brawls in a school plaza.

He replied, standing firm.

Yhwach: Now, judging by the difference between you two, the white-haired one behind me must be Ironwood's esteemed Special Agent, and you must be Qrow Branwen.

Ignoring the woman's glare, Yhwach focused on Qrow.

Qrow: How do you know my name?

The man identified as Qrow asked the Quincy king.

Yhwach: Hm, ask her.

Yhwach gestured toward Glynda, who was rapidly approaching with Ozpin and Ironwood close behind. Yhwach then addressed the others gathered around.

Yhwach: Everyone, disperse. There will be more and better fights tomorrow at the Vytal Colosseum. I suggest you all enjoy the Festival Grounds before they close for the day, rather than lingering here.

Everyone around the plaza was familiar with Yhwach, especially after the breach in Vale a few weeks back. None of them were going to say anything back to him or stick around when he was saying disperse. The crowd slowly dispersed as Ironwood walked over to his Special Agent while Ozpin, Glynda, and Yhwach headed toward Qrow.

Ozpin: Well said, Yhwach. Ah, yes, Qrow Branwen, allow me to introduce our newest Combat teacher, Yhwach. Yhwach, meet my close friend, Qrow Branwen.

Ozpin's introduction carried a subtle tone, hinting at their shared connection within his inner circle.

Yhwach: Pleasure to meet another acquaintance of Ozpin's.

Yhwach greeted the raven-haired man, extending his hand.

Qrow: Likewise. So, how'd you pull off that little magic trick?

The Quincy king raised an eyebrow as the two shook hands.

Yhwach: Magic trick?, I'm afraid I don't possess any magic.

Qrow just chuckled.

Qrow: I mean I figured that much, I meant how did you just up and appear like that?

Yhwach just blinked.

Yhwach: I ran.

The dusty man just gave him a wide-eyed look.

Qrow: Well alright then...Wait....Is this the guy you told me about?

Qrow asked, turning to Ozpin who only nodded.

Qrow: Oh.....ooooohhhhh, your Mr. Mystery man. Now I have even more reason to like you.

Yhwach only shrugged off his jokes as he turned back to find Ironwood walking towards Ozpin's tower and away from what seemed to be a disheartened Soldier who was then quickly found by Weiss, wherever she had come from. 

Ozpin: If you'll excuse me, I wish to speak to Ironwood's soldier. And I believe Ruby Rose wishes to speak to you, Qrow.

The black-haired man turned around to find Ruby smiling up at him followed by her latching herself to his arm. 

Ruby: UNCLE QROWWWWW! Did you miss me? DID YOU MISS ME?!

While that happened, Yhwach turned and walked towards Weiss and the soldier she apparently knew. Zaegar who was on Yhwach's shoulder quickly took a sniff and then quickly realized that they were sisters. In all honesty, the white hair should have been a big clue.

Weiss looked up for a second, seeing Yhwach, and Zaegar quickly smiled as she waved him over. 

Weiss: Winter, I would like to formally introduce you to my Combat Teacher Professor Yhwach.

The soldier, apparently named Winter, looked up at Yhwach with obvious judgment. 

Winter: You're.... a teacher here?

Yhwach let out a deep breath, his expression revealing a hint of resignation.

Yhwach: (In thought) Just like dealing with Weiss all over again.

Yhwach: Yes, indeed. I've had the pleasure of instructing Weiss, who I assume is your younger sister by the looks of it.

Winter gave the Quincy king a once-over before stepping closer, attempting to gauge Yhwach beyond his brief display of power.

Yhwach: Is there something on my face, Miss Schnee?

Winter: You did manage to break up my little altercation with... that drunk, so you do have some skill. But you hardly look the part of a teacher. Don't you think dressing more appropriately would have a better influence on your students?

She inquired with a hint of skepticism.

Yhwach: I find that my abilities speak for themselves, and my attire is of little concern in comparison.

Weiss: Winter, I know he seems a little different than teachers from Atlas but he is honestly one of the greatest teachers I've ever had.

Winter turned to her sister before looking back at Yhwach who gave away nothing with his expression, the man had a poker face that would last for eternity.

Yhwach: And congratulations to you, Weiss, on your victory in today's round. It was a pleasure to meet you as well, Special Agent Schnee. Now, if you'll excuse me, Ozpin has requested my presence for a discussion.

Winter: I'll be joining you then-

Winter attempted to interject, but a sharp glance from Yhwach silenced her.

Yhwach: No, you won't.

At that moment, Winter realized the extent of the power held by the Professor before her. His eyes exuded a strength far beyond her comprehension.

Yhwach: Good luck tomorrow, Weiss. I trust your team will excel in the doubles rounds. And to you, Agent Schnee, may your time at Beacon be fruitful.

With those words, Yhwach bid farewell to the sisters and rejoined the group of teachers, making their way toward Ozpin's office.

As Winter watched them walk off she turned to her sister with questions thoroughly flooding her mind.

Winter: Weiss tell me something.

The younger Schnee looked up to her older sister.

Weiss: Hm?

Winter: This Yhwach.....How powerful is he?

Weiss tilted her head to the side as she recalled what Yhwach did when Vale was breached.

Weiss: He's...very....very powerful. He's strong enough to take out hordes of Grimm all on his own, I watched him firsthand rip an arm off one of General Ironwood's new Paladin.

Winter: He did what?!

She asked with wide eyes.

Weiss: He is insanely strong, but it's that strength on top of his incredible teaching skill that makes him such a great Professor. I've learned so much from him.

Winter: Is that so, well then why don't you show me what you've learned? As well as your dorms, I want to personally inspect them myself to see if they're up to my standards.

She told her as they started to walk.

Weiss: Okay but just know that the Bunk beds only look unstable.

Winter: Bunk....beds?

Scene Break - Ozpin's Office

The elevator doors opened up, allowing everyone to step out of the cramped machine and into Ozpin's office where Ironwood was waiting. 

James: You were so reckless, fighting Agent Schnee like that in the middle of a crowded Plaza, and you've been out of contact for weeks! If you were one of my men I'd have you shot!

Ironwood told Qrow, finally letting his anger out on the Huntsman. 

Qrow: If I were one of your men I would have already shot myself.

Qrow rebuked, pulling a flask from his inside jacket pocket.

As Ironwood's reprimand echoed through the office, Zaegar couldn't help but burst into laughter at Qrow's retort. His high-pitched chuckles filled the room, drawing curious glances from everyone present.

Zaegar: Ha! If I were one of Ironwood's men, I'd probably start a rebellion just for the fun of it!

His joke broke the tension in the room, but it also earned him a stern glance from Ironwood and a disapproving look from Glynda.

Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, his tone reflecting a mix of amusement and exasperation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Leave it to Zaegar to lighten the mood in the most unexpected ways. But hey, at least he's consistent with his antics, right?

Yhwach couldn't help but agree silently with Ginjo's observation.

Glynda: What were you expecting from him, James?

Glynda asked.

James: He was drunk!

The General told her to which Beacon's Headmistress quickly replied.

Glynda: He's always drunk!

A loud gulp had everyone turn to look at Qrow as he downed gulp after gulp from his flask before the man suddenly noticed everyone staring at him. As if on cue he pulled the Flask away with a shrug, leaving Ozpin to just shake his head.

As the tension in the room eased somewhat, Zaegar, always one to seize an opportunity for mischief, materialized next to Qrow, his tiny form hovering near the Huntsman's shoulder.

Zaegar: Hey, buddy, mind if I have some of that?

He pointed at the flask in Qrow's hand, his eyes gleaming mischievously. Qrow, momentarily startled by the sudden appearance of the talking dragon, blinked in surprise before shrugging nonchalantly.

Qrow: Sure, why not?

He extended the flask towards Zaegar, a bemused expression crossing his features. Despite the oddity of the situation, he didn't seem particularly phased by the fact that he was offering a drink to a tiny dragon who had just appeared out of thin air.

Zaegar grinned, his tail wagging excitedly as he eagerly accepted the flask, taking a small sip before passing it back to Qrow.

Zaegar: Thanks, mate! That hits the spot!

Qrow chuckled at the sight of the diminutive creature enjoying a sip of his drink, a hint of amusement softening his features.

Qrow: Anytime, little guy.

Ozpin: Qrow, why are you here?

The Headmaster asked prompting Yhwach to raise an eyebrow at the question but let it slide, he didn't really know the particular reason why Qrow was out in the field to begin with. 

Qrow: You sent me out to gather intel on our enemy, that's what I did.

Ozpin: So what have you found? 

Ozpin asked.

Qrow: Since everyone is here while you're asking that I'm going to assume everyone knows who I will be talking about. I found out that the enemy....is here.

Everyone looked at each other, obviously underwhelmed by the statement since they already knew that. 

James: We already know.

Ironwood told Qrow causing the Huntsman to look at everyone with an extremely surprised face.

Qrow: Oh, you know. Well, I'm so glad that I went out there and risked my life to keep you all informed!

Qrow pulled out his scroll and pointed to the button on it.

Qrow: See that, that's the send button! 

Ironwood just shook his.

James: We had reason to think you were compromised-

He was quickly cut off by Qrow once more.

Qrow: I told you I'm not one of your soldiers Jimmy and I'm not Raven! Do you know who the infiltrators even are?

Zaegar: Given the circumstances of our friend downstairs' condition, a good guess would be the people who put her in that state.

Zaegar said.

Qrow: Well you'd be right, they are the people directly responsible for Amber's condition.

The raven-haired man said as he took another drink from his flask trying to calm down. 

James: Regardless of who it is, with my forces here it will be extremely difficult for them to try anything.

At that, Qrow just started laughing.

Qrow: You think they're scared of your little ships? I've been out there, and the things she's made.....they are fear.

Yhwach: Seems we share the same opinion on this matter Qrow.

Yhwach spoke up which caused Ironwood to shoot both of them a look/

James: We've already had this discussion, Yhwach. Besides, my men could only help the situation we're in. We even announced that they were a part of the security for the Vytal Festival after the Breach to calm anyone who believed what you and Qrow were insinuating.

Qrow: That doesn't change that they're useless against the things I've seen Jimmy.

The drunkard said as he put his flask back in his jacket pocket.

Glynda: That is why we have Yhwach.

Glynda said, looking at Qrow to give him some reassurance that everything would be okay. 

Qrow: As nice to see that you have a level of confidence in the new guy, but the things I've seen.....their nothing like anything I've seen before. No one person could stop these things.

Zaegar: We'll see about that. I've yet to meet a Grimm that I can't shred to pieces.

Zaegar asserted confidently.

Yhwach: I'd prefer to avoid such confrontations if possible. Shouldn't our focus be on preparing our Fall Maiden to match the one who stole her power?

Ozpin nodded in agreement.

Ozpin: That would be in our best interest. If she gets her hands on the full power of one of the Maidens, it would not be good for anyone on Remnant.

Qrow: You got a plan for that Oz? She ain't in any condition to try and train, hell if we take her out of that pod we put her in she's probably going to die.

Qrow asked Ozpin.

Ozpin: Well, the most simple answer is also the one that holds the most uncertainty. With Amber's attacker somehow finding a way to avoid Zaegar's attempts to hunt them down, our next course of action should change our focus from taking back the Fall Maiden's power to passing on the half we have left to the next Fall Maiden.

At Ozpin's words, Ironwood, Qrow, Yhwach, and Glynda all widen their eyes. 

James: That's quite a leap in direction Ozpin, after all, we don't even know if that could work.

The General told his fellow Headmaster. 

Glynda: Do we even have another candidate?

Glynda asked and Ozpin merely shook his head.

Ozpin: I have a person in mind, but I want to dwell on it for a little while longer. I'm not sure if she is completely ready just yet.

James: We're on a time limit Ozpin, we don't have a lot of time for you to think this over.

Ironwood told him.

Yhwach: Calm down, General. These decisions require careful consideration. I'll handle anything that occurs while Ozpin makes his decision.

Yhwach assured the Atlas General, his tone steady and composed.

James: Very well.

Ozpin only sighed with a bit of relief.

Ozpin: For now, we need to keep a close eye on everything that happens around the Vytal Festival. I will call you all when I have come to a decision."

The headmaster's inner circle all nodded their heads and dispersed back to their prior engagements.


Yhwach and Zaegar found themselves entangled in the excitement and ended up securing the best seats for the doubles round of the Vytal Festival. Surprisingly, they didn't just spectate; they became the event's commentators.

Port and Oobleck were happy to trade their spots as commentators to catch up with their own work. 

Zaegar: -And let the show begin!

Zaegar's voice boomed across the arena, eliciting a thunderous applause from the crowd.

Zaegar: Our first match is a clash of dumbasses! We've got Sky and Russel from good ol' Beacon squaring off against Penny and Ceil from the chilly halls of Atlas. Now, folks, both these teams have busted their butts to make it here, but only one's walking away with bragging rights! So, Professor Yhwach, any bets on who's gonna steal the spotlight today? Let's hear it!

Yhwach: Hmm...

The Quincy king pondered for a moment, his expression thoughtful.

Yhwach: While I've had the pleasure of teaching the two members of Team CRDL, I have little knowledge of the two members of the team they are fighting. It would be unwise to make a decision with such little information at hand.

Zaegar shot Yhwach a playful smirk before turning back to the microphone, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Zaegar: Oh, come on, Yhwach! Where's your Teacher's intuition when you need it? I thought you were "The Almighty"

Yhwach's eyebrow twitched slightly at Zaegar's jab, but he maintained his composure, choosing not to respond directly. Instead, he turned his attention back to the match unfolding in the arena.

Yhwach: We shall see how the events unfold, Zaegar. It's always wise to observe before making any judgments.

Zaegar: Ah, fine, fine. Well, folks, looks like the Nazi Jesus is playing it safe today! But hey, let's give our contestants a warm welcome and wish them the best of luck in the ring! Break a leg, or don't, because that would probably end badly in a fight like this!

With a theatrical flourish, Zaegar closed the microphone, turning to Yhwach with a grin.

Zaegar: Alright, Yhwach, let's remember why we're here. We're not just entertaining ourselves; we're here to give these fans a show! Not everyone has a direct feed to watch us or the fight, so let's keep the energy up and make sure they don't miss a moment of the action!

Yhwach said nothing but took a breath in and then nodded. They both knew he wanted to see the fight without having to comment on it like he was. 

Yhwach: Understood.

The Quincy king responded before reclining slightly in his seat.

Zaegar: Well, the battle should kick off in just a few minutes, and you definitely don't want to miss this doubles round match.

True to Zaegar's prediction, the fight commenced shortly after. However, to Yhwach's disappointment, Team CRDL did not emerge victorious.

Yhwach: It appears that the two members of Team CRDL have much more training ahead of them before graduation. Nonetheless, they've made it to the second part of the Vytal Festival, which is an achievement in itself. Best of luck to Miss Polendia and Miss Soleil in the upcoming singles rounds; they're even more challenging than the matches they've faced so far.

Yhwach concluded with a tone of respect for the competitors.

Zaegar: And now, let's give a round of applause to both teams for their valiant efforts in the arena!

Zaegar whispered to Yhwach, a mischievous glint in his eye.

Zaegar: Not bad for a first attempt, Professor "I-don't-know-how-to-commentate."

Yhwach glanced at Zaegar with a faint smirk, appreciating the Hollow's jest despite the subtle jab at his commentary skills.

Yhwach: Well, Zaegar, perhaps my talents lie elsewhere. But rest assured, I'll leave the commentary to the experts like yourself.

Zaegar, catching Yhwach's smirk, decided to push the boundaries of their banter a bit further.

Zaegar: Yeah, you better stick to what you're good at, or else we might have a commentary apocalypse on our hands. You know, like when you decided to... oh, I don't know, Kill all the shinigami and merge all the worlds together?

Yhwach's eyebrow arched in mild surprise at Zaegar's audacious comment, his expression shifting slightly. Meanwhile, Ginjo's voice echoed within Yhwach's mind, a mixture of amusement and resignation evident in his tone.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) You know, I'm starting to think nothing surprises me anymore when it comes to Zaegar's jokes. But really? Bringing up genocide during a commentary?

Before Yhwach could respond, Zaegar's mischievous grin widened, and he quickly interjected with a chuckle.

Zaegar: Just kidding! You know I'd never bring up something so dark in the middle of a lighthearted commentary, especially with such esteemed company around!

Yhwach couldn't help but shake his head in amusement at Zaegar's abrupt change in tone, the tension dissipating as quickly as it had emerged.

Yhwach: Always keeping us on our toes, aren't you, Zaegar?

Zaegar's laughter echoed through the arena, blending seamlessly with the crowd's cheers as the Vytal Festival continued with its thrilling matches.

Timeskip - A Little While Later

After watching Yang and Weiss beat two students from Atlas, Yhwach, and Zaegar were commentating on a fight with students they were familiar with. Coco and Yatsuhashi vs. Mercury and Emerald. 

Zaegar: Ah, a good ol' Beacon versus Haven showdown! It's Coffee Queen and Swordsman Supreme from Beacon squaring off against Haven's very own Emerald Sushi and Black Curry! Let's see which flavor comes out on top!

However, amidst the excitement, Coco and Mercury seemed to take issue with Zaegar's commentary. Coco's voice boomed over the noise of the crowd.

Coco: Hey, it's not Coffee Queen, you little lizard! Get our names right!

Mercury: Yeah, and it's definitely not "Emerald Sushi" and "Black Curry"! What are you, hungry or something?

Their voices rang out from the arena floor, drawing the attention of both Zaegar and Yhwach.

As Coco and Mercury confronted Zaegar about his commentary, the mischievous Hollow's grin twisted into a malicious smirk. Ignoring Yhwach's warning glance, Zaegar leaned toward the microphone, ready to deliver a barrage of cruel and disrespectful words that would shock the entire arena.

Zaegar: Oh, you want me to get your names right, huh? Well, how about this: "Overly Caffeinated Princess" and "Giant Lumbering Oaf"! And you two over there, with the fancy kicks and flashy moves, how about "Green Fish Bait" and "Metallic Trash Can"?

Before Zaegar could utter another word, Yhwach's hand swiftly covered his mouth, muffling any further commentary. The Quincy king's expression was a mix of exasperation and frustration as he shot Zaegar a stern look.

Yhwach: Zaegar, enough. We're here to provide commentary, not to offend or disrespect the contestants. Show some restraint.

Zaegar's eyes widened in surprise at Yhwach's sudden intervention, but he nodded in understanding, the gravity of his words sinking in.

Zaegar: Sorry, folks. Got a little carried away there. Let's get back to the match, shall we?

Ginjo's laughter echoed within Yhwach's mind, a mix of amusement and incredulity at Zaegar's antics.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, that certainly escalated quickly. I never know what to expect from Zaegar anymore, but that was... something else.

As Zaegar began to recover from the embarrassment of his outburst, he felt a firm pat on his back. Startled, he turned around to find Glynda Goodwitch standing behind him, her expression stern and disapproving. Zaegar froze in place, his eyes widening as he realized the gravity of the situation.

Glynda: Zaegar..., your commentary is utterly unacceptable. Such disrespect toward the competitors will not be tolerated.

Zaegar's heart sank as he met Glynda's gaze. Before he could respond, he felt a sense of relief wash over him as Yhwach stepped in, pulling him close and feigning distress.

Yhwach: Oh, Glynda, please forgive Zaegar. He's just... a little enthusiastic, that's all. He didn't mean any harm.

Zaegar nodded fervently, his eyes brimming with fake tears as he buried his face in Yhwach's shoulder. Glynda regarded the pair with a mixture of exasperation and suspicion before relenting.

Glynda: This behavior is unbecoming of Huntsmen, especially those in such esteemed positions. Headmaster Ozpin wishes to speak with you, Yhwach. Immediately.

Yhwach's brow furrowed in concern, but he nodded in acknowledgment.

Yhwach: Understood, Glynda. We will make our way to him at once. But who will replace us as commentators?

Glynda's expression softened slightly as she responded.

Glynda: Professors Port and Oobleck have graciously agreed to take over. Now, please, attend to this matter with urgency.

With that, Glynda left the arena, leaving Yhwach and Zaegar to deal with the aftermath of Zaegar's reckless commentary. Yhwach sighed heavily, shooting a disapproving look at Zaegar, who was still feigning tears on his shoulder.

Yhwach: Looks like we'll need to have a serious talk about appropriate behavior, Zaegar.

Zaegar peeked up from Yhwach's shoulder, his eyes still watery from his fake tears, but a mischievous glint remained.

Zaegar: Yeah, yeah, I know. But admit it, that was pretty funny, right?

Yhwach couldn't help but crack a small smile at Zaegar's antics, realizing that despite the trouble he caused, there was never a dull moment with the mischievous Hollow around.

Scene Break - Ozpin's Tower

The Elevator doors opened up to Ozpin's office, letting a slightly drowsy Zaegar step out of them, with Yhwach following close behind.

Zaegar: Next time, just fucking crack a window open, will ya? I could've climbed up faster.

From the corner of the room, Qrow nearly choked as he had just took a gulp from his flask. Ozpin himself had to stifle a bit of laughter.

Ozpin: My apologies Zaegar, but I was hoping to get Yhwach's...advice with a decision I'm thinking of making.

Yhwach: Decision? Regarding the Maiden situation?

Yhwach inquired as he reached Ozpin's desk.

Ozpin: Precisely. I have a candidate in mind, and I'd like to know if you believe she's up to the task of becoming a Maiden.

Yhwach: And who might that be?

The Quincy king queried.

Ozpin: None other than Miss Pyrrha Nikos.

Yhwach nodded thoughtfully.

Yhwach: A wise choice. Pyrrha is, without a doubt, one of the finest students Glynda and I have ever mentored. Diligent, modest, and immensely skilled. I have every confidence in her ability to handle such a responsibility.

From the back of the room, Qrow chuckled. 

Qrow: You haven't heard how this transfer will be done.

Zaegar: Is it like Mana Transfer?

Yhwach and Ozpin exchanged puzzled glances before turning their attention back to Zaegar.

Yhwach: Mana transfer? I'm not familiar with that term.

Ozpin: Nor am I. Qrow, could you clarify what you mean?

Qrow scratched his head sheepishly, realizing he might have spoken too soon.

Qrow: Ah, sorry. Forget I said anything. Just a figure of speech.

Zaegar grumbled under his breath, clearly unsatisfied with the vague response.

Zaegar: Well, I'll find out what this "mana transfer" is one way or another.

Yhwach and Ozpin exchanged amused glances, knowing better than to underestimate Zaegar's determination when it came to uncovering secrets.

Yhwach: Anyway, what exactly does he mean, Ozpin?

Ozpin: Well.....We are unsure of what will happen if our dear Fall Maiden's powers if she was to die naturally. It could go to Miss Nikos if we can revitalize her for a moment or, more likely as we have stated in the past, it could go to her attacker.

The Headmaster told the Quincy king. 

Yhwach: It's plausible. Given her state, her final thoughts might indeed be of her attacker.

Ozpin: Yes so....we plan to pass on the next best thing. Her aura.

Yhwach arched an eyebrow, intrigued.

Yhwach: Aura transfer?

Ozpin: Thanks to our dear General of Atlas, it can. While I am not fond of such a process, James claims that Atlas scientists have been studying aura in a more scientific way and have found a way to transfer it from one creature to another.

Ozpin explained. 

Yhwach: I assume that this is all extremely experimental?

Yhwach asked. 

Ozpin: You would be correct.

Qrow: And it's dangerous.

Qrow added.

Yhwach: So is leaving everything to chance. Neither option is ideal, but at least one offers a chance for control.

Yhwach told the alcoholic. 

Ozpin: I agree. So, Miss Nikos is a suitable candidate in your opinion?

Yhwach: Yes, she is. Yet, it pains me to subject a student to such weighty responsibilities at such a tender point in their life.

Yhwach expressed to the Headmaster.

Ozpin: As do I, but we cannot allow her to amass the power of a Maiden. It would be catastrophic.

Scene Break - Beacon Infirmary

Yatsuhashi sat up in his hospital bed, rubbing his sore shoulder while Coco was soundly sleeping. Glynda was in a chair between the two beds talking to Yatsuhashi about the fight. 

Yhwach: It's good to see you're awake after that blow you took.

Glynda and Yatsuhashi looked to the entrance to the room to find Yhwach walking in with Zaegar on his shoulder.

Yatsuhashi: Professor...I'm sorry that we lost, we have made a mocking of your teachings. Both of your teachings.

The tall swordsman told the two, having already said something of the sort to Glynda when she first got to the room.

Glynda: Yatsuhashi you have done no such thing. You both did very well, but your opponents were just better this year.

The blonde-haired instructor reassured her student as Yhwach approached Yatsuhashi's bedside.

Yhwach: Glynda's correct. You've done us proud as your instructors. I caught a glimpse of your bout before our meeting with Ozpin. Your teamwork was commendable; it's just that your opponents proved to be a formidable challenge.

The swordsman looked down, still feeling a sense of disappointment.

Yhwach: Take honor in your defeat. Learn from it, as we've taught you to do. There's no shame in that, Yatsuhashi.

From the corner of the room, someone chimed in.

Cardin: Yeah, ya made it to the doubles round! That's something to be proud of.

Cardin was standing up by what was his bed putting his armor on, having made a full recovery from his own fight. It's not every day a rock the size of you is dropped on your head. Aura be damned, loony toons' logic hurts.

Yhwach: Well said, Cardin. Speaking of which, congratulations on making it to the doubles round yourself.

The Quincy king said as he approached the boy.

Cardin: Thanks, Professor. You and Professor Goodwitch really helped us out a lot to get there. I doubt we would've even made it past the first round without your guidance.

Yhwach just chuckled softly.

Yhwach: I assume you're going to meet the rest of your team to celebrate?" Cardin simply nodded.

Cardin: Yep, the fairgrounds are closing after tomorrow, so we're going to enjoy them for as long as possible.

The Quincy king closed his eyes with a small smile before nodding his head. His student chuckled before walking to the door and leaving.

Scene Break - Back at Ozpin's tower

Zaegar gripped the side of Yhwach's leg as the elevator started its rise. He, Glynda, Ironwood, and Yhwach were in the thankfully spacious elevator. 

Glynda: If you puke on my shoes, I'll-

Glynda's threat was cut short as the elevator jolted suddenly, causing Zaegar to lose his balance. With a queasy groan, he leaned over the railing and promptly vomited, narrowly missing Glynda's shoes but hitting Ironwood's polished boots.

Glynda: Oh, for the love of-

Before Glynda could finish her exasperated remark, Zaegar's unfortunate episode triggered a chain reaction. Ironwood, taken by surprise, stumbled backward, causing him to collide with Glynda. The impact sent both of them tumbling to the floor in a mess of limbs and curses.

Glynda: James, watch where you're-!

Her scolding was drowned out by Ironwood's own string of colorful language as they tried to disentangle themselves from each other.

Meanwhile, inside Yhwach's mind, Ginjo burst into laughter at the chaotic scene unfolding before him.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Well, isn't this a sight to behold? Looks like our Hollow friend has a knack for causing trouble wherever he goes.

Yhwach sighed inwardly, a mix of amusement and exasperation coloring his thoughts.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Indeed. Remind me to have a word with him about his digestive habits once we're done here.

Before anything else could happen, the elevator doors opened. In front of them, Qrow was leaning against a pillar while Pyrrha sat in front of Ozpin's desk. 

James: Sorry we're late.

Ironwood said as he adjusted his tie and everyone stepped out into the office.

Pyrrha's eyes widened as she looked at her teachers and the General of Atlas.

Pyrrha: Wait. What is this?! Who are you?

As Pyrrha's eyes darted between the unfamiliar faces, Zaegar couldn't resist the opportunity to inject some humor into the situation.

Zaegar: Oh, don't mind us, Tomato head. We're just your friendly neighborhood child kidnappers. We snatch kids from the orphanage and sell them into slavery, except for a select few we recruit as special soldiers to fight an unstoppable evil monster that roams the world! AHAHAHAHA!

Zaegar's voice echoed in the room, his laughter ringing out with mock villainy. However, before he could continue with his ridiculous charade, Yhwach's hand swiftly connected with the back of his tiny dragon head, eliciting a yelp of surprise from the mischievous Hollow.

Yhwach: Zaegar, enough of your nonsense.

Yhwach's voice was stern, though a hint of amusement lingered beneath the surface. Zaegar, despite the playful smack, couldn't help but fake cry once again, his watery eyes adding to the comedic spectacle.

Zaegar: Ouch! Why do you always hit me, Yhwach? I'm just trying to lighten the mood!

Yhwach sighed, shaking his head as he regarded Zaegar with a mix of fondness and exasperation.

Yhwach: Because sometimes, Zaegar, your idea of "lightening the mood" borders on the absurd.

Pyrrha watched the exchange with a mixture of confusion and amusement, her lips twitching with a suppressed smile.

Pyrrha: Um, should I be concerned about the whole child kidnapping thing?

Her question hung in the air, prompting a collective chuckle from those gathered in the room.

Ozpin: No need to worry, Miss Nikos. It seems my colleagues have a penchant for theatricality. But rest assured, we have more pressing matters to discuss.

In just a few moments, everyone in the room was in the elevator with Pyrrha looking mightily shy of the teachers she had come to know. Yhwach wanted to say something to comfort her, but that could come after as Pyrrha looked around at her teachers. 

Pyrrha: Where are we going?

Zaegar couldn't resist continuing his antics, even in the midst of the serious situation.

Zaegar: Oh, we're going to Hell, of course! Gonna take a little detour to the fiery pits before getting down to business! AHAHAHA!

Yhwach, Glynda, Ironwood, and Ozpin all turned to look at Zaegar with varying degrees of disbelief and exasperation. Yhwach sighed, rubbing his temples as he tried to rein in his mischievous companion.

Yhwach: Zaega-

But before Yhwach could finish his sentence, Ozpin cut in with a calm yet firm tone.

Ozpin: Ignore what Zaegar just said. We're going to the vault under the school.

The young girl's eyes widened as she leaned back slightly. The descent to the bottom floor was silent, the uncomfortable kind of silence.

The doors opened and everyone stepped out into the long hallway that they knew existed, except for Pyrrha who of course never knew of this place. Her eyes only grew wide as she stood still. She jumped when Yhwach placed a hand on her shoulder.

Yhwach: It's natural to feel overwhelmed, Pyrrha. Take your time adjusting.

As the rest of the teachers walked down the corridor to the machine waiting for them at the end of the hallway, Yhwach slowly walked with Pyrrha while Glynda waited for them to catch up. She wanted to answer her student's questions, just as Yhwach did.

Pyrrha looked around as she slowly walked to Glynda's side with Yhwach just a few paces ahead of her. 

Glynda: I'm sure you must have questions.

Glynda assumed causing Pyrrha to look around a little more.

Pyrrha: Just one or two.

Zaegar chuckled.

Zaegar: Humor, that's good. It means you are coping.

Pyrrha just let a slight gulp go down her throat as they started to walk. 

Pyrrha: I-I still don't understand. You said I was next in line to receive the Maidens' power, what do you mean by that? 

She asked her two teachers. 

Glynda: The Maidens have existed for thousands of years, but much like in nature the seasons change. No two summers are alike.

Glynda started.

Glynda: When a Maiden dies, her power leaves her body and searches for its next host. To ensure that the seasons are never lost and that no one individual can hold on to the power forever.

Pyrrha: So how does the power choose?

Pyrrha asked procting Qrow to turn his head a bit and answer. 

Qrow: Through a series of stupid and convoluted rules.

Yhwach shot a look at the back of Ozpin's head for a split second, not letting Pyrrha catch it. Though Ozpin had never stated it out loud to him, Yhwach and Zaegar could easily tell that the magic of the Maidens and the magic Ozpin possesses were one and the same.

Glynda growled at Qrow for his input.

Glynda: Qrow!

The alcoholic only looked back in front of him.

Qrow: Hey don't get mad at me because I'm right.

She only sighed before answering Pyrrha's question.

Glynda: At first, the only thing that was certain was that the power was specifically passed on to young women. But as time went on it was discovered that the selection process was much more intimate.

Pyrrha: In-timate?

Glynda: As we understand it now, when a Maiden dies the one that was in her final thoughts is the first candidate that will inherit the power.

Glynda explained. 

Qrow: Unless it was a dude or an old hag, then it would go to someone random. Which makes our jobs a lot harder.

Qrow added again.

Pyrrha: W-Why tell me all of this now? Why not wait until I've graduated?

The red-headed student asked. 

Yhwach: Because time is not on our side.

Yhwach told her. 

Qrow: I don't know if you've noticed but things are getting a lot scarier out in the world. Tensions are high, the Grimm are growing stronger and more prevalent, and it's not going to be much longer before this peace we've been enjoying for so goes out the window.

Qrow explained.

Pyrrha shakily asked.

Pyrrha: You're not talking about war are you?

Ironwood was quick to quell that fear at the very least.

James: Not a war against Nations.

The raven-haired man looked back at Pyrrha to finish up this section of question time.

Qrow: We can fill you in on the details later when we know you're with us, for now, all you need to know is that one of the Maidens was attacked and for the first time in history part of her power was stolen.

Just as Qrow said this, the group made it to their destination and Pyrrha immediately sat her eyes on Amber who was still in the pod. 

Pyrrha: I-Is that-

Ozpin: The current Fall Maiden. Amber.

Ozpin finished for her. 

Pyrrha: She's...still alive!

Ironwood nodded.

James: For now. We're using state-of-the-art Atlas equipment to keep her stable but there is a lot about this situation that is....unprecedented.

Pyrrha: What do you mean?

Pyrrha asked the General, who only sighed. 

James: We don't know what will happen if....when she passes on.

The red-haired student prodded the statement.

Pyrrha: Won't her power just pass on to the next host?

Qrow: Look who's been listening, she's smart.

Qrow said aloud but whispered the second bit rather loudly to Ozpin.

James: In normal circumstances, yes. But this is a delicate situation. It's not uncommon for the slain's last thoughts to be of their attacker. And to make matters worse, no one's ever seen the power split before. There is a likely chance that the power will seek out its other half.

Ironwood told her.

Pyrrha: Her assailant.

Pyrrha stated.

Ozpin: And that wouldn't bode well for any of us.

Ozpin said as he turned to her. The young girl stayed silent for a few moments before she walked over to Amber's pod and placed her hand on the glass that let her peer in. 

Pyrrha: If all of this is true, why keep it secret?! If this girl is so important, if we're truly on the brink of war why not tell everybody?!

Glynda waited a moment before she took a couple of steps forward.

Glynda: From what we understand, it used to be common knowledge.

Pyrrha's head tilted to the side.

Pyrrha: Excuse me?

Qrow just rolled his head a bit as he pulled out his flask.

Qrow: How do you think legends and fairy tales get started? Even the craziest ones had to come from somewhere.

Zaegar: Hey, Glynda, does that mean the story about a guy falling from the sky with a fridge that's actually a time machine, accompanied by a weird pet monkey, might be true too?

Glynda shot Zaegar a deadpan look, clearly unamused by his remark.

Glynda: Zaegar, this is hardly the time for jokes.

Zaegar shrugged, his tiny wings fluttering on Yhwach's shoulder.

Ozpin: Our group was founded in order to protect both mankind and the Maidens. Those who were hungry for power hunted them in the hope of inheriting their strength.


Qrow: And as you could imagine, the ones that succeeded weren't the kind of people you would want with unimaginable power.

Qrow said after taking a couple of gulps from his flask.

James: So this brotherhood chose to remove the Maidens from the public eye, allowing them to fade into legend.

Ironwood explained. 

Glynda: We understand that what we're telling you goes against years of human history, religion-

Glynda added.

James: No one would want to believe us. It would cause an uproar-

Ironwood added, but Ozpin quickly simplified it all.

Ozpin: It would cause panic. And we all know what that would bring clawing at our Kingdom's walls. This is why we would like to-

Before anyone else could say anything, Pyrrha interrupted them. 

Pyrrha: I'll do it. If you believe this will help humanity, then I will become your Fall Maiden. 

She told them, causing all of them to stay silent and just look at her.

Finally, Yhwach sighed.

Yhwach: You are a very humble individual Pyrrha, willing to accept such a burden. However, this will take more than humility.

He told her in a way that led her to believe that there was more to it than just that. 

Pyrrha: But you wanted me to be your fall Maiden, right? That's what you all want, isn't it?

She asked, confused by her teacher's words.

Ozpin stepped forward.

Ozpin: It is, but I'm afraid that it isn't that simple. Given Amber's condition you won't be able to inherit her power naturally. However, General Ironwood believes he has a solution.

He told her, placing the spotlight on James.

James: For the last few years, Atlas has been studying Aura from a more scientific standpoint. What it's made of, how it works, how it can be used. We've made significant strides, and we believe we've found a way to capture it.

Ironwood explained.

Qrow: Capture it, and cram into into something else. 

Qrow added.

Qrow: Or in your case-

He told her, letting her figure it out on her own. 

Pyrrha: That-

Pyrrha started causing Ironwood to jump in.

James: Classified.

Pyrrha: -Wrong.

Pyrrha quickly finished. 

Glynda: Trust me, the feeling is mutual.

Glynda told her. 

Zaegar: Extremely so.

Zaegar added.

Glynda: But desperate times call for desperate measures.

Glynda told Pyrrha.

James: And these are indeed desperate times. We can't give you Ambers powers, but we can give you what those powers are bound to.

The General stated. 

Pyrrha: Her Aura. 

Pyrrha said out loud to confirm what he was implying. 

Ozpin: Her life would become intertwined with hers, the question is-

Ozpin started with Yhwach finishing for him.

Yhwach: -What is that going to do to you?

Pyrrha's eyes widened and she looked down.

Ozpin: You have an important decision before you Miss Nikos. There is no guarantee that this transfer will work, and there is no telling if you will be the same person if it does. I advise you to take time to think on this matter but understand that before the Vytal festival is over....we will need your answer. 

Ozpin told her.

Ozpin: The assailant who attacked the Fall Maiden has made their first move, and there is no telling when their next move will be.

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