
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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Promises and Collisions: Yhwach's Vow for Tatsumi

The Ryusen

We see a small blond boy playing the flute. The white-haired man with a mustache is with him as well.

???: Your sweet melody sounds as elegant as ever. The cruse ship has left the Imperial Capital, and no one can see us from the shore. It appears the timing will be perfect.

Said the man with the mustache.

??? 2: I've been playing for a long time now, and so all of the passengers should be nice and drowsy.

Said the blond-haired boy.

???: There may be people on board who don't appreciate the beauty of your music. You'll have to be weary.

??? 2: Of course.

Tatsumi Pov

I was currently in the dining room when I heard the sound of a flute playing in the background. I then saw people falling to the ground, as if they had fallen asleep on the spot. I felt weak in my legs.

Tatsumi: (in thought) What the hell is going on? That flute must be causing this. I have to get outside!

I thought to myself as I made my way onto the deck of the ship.

Tatsumi: (in thought) Agh! I can still hear it out here! It has to be a Teigu.

???: Hey, little fella, it's supposed to be nap time.

I turned my head to the right to see the person who said that. It was a tall man with dark blond hair, white eyes, and a beard.

???: And here I was going to let you live if you were sleeping.

Tatsumi: (in thought) This could be really bad news. I better warn Yhwach.

I thought to myself,

???: You must be one of those Night Raid posers I've heard about.

???: Hahaha! Does that make you think that you're the real deal? This should be good! Here, catch.

He said this as he tossed me a sword.

Tatsumi: What's the sword for?

???: I want to fight fairly. I want to make sure I get experience points for this. Always looking to get stronger.

He said this as he unsheathed a big, double-sided axe.

???: Come at me, little man!

Tatsumi: Uhh, sure. I can give you some experience. But it's not going to be pretty!

I said as I grabbed the sword and jumped into the air.

???: Ahh, confidence! I like that! Man, it's going to be fun to crush you.

I went in for a downward slash, but he smashed the floor with his axe, which forced me to back away.

???: It's amazing that you were able to dodge that attack after that music debuff. Now, let's see how you handle this!!

He said this as he split the axe in two and threw one at me like a frisbee.

I dove under the blade just in time, but it turned around and cut me in the stomach.

Tatsumi: Are those things your Teigu?

I said while holding my stomach to try to stop the bleeding.

???: Yep! Double Great Axes Belvacc! Bet a low-level punk like you can't even hit it!

He said this as he threw another one at me.

I tried to dodge it, but it scraped my cheek. It turned around to come back at me, but I had an idea.

Tatsumi: In that case, I'll have to make it hit you!

I said As I sprinted towards him.


Yhwach: Tatsumi, you fool!

They said this as they both punched me in the face.

Tatsumi rubbed his sore cheek as Yhwach and Bulat scolded him.


Yhwach: Rushing headlong into danger without evaluating the situation? It's a reckless approach, Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: I-I'M S-S-SORRY!!!

I said this as I held my bleeding nose.

???: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh.. hang on, how do y'all have so much energy? The Song of Lethargy was supposed to put everybody on the boat to sleep.

Bulat: So, that's what all that rustle was about? Sorry, but that cheap crap like that doesn't work on me.

Yhwach: I possess my own methods to resist such tactics.

???: Huh? On the way here? ... Ok, for one, how in the hell did you get on this boat if you weren't here when it left? Shouldn't it be impossible?

Yhwach: It should be.

Bulat: And if you think playing a tune is enough to smother the burning passion in my soul, then you've got another thing coming, my friend.

???: Wait a sec. Okay, I see what you did there! You stabbed yourself so you'd be too distracted to hear the lullaby.

He said this as he saw the stab wound on Bulat's left leg.

Bulat: The name is Bulat of the Night Raid. You can also call me 'Handsome'.

???: Yeah, I don't think so, Jackass. I'm Diadara, servant of Esdeath. What about you, old man? Ya' got a name?

Yhwach: I am Yhwach.

Diadara: Yhwach and Bulat, huh? Interesting names, but it won't matter once you're both sound asleep.

Bulat: Tatsumi... It's very important that you pay attention to how we fight, ok?

Yhwach: Pay attention to me for combat strategies and Bulat for paying attention to your surroundings.

Tatsumi: (in thought ) ...Bro?.....Yhwach...?

I thought to myself as I watched Bulat turn into Incursio and fight beside Yhwach. There was nothing I could do besides watch.

Diadara: I'm going to get a ton of experience points for these two!

He said as he readied his weapons.

Diadara: Now, let's fight!!

He said this as he ran right at Bulat, but unbeknownst to him, two other people charged at him from behind.

Tatsumi: Behind you!!

??? 3: (in thought) He's mine!!

He thought to himself as he aimed his weapon at Yhwach.

??? 3: (in thought) I'm going to crack his skull.

His thoughts stopped when Yhwach quickly turned around and punched him in the face, breaking his face and sending him into the storage barrels.

The white mustache man saw an opening at Bulat and dashed at him at incredible speeds, but Bulat already saw this and kicked him away into some more storage barrels. Yhwach then jumped in the air, aiming for Diadara. Diadara then threw his blade at Yhwach, aiming for his face, but he caught the blade in his hands and brought it down on top of Diadara, cutting his chest. Yhwach then flipped the blade to do an uppercut on Diadara's jaw, cutting his face clean in half.

Bulat: You know, I was going to kill him.

Yhwach: There's no need to waste more time on him. We have a mission to complete.

He said this as he tossed away the bloody axe.

Tatsumi: (in thought) Wow, they actually make a great team!

Tatsumi: That was badass! You completely split his head in two with his own weapon!

Bulat: You know, they used to call me 'Hundred-Man Slayer'.

Yhwach: (in thought) A more fitting title than 'Handsome,' I suppose.

??? 2: I believe it was 128, to be exact.

He said that as Yhwach and Bulat turned around to see a white-haired man with green eyes and a mustache, he was also wearing gloves.

??? 2: You played a vital role in getting rid of covert operatives back then, did you not? I'd know that power and that armor anywhere. It truly has been a while, hasn't it? Bulat?

Bulat: It's you, General Liver.

Tatsumi: General Leaver?

Liver: It's liver.

Tatsumi: That's what I just said, Leaver.

Yhwach: Tatsumi, it's "liver," not "leaver." Pay attention.

Tatsumi: Right, right, General Liver.

Liver: Well, former general, actually. Ever since Master Esdeath saved my life, I've been devoted to her servant.

Tatsumi: Do you know this guy, Bulat?

Bulat: Yeah, and if things were different, I would toast for our reunion. But since they're not, I'm going to have to kill you. The mission comes first!!

He said this as he readied his spear.

Bulat: Hey, I want you to stay out of this. This is a fight between me and Liver, no one else.

Yhwach: Very well. But if you find yourself in trouble, expect me to lend a hand, whether you appreciate it or not.

Bulat: Understood.

Liver: I couldn't have said it better myself. General Esdeath's wishes will be realized. And to ensure that I'm successful.

He said this as he took off his right glove, revealing a silver ring with a dragon head and a blue jewel on top.

Liver: She gave me this Teigu.

He said this as he raised his hand, and water broke out of the barrels and into the sky.

Liver: The Black Marlin; it's a ring-type weapon. It was crafted from aquatic-type Danger Beasts with the power to control water. As such, whoever wears it can manipulate any liquid at will. If this is our battle field, Lady Luck is certainly smiling at me.

Bulat: So, you want to fight with water? It is rather convenient that your boss is an ice user.

Liver: General Esdeath can create ice out of thin air. Do not elevate me to her level. She is a god. Water Punch!

He said that as he closed his fist and water rushed at Bulat, he was struggling to block the attack.

??? 3: Son of a bitch. And it looks like Liver's got his hands full with this guy, too. Well, I'm sure with all the water, he'll do just fine. But a little backup will do just fine.

He said this as he pulled out his flute.

Tatsumi: Oh, no, you don't.

??? 3: Huh?

He said this as Tatsumi and Yhwach jumped in front of him and blocked his path.

??? 3: Oh, it's you.

Tatsumi got a better view of what he looked like. He had light blond hair and yellow eyes, and he kind of looked like a chick.

Tatsumi: Yep, it's me again. So, what's your name?

Meanwhile, Liver is in the air, standing on top of a mountain of water, while Bulat is on the ground.

??? 3: It's Nyau.

Nyau: I have something that can calm you down.

He said this as he pulled out a flute.

Nyau: This is my Teigu scream. It can manipulate the emotions of anyone with the music that I play. So, what I'm going to do is put you to sleep and kill that friend of yours on the ground, then kill you afterward.

He was interrupted as Yhwach dashed at him and karate-chopped his neck, knocking him to the ground instantly.

Yhwach: You talk too much.

He said it blankly.

Nyau: W-Wh- What the hell? I didn't even see you move.

He said this as he was struggling to get on his knees.

Tatsumi: Well, he did dash through the water to get there.

Nyau: How is that even possible?

He said this as he barely got on his feet.

Back with Bulat.

Liver: The water pressure will destroy you! Say goodbye, Bulat!

He said this as he released the huge amount of water at Bulat in the shape of a gigantic snake.

Liver: Snake from the Abyss!

Bulat aimed his spear and jumped head-on at the snake, and he was able to split the snake in two.

Liver: Hehehe, It seems I correctly assumed you would attack the snake head-on rather than dodge. You knew there'd be countless casualties if I destroyed the ship. And perhaps you'd be able to avoid my next technique if your feet were planted securely on the deck, but you can't dodge in mid-air! Dark water spears!

Liver created 15 large spears made out of water and aimed them at Bulat, who was unable to block the attack. The attack hit him directly on the back, but the attack was so strong that it made a crack in his face mask, revealing his mouth and his left eye.

Bulat: It takes more than a splash of water to extinguish the fire of my soul!

Liver: But, of course, I would never finish you off with a single strike. After all, I know what you're capable of. The two of us have been through many battles together, remember? I know all your strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else in the world. And that's why I'd like to show you the power of my Trump card. Water dragons conquer heaven!

He said this as he sent a massive attack at him, sending tons of water dragons at once to kill Bulat.

Liver: Hmm, I think I got him.

He said as the water relaxed and he had no sight of Bulat.

Bulat: I can't believe you actually said that. You should know better, old man!

Liver gasped and looked up. He saw Bulat still alive and headed straight at him.

Liver: How did you survive that?!

Bulat was getting closer and closer to Liver, but Nyau jumped next to him, making it seem like he was about to attack. Bulat swung his spear at Nyau, but he was pulled back by Yhwach.

Yhwach: Stay focused, Bulat. We have a mission to complete.

Bulat: your right. I'm just happy to see that you've got my back.

He said as Incrusio deactivated. Yhwach saw that Bulat was beaten up pretty badly, even his hair changed.

Liver: I noticed that your Teigu deactivated itself after you've taken a certain amount of damage. It seems like we have a clear winner.

Bulat: You don't have to act so tough. That little drop of blood dropping from your ear is a dead give away.

he said as blood was leaking out of Liver's mouth and ear.

Bulat: Your internal organs must have taken a huge hit when you used your trump card. So I doubt that you're in any condition to use your Teigu either.

Liver: Hmph, nothing seems to get past you, does it? And here I was hoping to have the upper hand in the negotiations. Well then! I have two questions. One, how would you like to become a member of General Esdeath's army? I'm sure she'll bring you up to lieutenant. Two, what's your friend's Teigu? He's taking care of Nyau without even breaking a sweat.

Bulat: Then I have two answers. One, I lost interest in serving the Empire a long time ago. Two, you can ask him yourself.

Liver: Don't think of it that way; you'll be working for General Esdeath, not the Empire. Doing so changed my life for the better. Ever since joining forces with her, people everywhere have cowered before me. In fact, my name is so feared that all the bureaucrats in the Capital clamor to stay in my good graces! I've got every single one of them under my thumb! I implore you to come with me! If you do, the master can erase all of your crimes from the record book!

Bulat: ...No.

He said as he pulled out a hair comb and started combing his hair into his original look.

Liver: Huh?

Bulat: I said, no. Don't you get it? I will find no joy in becoming the very thing we swore to destroy. Since I know that Esdeath is scratching the Minister's back, how could I possibly live with myself. It'd tarnish my images as a hero in the masses, now wouldn't it?

Liver: Then we'll finish with our swords.

he said as he pulled out a vile of some sort of liquid and injected it into his neck.

Liver: It's time for a little enhancement. I'm about to fight you after all!

Yhwach: No.

 He said as he pulled Bulat to the side. 

Bulat: What are you doing?

He said as he got down on one knee.

Yhwach: Bulat, you're in no condition to fight.

Bulat: What about the kid, Nyau?

Yhwach pointed towards Nyau.

Yhwach: He's also in no condition to fight.

Bulat: Then, what's the plan?

Yhwach: I will handle Liver.

Bulat: But...

Yhwach: Bulat, you've taken a beating. It's not wise for you to continue fighting in your current state. I'll deal with Liver. You focus on recovering.

Bulat sighed and nodded, realizing that Yhwach was right. Yhwach then stood up and faced Liver.

Yhwach: You injected yourself with some enhancer, but it won't be enough to defeat me.

Liver: We'll see about that.

Liver charged at him.

Liver swung his sword at Yhwach, only for him to dodge effortlessly. He swung again, only to have the same result. He then attacked Yhwach at incredible speeds, only for him to dodge over and over and over again. Liver grew frustrated he swung again, only for Yhwach to catch the sword in his bare hands. Yhwach then snatched the sword away and cut Liver in the stomach. Blood spewed everywhere.

Yhwach saw a smirk on Liver's face.

Liver: ( In thought ) This isn't over, whoever you are. I now know that you can block my attacks no matter how fast I am. So, I'm not gonna use my REAL trump card against you..... but Bulat instead!

 He thought to himself as he readied his last attack.

Liver: My real trump card, Killer Blood Swords!

Liver's blood then turned into weapons and charged at Bulat. Yhwach quickly saw this and tried to block as many as he could, but 6 went around Yhwach and hit Bulat.

Liver: ( In thought ) I put everything I had into that attack. Not to attack you, but Bulat... and you still blocked it? Well played, whoever you are.

 He thought as he fell to the ground.

Yhwach: (in thought) He sacrificed himself to launch that attack at Bulat. Admirable, but futile.

Yhwach turned his attention to Bulat, who was now lying on the ground, injured from the previous battle and the blood swords.

Liver: Bulat..... There's one thing I wanted to tell you.

He said as Bulat looked at him.

Liver: There's a reason why I decided to join General Esdeath's army. I didn't tell you before.

( Liver's Flashback ) 

liver was seen locked inside a cell until someone came and opened the cell.

Esdeath: I'm looking for an adjutant with incomparable combat abilities. I'd like you in my army.

Liver: .... No, I couldn't return to the army if I wanted to. I'm charged with an offense.

Esdeath: Excuses are for the weak.

She said this as she put her foot on his face.

Esdeath: You may re-enlist because I want you to re-enlist. To put it frankly, I will not allow anyone to raise an objection.

Liver: But the minister will never stand for it.

He said as Esdeath put her foot off of his face.

Esdeath: I'm a great help to the Minister. If you're an asset to my forces, he'll be glad to have you back. Please say you'll fight with me, Liver. And if you're still feeling unsure, allow me to ease your fears. Now, what did you say?

She said as she took out a hand for him to take, which he accepted.

( End of Flashback )

Liver: I have had respect and admiration for her ever since. That's the real reason. And as such, I swear on my honor as a devout servant of General Esdeath that in mere moments I will be taking your life too.

Bulat: .....Liver.

He said as he grew weak on his feet and almost fell to the ground, but Yhwach caught him.

Bulat: That wasn't just an enhancement, you injected poison into your own blood.

Tatsumi: Poison?

Liver: You haven't been able to build a resistance to it, so the poison is gonna kill you quickly. It'll soon be over. As for me, I must be going on ahead. I'm truly sorry it had to end this way... I'm sorry....

He said as he took his last breath as Bulat fell to the ground.

Tatsumi: BRO!!!!!!

He said as tears started leaking out of his eyes as he ran towards Bulat.

Bulat: Y-Yhwach, I-I'm afraid this fight isn't o-over.

He said as he pointed at Nyau who was playing on his flute.

Tatsumi: What the hell?! I thought Yhwach knocked you out!

Nyau: Hehehe, well you thought. But you didn't. You see, the Blood Kill Swords weren't the only thing we had. The REAL Trump card is me. Trump card: Invite the Demonic Human.

Yhwach watched as Nyau's body began to change. His once small body transformed into a giant, muscular version of himself. His eyes changed into a demonic red, his voice was dark and deep.


He said as he pulled his fist back, ready to punch Yhwach in the face. 

Yhwach took the punch head on.

Nyau Stared at Yhwach with disbelief after his punch had no effect.

Nyau: How... how did that not kill you?

Yhwach remained silent, his expression unwavering. Without saying a word, he raised his fist and prepared to retaliate.

Yhwach: Since you decided to throw the first punch, I'll return it tenfold.

With incredible speed, Yhwach's fist collided with Nyau's chest, and the impact was devastating. The force of the blow sent shockwaves through the air, and Nyau was obliterated on the spot.

Tatsumi, still by Bulat's side, witnessed the entire scene with wide eyes and shock.

Tatsumi: W-What... Yhwach, you're insanely strong!

Yhwach: It's crucial to know when to strike and when to endure. He made his choice, and I responded accordingly.

Tatsumi: Yhwach, can you help Bulat?

He said as Bulat was coughing up more blood.

Yhwach: There might be a way, but it's risky. I need Bulat's consent.

Tatsumi: Consent? Just do it! Please, save him!

Yhwach: It's not that simple. What I'm about to do can have consequences. I can attempt to burn away the poison, but it requires using a powerful ability, and Bulat needs to agree.

Bulat weakly nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation.

Yhwach: Very well, but understand that this might not work perfectly. There could be side effects.

Tatsumi: Just do it! We can't lose Bulat!

Yhwach extended his right hand, and his fingertips burst into flames. Tatsumi looked puzzled.

Tatsumi: Why are your fingers on fire?

Yhwach: It's a power I obtained. A gift from someone I once knew. Now, let me focus.

Yhwach carefully placed his burning fingers over Bulat's body, concentrating the intense heat to target the poison without causing further harm. The flames danced across Bulat's skin, leaving behind a trail of ashes as they burned away the deadly toxin.

Tatsumi: What... what is happening?

Yhwach: Be quiet and let me focus.

Tatsumi watched anxiously as Yhwach continued the process, the flames illuminating the dim scene. Bulat's body seemed to react to the intense heat, but Yhwach maintained his concentration.

Tatsumi: Is this really going to work?

Yhwach: I'm doing my best. The flames can burn away the poison without harming the organs, but it's a delicate procedure.

As Yhwach worked, Bulat's condition appeared to stabilize, his breathing becoming less labored. Yhwach's expression remained focused, determined to succeed.

After what felt like an eternity, Yhwach withdrew his hand, the flames extinguishing.

Yhwach: I've done what I can. He needs rest now.

Bulat, now unconscious, appeared more at ease, his face no longer contorted in pain.

Tatsumi: Did you... did you save him?

Yhwach: For now, he's stable. The flames might have neutralized the poison, but it's up to his body to recover.

Tatsumi: Thank you, Yhwach. I don't know what we would've done without you.

Yhwach: We should get off this boat and get back to base.


Yhwach: Simple, I'm gonna carry you and Bulat on my shoulders while running through the water.

He said as he threw Tatsumi and Bulat on his shoulders.


He said as Yhwach ran on top of the water at Mach 3.



After we arrived at the base, Yhwach immediately put Bulat on the table and went to work. It was a miracle that he didn't die, because we were dealing with Botulinum toxin. Yhwach was able to destroy it before it entered his brain. Tatsumi couldn't bare seeing Bulat in so much pain, so he went outside to Sayo and Ieyasu's graves.

Yhwach: Mine, update me on Sheele's condition.

Mine: Very well actually. She's starting to feel better to get back into battle again.

???'s PoV

I was sitting on top of a pile of bodies, looking at the sunset.

???: Hehe, Human bodies. They're so amusing, hehe.

Guard: The only way to pluck out the weeds of rebellion is to pull directly from the roots.

Guard 2: Sending supplies to a foreign tribe is a serious crime. We did what needed to be done.

Guard 3: Kurome, I have a message for you. You're needed in the Imperial Capital.

He said as he walked towards me.

Kurome: Huh? They only ask for me?

I said while eating a cookie.

Guard 3: That's right. Apparently you've been personally selected to be part of a new group of six. I heard that they're forming a new unit.

Kurome: Hmm...The Capital, huh? Maybe I'll be able to see you after all........ ........Big Sister.

Tatsumi Pov:

I was currently working out with Lubbock, Leone, and Akame. Bulat was still recovering from what happened yesterday. Sheele is still sleeping and Mine is no where to be found.

Tatsumi: ( In thought ) I should probably wake Sheele up when I'm done.

I thought to myself as Akame was sitting on my back while I was doing push-ups.

Mine: What are you doing?

Leone: Since these two were training hard, we chose to help them.

Mine: Lubbock, I rarely see you covered of sweat.

Lubbock: Well, we have only four boys in the team.I thought I have to make more efforts...

Leone: That's some talk. But you must realize that you made only half of Tatsumi's push-ups.

Akame: Of course. Leone and I have a very different weight.

Everybody froze. Leone hit Akame right in the head.

Mine: Speaking of boys in the group, where is Yhwach.

Leone: Oh, he's right there.

Everyone turned to Yhwach.

Yhwach was calmly meditating in a secluded area, seemingly unaffected by the conversation happening around him.

Mine: (sarcastically) Oh, how productive. Meditating while we're out here breaking a sweat.

Leone: Don't bother him, Mine. Yhwach has his own way of preparing for battles.

Tatsumi: (struggling with push-ups) Speaking of battles, when do you think we'll get our next mission?

Lubbock: (still catching his breath) Well, with Night Raid, you never know when danger will strike. But it's good to stay in shape.

Akame: (hopping off Tatsumi's back) Agreed. Being prepared is crucial in our line of work.

As the conversation continued, Yhwach opened his eyes and stood up, sensing a presence approaching.

Boss: I'm headed off to the Revolutionary's main base. I'm thinking they'll need the weapons we got from the Three Beasts.

The boss was carrying a big bag full of weapons.

Tatsumi: By yourself? And you're taking that battle axe? Isn't that kinda heavy?

Boss: Nah, I can handle it. See?

She said as she took the axe in her metal hand.

Boss: Now there's no way I could actually use it, but I can at least lug it around.

Tatsumi: I had no idea she was such a badass.

Yhwach heard him whisper to Lubbock.

Lubbock: Of course she's a badass. She used to be a general, man.

Boss: Akame, Yhwach, I'm leaving you both in charge for the rest of the day. I want you both to buckle down and train hard.

Akame: Okay.

Tatsumi: You've got to be kidding me.

Lubbock: Don't worry about it, Akame always gets the job done.

Tatsumi: It's not her that I'm worried about..... It's Yhwach.

He said as he pointed at Yhwach.

Lubbock: ........We're fucked.

Tatsumi: Yeah.

Boss: I'm also going to try and get new recruits for the team. We need more people who can become great assassins to help bring us closer to victory. But I highly doubt they'll give us anyone who's willing to join us at the moment.

Boss: Yhwach. you didn't just save passengers, you saved thousands of revolutionaries who will be needed in our struggle against the empire. You have done marvelously, Yhwach. But you need to get Tatsumi into shape as quickly as possible. Can you do that for me?

Yhwach: I'll make sure Tatsumi is well-prepared for the challenges ahead.

Tatsumi: Oh, great.

Boss: Also, Tatsumi. Don't bum yourself when I say you needs to put you into shape. You have great potential and anyone here can see it as well as I do. You are a great asset to this team, don't let anyone make you think differently.

Meanwhile The Capital Graveyard

Esdeath was seen putting bouquets of flowers on three graves.

Esdeath: Liver, Nyau, Daidara. All three of you were killed. I suppose this means that you were just too weak. You've fallen victim to the laws of natural selection. Such incompetence. I cannot change the past, but I promise I shall avenge your death.

She said as she stood up and looked at the graves.

???'s PoV

Capital Gates

???: (In thought ) My name is Wave. I served it the Imperial Navy. I'm a man of the sea. I'm here because I got promoted to the special police force. It's my first day in the capital, so I'm kinda nervous. But not to worry! I'm wearing this awesome cool outfit, so I'll be back in the locals. It was a huge hit back home. Yeah! I'm gonna be just fine!

I thought to myself as I walked into the Capital and made my way towards the main building.

Wave: (In thought ) My mom even gave me the best quality fish to share with them! But I dunno...Why are people staring at me? Do city people have different rules of etiquette?

I thought.

Small timeskip

Wave: (In thought ) Okay! My future teammates are waiting behind this door. First impressions are everything! I have to show I mean business.

 I thought to myself as I opened the door.

Wave: Greeting friends! I'm from the Imperial... Navy....?

I said as I looked around and only saw a shirtless man with a mask and a cut marks on his chest. 

Wave: (In thought ) ...I'm so sorry!

I thought to myself as I went out of the room and slammed the door shut.

Wave: Oh god! That was probably the interrogation room! Man, I'm such an idiot!

I said as I looked at the door sign. 

Wave: (In thought ) It says 'Conference Room'....I'm gonna be working with that guy?!

I thought to myself as I opened the door again.

Wave: Uh...Hello, again.

I said as I walked up to the table and took a seat. 

Wave: (In thought ) Best not to piss this guy off.

After 3 minutes of sitting, I saw him staring at me.

Wave: (In thought ) Crap! What did I do?! Why is that freak still staring at me like that?! Oh, no..... Mom, please don't be ashamed at me if I come back home!

My thoughts were interrupted to the door opening. I looked over to my right and saw a girl with short black hair, black eyes.

Wave: (In thought ) A normal person!

 I thought as she took a seat across from me.

She then took out a bag of cookies and started eating them. So I took out my bag of fish and decided to strike up a conversation. I walked up to her and held out my hand.

Wave: Uh, hi! It's nice to meet you. My name is Wa-

I stopped talking when she got in front of my face with a menacing aura.

???: Stay away from my cookies.

Wave: (In thought ) Nevermind! Not normal!

Wave: I'm sorry I bothered you.

I said as went back to my seat. 

Wave: (In thought ) Damn, these guys are wack-jobs!

I thought as the door opened again and saw a girl with orange hair, auburn eyes, and two metal arms.

???: Hello, comrades! I'm Seryu Ubiquitous, member of the Imperial Guard! And my friend's name is Koro!

She said as she saluted.

Wave: (In thought ) She's probably not that crazy, right?

Seryu: Please, come grace us with your presence, Dr. Stylish!

She said as she threw the flowers in the air and bowed down.

The so called, 'Dr. Stylish', had black hair with a white hair line in the middle. He also had glasses and blue eyes.

Koro: *woof* ( Send help )

Dr. Stylish: Ah, I LOVE a good dramatic introduction. The very definition of 'Stylish'. You've captured my masculine grace.

He said as pedals flew around him.

Wave: (In thought ) Oh great! Now there's THIS guy!?

Dr. Stylish: Oh my, you're just a little country boy! You're just to adorable by far! I'll polish you up in no time, cowboy. So don't be shy~

He said with a wink.

Wave: (In thought ) I think he likes me. And not in a good way.

???: Good afternoon. Oh, it would appear that I'm the last one to arrive.

Wave: Huh? Oh yeah, nice to meet you, my name's Wave.

I said as I got as I got a good look at him. He had light blond hair, golden eyes, and some type of quill in his hair.

???: Hello there. Call me Run, the pleasure's all mine.

Wave: (In thought ) YES! There IS someone in here who doesn't freak me out!

 I thought to myself as I ran up to him and shook his hand furiously.

??? 2: Uh, excuse me. The tea is ready if anyone would like some.

He said as he carried a tray filled with cups full of tea and passed them out to all of us.

Wave: (In thought ) His voice is surprisingly high rather than what I thought it would be. I thought his voice would be dark and scary.

??? 2: I'm sorry. I would have said hello before, but I'm a bit... shy. Ya know, bashful. Sorry, I... I'm sorry. Whoo! It looks like I'm the oldest one here. I really need to get my act together. I hope we all get to be close friends. Call me Bols, from the Incendiary Squad. Please.

Wave: (In thought ) Wow, didn't peg him for the shy type.

Wave's thoughts were interrupted again by the door opening by General Esdeath. She had a mask on and walked up to the front of the room.

Wave: And who the fuck are you?

Esdeath: What the hell are you doing in here?!

Wave: What's your problem? We were all invited to come and-

He was interrupted AGAIN as Esdeath kicked him in the gut, sending him crashing into a wall.

Esdeath: You never know who's an assassin. Don't ever let your guard down.

She then dashed to Run and tried to hit him at very fast speeds, but he blocked every attack and dashed away from her.

Esdeath: ( In thought ) This one has good reaction speed.

Seryu jumped and tried to attack Esdeath from behind. She threw a punch at the back of her head but she caught it and slammed her to the ground in front of her. She also froze Koro in place before he could do anything.

koro: *woof* ( YOU BITCH )

Esdeath: You can't attack from behind when your bloodlust is so easily sensed.

Kurome: Not going to hold back, even if this is a game.

She said as she cut a part of Esdeath's mask off.

Esdeath: Must be the Teigu, Yatsufusa. Just as sharp as I expected.

She said as she took off the mask.

Bols: General Esdeath!

Wave: (In thought ) So, even the superior officer's a nutcase!

Small Timeskip

Esdeath: I hope you found that enjoyable. I didn't want to bore anyone with a simple meet n' greet.

Wave: Nah, it's alright.

Seryu: Your advice was really helpful! Thank you!

Esdeath: Good. We're gonna have a party after we meet up with the Emperor.

Wave: Whaa!! We're gonna meet the Emperor?!

Run: With all due respect, aren't we taking things a little to quickly?

Esdeath: I prefer to get the more tedious things over with first.

Dr. Stylish: Oh, by the way General... have you decided on a fierce name for the squad yet?

Esdeath: Yes. We are an independently mobile team charged down with hunting down an elusive gang of vicious murderous. Therefore, I'd like us to be called...The Jaegers! And one more thing, we have an extra spot for another team member. We need someone strong and reliable, so what we're going to do is have a tournament to see who gets the spot on the team. It sounds fun, doesn't it?

Wave: Sounds like a good idea! 

Wave: (In thought ) I wonder who's gonna join us?

He thought to himself as he looked out of the window.

Back At The Night Raid Base

Tatsumi Pov

Me and Yhwach finally arrived at the library and Lubbock was standing outside of the building with his arms crossed.

Lubbock: Yo.

Tatsumi: Sup.

Lubbock: Come on in!

He said as he opened the door for us to enter.

Tatsumi: Woah.

Tatsumi: This really is like a secret base.

Lubbock: Yep. It's my pride and joy.

We opened up the door to a room and saw Leone sitting on a chair with her feet on the front desk.

Leone: Hellooooooo! Welcome to our Secret Imperial Base!

Lubbock: The Imperial Guard's put up wanted posters of some of us all over the city.

He said as he showed me a picture of Mine on a wanted poster.

Lubbock: But there are a few of us who can still be seen out there.

Tatsumi: Yeah, and if that isn't enough for ya, the whole Capital's going crazy. Some kind of special police force called 'The Jaegers'

Lubbock: That's because General Esdeath's in charge of it. She's a pretty big deal in this town.

Tatsumi: So anyway, what about General Esdeath? Is she a big deal?

Lubbock: Do you want the short-version or the long-version?

Tatsumi: Long-version, please.

Lubbock: Now, about General Esdeath. So, several years ago... a southwestern tribe raised the standard of revolt cruelty against the Empire. So the Empire sent the army to quiet them down. The tribe had 10,000 men opposed to the Imperial Army's 120,000, so it seemed that the outcome would be clear. But it turned out to be way more complicated than that. Since the Imperial soldiers were so used to their cush city life, they weren't able to survive in the harsh wilderness. Plus, the tribesmen would attack at night, so that made it even more difficult for them. The Empire started to panic, so they dispatched General Najenda and General Esdeath who were very talented despite being so young.

Tatsumi: Wait, Najenda? Who's that?

Leone: That's the Boss' real name, but she doesn't let us use it.

Lubbock: As I was saying, they had to cross a lake that was about a mile and a half in width. And with Esdeath's Teigu being so powerful, she froze the whole entire lake for them to cross.

Tatsumi: Wow! I gotta admit, I'm impressed!

Leone: It's more scary than impressive.

Lubbock: Anyway, General Esdeath and General Najenda were ordered to kill every man in sight in the village. Esdeath was not only obeying orders, but she enjoyed it. She has a crazed look on her face when she saw bloodshed, she tortures people for fun, she is a monster. But General Najenda couldn't obey that order, she couldn't stand having to have those people slaughtered while standing next to the people who did so... Welp, that's the whole story.

Yhwach listened quietly as Lubbock recounted the tale of General Esdeath. As the story unfolded, he maintained a stoic expression, absorbing the information. Leone and Tatsumi were equally attentive, their expressions shifting between curiosity and concern.

Leone: Yeah, that's Esdeath for you. A real piece of work.

Tatsumi: So, she's that ruthless, huh?

Lubbock: More than you can imagine. Her Teigu, allows her to control ice and freeze anything instantly. She's known as the Empire's strongest general for a reason.

Yhwach finally spoke up, breaking his silence.

Yhwach: I've encountered her before.

Tatsumi and Lubbock turned their attention to Yhwach, intrigued by his statement.

Tatsumi: Really? When?

Yhwach: During our mission to spy on her. I had a brief encounter with General Esdeath.

Tatsumi: Spy on her? Why?

Yhwach: It was part of our mission to gather information on Her.

Lubbock: And she didn't catch you?

Yhwach: I managed to conceal myself and avoid direct confrontation.

Tatsumi: What happened during the mission?

Yhwach: That's a story for another time. Right now, we need to focus on the present. The Empire is a dangerous place, and the Jaegers are another threat we have to contend with.

Lubbock: Well, you can check her out yourself if you want. She's sponsoring a martial-arts tournament. There's prize money that you can win for your village while your at it.

He said while showing Tatsumi a poster for the tournament.

Lubbock: Me and Leone are gonna watch the fight.

Tatsumi looked thoughtful, considering the idea of participating in the tournament.

Tatsumi: Yeah, I'll do it. It could help us out, and I've got some moves to show off.

Leone: That's the spirit!

As they prepared to leave for the tournament, Leone approached Tatsumi and Yhwach with a serious expression.

Leone: Promise me, you two. Be careful and come back safe and sound.

Tatsumi: Don't worry, Leone. We've got this.

Yhwach: We'll be cautious. You have my word.

Leone nodded, a mix of concern and trust in her eyes.

Leone: Promise me.

Tatsumi and Yhwach exchanged glances before nodding in unison.

Tatsumi: We promise, Leone. We'll be back.

Yhwach: You have my word as well.

Leone smiled, a hint of relief evident in her expression.

Leone: Good. Now go and kick some ass.

As Tatsumi and Yhwach left for the tournament, the atmosphere shifted to a more serious tone. On their way to the venue, Yhwach suddenly stopped Tatsumi, his eyes focused.

Tatsumi: What's wrong?

Yhwach reached into his pocket and pulled out a small object, handing it to Tatsumi.

Yhwach: Bulat gave me this. He wanted you to have it.

Tatsumi looked at the object in his hand, and realization struck him.

Tatsumi: Is that...?

Yhwach: Yes, it's the key to Incursio. Bulat believed it needed a new owner – someone young and strong, someone with strong composure and potential.

Yhwach looked at Tatsumi with a solemn expression.

Yhwach: Tatsumi, you've shown incredible potential and determination. Bulat saw that in you. Now, Incursio needs a new master, and I believe you are the right person for the job.

Tatsumi held the key in his hand, feeling the weight of responsibility that came with it.

Tatsumi: This is a big responsibility, isn't it?

Yhwach: Indeed. Incursio is a powerful Teigu, and it requires someone who can harness its strength to its fullest potential.

Yhwach then gave Tatsumi a stern look, his eyes filled with a mixture of seriousness and encouragement.

Yhwach: Bulat entrusted this to you because he believed in your strength. Now, it's up to you to prove him right.

Tatsumi: I-I can't take this. It belongs to Bulat.

He tried to hand me the key back, but I just pushed his hand away lightly. He tried to give it back again, so I grabbed his hand and made him grip the key firmly.

Yhwach: Bulat entrusted it to you for a reason. He saw something in you, Tatsumi. Embrace it, and let Incursio become an extension of your strength.

Tatsumi hesitated for a moment, looking at the key in his hand. The weight of the responsibility and the memory of Bulat's sacrifice weighed on him. After a deep breath, he nodded.

Tatsumi looked at Yhwach and gave Yhwach a big hug while tears were leaking out of his eyes. Yhwach hugged him back as he calmed down.

Tatsumi: Thank you. I promise, I won't disappoint you.

Yhwach: I believe in your potential, Tatsumi.

Meanwhile in The Capital Dining Room

Emperor: Uh, Minister. Why do you think that General Esdeath is so interested in falling in love all the sudden?

Minister: Everyone begins to have these feelings once they reach a certain age. General Esdeath was born to fight. She cared for nothing but war. Now, she's awakening to her carnal desires.

Emperor: Interesting. It would be wonderful to locate a match for her.

Minister: She's an incredibly prideful woman. She won't waste any time on a suitor who doesn't meet her criteria.

Emperor: But how will we ever find a man like this?

He said as he pulled out a list.

Emperor: Number One: Above all else, he must have potential. I'd like to personally train him to become a General. Number Two: He must have composure and be able to hunt Danger Beasts. Number Three: Like her, he must have been raised in the frontier rather than the Capital.

Minister: Number Four: He must be submissive so I can dominate him.

Emperor: Number Five: He must be someone with a pure and innocent smile. The majority of people won't even get past condition Number One.

Minister: Yes, they're aren't many men with the potential to become Generals.


3 Hours Later

Run: What do you think of the contenders, General?

Esdeath: They're nothing but pathetic rabble floundering through a street fight. I seriously doubt we'll be able to find anyone who is worthy enough to join this team.

She said as she sat on a chair with a bored look.

Wave: *on the microphone* And the winner goes to Nobunaga!

Run: This next bout is going to be the final match.

Wave: *on the microphone* To my left: Kalbi the Butcher! To my right: Tatsumi the Blacksmith!

In the middle of the crowd

Leone: He picked an interesting fake job. Do you think he knows anything about blacksmithing?

Yhwach overheard Leone's comment and decided to respond.

Yhwach: Honestly, Leone, I don't know if Tatsumi knows anything about blacksmithing. He did mention that he came from a small village, so there's a chance he picked a familiar-sounding occupation to him.

Leone: Well, he better know how to fight. This is a tournament, not a crafting competition.

Yhwach: True, but sometimes people have hidden talents. Let's see how he handles himself in the ring.

Back in the Colosseum, the final match between Tatsumi and Kalbi the Butcher was about to begin. The crowd cheered in anticipation, eager to witness the showdown.

Run: I see that one of them is pretty young.

Meanwhile, Tatsumi was facing Kalbi. He stood about 7 ft. 3 in. and has very strong muscles.

Kalbi: Hehehe! Look at you, little guy! Looks like that prize money is as good as mine! I trained at Imperial Fist Temple! I was second degree when they kicked me out!

Wave: You may begin!!!

Tatsumi: ( In thought ) This guy is nothing compared to those Three Beasts. I can beat him without Incursio, even though I haven't even used it yet.

Kalbi went with a punch to the face, but Tatsumi just dodged it without any effort by jumping in the air. Tatsumi then kicked Kalbi in the chest, forcing him back about 15 feet. Kalbi got frustrated and then started throwing attacks rapidly at Tatsumi, but he just blocked the attacks by using his hands. Tatsumi punched Kalbi in the stomach, but he wasn't affected. He then went with a sweep kick to his legs, and it forced him to the ground. Tatsumi jumped up and axe-kicked Kalbi in the face, knocking him out instantly.

Everyone in the crowd began to murmur amongst themselves, and even Esdeath appeared surprised by Tatsumi's display of strength.

Run: He might be small, but he's rather talented.

Esdeath: ....Yes.

Wave: on the microphone And there you have it! The winner is Tatsumi the Blacksmith!

Esdeath: H-He's the one.

Run: He's our Teigu candidate?

Esdeath: Yes, but that's not all.

She said as she walked down towards the arena.

Tatsumi: (In thought) She's walking towards me?

He thought as Esdeath stood face-to-face with him.

Esdeath: Tatsumi, right? What a lovely name.

Tatsumi: Uh, thank you!

Tatsumi: (In thought) So, this is Esdeath. The one everyone's talking about.

Esdeath: You put on an impressive show. Now, for your reward.

She said as she approached him.

Tatsumi: Oh, thank you very much, ma'am.

Tatsumi: (In thought) Eh, whatever. Money is still money.

Esdeath pulled out a collar with a metal chain and placed it around Tatsumi's neck.

Tatsumi: Huh?

Esdeath: Starting today, you'll be mine and mine alone.

Tatsumi: Uuuhhh, what?

He said as Esdeath began dragging him on the ground.

Esdeath: Let's go somewhere where we can be alone~

Esdeath walked away with Tatsumi, the collar still attached to his neck. Everyone began to worry about what was happening, but a certain someone decided to intervene.

Yhwach: Oh, I don't think so.

He declared as he leaped into the center of the arena.

Esdeath: What the?

She looked over to her left and saw Yhwach standing there with his arms crossed.

Esdeath: Y-Yhwach?! What are you doing here?!

Yhwach: I can't permit you to take Tatsumi away like that.

Esdeath: Oh, really? And who's going to stop me?

Yhwach: I am.

Yhwach's stern demeanor conveyed a sense of authority.

Esdeath chuckled, finding the situation amusing.

Esdeath: You're quite bold to stand against me, Yhwach. Do you truly believe you can defy the General of the Empire?

Yhwach: I have my reasons, Esdeath. I won't let you take Tatsumi away against his will.

Esdeath grinned, finding the challenge intriguing.

Esdeath: It's a shame. I thought we were good friends, Yhwach, but now, I'm gonna have to trap you here to keep you from taking Tatsumi away from me.

She said as she created a small sphere made of thick ice around Yhwach, trapping him inside.

Esdeath decided that her work was finished and turned to leave, until she heard a big crack in the ice. She turned around and saw a crack in the ice.

Yhwach: (breaking free from the ice) Your ice won't hold me for long, Esdeath.

Esdeath raised an eyebrow, mildly surprised by Yhwach's strength.

Esdeath: Impressive. It seems you're not as powerless as you appear.

Yhwach: I won't let you take Tatsumi against his will. If he chooses to go with you willingly, that's a different story. But forcing him like this is unacceptable.

Esdeath: I don't know how you managed to get through the ice, but I assure you that it won't happen again.

She said as she made a spear out of ice in her hand.

Esdeath charged at him at incredible speeds. She went with a stab to the heart, but Yhwach was just a tad bit too quick and dodged her attack. She attacked him again with an overhead strike, but Yhwach just pushed the spear away before it hit him. Esdeath grew angry and summoned two swords. She slashed attacks rapidly at him only for him to dodge, but he noticed something.

Yhwach: (In thought) She's holding back. Not by much, but she's holding back on her attacks. It's as if she doesn't want to do this.

Yhwach quickly dashed away from her attacks and stopped the fight by punching the ground with incredible force, sending a shockwave through the ground.

Yhwach: That's enough!

He declared as Esdeath stopped in her tracks.

Esdeath: How? How is this possible? You evaded my attacks, but not only that, you made the ground shake with a single punch. Just what are you, Yhwach?

Yhwach: Esdeath! I've come to bargain!

Esdeath: .....What is your bargain?

She said as she got rid of the blades in her hands.

Yhwach: If you accept, you can have Tatsumi, but I want to be by his side and watch over him.

Esdeath: And if I refuse?

Yhwach: Then I'll take Tatsumi back with my bare hands.

Leone: ( In thought ) HUH?!?!


Yhwach: Tatsumi, I made a vow to safeguard you, and I'm determined to honor that pledge. So, Esdeath, the choice is yours. Will you resort to compelling me to claim him, or are you willing to consider my proposal?

He stated, raising his hands in preparation for a potential confrontation.

Esdeath was about to put her hands up in the air, but she stopped and thought about the deal for a second.

Esdeath: Hmmm. You want to join me so you can ensure Tatsumi's safety and I can have Tatsumi as my prize.

Yhwach: Yes.

Esdeath: ...........I accept!!


Timeskip Night Raid Base

Akame: So Esdeath took Yhwach and Tatsumi away with her?!

She said as she slammed her hand on the table.

Leone: Yeah. Yhwach proclaimed to Esdeath that he wouldn't leave Tatsumi out of his sight. That was when they made a deal.

Mine: What kind of deal?

Lubbock: Yhwach said that if she agreed that she'll still have Tatsumi and Yhwach will protect him at all costs. And if she refused, then Yhwach would take Tatsumi away by force.

Sheele: Oh, Yhwach. Why would you do such a thing?

Akame: Because he made a promise. He made a promise that he'll keep Tatsumi and all of us safe at all costs. If Tatsumi left with Esdeath, then there'll be no guarantee that Tatsumi would be safe. So he had to figure out how to strike a deal with her without causing a massive clash between the two of them....But we need to get them back! First thing we're gonna do is move the base further from town.

Leone: Good thinking, we'll be easily spotted if we stay here.

Sheele: Then what about Yhwach and Tatsumi? Shouldn't we be focused on getting them back first?

Akame: If we move now, it could leave one of us captured by the capital. We need to make a careful and good plan if we want to get them out of there. But we can't let them go so easily!! They are a part of this team!! Do whatever it takes to bring them back!!

Author: Many of you have been wondering about Aizen's whereabouts. The answer is quite simple, really. This is where he is.

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