
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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141 Chs

The Unsettling Alliance: Issei's Struggle and Freed's Decision

Author's Inquiry: Dear readers, I'd appreciate your input on a critical decision for Yhwach's journey in this story. Should he venture down the path of Shinigami powers within this world, or would you prefer him to remain steadfast as a Quincy?

Secondly, a choice awaits for the three Schrifts to be unlocked in this world. I invite you to decide on the Schrifts, excluding The Almighty and those of the Schutzstaffel.

Additionally, should they address Yhwach as Your Majesty?

I'd like to express my gratitude to everyone for both the positive and constructive reviews. Keep them coming! If you have any more thoughts or feedback, feel free to drop me a message. Thanks, everyone!


Asia: What are you doing, Raynare? Please let me down.

Asia begged.

Raynare was flying through the sky, keeping her gaze forward without acknowledging Asia.

Raynare: I am taking you to my Master, and you will listen to his request.

Asia: Master? What is happening? Let me go see Issei.

She pleaded.

Raynare: I can't do that because you need to see him immediately. It is of great importance.

Asia was confused about what Raynare was saying.

Asia: But I don't want to. What will happen to Issei?

Raynare looked down at Asia.

Raynare: Don't worry about him. But let me ask you this, Asia, do you wish for this world of ours to have peace and not have wars between the other factions?

Asia: Well, of course, I don't want anyone to fight anymore.

Raynare smirked.

Raynare: Then join us, Asia. Join and fulfill my Master's wish, and let us make a world of peace.

Asia: How do I know that you're not lying and that you're just here for something else?

Raynare: I guess that you will just have to find out when you meet him.

Raynare looked back up.

After some time a magic circle appeared next to Raynare's ear.

Kalawarner: Hey, Raynare? The Master just found someone else he is interested in.

Kalawarner said.

Raynare: Who is it?

Kalawarner: Well, actually, two people, not one. They are called Xenovia Quarta and Irina Shidou. They are both Exorcists.

Raynare: Kalawarner, I thought you were researching High-Class Devils?

Kalawarner: Well, I couldn't get anything, and plus, Lord Yhwach needed allies, so I know a few people who know some people. Try to get those people to join our cause.

Raynare sighed.

Raynare: Alright, I'll be there in a few to drop the girl. Send me their location.

Raynare ended the call with Kalawarner.

Asia: Was that Kalawarner?

Raynare: Don't worry about it; we're here anyway.

Raynare flew down and landed in front of the apartment.

Raynare: Just knock, and someone will answer. I have to go now.

Raynare flew off, and Asia turned towards the door, staring at it for a moment before knocking.

The door swung open, and Kalawarner stood before her.

Asia: K-Kalawarner, what are you doing here?

Kalawarner: Come inside, and I will explain the details.

Asia nodded and entered.

Kalawarner: Take a seat.

Asia approached a single-seater chair, ready to sit, until Kalawarner abruptly yelled at her.

Kalawarner: DON'T SIT THERE!

Asia jumped back, avoiding the seat.

Asia: Why? Is there something wrong with it?

Kalawarner: That is the Master's seat. No one is supposed to sit in that chair except the Master.

Asia: I-I see.

Kalawarner moved to the living room table, took a seat, and began typing on her computer.

Kalawarner: Now, about the question you asked me a few minutes ago regarding why I am here. That is because I serve my Master, and I have a duty to perform.

Asia: You also serve him as well, Kalawarner?

Kalawarner: Indeed. Now, are you going to join us and help us rebuild this corrupt world of ours?

Asia stood there, contemplating the question.

Asia: How do I know that you're not lying?

Kalawarner: If I were lying, do you think I would be here, spending around 20 hours typing on this computer to assist my Master?

Asia: What does he want with me? I'm nothing special.

Kalawarner: You have a Sacred Gear that heals people, and that would be a great asset to our cause.

Asia: What will happen to Issei then if I join?

She asked with concern.

Yhwach: As long as the failure doesn't impede my progress, he will be fine. Unless he wishes to join my journey as well.

Yhwach said as he emerged from his room.

Kalawarner got off her chair and kneeled on one knee, lowering her head.

Kalawarner: Lord Yhwach, what do you desire?

Yhwach: Continue your research and report to me if something interesting arises.

Kalawarner: Yes, my Lord.

Kalawarner got up, returned to her chair, and began to fulfill her duties.

Yhwach turned his attention to Asia.

Yhwach: And you are Asia Argento, I presume?

Asia nodded, feeling speechless in his imposing presence. He appeared formidable, and she understood that saying the wrong thing could lead to dire consequences.

Yhwach: You will join me and assist in rectifying this world. Your contribution will be invaluable to me and my team.

Asia: A-Alright, I will join, as long as you don't harm Issei.

Yhwach: As I mentioned earlier, if the failure doesn't obstruct my path, there will be no issues between us.

Yhwach walked over to his seat and took a comfortable position.

Asia stood there, unsure of what to do.

Yhwach: Stop standing there like an idiot and be useful.

He commanded.

Asia: A-Alright, what do you want me to do?

Yhwach: First, discard those ridiculous clothes of yours and put on the ones I've provided. Then, assist Blueberry she requires your help.

Asia nodded and went straight to the bathroom to get changed.

Yhwach: Get her the clothes that I have provided for the two of you Blueberry.

Kalawarner nodded and stood up to get her the clothes.

After a bit Asia came out wearing the same stuff as the Fallen's. She went over to Kalawarner to help her out.

Kalawarner: Lord Yhwach? What about Freed Sellzen?

Kalawarner asked.

Yhwach: Do you possess information on him?

Kalawarner: Well yes, he was a Exorcist but he went rogue and he joined the Fallen's. He is capable of taking care of himself he is a bit crazy but he can get the job done.

Yhwach brought a hand to his chin, closing his eyes in contemplation.

Yhwach: Very well. Locate him and persuade him to join our cause. The more allies we gather, the smoother the process of rectifying this world.

Asia: H-He's located at the abandoned church on top of the hill.

Asia said.

He opened up his eyes and looked at Kalawarner.

Yhwach: Go and find him.

Kalawarner stood up.

Kalawarner: I will have it done by the end of the day my Lord.

she walked out of his apartment and took off to go find Freed.

Yhwach propped his elbow on the arm of his chair, resting his head on his knuckles.

Asia: L-Lord Y-Yhwach, why are you doing this?

Yhwach shifted his gaze to her.

Yhwach: Doing what exactly?

Asia: I mean, why are you trying to fix this world? How can you be sure that this plan of yours won't fail?

Yhwach: This world is flawed, consumed by chaos, pointless conflicts, and an unending pursuit of power. Whether it takes years, decades, or even centuries, I am determined to ensure its transformation into a world of lasting peace. I will not falter, and I will not fail.

Yhwach: Let me pose a question to you. What is your deepest desire in this world?

He inquired.

Asia bowed her head.

Asia: W-Well, I desire friends.

Yhwach: Friends, you say? Consider this scenario: if your closest friend were to die before your eyes, what would be your response?

Asia looked up, unsure.

Asia: I-I-I don't kn-

Yhwach: Would you avenge your friend's death by killing their murderer, or would you be a coward and flee?

Asia stammered, trying to respond.

Yhwach: This is precisely why I aim to create a world of peace—where your friends won't perish, where there will be no wars, no hatred, only tranquility.

Yhwach lowered his arm.

Yhwach: My motivation stems from the desire to end human suffering, to prevent conflicts driven by the three factions.

Asia clenched her fists.

Asia: I won't let any harm befall my friends.

Yhwach smiled, acknowledging her determination.

Yhwach: Then we must act swiftly to bring about peace in this world.

Scene Break

Issei: I am so goddamn confused.

Issei said.

Ddraig: [Of course you are because this whole time you have been thinking of breasts. If you just listened to what I said you would have understood the ability of my power.]

Issei: Well, my bad, Mr. Dragon.

Issei: Well, at least I summoned the Sacred Gear. It took a while.

Issei looked at his gauntlet on his left arm.

Issei: This is pretty cool, to be honest.

He inspected the gauntlet, looking at the details.

Ddraig: [Well, yes, at least you summoned it. That's a start, but now the real training begins.]

Issei: Should I tell Rias about this? Like, I know I am a Devil, and I am her servant, but there is a part of me that just doesn't want to tell her at all.

He said as he lowered his head.

Ddraig: [I am your partner, so whatever you do, I will follow. Even to the gates of hell, I will still be by your side. I can't control you, so follow your path.]

Issei smirked.

Issei: You know it's strange.

He sat down on a patch of grass.

Ddraig: [What is?]

Issei looked up at the sky.

Issei: Out of any other human in the entire world, why was I chosen to have this God-killer Sacred Gear?

Ddraig: [To be honest, kid, I don't know. All I do is guide my hosts to become the Red Dragon Emperor.]

It was quiet for a bit before Issei spoke up.

Issei: Yo, Ddraig?

Ddraig: [What is it?]

Issei: In your entire life of being alive, have you ever thought of a world of peace?

Ddraig: [Well, I would be lying if I said I didn't. But I wonder how this world would be like without any wars or hatred between the factions.]

Issei sighed, and he stood up.

Issei: I guess there is only one way to fi-

Rias: ISSEI!

He looked to his left and saw Rias with her peerage behind her.

Issei: How did you find me?

Koneko: I smelled your perversion all the way out here.

Koneko said.

Rias walked up to him, surprised to see him sweating and with some bruises.

Rias: Are you alright?

She asked with concern.

Issei: Yeah, I'm fine, just training is all.

Rias looked at him with worry.

Rias: I heard that you were not feeling well, so I came to see how you were doing.

Rias: Have you unlocked your Sacred Gear at all?

Issei looked at her before saying anything.

Issei: No, I didn't.

Rias was a bit surprised to hear that.

Rias: If you want, I can help you unlock your Sacred Gear.

Issei: You don't have to do such a thing; I can do it alone.

He stepped back a little.

Rias was shocked to hear that from him.

Rias: Why don't you want my help, Issei?

Issei: Rias, I have to follow my destiny. I don't want to be someone who is always asking for help to get something done. I want to do it alone.

He narrowed his eyes and looked away.

Issei: And I have to get stronger so I can save Asia.

Rias: Who is this Asia girl you speak of?

Issei: She is a friend of mine that got captured.

Rias: What is she?

Rias said with a little anger.

Issei: She is a nun, okay, and she got captured so I have to hurry and find her before something happens.

Rias: No, Issei, I am not going to let you do that. You are a Devil, and she isn't. We are not even on good terms with them. I can't have you going out there and risking your own life to save this girl. You could die in the process.

Issei clenched his fists.

Issei: And why not? Is it because you don't want to lose one of your servants?

Rias: ISSEI!

Issei: I knew Mr. Quincy was right; this world is filled with pain, suffering, and emptiness.

Issei took off.

Rias: Issei, wait.

But he didn't listen; he just kept on running.

Ddraig: [What do you plan to do?]

Issei: I am going to find Mr. Quincy and have him help me. I am going to try and see if he would be willing to train me as well.

Ddraig: [Why the sudden change?]

Issei: I was too stupid and caught up in my harem dream to realize that you can't have a harem if there is war and people betraying you so they can save themselves.

Ddraig: [Ahhh, I see. Well, let us begin our journey then, partner.]

Issei: Yes, let's.

Scene Break

Kalawarner and Raynare returned from their mission.

Raynare: Where did you go?

Kalawarner: I had to recruit someone for Lord Yhwach.

Kalawarner brushed a few bangs.

Raynare: Who was it?

A man walked into the apartment.

Freed: Yoohoo, little birdie, how is my little Raynare? Oh, how I want to screw you so hard.

Raynare: You've got to be kidding me. This piece of shit joined us?

Raynare had a disgusted look on her face.

Kalawarner: Yep, it took me a while to convince him to come here.

Kalawarner said as she sat down.

Kalawarner: So how did it go with you? Did you convince them to join?

Raynare shook her head.

Raynare: I couldn't approach them; they had too many guards with them.

Kalawarner: Damn, you do know that he will not be pleased to hear that.

Raynare: Yeah, I know, but I didn't want to go in there. That would be suicide.

Kalawarner sighed, and she looked over to Asia.

Kalawarner: Where is the Master?

Asia: I don't know; he stood up and left without saying anything. But he did want me to leave a message.

Asia: He said to be ready tomorrow because we are going to the school to talk with Rias.

Raynare smacked herself.

Raynare: Of course, we are.

Kalawarner: You've got to be kidding me. We are going to Devil territory, and we are going to speak with the crimson princess. This is going to be fun.

Kalawarner leaned back on the couch.

Raynare: Well, it's the Master's orders, so we gotta do it.

Raynare said.

Freed: So where is this Master you speak of? I want to meet him really soon.

Freed said with a smile.

Raynare: We don't know. If I were to guess, he should be here pretty soon.

Raynare said.

Freed: Well, I guess it's time to sit down and wait for this man you speak of to return.

Freed walked over to the armchair and sat down.

Freed: This is pretty comfortable.

Kalawarner and Raynare had wide eyes when they saw Freed sitting in the Master's chair. Both of them went up to Freed.

Kalawarner: What are you doing? Get up before something bad happens.

Kalawarner said.

Freed: How about if the two of you give me a Blowjob then I will get up. Does that sound good cause i'm all down for it.

Freed clapped his hands.

Raynare: Your a disgusting pig. Like I ever would do such a thing with you.

Raynare said as she clenched her fists.

Kalawarner: You better get up before I make you.

Kalawarner glared right at him.

The door's opened up but no one realized it because they were focused on freed. Yhwach slowly walked over to the side of the chair.

Yhwach: Get up.

Freed: Make m-

Freed stopped and looked at the man that was standing beside him. The intensity of his glare was unlike anything he had ever experienced.

All the girls stood frozen as they witnessed their Master standing there with a piercing stare.

Raynare: (In thought ) Your so fucked Freed

Freed: So, you're the Master?

Freed stood up, locking eyes with him.

Yhwach: Indeed, I am. And you must be the fool Blueberry mentioned, Freed, wasn't it?

Freed smiled before attempting to throw a punch, but Yhwach swiftly caught his hand.

Yhwach: Attempting a surprise attack, I see. However, let me make it clear—my eyes perceive everything. Try all your little tactics, but success will elude you.

Freed tried to get out of his grip but it was not possible so he grabbed his gun and tried to shoot him but he got his gun knocked out of his hand by him.

Yhwach: What did I just tell you. My eyes perceive everything but apparently you can't register that through your head.

Yhwach: Now let me ask you this. How would you like to join me to fix this world and make it peaceful?

Freed: Why would I want peace? All I want is to kill anyone who stands in my way.

Yhwach: You will be able to kill. If you follow me I can make your wishes come true. If you want women I can get them for you just as long you follow me and make this world peaceful.

Freed stood there thinking.

Freed: And if I refuse?

Yhwach: Then I will erase you from existence.

Freed: I don't have a choice really now? Fine I will join and play this little game of yours.

Yhwach let go of his hands.

Freed: Are you like a Devil or something?

Raynare: No he is not, he is a hundred percent human.

Freed: That doesn't look human to me.

Kalawarner: Yep, that's what we thought as well.

Kalawarner went back to her seat.

Freed went over to his gun and picked it up and holstering it.

Freed: So what's the plan...Boss?

Freed said as he sat down on the couch.

Yhwach: For now we don't have enough members to move on with step two but tomorrow we have a talk with Rias.

Kalawarner: Hey Freed do you think it's possible to get a Holy Sword?

Kalawarner asked.

Freed: I can try and get one but I don't know if it's possible.

Yhwach sat down and put his left leg over his right.

Yhwach: Well, we will worry about that later but for now we must rest because tomorrow is going to be a long one.

Girls: Yes my Lord. 

All of the girls said.

Freed: I got you Boss.

Freed said.

All the girls went to there rooms and Yhwach did the same.

Freed: Hey Boss where am I sleeping?

Yhwach: On the couch.

Freed sighed and laid down on the couch closing his eyes.

This is a Bonus Chapter Also Decide Now, Vote Review and cheer me up!

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