
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

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141 Chs

The Schrift of Remorse: Embracing Bazz-B's Gift

That night, as Tatsumi lay in their room, Yhwach found himself in a peculiar dream. The ethereal realm unfolded before him, and he walked through a surreal landscape.

Yhwach: (in thought) Dreams, the playground of the subconscious.

In this dream, Yhwach encountered a figure shrouded in mist—a manifestation of his own inner conflicts and unresolved past.

???: Your Majesty, why did you abandon us?

The voice echoed, carrying the weight of reproach and sorrow. Yhwach recognized the voice; it belonged to a Quincy who once served him faithfully.

Yhwach: (stoic) Haschwalth...

The mist coalesced into the form of his former lieutenant, wearing an expression of betrayal.

Haschwalth: You left us to perish, to face our fates alone. Why, Your Majesty?

Yhwach: (calmly) The Quincy were meant to be the foundation of a new world. Sacrifices were necessary.

Haschwalth's eyes bore into Yhwach with an accusatory gaze.

Haschwalth: But were we not your loyal subjects, your comrades?

Yhwach: (unyielding) Loyalty is a double-edged sword. I made choices for the future. You, too, understood the burden.

The dream shifted, and Yhwach found himself on a battlefield, surrounded by the echoes of countless Quincy warriors.

Bazz-B: Your Majesty, we fought with everything we had, and yet...

Bazz-B materialized from the mist, his spectral presence filled with anger and frustration.

Yhwach: Bazz-B...

Bazz-B: We believed in your vision, and what did it bring us? Death and despair.

Yhwach: (firmly) Sacrifices are the currency of progress. You knew the cost.

The dream continued, each Quincy soldier emerging from the mist to voice their grievances. Yhwach confronted the specters of those he had led into a doomed battle.

Yhwach: (resolute) The Quincy race was destined for extinction. My actions were to forge a future, a new world.

As the dream unfolded, Yhwach's inner conflict intensified. The faces of those he had left behind in his wake haunted him, their accusations echoing through the dream.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the mist—a younger version of Yhwach himself.

Young Yhwach: Father, why did you abandon me?

Yhwach: (caught off guard) Who are you?

Young Yhwach: Your ambitions consumed you, leaving me alone in the shadows.

Yhwach: (reflective) A manifestation of my own doubts and fears.

Young Yhwach: The Quincy fell, and you let them. Was it worth it?

Yhwach: (defiant) Sacrifices are inevitable for progress. I bear the burden of leadership.

As Yhwach stood defiant in the face of his inner conflicts, the dream took an unexpected turn. The surreal landscape around him began to dissolve into a dark void, pulling him into its abyssal depths.

The shadows swallowed Yhwach whole, and he found himself surrounded by an overwhelming emptiness. It was in this obsidian expanse that a colossal presence emerged—an entity of unimaginable magnitude. Zaegar, the Primordial Hollow, manifested before him, eclipsing the void itself.

Zaegar: ( Laughing ) Yhwach welcome back did ya miss me? 

Yhwach: Zaegar... This is no ordinary dream. What do you seek?

Zaegar's laughter echoed through the void, vibrating the very essence of Yhwach's being.

Zaegar: (Chuckles) Dreams are but fleeting illusions.

As the colossal figure of Zaegar loomed over the abyss, he gestured toward the myriad bubbles of light that floated around them. Each cocoon held a vague human figure, and a distinct letter was carved on every bubble—a familiar sight to Yhwach, as he recognized them as Schrifts.

Yhwach: (Intrigued) Schrifts... But what purpose do they serve here?

Zaegar's gaze, while filled with mirth, carried an air of solemnity.

Zaegar: These are the souls of every Stern Ritter, each of these cocoon is a Stern Ritter, or what remains of them after You retrieved your souls fragments.

Yhwach approached one of the larger bubbles, a mix of curiosity and anticipation evident in his eyes. He reached out, his hand poised to touch the radiant surface.

Zaegar: (Warning) Careful, Yhwach. To touch these bubbles is to unravel the threads of their souls.

Yhwach withdrew his hand, a frown creasing his brow.

Yhwach: Why are they here? What do these Schrift cocoons signify?

Zaegar's laughter softened, replaced by a contemplative tone.

Zaegar: Your Sternritters, though separated from the world of the living, carry remnants of their former selves. The emotions, the regrets, the loyalty—they are preserved in these ethereal cocoons. Some hold no grudges, understanding the weight of your decisions, while others are consumed by resentment.

Yhwach: (Intrigued) Resentment?

Zaegar: Your ambitions, Yhwach, left ripples across the spiritual realm. The wielders of these Schrifts are aware, and some harbor discontent. They exist in a state between acceptance and anger.

Yhwach's gaze shifted among the bubbles, each carrying the unique energy of a Sternritter.

Yhwach: (Curious) Can I not utilize these Schrifts, even in this realm?

Zaegar's response was cryptic, leaving room for Yhwach's understanding.

Zaegar: The wielders of the Schrifts are not bound by your will here. Attempting to harness their power could lead to unforeseen consequences, for their souls are not entirely subservient.

Yhwach: (Pensive) I see... So, what purpose do these Schrift cocoons serve in my inner world?

Zaegar: They serve as mirrors, reflecting the complex emotions within the hearts of your Sternritters. This dream is a realm of introspection, where you confront the consequences of your actions.

Zaegar: For now, your soul can only accommodate one more Schrifts, choose wisely, the smaller the cocoon the better as the cocoon's size reflect the toll it will take on your soul.

Yhwach pondered his choices, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. In the midst of his contemplation, Zaegar's voice resonated through the void.

Zaegar: And remember, they hear us. These souls can perceive our conversation. Choose not only based on power but also on understanding the souls entwined within the Schrifts.

Yhwach contemplated the myriad Schrift cocoons, each representing a Sternritter and their lingering essence. The weight of his decision hung in the air as he walked through the ethereal space. Eventually, he found himself standing before a particular cocoon, the letter "H" carved on its surface—an emblem signifying the Heat, the late Bazz-B.

Ignoring Zaegar's warning, Yhwach extended his hand and touched the radiant surface of Bazz-B's cocoon. In an instant, the dream shifted, and Yhwach found himself engulfed in a swirling vortex of flames. The heat was intense, an inferno that mirrored the searing emotions within Bazz-B's soul.

Bazz-B's form emerged from the flames, a fiery specter filled with a tumultuous mix of emotions. His eyes glowed with an intense heat, and his voice carried the weight of anger, betrayal, and deep-seated hurt.

Bazz-B: (roaring) Your Majesty! You betrayed us! Left us to burn in the fires of your ambition!

Yhwach walked through the searing vortex, flames licking at his form, as he approached the fiery manifestation of Bazz-B. The intense heat seemed to echo the fervor of Bazz-B's accusations.

Bazz-B: (shouting) Stay back, traitor! You don't deserve to come near us!

Yhwach, undeterred by the scorching flames, continued to advance toward Bazz-B. His stoic expression remained, but a glimmer of remorse flickered in his eyes.

Yhwach: Bazz-B, I understand your anger. I bear the weight of the choices I made.

Bazz-B backed away, flames intensifying around him as if fueled by the anguish within his soul.

Bazz-B: (voice filled with fear and anger) You left us to die, and now you come here? Stay away!

As Yhwach closed the distance, Bazz-B's flames grew more erratic, fueled by the trauma and betrayal he felt. Yhwach, despite the searing pain, extended his hand in a gesture of peace.

Yhwach: (calmly) I apologize, Bazz-B. My vision for the Quincy race may have caused pain. Forgive me.

Bazz-B, engulfed in a mixture of emotions, couldn't comprehend Yhwach's gesture. The flames danced wildly around him, reflecting the turmoil within his soul.

Bazz-B: (yelling) You ask for forgiveness? After everything? You don't understand the pain, the fear!

Yhwach, now standing before the fiery manifestation of Bazz-B, reached out and gently grasped his flaming shoulder. The intense heat burned, and Yhwach winced but held firm.

Yhwach: I acknowledge the pain I've caused. I was wrong. Forgive me, Bazz-B.

Bazz-B's flames flickered, uncertainty and conflict warring within him. Yhwach, despite the burns on his form, held onto Bazz-B, his eyes reflecting a genuine plea for understanding.

Bazz-B: (softening) Why? Why did you abandon us?

Yhwach, still holding onto Bazz-B within the swirling flames, looked into his fiery eyes with a solemn expression. The intensity of the heat seemed to diminish as Yhwach spoke, his words cutting through the tumultuous emotions.

Yhwach: Bazz-B, I understand the pain I've caused you and the others. My vision blinded me to the true cost of our endeavors. But in this moment, I acknowledge the weight of my decisions.

Bazz-B's flames flickered, a mixture of anger and sorrow evident in his fiery visage. Yhwach continued, his voice carrying a depth of sincerity.

Yhwach: You sought my approval, yearned for recognition, and I failed to see the loyalty and dedication you held. I chose paths that led to betrayal, and for that, I am truly sorry.

Bazz-B, overwhelmed by the admission, felt the flames waver. His shoulders slumped, and he began to cry, flames mingling with tears as he dropped to his knees.

Bazz-B: (voice breaking) Why, Your Majesty? I looked up to you, considered you my father. I... I just wanted your approval.

Yhwach, understanding the weight of Bazz-B's words, knelt down beside him. He placed a hand on Bazz-B's fiery shoulder, a comforting gesture amidst the blazing storm.

Yhwach: Bazz-B, I failed to recognize the bonds that tied us, the loyalty that should have been acknowledged. I chose Jugram over you, and for that, I am truly sorry. You are not just a soldier; you are a son. I should have been a better father.

Bazz-B, now openly crying, let the flames of his anguish subside. Yhwach pulled him into a heartfelt embrace, the fiery tumult around them calming as Yhwach held Bazz-B close.

Yhwach: I underestimated the impact of my choices on those I consider my sons and daughters. I failed you, and for that, I am sorry.

Bazz-B, still processing the depth of Yhwach's apology, clung to him. The flames that once symbolized anger and betrayal now conveyed a mixture of healing and understanding.

Bazz-B: (softly) I wanted to believe in your vision, Your Majesty. I just wanted to make you proud. How could you betray your own children?

Yhwach, holding Bazz-B with genuine remorse, spoke softly.

Yhwach: I see now the gravity of my actions. I failed to be the father you deserved. I chose a path that brought pain instead of progress. Forgive me, Bazz-B.

Bazz-B, still sobbing, nodded in Yhwach's embrace. Yhwach, sensing the weight of Bazz-B's pain, allowed the moment of reconciliation to linger before gently pulling away.

Yhwach: (softly) Bazz-B, there is more to this dream. I must understand the consequences of my choices, even if it means facing the darkest corners of my soul.

Bazz-B, wiping away the remnants of fiery tears, nodded in understanding. The dream shifted once again, transporting them to a scene from the past—a quiet village engulfed in flames. The echoes of distant screams filled the air as Yhwach, Bazz-B, and another figure stood amidst the devastation.

( Picture )

Bazz-B: (voice trembling) This... This is our village, isn't it?

Yhwach remained stoic, a haunting acknowledgment in his eyes.

Yhwach: Yes, Bazz-B. This is where our paths intertwined.

The flames surrounding the village intensified, reflecting the burning pain within Bazz-B's soul. The third figure, standing beside them, was revealed to be a younger Jugram Haschwalth.

Jugram: (grim) It was here that you changed our lives forever, Your Majesty.

Yhwach: (regretful) I sought to build a new world, but the cost was high. I burned away the past, not realizing the impact on your lives.

Bazz-B's eyes widened as memories resurfaced.

Bazz-B: (angry) You burned our homes, killed our families, and then offered us power? For what?

Yhwach: (reflective) The Quincy were on the brink of extinction. I needed warriors, strong and loyal, to build a foundation for the future. I believed the ends justified the means.

Jugram: (stoic) We were left with nothing but ashes and a choice—serve you or perish.

Bazz-B's fiery aura flared, anger emanating from his very core.

Bazz-B: (accusatory) You took away our choices, forced us into a life we never wanted. We were children!

Yhwach: (apologetic) I understand the gravity of my actions now, but back then, I believed in a vision. I believed it was the only way to save our kind.

Bazz-B's fists clenched, flames intensifying.

Bazz-B: (bitter) Save our kind? You destroyed everything we held dear! My family, my home—gone because of you.

Yhwach: (contrite) I can't undo the past, Bazz-B. But I can acknowledge the pain I caused you and Jugram. Your sacrifices were not in vain, even if the path was fraught with suffering.

Jugram, usually reserved, spoke with a hint of resentment.

Jugram: (guarded) We served you faithfully, Your Majesty, but it was never out of loyalty. It was out of necessity.

Yhwach: (apologetic) I took advantage of your desperation, and for that, I am sorry. I see now the weight of the burden I placed upon your shoulders.

Bazz-B: (frustrated) You turned us into tools, weapons for your grand design. We wanted to kill you when we first gained power.

Yhwach's eyes showed a momentary flicker of vulnerability.

Yhwach: (acknowledging) I understand the anger and desire for vengeance. But what stopped you?

Jugram: (grim) Loyalty, perhaps. Loyalty born out of survival and shared suffering.

Bazz-B: (resentful) We served you, not out of choice, but because we had nowhere else to go.

Yhwach: (regretful) I robbed you of a normal life, of choices, and for that, I am truly sorry.

The dream continued, revealing the struggles of Bazz-B and Jugram as they served under Yhwach. The pain, the internal conflicts, and the moments of camaraderie unfolded before Yhwach's eyes. As the scenes played out, the fiery aura around Bazz-B began to wane, replaced by a sense of resignation.

Bazz-B: (softly) We hated you, Your Majesty, for what you did to us. But over time, that hate turned into something else. Understanding, maybe.

Yhwach: (thoughtful) Understanding?

Bazz-B: (reflective) We understood that you were a product of your own convictions, flawed as they were. You may have seen us as expendable, but we found strength in each other.

Jugram: (nodding) We forged bonds that transcended your vision. We became brothers in the face of adversity.

Yhwach listened, a mix of emotions playing across his face.

Yhwach: (somber) I failed to see the resilience within you, the strength that emerged from the ashes of despair.

Bazz-B: (resigned) We're not here for revenge, Your Majesty. We're here to make you understand the consequences of your choices.

Jugram: (calm) The path you set us on was painful, but it shaped us into who we are today.

The landscape transformed into a serene Quincy village, untouched by flames. Yhwach, Bazz-B, and Jugram stood side by side, their expressions reflecting a camaraderie that had developed over time.

Yhwach: (reflective) This is the village before my ambitions consumed it in flames.

Bazz-B: (nostalgic) It's strange to see it like this, without the destruction.

Jugram: (calm) This is what could have been, Your Majesty, a peaceful life without the burden of your vision.

As the dream unfolded, Yhwach witnessed moments of genuine connection and shared laughter between the Quincy warriors. Bazz-B and Jugram, once fueled by resentment, found solace in the bonds they formed with each other and their fellow Quincy.

Bazz-B: (smiling) Despite the pain, we found strength in unity. It wasn't your vision that held us together; it was the resilience of our spirits.

Jugram: (nodding) Your Majesty, the path you chose may have been misguided, but we forged something meaningful despite the hardships.

Yhwach observed the scenes with a mix of emotions—regret for the path he had taken, but also a newfound understanding of the strength that emerged from the ashes of despair.

The dream then shifted to a pivotal moment in Bazz-B and Jugram's lives—their encounter with Yhwach, who offered them power in exchange for loyalty.

Yhwach: (apologetic) This is the moment that changed everything for you, for us.

Bazz-B and Jugram, now facing the younger version of Yhwach, felt a surge of conflicting emotions. The choice they made, driven by desperation, became clearer in the dream.

Bazz-B: (bitter) We had no choice but to accept your offer. It felt like survival at the cost of our humanity.

Jugram: (stoic) The desperation in our hearts clouded our judgment. We were children burdened with the weight of an impossible choice.

Yhwach: (regretful) I failed to realize the impact of my actions on innocent lives. You deserved better than the choices I forced upon you.

As the dream progressed, Yhwach found himself standing before the remnants of the burned Quincy village. The echoes of the past, the pain of loss, and the consequences of his decisions unfolded before him.

Yhwach: (grief-stricken) This is the result of my ambition—the destruction of lives that should have flourished.

Bazz-B and Jugram, standing alongside Yhwach, acknowledged the harsh reality that unfolded before them.

Bazz-B: (softly) We lost everything that day, but we also found something within ourselves that couldn't be extinguished.

Jugram: (resigned) Your Majesty, acknowledging our pain doesn't erase the past, but it paves the way for understanding.

Bazz-B: (accepting) Your Majesty, our forgiveness is not an erasure of the pain, but a recognition of the potential for change.

Bazz-B: Your Majesty... I forgive you.

Yhwach, still holding onto Bazz-B, nodded solemnly. The ethereal letter "H" representing the Heat began to materialize in front of them. With a determined expression, Bazz-B reached out and ripped the spectral letter from the cocoon, causing it to hover in the air.

Bazz-B: This... is my final gift to you, Your Majesty.

With a forceful motion, Bazz-B sent the ethereal Schrift, the embodiment of his fiery powers, towards Yhwach. The letter "H" merged with Yhwach's being, causing him to convulse in pain as the power of the Schrift intertwined with his essence.

Yhwach: (gritting his teeth) Bazz-B, what are you doing?

Bazz-B, now standing independently from the cocoon, looked at Yhwach with a mixture of sadness and determination.

Bazz-B: I'm giving you a part of myself, Your Majesty. The Heat was my essence, my power, and my loyalty. Take it, and may it bring you both strength and understanding.

Jugram: (wise) The power you now carry, the Heat, represents both the agony and the strength we gained from our shared journey.

Yhwach, holding the ethereal letter "H" on his chest, felt a renewed sense of purpose and responsibility.

Yhwach: (determined) I carry your essence within me, Bazz-B. This power will not be in vain. I will strive for a future where sacrifices are acknowledged, but not at the cost of abandoning those who believe in our vision.

As the Schrift merged with Yhwach, the swirling blue flames enveloped him, causing an ethereal glow. Bazz-B stepped back, his form gradually fading.

Bazz-B: (whispering) You have a chance to make things right, Your Majesty. Use this power wisely, and remember the pain you've caused. Forge a future that acknowledges the sacrifices without abandoning those who believe in your vision.

With those final words, Bazz-B vanished, leaving behind a lingering echo of his presence. Yhwach, still recovering from the merging process, clutched the ethereal letter "H" on his chest.

Yhwach: Bazz-B... Thank you.

As Yhwach absorbed the power of Bazz-B's Schrift, the dream continued its journey through the realms of Yhwach's inner conflicts. The dark void around them began to shift, revealing new scenes and memories, each connected to the sacrifices and choices made in the name of Yhwach's vision.

Yhwach found himself back in the dark void, the echoes of Bazz-B's sacrifice still resonating within him. The swirling blue flames subsided, leaving Yhwach standing amidst the abyss. Zaegar, the Primordial Hollow, loomed before him, his colossal presence unchanged.

Zaegar: (Laughing) Well, well, Yhwach. Seems like you've received a gift from one of your own.

Yhwach, still clutching the ethereal letter "H," gazed at Zaegar with a mix of contemplation and acknowledgment.

Yhwach: Bazz-B... He chose to forgive me and gave me a part of himself.

Zaegar's laughter echoed through the void, carrying both amusement and an underlying sense of understanding.

Zaegar: (Chuckles) Forgiveness, a powerful force indeed. It seems your journey through this dream is unlocking facets of your soul.

Yhwach: (inquiring) What does this mean, Zaegar? What changes within me?

Zaegar's colossal form leaned in, his hollow eyes fixed on Yhwach.

Zaegar: The Schrift, the Heat—now a part of you. It carries not just the power of flames but also the weight of Bazz-B's forgiveness and sacrifice. It's a reminder of the consequences of your actions.

Yhwach: (reflective)... Is that what this dream seeks to show me?

Zaegar: Dreams are mirrors to the soul, Yhwach. They reflect the aspects you may not easily see. The Schrift cocoons, the encounters with your past, and now this gift—all pieces of the puzzle you must unravel.

Yhwach's gaze shifted to the myriad bubbles of light around them, each representing a Sternritter and their preserved essence.

Yhwach: (contemplative) These Schrifts, these souls... What role do they play in the grand scheme of my existence?

Zaegar: (pondering) Your Sternritters, whether in life or in this dream realm, are bound to you by the threads of fate. They carry the imprints of their loyalty, regrets, and, in some cases, resentment. The dream allows you to confront the consequences and seek understanding.

Yhwach: (determined) I will not shy away from the truth, no matter how painful. I must face the consequences and learn from them.

Zaegar's laughter reverberated once more, resonating with a sense of approval.

Zaegar: A wise decision, Yhwach. Now, with the Heat in your possession, the dream realm may reveal even deeper truths. Remember, the power of the Schrift is not just in its destructive capabilities but also in the emotions it embodies.

Zaegar's colossal form loomed over Yhwach, the void around them pulsating with an otherworldly energy.

Zaegar: (amused) Yhwach, my time playing with dreams has grown wearisome. Your journey continues, but my interest wanes.

Without warning, Zaegar extended his immense hand, and a forceful gust of wind swept through the dark void. Yhwach felt himself being propelled away, the ethereal letter "H" still clutched in his hand.

Yhwach: (shouting) Zaegar, what is the meaning of this?

Zaegar's laughter echoed as Yhwach was cast out of the obsidian expanse. The void distorted and twisted around him until everything blurred into a chaotic swirl.

Yhwach: (yelling) Zaegar! Explain yourself!

In the midst of Yhwach's protest, the swirling vortex enveloped him entirely. The laughter of Zaegar resonated until it became a distant echo, and Yhwach felt a sense of weightlessness.

Suddenly, Yhwach jolted awake, Yhwach sat up and saw Sheele sleeping on Tatsumi's leg while sitting on a chair.

Yhwach: Sheele? Why are you here, and why are you sleeping on Tatsumi's leg?

Sheele stirred slightly, blinking her eyes open as she became aware of Yhwach's presence. She sat up, rubbing her eyes with a yawn.

Sheele: Today... You and Tatsumi are... going to be training under me... I look forward to working with you.

She said.

Yhwach nodded.

Yhwach: I see.

Meanwhile, in the dining room.

Lubbock: Are you sure it's ok to leave Sheele in charge of Tatsumi and Yhwach?

He asked while eating a piece of watermelon.

Boss: Oh, they'll be alright. I am positive Sheele will take a liking to Tatsumi, and he insisted on having Yhwach be trained by her as well.

She said while eating an apple.

Akame: So then about lunch, I was thinking that I might make some mapo beef bowls.

She said while walking into the dining room.

Lubbock: Well, I'd prefer if you'd decide between mapo tofu and beef bowls...

Boss & Leone: Sounds good!

Akame: And I'll top it off with a little fried chicken, okay?

Lubbock: Fried chicken too?! Don't you think that's a little bit much...

Boss & Leone: Sounds good!

Lubbock: Where the heck do they put it all?

Back with Yhwach, he was currently waiting for Tatsumi to swim across the lake with armor on for training. Sheele insisted him to wear armor, with Yhwach refusing. Tatsumi finally made his way across the lake and climbed up to the surface.

Sheele: Congratulations, you've learned how to swim in armor.

Tatsumi: Ugh! So...heavy... Man, that was really hard!

Sheele: It's a requirement as a part of our 'How to train Assassins' curriculum. I don't really do chores or anything, so I kinda specialize in training new recruits like you.

Tatsumi: Wait, why don't you do chores?

Sheele: Are you gonna make fun of me?

Tatsumi: Why would I? I'm your friend Sheele, you can tell me anything, and I wouldn't make fun of you, not one bit.

Sheele: ...I tried to cook, but I burnt the meat, which made Akame really upset, and I caused trouble for Bulat when I tried to clean, and Leone laughed at me when I went shopping, and I bought tons of sugar instead of salt. We tried laundry but....I sorta ended up washing Mine along with all of the dirty clothes.

She said while hanging her head low.

Tatsumi walked over to Sheele, giving her a reassuring smile.

Tatsumi: Sheele, everyone makes mistakes. It's okay. Cooking, cleaning, and shopping can be tricky, especially when you're not used to it. The important thing is that you tried, and that counts for a lot.

Yhwach, standing nearby, chimed in with a supportive tone.

Yhwach: Tatsumi is right. Making mistakes is part of learning. And besides, we all have our strengths. Your expertise lies in training assassins, and that's a valuable skill.

Sheele looked up at them, her eyes reflecting gratitude for their understanding.

Sheele: Thank you, Tatsumi, Yhwach. It means a lot to me. I just want to be helpful, like everyone else.

Tatsumi: And you are, Sheele. Training us today is already a big help. We appreciate it.

Yhwach: (nodding) Indeed. We each have our roles, and yours is essential. Don't let a few mishaps get you down.

Sheele smiled, feeling warmth in her heart from their words.

Sheele: Thanks, guys. I'm lucky to have friends like you.

Tatsumi: So, how'd you get yourself into this line of work?

He asked.

Sheele: Um well, it's kind of a complicated story. I grew up in one of the older parts of the Imperial Capital. I've never been able to do anything right. I couldn't take pride in a single thing that I did. People would always make mean comments about me, like I was crazy or something. But thankfully, I had a friend who was...very kind to me. No matter what happened or how badly I messed up, she never once made fun of me. The time I spent with her was the only ray of happiness in my entire life. But it didn't last for long. One day I was visiting her house, like I always did...when a man came to the door. He was her ex-boyfriend. He was furious and yelling and breaking things, then he tried to strangle her. I think he was drunk or on something. My first thought was, 'I need to save my friend!'. So I grabbed the closest knife I could find and I cut his throat, but while I was doing it...I was surprisingly calm. I couldn't believe of how quickly he died. My friend was so scared she started shaking, but my head was completely clear. When It was all said and done, the events of that night were written off as self-defense. But I never heard from my friend again after that.

She said while tearing up a bit.

Sheele: ....And then, a few days later the man's friends came to get revenge. They told me that they'd kill my parents and they were going to kill me next. Despite all of the awful things they said, I was incredibly relaxed. I killed them all, one by one. That was the moment I realized what I must do. I'm good at this, at killing, maybe because I'm a little crazy. If I kill bad people, I can make this world a better place. I was a solo assassin in the Capital when the Revolutionary Army scouted me out.

Tatsumi listened intently to Sheele's story, realizing the depth of pain and trauma she had experienced. He could sense the mixture of sorrow and determination in her words.

Tatsumi: Sheele, I'm sorry you had to go through all of that. It must have been incredibly tough.

Yhwach, too, showed a rare moment of empathy, understanding the weight of Sheele's past.

Yhwach: Your strength comes from enduring hardships. You found a purpose in protecting others, and that's commendable.

Tatsumi: (In Thought) I guess everyone has a rough past. Something to carry with them.

He thought to himself.

Tatsumi: Sheele, do you think that I can do this?

Sheele: You'll do just fine. Well, unlike me, you and Yhwach are very talented cooks!

Tatsumi: (In Thought) That's what she thought I meant?

Yhwach, Tatsumi, and Sheele looked at the water and saw Bulat jumping out of the water and flexing in front of them.

Tatsumi: (In Thought) Y'know, maybe I'm NOT up for this.


Boss: Tatsumi, It seems you've made a full recovery. We've acquired Zanku's Teigu, I want you to try it on.

She said as she held Spectator in her metal hand.

Tatsumi: Wow, you sure?! It's for me?!

Bulat: That one's all yours, sugar.

Lubbock: Careful, these things are known for putting a lot of pressure on your mind and body.

Tatsumi: (In Thought) This eyeball thing may not look all that cool, but its abilities are actually pretty amazing!

He thought as he grabbed it and put it on his forehead.

Boss: It wasn't in my book anywhere, so we still don't have much information on it.

Akame: Zanku was reading people's minds with it, see if you can make it work on me.

She said as they both stared at each other.

Tatsumi: You're thinking.....'I CAN'T WAIT TO EAT MEAT TONIGHT!!!!'

Akame: That's amazing!

Yhwach: Akame, he hasn't even activated it.

Mine: Well, I sure don't want him reading MY mind. It has five sights so quit stalling and try one out.

Tatsumi: Jeez, take a chill pill. Okay...

He said while sitting on the ground.

Tatsumi: O, random ability I don't know about.....activate now!

Spectator opened up as Tatsumi couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him.

Mine: What's wrong?


He yelled as he was blushing furiously.

Mine: What's your problem?

Tatsumi: (In Thought) Whoever invented Teigus...was an absolute genius!

He thought to himself, but right after that, the Teigu started to give Tatsumi a major headache.

Lubbock: Crap! It's rejecting him!

Akame: I'm taking it off.

She said as she removed Spectator from Tatsumi's forehead and handed it to the Boss.

Tatsumi: Man, my head really hurts.

Boss: It's the compatibility.

Mine: It's just not suited for you. I bet you were worried of how dumb you looked. They say the matter is the first impression you have on the teigu.

Boss: I'll send it to the H.Q. of the Revolutionary Army. They'll study it, and it'll become a weapon ready to use.

Akame: Sometimes on our missions, we come across targets who have Teigus, just as Headmaster Zanku did. Our superiors prefer we try to steal, or destroy as many of them as we possibly can.

Tatsumi: So with every Teigu we get, we're helping further advance the revolution?

Boss: That's right, here's a book about Teigus I'd like you and Yhwach to read.

She said while handing the book to Tatsumi.

Tatsumi: There's so many...and they're all different! It's really unbelievable.

He said while looking through the pages.

Boss: You both should memorize the details of every weapon there.

Tatsumi: Wow, so which one is the most powerful?

Yhwach: Tatsumi, there is no such thing as 'the strongest'. You must understand that each teigu has different power, along with its weaknesses. Considering the ton of skill, everything is about how you use it.

Boss: You speak like an expert, and you are right of course. 

Boss: It heavily depends on the user. That said, if I had to make a choice...one can manipulate ice. It's owner is quite strong. Fortunately for us, she's not in the capital right now. She's trying to subdue the people in the north.

She said angrily while putting her metal hand over her eyepatch, and Yhwach noticed.

Tatsumi: Why the people in the north?

Boss: The prince of the northern tribe is known as Numa Seika. He's a legendary hero who fights with a spear and has never lost. Not only is he a master strategist, but his people trust him very deeply, which makes him a great threat to the Capital. He took over the northern fortress capital and made it into a base for his tremendous army. Since then, his forces begun to invade more and more aggressively. So the Empire created a special unit to fight them off...

Lubbock: I don't think we need to worry about that. It'll take a year to stop the northern tribe's army, even for HER.

Boss: We can only hope.

Tatsumi: Well, I say bring it on! Let's go and get as many of these things as we can!

Leone: You're in an awfully good mood. What's gotten into you?

Tatsumi: There's still some Teigus out there that we don't know about, right? Well that gives me a great idea. I mean they can do all of these amazing things! So what if... maybe... what if there's an Teigu that can bring back to dead! Y'now? Right? If there is, I can bring back Sayo and Ieyasu! All we have to do is keep looking!

Bulat: Oh, honey. Not even an Teigu can bring back the dead, Tatsumi. 

He said while his hair was covering his face. 

Bulat: We only get one shot at life.

Tatsumi: No, NO! You don't know that for sure! We just have to keep looking!

Boss: Tatsumi, I understand the pain of losing loved ones, but bringing the dead back to life is beyond the capabilities of any Teigu. We have to focus on the realities we can change.

Tatsumi, still holding onto hope, looked down with a mix of determination and desperation.

Bulat: He probably saw it as impossible, and that's why he made the Teigus in the first place.

He said as Tatsumi stared in shock.

Akame: Just forget it. If you don't let go of that weakness, the enemy will surely see it. And if that happens, it'll get you killed.


Meanwhile, In the north, we see the prince of the northern tribe bowing before a woman with a chain attached to his neck as he's licking her boots like a dog.

Soldier: You conquered the northern tribe incredibly quickly. Most impressive, General Esdeath!

Esdeath: I can't believe you were the best they had to offer, how very disappointing.

She said while kicking his face so hard that it killed the prince instantly, the soldiers gasped in shock.

Esdeath: Will I ever find an enemy out there who can satisfy my appetite?

Meanwhile. Yhwach, Leone, and Tatsumi were in the middle of town.

Tatsumi: Hey, I'm hungry. Can we go by somewhere?

Leone: Sure, there are a couple of restaurants around here I know.

Tatsumi: Look at this place, there's a lot going on.

Leone: Yep, it's a lively part of town! When your born poor, you've got to keep yourself busy.

She said while people were greeting her left and right.

Leone: this is the part of town where I grew up! I know it sounds crazy but I was famous around here for my back massag-

She was interrupted as a group of angry men started running at her.

Leone: Oh, Crap!

She said as she ran away from the angry group of men.

Tatsumi: H-Hey! Wait up!

He said while trying to catch up with them.

Leone: So, what do you think about my old neighborhood Yhwach?

Yhwach: Quite interesting, I suppose. Your inquiry is appreciated.

Meanwhile in the Capital.

Emperor: We must not lose faith! They're situated so far south that we may contend with them at our leisure! If we want to clear out the seeds of the rebellion, then we should begin by rounding them all up. Isn't that right Minister?

Minister: Well said, Your Highness! I see you're keeping your composure. Our current issue.....is the rogue group of assassins, not the rebels! They've killed Captain Ogre and my dear relative Yokal! They murdered the Headmaster Zanku and took his Imperial Arms! Damn Night Raid is making a mess in the Capital. I'm gaining weight from all this undue stress. I'm calling back General Esdeath.

Solder: Um, forgive me, Minister, but General Budo is already here!

Minister: I'm sure the Great General has better things to do than hunt down a gang of bandits.

Emperor: Esdeath, huh? Her accomplishments are equal to that of Budo. We can trust her.

Minister: She slaughtered 400,000 tribesmen by burying them alive. I don't need her to capture them. I want her to track them down and kill as many of them as possible!

Back with Tatsumi, he was panting heavily as he was still running from the group of men, he took a right and noticed that he lost them.

Tatsumi: "Whew, I think we lost 'em. You ok Yhwa-

He stopped himself as he didn't see Yhwach or Leone anywhere in sight. 

Tatsumi: Wait... Where's... Leone and Yhwach?!

Tatsumi: ( In Thought) Oh no, I can't find them. And I have no idea where I am!

Seryu: What's this? Looks like my Justice Sensor has found something! You there!

She said which gained Tatsumi's attention.

Seryu: You seem to need assistance there citizen! Proud member of the Imperial Guard, Seryu, at your service!

She said while saluting at him.

Tatsumi: ( In Thought ) She's a guard...

 He was cut off from his thoughts when he heard whining from a little dog.

Seryu: Koro, are you hungry, buddy? We'll eat soon.

She said while kneeling at him.

Koro: *woof* *woof* ( The fuck you looking at bitch? )

Tatsumi: Sorry, what IS that?

Seryu: He's my Teigu, Hekatonkeiru! Don't worry, he only bites bad guys.

Tatsumi: ( In Thought ) He was in that book...

Seryu: Oh, that's right, you needed help, didn't you?

Tatsumi: No, no, I'm fine. I just got a little turned around. I think I remember the name of the place I was before.

Seryu: I'll help you find it!

She said while tossing Koro away.

Seryu: I'm on patrol right now anyway! Let's go, I won't let you get lost!

Koro: *angry woof* *angry woof* *angry woof* ( YOU FUCKING- )

Tatsumi: So uh... do all the Imperial Guards have a weird angry pet like this?

Seryu: Of course not! I'm the only guard who has a Teigu.

She said while picking up Koro.

Seryu: Koro, um... well, that's the name I gave him anyway. He won't cooperate with anyone until he can tell they have an extremely high affinity with him. Supposedly, none of the top-ranked officers were able to click with Koro. So they started running tests on low-level grunts like me. I was told that he responded to my righteous heart while I was getting examined. And he's been my cute, little companion ever since. Right, Koro?

Koro: *woof* *woof* ( don't talk to me you crazy women )

Tatsumi: ooookaaaaaaay.....

 Seryu: Time to go, little buddy! You still hungry? Let's go pick out a few death-row prisoners for you to snack on!

She said while dragging Koro on the ground while running.

Tatsumi: ( In Thought ) A guard with a Teigu? This could get ugly. I'd better tell the boss. I wonder where Yhwach is.

Seryu: ( In Thought ) 'I know it's important to help people, I must be vigilant, and locate Night Raid! I MUST.... for Captain Ogre. Those monsters murdered Captain Ogre, and worse, they sent his finger as proof! Night Raid...you will pay with your lives.


Yhwach, Tatsumi, and Leone were on a mission in the middle of a Chinese-styled town, while Mine and Sheele were also on their own mission. 

Tatsumi: So this is the Capital's red-light district? I'm a little nervous.

Leone: Aww. Tatsumi, don't act all bashful. Anyway, the money ain't gonna make itself, so I say we get cooking

She said while backing up from Tatsumi.

Leone: Lionel, transform!

Tatsumi watched as Leone was transforming into her Lionel form, her hair grew longer as she gained claws for hands, she even got a little tail on her waist.

Leone: When I go into beast mode I feel like I can take on the whole world!

She said as Tatsumi was blushing and applauding Leone.

Leone: C'mon, lets get in their and make a mess of things.

She said as she picked up Tatsumi from the ground and started jumping from building to building as Yhwach followed up behind her. 

The three soon found themselves inside an attic. Leone put down Tatsumi as Yhwach lifted up a piece of plywood that showed the room below them. What Yhwach saw was not what he expected. Dozens of women are getting high off of some type of gas that the capital made to keep them from leaving.

Leone and Tatsumi made there way over to Yhwach. Tatsumi was about to speak until someone came through the door.

Gang Leader: Ooh, they sure are going to town! If you want me to bring more, better keep on being good little girls, you understand?

All girls: Ooookkkkk!!!

???: Hey boss, what about that one over there?

He said while pointing towards a girl who was on the ground laughing like a maniac.

Gang Leader: Eh, I'm done with her. Her mind's gone and she stinks like fish. Just get rid of her, these bitches are easy to replace.

Girl: Please... GIVE ME MORE!!!

 She said while streching her arms out towards the gang Leader.

???: How bout this?!

He said as he punched the girl in the face.

Yhwach noticed that when the man punched the girl, Leone growled a bit. He slowly put down the piece of plywood back on the ground.

Yhwach: Leone, everything alright?

Leone: Yeah, it's just that.. that girl he just hit.... she was my friend from back home. Now I'm pissed! Let's just slaughter these pukes and just be done with it!

She said as she got up with determination.

Tatsumi: Roger that.

 he three jumped down and broke through the plywood floor.

Leone and Tatsumi: Where here to send every single one of you Straight to Hell.

???: Get those punks, bring back their heads, kill them all-

He was interrupted as Yhwach stabbed one of the guards in the head with his Blade.

Yhwach: You talk to much.

???: J-Just get them!

The guards charged at the three with guns in their hands. Tatsumi ran up and killed the first two with a single strike. Yhwach followed up behind him and Sliced the other guard in half. Leone was surrounded by 6 guards, she smirked and took them all out one by one, Leone didn't know but 5 guard were swarming up behind her ready to attack at once. Yhwach jumped behind Leone and killed the 5 guards with a single punch.

???: N-No, I-I'm not gonna die like this!!

He said as he pulled out a gun and aimed it at Tatsumi's head, but Tatsumi was just to quick and he sliced the man in half.

The Gang Leader was too shocked to realize what happened. Yhwach then lifted up the Gang Leader by his neck.

Gang Leader: P-Please, take whatever you want! You want money? You want drugs? I'll give you anything! Just please let me go!

Yhwach tightened his grip on the Gang Leader's neck, his eyes reflecting a stern resolve.

Yhwach: Your crimes won't be pardoned so easily. You exploited and ruined the lives of these women. Justice demands retribution.

Leone approached, her eyes cold and determined.

Leone: You're going to pay for what you've done to my friend and all these innocent women.

The Gang Leader, desperate and terrified, continued to plead for mercy.

Gang Leader: I-I can change! I'll repent for my sins! Please have mercy!

Tatsumi, observing the situation, felt a mix of anger and disgust towards the Gang Leader.

Tatsumi: Mercy? After what you've done? I don't think so.

Yhwach glanced at Tatsumi, acknowledging the shared sentiment. Without uttering a word, Yhwach swiftly brought his blade down, severing the ties of the Gang Leader's life.

Tatsumi: So, what's gonna happen to all of those girls? They're really messed up now.

Leone: Unfortunately, that's not our call. There's a retired doctor who still lives around here. I'll let him know what happened. He'd probably be more than happy to lend a hand. The doc was always fond of pretty girls, so everybody wins. Ya' know what I'm sayin'?

Meanwhile, with Sheele and Mine.

Mine: That Chirubu guy was so obnoxiously careful, I thought we'd never track him down!

She said this while running behind Sheele.

Sheele: Yeah, well, at least we completed the mission on time, and we had no problem getting attacked as well.

She stopped talking when she heard the sound of leaves rustling behind her.

Sheele: Yeah, well, at least we completed the mission on time, and we had no problem getting attacked as well.

She stopped talking when she heard the sound of leaves rustling behind her.

Mine and Sheele jumped away from each other when an auburn-haired girl came crashing down in between them with an evil grin.

Mine: Who's that?! Is that an enemy? I couldn't sense her at all!

Sheele: Other guards can't conceal their auras, so she must be on a completely different level!

She said

Seryu: I know you...

She said this as she pulled out a wanted sign that had Sheele's face on it.

Seryu: You're from the wanted posters. Sheele of Night Raid, I presume? And judging by your friend's weapon, I guess that she's from Night Raid too. So I'm glad I could get on my night shift on time. or I would have never found you two. Oh, how I've been wanting to meet you, Night Raid! I'm Imperial Guard Seryu Ubiquitous! By the way, nothing can stop my unyielding justice!!!

Mine: Well, now that you've blown my cover, you can either die where you're standing or you can come with us.

Seryu: They said they wanted you dead or alive, which means I can execute you! Bandits like you are the reason why my father died in the line of duty! And you're the ones who killed my mentor, Captain Ogre!

Sheele: (in thought) So, she believes that we've killed him? Let's keep it that way. But I hope Yhwach can get here on time before things get rough.


Mine: So, you're eager to fight us, huh? Fine, I'll make it quick!

She said this as she put Pumpkin into machine-gun mode and started shooting at her.

Seryu smirked as Koro stood in front of her, taking the bullets for her, and transformed into a giant version of himself as he healed very quickly from the bullet wounds.

Sheele: You see that... Is that what I think it is?

Mine: I'm afraid so; the girl has an organic type of Teigu.

Seryu: Toufa Guns!

She said as she fired bullets at them, but Sheele and Mine were just dodging them like nothing.

Seryu: (in thought) It looks like shooting won't be effective from this distance.

Seryu: Koro! Supertime!

Koro dashed at Sheele with his teeth wide open. Sheele pulled out her giant scissors and cut Koro's head in half, but what she didn't count on was that Koro didn't die. Koro just healed his head back together as Sheele gasped in shock, but it gave enough time for Mine to charge up a giant blast against Koro, knocking him back towards Seryu.

Mine: Do you even remember what the book said, Sheele?! Organic-type Teigus have a hidden core you have to destroy; otherwise, they'll just keep regenerating! And it doesn't have a heart, so Akame's sword won't have an effect on it either!

Sheele: That is a surprisingly nasty opponent. I wonder if Yhwach can kill it.

Mine: Don't worry, Yhwach will arrive and kill this thing.

Seryu: (in thought) I don't know who they're talking about, but he sure does sound interesting.

She thought with curiosity.

Seryu: Koro. bulk up.

She said as Koro's ears exploded and he grew arms.

Mine: Bleh, that is not cute!

Seryu: Crush her!

She said this as Koro charged at them while swinging his fists.

Sheele: Mine! Stay behind me!

She said this as she put up her scissors to block the attack.

Sheele was struggling to block Koro's attack as he started to push her back. Mine looked at Seryu as she pulled out a whistle and blew into it, calling reinforcements.

Mine: (in thought) This thing is too strong to defeat us. We don't have a chance until Yhwach arrives. And she just called in reinforcements. That means we were in big trouble.

She thought as a smirk came on her face.

Mine: ...Perfect.

She said as she jumped in the air and jumped in front of Koro.

Mine: Are you still hungry, big guy?! Eat this!!

She yelled as she sent a powerful wave of ammo onto Koro, damaging him greatly and dazing him for a moment.

Seryu: Did her Teigu just improve?!

Mine stepped back and saw Koro still healing very fast.

Mine: Damn! He's starting to regenerate again. This is not good.

Seryu: HAHAHAHA!!!! You should never underestimate a Teigu!

Unbeknownst to her, Sheele came up to the right side of her through the smoke.

Sheele: One thing about weapons...

She said this, which gained Seryu's attention.

Sheele: They can't keep moving if the wielder is dead.

She said as she made her way towards her.

Seryu: (in thought) They were after me all along!

Sheele: (in thought) Better use my Trump card!

Sheele: Extase!!

She yelled as a very bright light shined around the area.

Seryu: (in thought) How is that thing giving off so much light?!

She thought while covering her eyes.

Sheele: You've run out of time.

She said as she readied an attack.

Sheele began striking over and over again at Seryu at insane speeds. Seryu was struggling to block each attack as she was being pushed back, but somehow she parried the next attack and pushed Sheele 3 feet away from her.

Sheele: (in thought) She's even stronger without her weapon!

She thought as she ran at Seryu and started attacking again.

Koro looked at Seryu and saw her getting attacked by Sheele. He went to go up and protect Seryu, but he was interrupted by Mine shooting through his abdomen.

Mine: Hey you, you're supposed to be fighting me. Stop getting sidetracked.

Mine: (in thought) Pumpkin's not as powerful now that the threat's cooled off. But I can still keep him busy! Now that I've hit him a few times, I'm starting to narrow down where the core is!

She thought as Koro marched back at her.

Sheele and Seryu moved their fight outside in the woods, and Seryu had to keep on using her guns as a shield to block Sheele's attacks. But she then tripped on a rock, causing her to fall backwards and lose her balance. She accidentally dropped a gun, and Sheele saw this as an opportunity to kill her, so she slashed her scissors aimed at her throat. Seryu then put her arms in front of her, making her lose her arms and causing her to scream out in pain.

Sheele: (in thought) She sacrificed her arms to block that fatal attack!

Seryu: True justice always wins!!!!

She said as she showed her arms at Sheele, revealing there to be guns attached to her arms.

Seryu: It was a special gift from Captain Ogre!! Just for you!!

(Seryu's Flashback)

Seryu and Captain Ogre were sparing in a dojo in the middle of the capital.

Captain Ogre: Those are some nice punches there, Seryu! You're getting stronger every day, aren't you?

Seryu: I was lucky that Teigu chose me! So now, I must make myself more powerful!

She said this while jumping at Ogre and axe-kicking him, but he blocked it.

Seryu: My father told me something before he died. "Justice must never submit to evil!"

She said this as she dropped to the ground.

Captain Ogre: Oh? Well, if you're that eager to improve, I could give you a trump card to put into your body. How'd you like that?

Seryu: Really?! You'd do that?!

Captain Ogre: I know a doctor who's been looking to perform a few experiments. But I should probably warn you that the procedure's going to hurt like hell.

Seryu: No problem! I'm willing to do anything I can to help the fight against evil!

(End of Flashback)

Seryu saw an opening and shot a bullet at Sheele's head, but Sheele just blocked it with her scissors.

Seryu: (in thought) She blocked it?!

She thought while sweating.

Sheele spun her scissors around and cut off the guns attached to her arms as Seryu screamed out in pain again.

Seryu: (in thought) I'm not done yet! But if I do that, Koro will overheat and won't be able to move for a while. Heh, screw it.

Seryu: Koro! Use your trump card! Go Berserk!!!

Koro began to change; his eyes became red, and his teeth began to multiply in numbers. His body changed into a much more muscular form as his once white fur became a very dark red.

Koro roared with fury as it left a ring in everyone's ears.

Mine: (in thought) It's got a trump card?! -

She was interrupted as Koro picked her up and kept a strong grip on her.

Mine: Sheele!

Sheele: Hold on!

Seryu: Good boy. NOW SQUEEZE!!!

Koro did as he was told and started to squeeze Mine's body harder. She was struggling to breathe for air; her bones felt like they were going to break at any point in time. But Sheele cut Koro's arm off, making Mine able to breathe again.

Mine: You did it!

She said this while still gasping for air.

Sheele: That was a close one.

She said this while getting up from the ground.

A gunshot rang across the field. Sheele looked down and saw a gunshot wound that went through her stomach. Mine looked at Seryu and saw a gun hanging from the back of her mouth.

Sheele: (in thought) What's happening? I can't move...

She thought as Koro was closing in on her body.

Seryu: (in thought) JUSTICE PREVAILES!!!

Koro was getting closer to Sheele's body as she was falling to the ground. Foot by foot, inch by inch, he was going to eat her body, but something unexpected happened. Out of nowhere, a powerful shockwave went by and knocked Koro into the forest with a giant hole in him. Seryu and Mine looked at where the shockwave came from and saw Yhwach, with his fist seen in front of him clutched in a fist. Seryu was left shocked at the turn of events.

Seryu: (in thought) WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?!?!

Mine: (in thought) Thank god, he's here.

Sheele: (in thought) Th-Thank you....Yhwach.

Yhwach: That's enough.

Yhwach had arrived at the scene

Yhwach stood there with a stern expression, his gaze fixed on Seryu and Koro.

Yhwach: You've caused enough harm. It's time to put an end to this.

Mine: About time you showed up!

Yhwach: Now isn't the time. Keep pressure on her wound she's losing blood quickly. 

Yhwach said as he turned to leave.

Yhwach walked toward Koro, who was struggling to regenerate from the damage caused by the shockwave. Seryu, shocked and enraged, tried to shout something, but her voice was drowned out by the intensity of the moment.

Mine quickly went to Sheele's side, applying pressure to her wound as instructed by Yhwach. Sheele, despite being conscious, was in pain and weak.

Yhwach approached Koro, his eyes cold and determined. The wounded Teigu tried to stand up, but Yhwach swiftly delivered a powerful blow, shattering Koro into pieces.

Seryu screamed in horror and disbelief. Yhwach turned to face her, his expression unyielding.

Yhwach: Your actions have consequences. Justice doesn't justify cruelty. Remember that.

Seryu, still in shock, glared at Yhwach with a mix of hatred and sorrow. Yhwach then walked back towards Mine and Sheele.

Yhwach: Is she stable?

Mine: Yeah, she'll be fine. Thanks for stepping in.

Yhwach: Night Raid needs to operate with more caution. Engaging in fights without proper information and preparation can lead to unnecessary casualties.

Mine: We know, but sometimes we don't have a choice. We're fighting against a corrupt empire.

Yhwach: That doesn't mean you should throw caution to the wind. Your enemies won't hesitate to exploit any weaknesses.

He glanced at Sheele, who was still recovering.

Yhwach: If you can't ensure your safety, how do you plan to change anything?

Mine didn't respond immediately, realizing the weight of Yhwach's words.

Yhwach: It's not weakness to be strategic. It's strength. Use your intellect, not just your Teigu.

He turned to leave, but Mine couldn't help but ask.

Mine: What about Seryu? What will you do with her?

Yhwach: She's not an immediate threat. Let her reflect on her actions.

With that, Yhwach walked away, leaving Mine to ponder his words.

Seryu: YOU...YOU, I WILL HAVE YOU'RE HEad whoever you are, mark my wo-.

Her voice drowned out as Yhwach went towards the base.


Yhwach finally arrived at the base, He opened the door and saw everyone except for Sheele.

Boss: I heard what happened. Did you kill her?

Yhwach entered the room, his expression unchanged. The atmosphere in the room was tense, and everyone's eyes were on him, awaiting his response.

Boss: Well?

Yhwach: No, I didn't kill her.

The news surprised some members of Night Raid, and a few exchanged glances.

Boss: Why not? She's an enemy, right?

Yhwach: Killing her in that state would have been an act of mercy. I made her witness the consequences of her actions. She's not an immediate threat now.

Boss: Hmph, fine. What about Sheele?

Yhwach's gaze shifted to the wounded Sheele, who was being attended to by the others.

Yhwach: She's alive, but she needs medical attention. She underestimated her opponent.

Boss: Underestimated? You mean she lost?

Yhwach: Yes, she did. Night Raid needs to be more cautious in their operations. Charging in without proper preparation is a risk that can cost lives.

Boss: We can't always afford caution. We're fighting against a powerful enemy.

Yhwach: I understand the challenges you face, but recklessness won't lead to victory. Strategic thinking and proper information are crucial.

Boss: Well, thanks for your input, but we'll stick to our methods.

Yhwach: Your methods may cost you more than you're willing to sacrifice.

With those words, Yhwach walked away, leaving the room silent.

Meanwhile on top of a hill, we see General Esdeath on top of a dragon with chains hooked up to it.

Esdeath: Finally..... I'm back home.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

MisunderstoodKingcreators' thoughts