
Neo Soul King Yhwach

-Chapter 16 [Reboot] Released -Start of Episode 3 Yhwach, the Sealed King of the Quincy, seeks to break the endless cycle of life and death by merging all realms into one, hoping to rid humanity of the fear of death. But his grand vision is thwarted by Ichigo Kurosaki, a high school student with the power to end his reign. As Yhwach faces his final moments, he finds himself in an unfamiliar place, confronted by a mysterious man who bears an uncanny resemblance to his father. Accepting this enigmatic figure’s offer, Yhwach is thrust into a new world—one unlike anything he has ever known.

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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142 Chs

Resolute Choices: Yhwach vs. Night Raid Principles

Sheele walked down the hall, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to fully wake up. As she strolled, she noticed Tatsumi standing next to a door.

Sheele: Is something wrong?

Tatsumi: Huh? Oh, hey, Sheele. I'm fine... Yhwach and I are supposed to be training with Mine today, but she hasn't come out of her room yet.

Tatsumi added with a hint of frustration.

Tatsumi: Spoiled little brat.

Sheele: Yeah, well... Mine does have a habit of sleeping in.

She spoke as she opened the door.

Tatsumi: Seriously?! But, this is her job!

Sheele: I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. I'll go wake her up now.

She said this as she turned to leave.

Boss: Wait. Let Yhwach and Tatsumi do it.

She said, which got Sheele's attention.

Tatsumi: What? Why us?

Boss: Because you're both her subordinates for today. Waking up your supervisor is part of an assassin's job.

Tatsumi: Okay, fine!

Sheele: I'll go ahead and get Yhwach. You go upstairs and wait for him.

She said, to which he obliged with a nod.

Tatsumi made his way upstairs to Mine's room, still grumbling about the inconvenience. He knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

Tatsumi: Mine, wake up! We've got training to do!

There was no immediate response, so Tatsumi knocked again, a bit more forcefully.

Tatsumi: Seriously, Mine, this is your job. Get up!

Tatsumi has already started opening the door to her room.

Tatsumi: Hey Mine! Until when do you intend to sleep?

Tatsumi paused and saw Mine trying to get dressed with almost no clothes on her body.


She screamed while firing a very big gun blast at Tatsumi, making a giant hole in the wall while shaking the entire base.

Akame was making soup until she felt the base shake; she stopped what she was doing. She then went back to what she was doing, now knowing what happened.

Tatsumi: Are you trying to kill me!?

Mine: Of course! That's why I shot you! How dare you duck it, you maniac!

Tatsumi: Are you crazy!? I had the job of waking you, and you

Mine: Didn't they teach you to knock!? Take an example from your partner—you are mannerless!

Tatsumi, still recovering from the shock of the near-miss, tried to compose himself.

Tatsumi: Well, maybe if you didn't sleep in so much, I wouldn't have to resort to breaking down your door!

Mine, now fully dressed and armed with a scowl, crossed her arms.

Mine: Excuses, excuses. Now get out so I can finish getting ready. And next time, knock!

Tatsumi, feeling a bit embarrassed, quickly retreated from the room.

Tatsumi: Fine, fine! I'm leaving! Just hurry up!

As Tatsumi closed the door, he took a moment to catch his breath and reflect on the chaos that had unfolded. He couldn't help but think that waking up Mine was more hazardous than facing some of their missions.

Downstairs, Sheele, Yhwach, and the Boss had felt the tremor and exchanged puzzled glances.

Sheele: What was that?

Boss: Probably Tatsumi and mine. Let them handle it.

Yhwach: They seem to have a unique dynamic.

Back in Mine's room, Tatsumi waited outside, trying to process what just happened. Mine finally emerged, fully dressed and ready for the day.

Mine: It took you long enough to leave. Honestly, men have no sense of privacy.

Tatsumi: You almost blasted a hole through the base! And for the record, I knocked.

Mine: Well, next time, knock louder.

She brushed past Tatsumi, heading downstairs.

Tatsumi: (muttering) This is going to be a long day.

After they settled, we went to the capital.

Tatsumi: Mine, aren't there a lot of people who suffer around here?

Yhwach: Such is the way of the world. Only a privileged fraction of society experiences a comfortable existence.

Mine: Right. The rest live in the slum.

We noticed two thugs who were threatening a girl in an alley.

Tatsumi: Hey, you! What are you?

Mine: Stop attacking who's weaker.

Thug: Uh? And who are you?

Thug #2: This girl is a foreigner. She has to do what we say.

Mine: So what?

Yhwach, noticing the tense situation, approached the thugs with a calm demeanor. The girl, frightened, looked at him with a glimmer of hope.

Yhwach: Gentlemen, it seems there's been a misunderstanding here. I suggest you reconsider your actions.

Thug: Mind your own business, pretty boy. This has nothing to do with you.

Yhwach sighed, and a subtle change occurred in his eyes. A flicker of power made the air tense.

Yhwach: I would advise against continuing down this path. It won't end well for you.

Thug #2, sensing an unusual aura from Yhwach, took a step back nervously.

Thug #2: Look, we didn't mean any harm. We were just having some fun.

Yhwach: Fun at the expense of others is not something I take lightly.

Yhwach gestured towards the frightened girl.

Yhwach: Apologize to her and leave. Consider this a warning.

The two thugs, feeling the weight of Yhwach's presence, mumbled apologies and hastily retreated. The girl, grateful for the intervention, bowed to Yhwach.

Girl: Thank you so much! I thought I was done for.

Yhwach: It was the right thing to do. Always stand up against injustice.

Tatsumi and Mine, who had been observing the scene, couldn't help but be impressed by Yhwach's calm authority.

Tatsumi: That was amazing, Yhwach! How did you do that?

Yhwach: Sometimes, a show of strength is necessary to protect those who cannot protect themselves. It's a lesson that should be learned by those who abuse their power.

Mine: Hmph, not bad, but I bet I could have scared them off faster with my pumpkin.

Tatsumi: (whispering) Let's not turn every situation into a shooting gallery, mine.

Tatsumi: I hate to ask, but is it safe for you to wander around in broad daylight like this?

Mine: Huh? Why not? They've only identified four of us so far.

She said this, looking at the wanted posters.

Tatsumi: I guess that makes sense. Wait, who's that guy in the middle?

Mine: That's Bulat.

Tatsumi: Ooooh, Bulat... WAIT, THAT'S BRO?!

Mine: He changed his appearance when he joined Night Raid.

Tatsumi: That looks nothing like him! Oh man, all I need is another image to haunt me in my dreams.

Yhwach: Distractions aside, let's get back to the task at hand. What's our next move?

Mine: The boss assigned this mission to you, Yhwach, and me because we can move around freely. Understand?

Tatsumi: Oh, ok! I was wondering why we were patrolling this part of town.

Mine: Good! Now it's time for our retail investigation!

Tatsumi: I don't know what that means, but wow!

As they continued their patrol through the bustling streets of the capital, Yhwach took a moment to explain to Tatsumi what a retail investigation entailed.

Yhwach: Tatsumi, a retail investigation involves gathering information by immersing ourselves in the local community, interacting with residents, and observing the daily rhythm of the city. We must blend in, ask subtle questions, and keep an eye out for any unusual activities.

Tatsumi: So, we're like undercover agents?

Yhwach: Indeed, in a sense. It's about attuning ourselves to the city's pulse and understanding its patterns. Valuable information or potential threats might surface during this process.

Mine chimed in with a smirk.

Mine: And it helps that we're not immediately recognized as Night Raid members. The less attention, the better.

Tatsumi, catching on, nodded.

Tatsumi: Got it! So, we're gathering intel without drawing too much attention. Stealth mode is engaged!

So they started their "investigation." They went shopping, eating, trying out clothes, and taking souvenirs. Literally everything but an investigation, but Yhwach wasn't complaining. Right now, they were sitting at a table outside of a restaurant.

Mine: Ahhhh! What a day! Nothing makes me happier than a brand new pink dress!

Tatsumi: Yeah, whatever...

Mine: Welp, the mission is complete!

She said it with a wink.

Tatsumi: What the hell?! We did nothing but shop all day!

Mine: Oh, get over it!

She said this while hitting Tatsumi in the face.

Mine: Have you already forgotten that I am above you? Good servants don't question their masters.

Mine: You should be grateful that I deemed you two worthy enough to carry my bags!

She said she was stomping on Tatsumi.

Yhwach, observing the lighthearted banter between Mine and Tatsumi, couldn't help but interject with his characteristic stoicism.

Yhwach: While camaraderie is essential, let's not forget the purpose of our presence here. Our mission involves more than acquiring personal items.

He glanced at the bags of shopping piled up beside them.

Yhwach: Each moment spent indulging in personal pleasures delays our ability to identify potential threats or gather relevant information.

Tatsumi, feeling a bit guilty, scratched his head.

Tatsumi: Yeah, you're right, Yhwach. We should focus on the mission.

Mine rolled her eyes.

Mine: Ugh, fine. I guess I can put my shopping spree on hold for now.

Yhwach nodded approvingly.

Yhwach: Good. We must remain vigilant, even in seemingly ordinary situations.

Mine: Akame and Bulat have high hopes for you, and so does Yhwach, but I have my doubts.

As they got up to resume their investigation, Yhwach couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility for keeping the team on track.

Behind them, people were gasping and running towards something. This got their attention.

Tatsumi: So what's that all about?

Mine: It's an execution. They are pretty common here.

She said this as the three made their way towards the scene.

They arrived to see something—disgusting, to say the least.

There were four boys and a girl crucified, blood flowing from their bodies.

The worst was that they were alive.

Tatsumi: This is terrible.

Mine: The current minister can do it without problems. He supports this sort of cruelty. Ultimately, he put the child emperor on the throne so he could be in control. As for me, I will never end up like this. I am going to survive this hell, no matter what happens!

She said it with determination.

Yhwach, his expression remaining impassive despite the gruesome scene before them, spoke with a calm and measured tone.

Yhwach: Such brutality is not uncommon in a society corrupted by those in power. It serves as a stark reminder of the darkness that can consume humanity when left unchecked.

He scanned the area, his eyes narrowing slightly.

Yhwach: We cannot allow ourselves to be swayed by the cruelty of others. Instead, we must strive to eradicate such injustice and create a world where such atrocities have no place.

Tatsumi, visibly disturbed by the sight, clenched his fists.

Tatsumi: This is beyond messed up! How can anyone do this to kids?

Yhwach: The abuse of power knows no bounds. Our mission is to bring about change, even if it means confronting the darkest aspects of this world.

Mine, sharing Yhwach's resolve, nodded in agreement.

Mine: We can't let this go on. Those responsible for this need to be stopped.

Meanwhile, in the capital, we see a young gray-haired boy holding a golden staff, wearing a big hat and a cape.

Emperor: Administrator Shoi, speaking out publicly against our policies and interfering with matters of state. We decree you shall be drawn and quartered!

The kid said it, which made everyone gasp in shock at what he said.

Emperor: Did we make the right decision, Minister?

He asked a tall man with a long white beard, who was seen eating meat.

Minister: Oh yes, Your Highness. You're the wisest ruler the Empire could ever dream of.

Emperor: Is that meat again? You eat that a lot!

Minister: I want to enjoy it while I'm still young and healthy.

Shoi: Your Majesty, the minister is deceiving you! Please! I implore you! Open your ears and hear the voice of the people!

Emperor: Well, Minister, Did you hear what he just said?

Shoi: (in thought) You've got to be kidding me!

Minister: It seems the poor fellow's lost his mind.

Emperor: Right! You've never let me go astray before, so this man must be insane!

Shoi quivered in fear of his words.

Minister: My old friend... Why must it end this way?

Shoi: No, please! Your grace, if you don't stop him, he'll lead the Empire into ruin! Please, your grace... p-please.

He said as the minister made his way to him.

Minister: No need to worry. You can count on me to look after that beautiful wife you're leaving behind. I'll be sure to satisfy all her needs. And I do mean all of them.

He said this while having an evil smirk on his face.

Shoi: No! You can't let this happen! He can't do this! He must be stopped! Someone... anyone... I'm begging you... that man is a demon! Can't any of you see that?! Please! PLEEEEAAAASE!!!!

He yelled as he was dragged away.

Tatsumi Pov:

Boss: Night Raid has a new mission. This time, our target is a distant relative of Minister Honest, Iokal. He's been using the Minister's name so that he can kidnap innocent women and beat them to death. Iokal also has five mercenary guards, they're equally guilty. I'm counting on you guys. Now, Go take them out!

We then made our way to Iokal's location, which seems to be a very big mansion. I was with Yhwach and Mine at the moment.

Tatsumi: So that's Iokal's Mansion. Wow.... It's enormous!

Tatsumi: Hey, Mine?

He said which got her attention.

Tatsumi: Is that one of those Teigu things too?

Yhwach: Recall what Bulat mentioned? That's the Teigu Pumpkin

Mine: Yep! It's name is Pumpkin. It gets more powerful the more danger I find myself in. BUT a girl like me is hardly ever in any real danger.

Tatsumi: How did you obtain such a thing?

Mine: Teigu are powerful ancient weapon. And currently, it's not clear how they are made. You're both kinda boring, you know?

Tatsumi gave her an angry stare while Yhwach Ignored her comment

She aimed at the main door.

Mine: It won't be a problem from this distance. I'll shoot him as soon as he steps foot outside.

Tatsumi: Good! After you killed him, our job is to escort you. Leave it to us.

She gave a sly smirk.

Mine: I expect nothing less.

Then she closed her eyes and began breathing slowly, entering a state of focus.

Mine: he's on his way.

Tatsumi: What? Where?

He said while looking through binoculars. 

Tatsumi: Oh, I see him. But those other guys aren't on the hit list!

Mine: That's fine.

Tatsumi: How is that fine? You'll never make the shot from here.

Yhwach placed a reassuring hand on Tatsumi's shoulder.

Yhwach: Tatsumi, have faith in Mine's sniper abilities. She understands the situation. We need to trust in her precision and focus.

Tatsumi, still uneasy about potential collateral damage, hesitated for a moment.

Tatsumi: I understand, but what if she misses or hits an innocent person?

Yhwach: We'll take measures to prevent that. But you must have confidence in her skill. Doubt will only hinder her concentration.

she pulled the trigger and the laser beam went away.

I looked through the binoculars and saw the bullet fire and land right between Iokal's eyes.

Mine: Who do you think you're talking with? I'm the queen of snipers!

She said to Tatsumi who was still shocked of what happened.


Mercenary: We must find Lord Iokal's killer at all costs!

Mercenary #2: If we don't, then the minister will have our heads!

Mercenary #3: Right! He can't be too far!

The Mercenaries stopped in their tracks and saw the rest of the Night Raid members.

Leone: Huh? What do we have here? Nice of you guys to save us the trouble of chasing you down.

She said while smashing her claws together.

Meanwhile back with Yhwach, Mine and Tatsumi

Mine: Oh man! The escape route is not ideal.

Tatsumi: Think they've finished off the guards yet?

Mine: Those guards trained at the Imperial Fist Temple. It may take a little while.

Tatsumi: That's the best martial arts temple in the Empire! Guess you get what's coming to you if you mess with the minister's family.

Mine: He was using his family's influence to get ahead. I hate that more than anything!

She said while jumping on top of Tatsumi to climb a rock. Tatsumi looked up at Yhwach

Tatsumi: Um... a little help.

He said while reaching his arms out to grab. Yhwach sighed and pulled him up.

Mine: I feel like being nice to y'all right now, so I'll tell you the story behind that... I was born into one of the tribes on the western border. That means half of my blood is foreign. The villagers treated me terribly because of it, and no one showed me an ounce of respect. My childhood was a nightmare. But the Revolutionary Army formed an alliance with the western tribe. So if we end up having a new nation, people will stop caring about our differences! And no more kids will have to grow up going through what I had to go through. I will not allow anybody else to ever suffer such intolerance!

Tatsumi: Mine...

Mine: In this way, I'll be rich with all the rewards for helping the Army, and I'll enjoy a luxurious life!

She said while laughing like a rich girl.

Back with Leone, she and the rest of the team were on the verge of completing the job.

Leone: Oh man, that felt incredible!

She exclaimed after dispatching the last guard.

Sheele: That was a rather pleasant challenge, wasn't it?

Akame: Something's not right. I thought the Boss said we were supposed to kill five.

Lubbock: Oh man! I didn't get to kill anybody! So I guess there's one left.

Leone: Too bad, Lubbock. I'm docking your pay!

Lubbock: WHA?!?! You can't do that!

Leone: Hehe, wanna bet?

Akame was deep in thought, contemplating where the other guard could be. She gasped in realization.

Akame (In thought): Tatsumi.

Back with Tatsumi,

Mine: This is the rendezvous point. Guess we're all done.

Tatsumi: Not until we report back, remember?

Yhwach: Mine, take cover!

Yhwach warned as Tatsumi rushed towards her.

Mine: Wha-?

She was interrupted as Tatsumi tackled her to the ground. Tatsumi got up to see their attacker.

Instructor: I must say I've outdone myself.

Mine: You're a fighter from the temple.

Instructor: I am. The assistant instructor, to be exact. Of course, that was ten years ago.

Tatsumi: And look at you now, doing the Capital's dirty work.

Mine: Oh my, how the mighty have fallen.

She said while firing Pumpkin.

Instructor: Let's just say I stirred up some trouble.

He remarked while making his way towards Mine, gracefully dodging the bullets.

Instructor: Better say your prayers, little girl!

He declared while in the air, about to make a strike on her.

Yhwach reacted swiftly. With precise timing, he intercepted the attack, his powerful punch sending the instructor flying into the surrounding trees.

Yhwach: Go. I'll deal with him.

Mine and Tatsumi, still on the ground, nodded in acknowledgment. They wasted no time and sprinted towards the rendezvous point. Yhwach, standing amidst the scattered leaves, focused his attention on the recovering instructor.

Instructor: You think you can interfere, do you?

Yhwach: It's more than interference. It's justice.

The instructor, fueled by frustration and a desire for revenge, unleashed a flurry of rapid strikes. Yhwach skillfully dodged and countered, his movements fluid and precise. The clash echoed through the forest.

Instructor: You're good, but I'll cut you down!

He unsheathed a blade, a weapon that hinted at his martial arts expertise. With newfound determination, he closed the distance, aiming to deliver a fatal blow. Yhwach remained composed, letting the instructor come within striking range.

Instructor: Prepare to die!

With a swift motion, the instructor swung his blade towards Yhwach, anticipating a clean cut. However, to his astonishment, Yhwach caught the blade with a single hand, stopping its deadly trajectory.


He yelled in confusion.

Yhwach, unmoved by the instructor's disbelief, calmly spoke.

Yhwach: This isn't a Teigu.

Instructor: Then what are you? A monster?

Yhwach: No, I am Yhwach.

With a cold and resolute gaze, Yhwach exerted strength, breaking the blade in half. The instructor, now defenseless, found himself at the mercy of the Quincy King.

Instructor: (In thought) Such.... Power.... I have so many questions. How did he get so much Strength? But that's not important right now.

The instructor, bewildered and overpowered, struggled to grasp the immense might displayed before him. Yhwach, seizing the moment, forcefully slammed the instructor into the ground, leaving him on the verge of losing consciousness.

Yhwach: Consider this your sole opportunity. Abandon your allegiance to the Capital. Alter your path, for if you persist, I will seek you out to conclude what we've started.

In that moment, Yhwach heard a shot from the location of the meeting. It seemed someone else was present.

Yhwach swiftly moved towards the sound and discovered Akame's group gazing to his right, unaware of his presence.

Following their line of sight, Yhwach observed a man on the ground with a substantial hole in his chest, wearing the same attire as the instructor.

Standing under a cherry tree were Mine and Tatsumi, arguing. Yhwach noticed some burning on his hair.

Mine: And I was about to acknowledge your skill!

Tatsumi: Shut up! You're not the queen of snipers!

Yhwach: Unnecessary conflicts can jeopardize the mission.

Leone: Yup, they're good. And they're getting so close.

Yhwach gave a look at them. They were still arguing and they didn't notice our presence.

Yhwach: Shall we go back?

Sheele: Of course. We have to make report.

Lubbock: But, ehm, what about those two? Shouldn't we stop them?

Yhwach: Allow them to resolve their issues. It won't affect our objective.

The next day, Yhwach found himself deep in contemplation, seated on a secluded rock within the base. The events of the previous day played over in his mind like a vivid tapestry, each thread representing a different aspect of the complex web he now found himself entangled in.

The mysterious hollow within him stirred, its presence an enigma that demanded his attention. Yhwach couldn't ignore the fact that it played a crucial role in his current existence. Why had it saved him? Why had it brought him to this world? Questions lingered.

Yhwach's thoughts wandered to the conversation he had with Zaegar, the Hollow who seemed to hold the key to many of the mysteries surrounding him.

Zaegar: (laughing) The truths that bind us, Yhwach, are far beyond your current understanding. But know this—the next Soul King shall never die to a walker's bite.

The words echoed in Yhwach's mind, each syllable carrying weight and significance. What did Zaegar mean by "the next Soul King"?

As he continued to reflect, Yhwach realized the paradoxical nature of his current situation. The Quincy King, once a transcendent being in the spiritual realm, now found himself entwined with a group of assassins, navigating a world far removed from the one he had known.

The camaraderie within Night Raid, the conflicts with its members, and the stark injustices of the world around him.

In the midst of his contemplation, Sheele approached, sensing the heavy atmosphere surrounding Yhwach.

Sheele: Yhwach, you've been quiet. Is something bothering you?

Yhwach looked at Sheele, his expression calm and composed.

Yhwach: Nothing is bothering me. I am merely reflecting on recent events.

Sheele nodded, understanding that Yhwach had a lot on his mind. Yhwach stood up, acknowledging the need to address his thoughts.

Yhwach: Excuse me for a moment.

He walked back into the base, searching for the room where the rest of Night Raid was gathered. As he entered, he found Leone, Mine, Lubbock, and the others engaged in various activities.

Yhwach approached Lubbock

Yhwach: Lubbock, is Tatsumi still in training with Bulat?

Lubbock looked up at Yhwach.

Lubbock: It appears so. That kid seemed respect him a lot, so Bulat is giving him a special training.

Yhwach nodded and then turned to Mine.

Yhwach: And what about you, Mine? Are you planning to join in the training as well?

Mine looked at Yhwach with a raised eyebrow.

Mine: Why would I bother with that? I'm already skilled enough.

As Mine finished her sentence, the Boss entered the room, catching the attention of everyone present.

Leone: Boss, you need something?

Boss: Yes, Yhwach, I need to talk to you. Alone.

She emphasized the last word, and Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment. The others exchanged curious glances.

Boss: And should I catch any of you to eavesdrop us, there will be a hard punishment. Specially you, Leone.

Said girl gulped a little, scared by the boss's stare.

Yhwach and the Boss left the room, heading to a more private space for their conversation.

Boss: I wanted to discuss about your report of yesterday.

Yhwach: Proceed.

Boss: According to what I read, you were attacked by an instructor and fought him before knocking him out.

Yhwach: That's an accurate summary.

Boss: ...So, why didn't you eliminate him?

Yhwach: Elimination wasn't necessary.

Boss: He was a Marked target, right in front of you. Yet, you chose not to eliminate him.

Yhwach: The actual target was neutralized by Mine, whom I was ordered to protect. Killing the instructor seemed unnecessary.

Boss: "Unnecessary," you say?

She pulled some smoke from her cigar.

Boss: That man were as rotten as the target. Our job is to eradicate those people out of the society.

Yhwach: I offered him a choice. If he refuses to take it, I'll handle the task of eliminating him myself.

Boss: After or before, what's the difference?

Yhwach stepped closer, his gaze unwavering.

Yhwach: It matters not whether it's before or after. I've taken lives, I understand the weight of killing. But I do it on my terms.

Boss: The Night Raids always kill their targets, whoever they are. Are you trying to challenge my leadership?

She glared at him coldly. Yhwach leaned on her desk.

Yhwach: Let's be clear. I'm here because our goals align – to eradicate corruption from the Capital. If I choose to leave, I will, no matter your objections. Do we understand each other, "boss"?

The Boss took a moment to assess Yhwach's words and demeanor. She then leaned back in her chair, a faint smile playing on her lips.

Boss: You've got spirit, Yhwach. I like that. Just remember, the Night Raid has its principles, and we follow them for a reason. 

Yhwach: I appreciate your understanding.

Boss: Now, let's get back to work. We have more missions ahead, and I expect everyone to pull their weight.

She stood up and went to the door.

The door swung open, catching Leone, Lubbock, and Mine off guard as they tumbled to the floor.

Boss: ...I believed I made myself clear earlier. No eavesdropping.

They shuffled away, visibly frightened.

Boss: Consider yourselves fortunate I'm pressed for time, or your punishment would be harsher. None of you will be having a meal. I'll inform Akame immediately.

Speaking of whom, Yhwach had a duty to assist her with breakfast.

Rice bowls adorned with croquettes.

Upon hearing about the consequences, Akame devoured Leone, Lubbock, and Mine's bowls in the blink of an eye.

Yhwach, observing the spectacle, raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

Akame: Oh, I almost forgot mine.

She finished her own bowl as well.

Then, she got up.

Akame: Why aren't you eating? Are you not hungry?

Before Yhwach could respond, she swiftly cleared his bowl too.

Akame: Well, I'm heading out now.

Yhwach just stayed there, his stoic expression betraying no emotion

Yhwach: What did I just witness?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MisunderstoodKingcreators' thoughts