
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Preparing for War: Plans and Promises

Lee Pov:

3 Hours Later

When i woke up i found Yhwach and James talking as Clem and AJ slept. Once James and Yhwach were ready, I woke them up and we all headed back towards the Boarding School. 

As we approached the gate, Willy stood on the lookout with Kenny.

Kenny: They made it back! Open the gate! 

Kenny called out once he saw us, as he started to climb down from the lookout. 

Lee: You should stay... with us.

I suggested looking over at James. He sighed looking around.

James: Thanks, but I'm not ready to be in a group again, right now.

He shook his head turning to walk away. 

Clem held AJ's hand as she watched.

Clementine: Thank you.. for helping us.

She called to James. He looked back and nodded. 

James: It was the right thing to do.

He smiled as he continued off into the forest. 

The gates opened and Kenny rushed out with Violet and Louis behind him.

Violet: Thank God, you're okay.

Violet sighed walking up to Clem. 

Louis: Clems a natural. She knows how to handle herself.

Louis smiled. I chuckled as Kenny pulled me and Yhwach into a hug. 

Kenny: I thought we lost you guys. It's good to see you, Pal.

He smiled placing his hand on my shoulder.

Yhwach: Good to see you too, Kenny. 

Lee: We're alright. Let's get inside.

I suggested, and we all went inside, closing the gate behind us. Sarah rushed over to Clem pulling her into a hug as tears slid down her cheeks. 

Sarah: Clem! Oh my God... when Sam came back without you... I didn't know what to think.

She said as she held a tight grip around Clem.

Clementine: It's okay, Sarah. I'm okay.

Clem said hugging her back as Sam wagged his tail sniffing at her legs. 

Kenny: Lee Yhwach? Was I goin' crazy, or did I see you guys with a Walker? 

Kenny asked.

I chuckled.

Lee: You weren't goin' crazy, but he wasn't walker. He just blends in with them I guess. His name is James. He helped us.

I said shaking my head. 

Kenny: What happened?

Kenny raised an eyebrow looking concerned.

Lee: You're never gonna believe this, but... Lilly's alive.

Kenny's eyes wide.

Kenny: No way, she's still alive? 

He asked shocked. 

Lee: Yeah, and she's the leader of the group that took the twins. She wanted us to help them convince everyone here to come with them. Brody and Louis showed up and distracted them while we got away. It's only a matter of time before they come back for us.

I explained as Kenny eyes burned with anger. 

Kenny: Fuckin' evil bitch. Lee, I will kill her and her people before I let them take these kids. We should have killed her when she shot Carley.

Kenny spat, his voice laced with anger and seriousness.

Yhwach stepped forward, placing a calming hand on Kenny's shoulder.

Yhwach: Kenny, I understand your anger, but acting on it impulsively won't help. We need a plan, a strategy to deal with this situation.

Aizen's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind.

Aizen: (sarcastic) Oh, the dramatic turns of fate. First, a talking walker, and now, the unexpected return of an old foe. What a riveting tale.

Yhwach ignored Aizen's commentary and focused on Kenny.

Lee: Calm down, Kenny. Let's just get these kids trained and ready for when they show up.

I said placing my hand on his shoulder. 

Lee: Alright everyone! We need to have a meeting. Now.

I called out making my way towards the school. 

Aizen couldn't resist chiming in with his own observations.

Aizen: (mockingly) Look at you, Yhwach, playing the role of a peacemaker. Who would have thought?

Yhwach: (stoic) Our focus is on the well-being of this group. Lilly is a threat, and we'll deal with her, but it requires a measured approach.

Aizen: (amused) Quite the humanitarian, aren't we?

Yhwach: (ignoring Aizen) Kenny, we'll figure this out together. We're not alone in this.

Everyone followed Yhwach, Kenny and I inside as we all went to Marlon's old office.

Marlon: What's going on, Yhwach Lee?

Marlon questioned with a frown as Yhwach sat down behind the desk.

Lee: We ran into that guy again. He isn't dead. That group you let take the twins, they're back and they want to come here for all of you. The leader of the groups name is Lilly, we have some history with her from back when all this started. We need to get this place secured and ready for when they show up, knowing Lilly, it's only a matter of time before they come.

I explained.

Willy: Are they gonna take us? Like they did Sophie and Minnie?

Willy asked looking scared. 

Kenny: That ain't gonna happen. I promise, we ain't gonna let those assholes get they're hands on any of you. And that's a promise.

Kenny assured Willy as he rubbed the top of his head. 

Lee: Kenny's right, we won't let anything happen to anyone here.

I nodded. 

Violet: You said, y'all have history with the leader of that group? What can you tell us about her?

Violet questioned as she stood next to Clem. 

Clem shook her head.

Clementine: She's horrible, she always has been. Her dad was a racist asshole, and she defended everything he did. Lee helped get him medicine because he was sick, and he still treated him like shit. She's no different from her father and that's all you need to know.

She explained.

Louis: How did you guys get split up?

Louis asked curiously.

Lee: Well, her dad had a heart attack. Kenny and I had to stop him from turning. She thought she could save him but in reality there was nothing we could have done. So we handled it, and she didn't like that. She ended up killing a girl in our group, Carley.

I sighed looking away. 

Kenny placed his hand on my shoulder soothingly as he continued for me.

Kenny: She shot her, and Lee did what he had to do. He kicked her out of the group and we left her to the walkers. We were sure she had been eaten, but apparently the bitch is still alive. So we all need to be ready.

He spoke. 

Willy: And the walker... or whatever that was at the gate with you?

Willy raised an eyebrow. 

Lee: James, He saved us, Let us stay in his camp for the night. He said he was in a group who learned to travel with the herd, guiding them. He helped us get back here in one piece.

I explained. 

Kenny: I thought he was a walker for sure. I would have killed him if I hadn't seen Lee and Yhwach with him.

Kenny shook his head. 

Lee: He told us that Lilly and her group will be coming for us. They're at war with another group, and they want to take the kids here and force you all to fight with them. But we will be prepared.

I told them. 

Violet: Is that what happened to Minnie and Sophie? They turned them into soldiers?

Violet asked looking sad. 

Clementine: Yeah, and they want to do the same to all of you. But this place is a fortress. With a little work we can make it hard to attack.

Clem spoke as she pulled out the map to the Boarding School sitting it on the desk infront of Yhwach so everyone could see. 

Clementine: We've got strong walls. We need to make them harder to climb over so the raiders have to come in through the gates.

She instructed looking up at everyone.

Violet: There should be barbed wire in the greenhouse. We could use that.

Violet suggested causing Clem to nod as she looked back down at the map. 

Violet: The courtyard is pretty wide open. Not a lot of cover. We should flip the picnic tables, narrow them down the pathways through it.

She added placing her finger on the map. 

Lee: Good idea, Clem. That way, if they do breach the gates, they will only have one way to us. Plus it could give us cover just in case they do.

Clementine: And lastly, set traps in the main building. There only one way in, the front. And then there's the big central staircase. If we rig that path with traps we can pull back here.

Clem said motioning from the gate to the main building on the map. 

Violet: Luring in our attackers. I like it.

Violet smirked. 

Lee: Kenny and I can do it. We can take someone with us and You and Sarah can stay here and get the place prepared.

I offered. 

Ruby: Mitch and I can go with you guys. We know how to get there.

Ruby suggested.

Clem nodded.

Clementine: Yhwach What do you think of the plan? 

Yhwach considered the plan, observing the map laid out before him. His gaze shifted from the markings on the paper to the determined faces of the group gathered in the room. Aizen, always the critic in Yhwach's mind, couldn't resist commenting.

Aizen: (sarcastically) Ah, the brilliance of strategically flipping picnic tables and setting traps. How tactical.

Yhwach ignored Aizen's remark and turned his attention to Clementine. He admired her leadership and strategic thinking.

Yhwach: Clementine, your plan is well thought out. Securing the perimeter and creating choke points will give us an advantage. It's clear you've learned a lot during your time out there.

Clementine nodded, appreciating the acknowledgment.

Clementine: We've been through a lot, and I've had good teachers.

Aizen: (mockingly) Teachers? I suppose Lee and Kenny have become your wise counsellors.

Yhwach: (ignoring Aizen) Get the necessary supplies and fortify the school. Make sure those traps are well-placed.

Clementine: Perfect. Let's get this done quickly, we don't know when they will be arriving.

Yhwach: Agreed. Keep your guard up, and remember, teamwork is crucial.

Aizen: (mockingly) How heartwarming. The power of friendship saving the day.

Yhwach: (stoic) Enough, Aizen. Focus on the task at hand.

After everyone was clear on what we needed to do, we all left the office and Kenny, Ruby, Mitch and I headed out of the gate as they lead us to the green house. 

We arrived and Ruby stopped to look around with a sad expression.

Ruby: I guess I didn't realize how long it's been. How much it's charged.

She sighed walking up to the front door trying to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

Lee: There's gotta be another way inside. Let's have a look around.

I spoke. We made our way to the side of the greenhouse, where Kenny noticed a foggy window.

He tried to look inside and grunted in frustration. 

Kenny: Can't see shit through this foggy glass.

He sighed. 

Mitch: There's too much condensation on the inside.

Mitch pointed out causing Ruby to chuckle. 

Mitch: Shut up!

Mitch grumbled turning away. I chuckled and shook my head as I continued to look around. I spotted a broken ladder on the side of the building leading up to a skylight window. 

Lee: Hey, this ladder leads to the top. I can see a window up there. Maybe one of us can jump through.

I said pointing to the ladder.

Kenny: That's perfect, I'm not sending either of you in there alone, so boost me up.

Kenny spoke as he walked over to the ladder. Ruby and Mitch held one foot while I held his other foot ,and we lifted him up to the ladder. 

We watched him climb to the top, dropping into the window. We listened closely as we heard him land on the ground with a thud. 

We could hear him moving around until the sound of walkers growling caught our attention.

Lee: Kenny! Get the door open now!

I called out in a worried tone.

He ignored me as I heard scuffling around and his grunts.

Lee: Kenny! Talk to me man!!

I yelled just as the scuffling stopped. 

Kenny: Yeah, I'm okay, Pal. Those fuckers came out of nowhere.

He called as he unlocked the door letting us inside. 

I took a sigh of relief and we all stepped inside. Ruby eyes lit up as she noticed the spices growing in the green house. 

Ruby: Oh look, Wild Ginger, Eastern Prickly Pear, Jerusalem Artichoke, False Solomon's Seal.

She named off all the spices she seen. 

Lee: You know a lot about this stuff huh?

I smiled stepping next to her to look at the spices. 

Ruby: Yeah, I've had a long time to learn.

She nodded smiling up at me. 

Lee: That's pretty cool. I guess it's good to know about these things now that the world is the way it is.

I chuckled looking around. 

I turned around to see Kenny trying to get into a locked cabinet. I glanced around the room spotting a prybar sitting on a shelf. 

I picked it up and went over to him holding it out for him to take.

Lee: Here, this should help.

I said. 

Kenny: This is just what I needed. Thanks Lee.

He smiled taking the prybar and forcing the cabinet doors opened. He dropped the prybar and pulled the doors open more revealing a nice supply of barbed wire and fertilizer. 

Ruby: That should keep the raiders from climbing our walls.

Ruby smiled as Mitch bent down to look at the fertilizer. 

Mitch: We could use this too.

He pointed out looking up at us. Ruby looked disgusted as she spoke up. 

Ruby: Use that? For what?

She questioned. 

Mitch smirked. 

Mitch: We can make bombs out of these.

He said standing up. 

Kenny frowned.

kenny: How exactly did you know that, Kid?

He questioned. 

Mitch: It's the kinda stuff I did back home.

Mitch shrugged. 

Ruby: He use to blow shit up. That's why he's a troubled Youth. 

Ruby explained.

Mitch: Guilty.

Mitch agreed with a smile.

Mitch: I just need some propane and something to create a spark, and we'll have ourselves a nice homemade explosive.

He added turning away to look around. 

Kenny and I exchanged glances before continuing to look around. As I stepped passed a shelf, I could see a door peeking out from behind it. The windows on the door were foggy just like all the others as I attempted to look through it. 

Mitch approached me catching my attention as he spoke.

Mitch: If I remember right, there's a science lab through that door. Maybe there's propane in there.

He said stepping closer to the shelf. 

Kenny: Alright then, let's check it out. Help me move this shelf, Mitch.

Kenny spoke up as he moved passed me towards the shelf. They pushed the shelf away from the door knocking it onto the floor. 

Mitch pressed his ear to the door and listened for a second before pulling away. 

Mitch: Let's see what's inside.

He nodded. Kenny went ahead and opened the door stepping in before us. 

He looked around cautiously before jumping to the side as a walker reached out for him. It was cuffed to the wall and she looked like she had been there for a while.

Ruby stepped inside with Mitch and gasped as she looked over at the walker.

Ruby: oh no...

she mumbled as she took a step closer.

Lee: What? Who was she?

I questioned. 

Ruby: That's Mrs Martin... our nurse at the school. She was the only one who stayed with us when all the other adults left us. My God... she looks... I can barely even recognize her.

Ruby sighed. 

I placed my hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

Lee: I'm sorry. I'm sure she was a nice woman. She had to be if she stayed behind to protect you kids. And it looks like she tied herself up. She must have cared a lot for you guys. And I'm pretty sure she would be proud of you for taking over.

I smiled. 

Ruby nodded.

Ruby: Everything I know, I know it because of her. I just...wish I can make her look like she used to.

She spoke, her voice quivering as she turned away from the walker. 

Ruby: She came out here looking for food once and just... never came back. Then Marlon said we weren't allowed to come back... it wasn't safe anymore. We... kinda had a feeling she was gone....

Ruby started to cry as she held her hands over her face. 

Lee: Hey now, it's alright. Come here.

I sighed soothingly as I pulled her into a hug. I nodded to Kenny and He nodded back understandingly. He walked over to the walker and stabbed it in the head. 

Lee: It's gonna be okay. Mrs Martin would want you to stay strong. She wouldn't want you crying.

I spoke calmly as she sniffled. 

Kenny: You guys aren't alone anymore. We're here for all of you.

Kenny calmly stated as he stepped up next to me. He gave Ruby's shoulder a light tap before turning to mitch.

Kenny: All of you.

He repeated raising an eyebrow. 

Mitch nodded before looking down as he turned walking away to look for what we needed. Ruby wiped her eyes and looked up at me. 

Ruby: Thanks Lee. I really needed that.

She said wiping the tears from her cheeks. 

Lee: Hey, don't mention it. I know when someone just needs a good hug. You okay now?

I raised an eyebrow. 

She nodded looking around the science lab. I noticed an igniter sitting on one of the many shelves and picked it up.

Lee: Hey Mitch, I found an igniter. There's your spark. Now we just need propane and then we can head back to the school. 

I held the igniter up for him to see it. 

Mitch: Fuckin-A, I was hopin' there'd be one of those here.

Mitch smiled as he took the igniter from me. 

Kenny: I found some propane over here. But it's stuck.

Kenny said as he tugged on the propane tank.

Lee: Here let me help you.

I offered. Kenny nodded and we both tugged on the propane tank pulling it out . 

Kenny: Perfect, now that we got everything, let's get out of here.

Kenny nodded looking around at us.

Ruby: We have to bury Mrs. Martin first!

Ruby frowned. 

Mitch: Bury her? Why bother? It's a walker. We should drag it out back to burn it.

Mitch shrugged. 

I shook my head. 

Lee: I'll help you bury her.

I spoke shooting a glance at Mitch as I approached Ruby. 

Ruby: Thank you.

Ruby smiled. 

Mitch: It's not a her! It's a walker!

Mitch snapped causing Kenny to roll his eyes. 

Kenny: Shut it, Kid. This lady clearly saved all of you. She could have left you all behind just like the others and she didn't. Now either help us, or wait by the gate. Your choice.

He shook his head. 

Mitch: Fine, whatever, but I'm not wasting my energy on that thing.

He grumbled as he stormed out. 

Kenny shook his head.

Kenny: Don't listen to him, Mrs. Martin clearly deserves a proper burial.

He smiled. 

We helped Ruby bury Mrs. Martin near the greenhouse. She stared down at the grave before smiling up at me.

Ruby: Thanks again. It means a lot that you guys would help me bury her, even though you didn't know her.

Kenny: No problem, it was the right thing to do. 

Kenny chuckled and I nodded in agreement. After we were done burying Mrs. Martin, we went back inside grabbing the barbed wire, propane, and fertilizer before heading back to the school.

As we approached the gates of the school, Willy let us in and closed the gate behind us. They had moved the picnic table in position creating a pathway leading down to the front door of the main building. 

AJ ran over to me and hugged me once he saw me. Clem walked over to me and smiled as she rubbed the top of AJ's head. 

Clementine: We got the picnic tables set up. Louis, Brody, Yhwach, and Marlon are inside right now getting the traps ready. Did you find any barbed wire?

She questioned. 

Lee: We did, we found propane too, and fertilizer. Mitch said he can make some explosives out of that.

I nodded.

Clementine: Perfect. I think we can actually defend this place. Marlon found some more crossbows inside the school. He's gonna teach Sarah and I to use them.

Clem explained.

Lee: That's great, Clem. I'm really proud of you. You've grown so much since the day I found you. You've been a mother to AJ, a daughter to me, and a leader to every group we've been with. The way you molded Sarah into being the strong person she is today, I don't think anyone could have done what you did.

I smiled.

Clem blushed looking down.

Clementine: Thanks, Dad. It means a lot to hear that from you. I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for you. You taught me how to be a leader, and how to be strong.

She chuckled. 

Louis stepped out of the main building and started to make his way over to us with a smile.

Louis: Hey, Clem. We got some of the traps put up, is there anything else we should do?

He questioned.

Clementine: They found the barbed wire. Leave what you have so far with the traps, and get Yhwach, Marlon and Brody out here to help with the barbed wire.

Clem spoke. 

Kenny: Don't you worry about the barbed wire, darling. I got that covered. You guys just handle everything else. 

Kenny suggested as he stepped over to us.

Louis: Are you sure you don't need any help?

Louis raised an eyebrow at Kenny. 

He smiled and nodded.

Kenny: I'm alright, don't want any of you accidentally hurting yourselves. I'll handle it.

Kenny chuckled patting Louis on the shoulder. 

We spent the rest of the day getting mostly everything set up before the sun started to go down. AJ followed me towards the door leading to our room. I opened the door and glanced back to see Sarah talking to Marlon with her arms crossed and a slightly hesitant look on her face, While Clem stood next to the fire talking to Violet. 

Sam sat near Clem's feet looking up at her with his ears pointed up as if listening to her and Violets conversation.

Yhwach took a moment to enjoy the peace before the storm, carrying a cup of coffee he had prepared earlier. He made his way to the fire where Clem and Violet were engaged in a conversation. Clementine glanced up and smiled as Yhwach approached.

Clementine: Hey, Yhwach. Need a break?

Yhwach: A moment of respite, perhaps. War is looming, and it's best to gather strength while we can.

Clementine nodded in understanding. Violet glanced at Yhwach with a curious expression.

Violet: You seem pretty calm for someone about to go into battle.

Yhwach took a sip of his coffee, staring into the flames as he responded.

Yhwach: Experience has taught me to find tranquility amidst chaos. It helps to gather one's thoughts and plan strategically.

Aizen's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind.

Aizen: (sarcastically) Ah, the calm before the storm. How poetic. Do enlighten the young ones about the impending doom.

Yhwach ignored Aizen and continued sipping his coffee.

I smiled and lead AJ inside. 

Louis brought AJ some new clothes and they sat on the desk waiting for him when we walked in. 

AJ: Cool, look Grandpa, it's Disco Broccoli.

AJ said climbing up on the chair to get a better look at the shirts.

Lee: You like this one?

I smiled placing my hand on his shoulder. 

AJ nodded and looked over at another shirt with Science Dog on it.

AJ: This one's cool too, it looks like Tenn's boots.

He smiled up at me. 

I nodded. 

Lee: It does, doesn't it. I think it's the same character too.

I chuckled. 

AJ nodded in agreement before looking down at the Ericson's Boarding School Jersey. He looked up at me with a sigh. 

AJ: This one looks like Marlon's Jacket. Grandpa, is Marlon a monster? He let the raiders take Minnie and Sophie. And he lied to the group about it.

He questioned. 

I shook my head. 

Lee: Marlon may be a lot older than you, but he's still just a kid. He was afraid, and that's a natural thing. It's up to us to teach them how to be like us.

I explained. 

AJ slowly nodded looking down at the shirt. I moved the shirts the the side revealing a blank sheet of paper.

Lee: Why don't you make a picture for Clem, while I get the beds ready. I'm sure she'll love that. 

I smiled. 

AJ: Okay!

AJ smiled pulling the box of colored pencils closer. I smiled and walked over to the beds pulling my mattress down onto the floor before going over to AJ's bed and fixing the cover, pulling it back for whenever he was ready to go to sleep.

I did the same thing to Clem and Sarah's bunk before getting down onto my mattress. The door opened and Clem, Sarah, and Sam stepped inside. 

Clementine: Hey, Goofball. What you doin' there?

Clem smiled as she walked over to AJ while Sam jumped onto her bunk curling up and watching her. 

AJ: I'm making you a picture. It can go on the wall with the others.

AJ replied a smile spreading across his face. 

Sarah: Wow, AJ. You're a true Artist.

Sarah chuckled ruffling his hair. AJ giggled and continued to draw while Sarah made her way up to her bunk.

Clementine: It's gonna look perfect on the wall. Don't take too long tho, okay? We have to get some rest and get ready for tomorrow.

Clem nodded as she leaned down kissing AJ on the side of his head.

AJ: Okay.. I'll be quick.

He nodded and continued his drawing. Clem nodded and made her way over to her bunk sitting next to Sam who looked up at her, wagging his tail. 

Clementine: I can't believe Lilly's still alive. And she's just like her father was. I won't let her take AJ from me. I lost him once, and I'm not losing him again. Not to Lilly and her group of soldiers.

Clem shook her head sighing. 

Lee: You know I won't let that happen. Lilly and her group aren't taking anyone. Not on my watch.

I nodded. 

Sarah: I didn't know, Lilly. But you know I'm here too, Clem. She's not touching AJ. I'll kill her before I let her take him from us. We won't lose him again. 

Sarah said as she lay on her back staring up at the ceiling.

Lee: You aren't alone, Sweet Pea. You have us. All of us. And we won't let anything happen to you, AJ or anyone here. No matter what it takes, I'll make sure of that.

I added with a serious tone. 

Clem smiled and nodded.

Clementine: I know you will. You've always protected us.

AJ got down from his seat smiling as he made his way over to Clem handing the drawing to her. Clem looked down at the paper and smiled.

Clementine: This is great, AJ. I love it. Go on and get in bed while I hang it up and then I'll tuck you in.

She said as she stood up. 

AJ did as told and climbed onto his bunk watching Clem as she hung the picture on the wall next to Tenn's drawing and AJ's other drawing. 

Once the picture was hung on the wall, Clem walked over to AJ and pulled his blanket over him before kissing his forehead.

Clementine: Goodnight goofball, Rest well.

She whispered rubbing the side of his face with a smile. 

AJ yawned and closed his eyes.

AJ: Goodnight, Mom.

He mumbled. Clem smiled and got back onto her bunk laying down. 

Lee: Don't you worry about a thing, Sweet Pea. Kenny Yhwach and I will protect you all till the end.

I said as I closed my eyes. 

Clementine: I know. Goodnight Dad.. goodnight Sarah.

She replied closing her eyes.

Sarah: Goodnight.

Sarah and I responded as we all went to sleep. 

Yhwach remained by the fire, contemplating the challenges that lay ahead. The flickering flames cast dancing shadows on his stoic face as he sat in solitude. Aizen's voice, always present within his mind, couldn't resist engaging in the ongoing thoughts.

Aizen: (intrigued) So, Yhwach, what are your thoughts on this plan of young Clementine's? Flipping picnic tables and setting traps. Quite the tactical genius, isn't she?

Yhwach remained focused, his eyes fixed on the flames as he responded internally.

Yhwach: Clementine has shown remarkable resilience and strategic thinking. Her plan is sound, given the resources we have. We must utilize every advantage to secure the safety of this group.

Aizen: (sarcastically) Ah, the safety of the group. How heartwarming. But what about the threat Lilly poses? Recruiting children for her cause, turning them into soldiers. Quite the twisted leader she's become.

Yhwach's gaze intensified, his mind delving into the complexities of Lilly's motives.

Yhwach: Lilly is a threat, no doubt. Her history, intertwined with Lee's, makes her unpredictable. Recruiting children as soldiers speaks of desperation or a twisted ideology. We need to understand her motives and the group she's fighting against.

Aizen: (mockingly) Desperation or ideology? Perhaps it's both. The world has changed, and in this new era, power takes different forms.

Yhwach pondered the unknown, the shadows of the fire playing on his face.

Yhwach: We need to be prepared for anything. The plan Clementine crafted is a starting point, but we must remain vigilant. Lilly's tactics are unpredictable, and her group might possess resources we're not aware of.

Aizen: (intrigued) The unpredictability of war. How exhilarating. Just remember, Yhwach, strength alone may not be enough. It's the mind, the strategy, that often determines the outcome.

Yhwach acknowledged Aizen's words, a subtle nod indicating his agreement.

Yhwach: Clementine has shown prowess in both strength and strategy. With the combined efforts of this group, we shall face whatever comes our way. The flames of determination burn brighter than any fire.

Aizen: (curiously) So, Yhwach, what do you foresee for the future of this world? Will the walkers eventually perish, allowing humanity to rebuild, or are we destined to witness a repetition of history?

Yhwach's eyes remained fixed on the flames, his thoughts reaching beyond the immediate challenges.

Yhwach: The future is uncertain, Aizen. Walkers are a constant threat, but they may evolve or diminish over time. However, the true challenge lies in the remnants of humanity. The struggles for power, the conflicts between groups – these are the echoes of the past that could shape the future.

Aizen: (philosophically) The cycle of history repeating itself. Humans, driven by their desires, often fall into familiar patterns. Do you believe they can truly break free from this cycle, or is it an inevitable part of their nature?

Yhwach: (contemplatively) Humanity possesses the capacity for change, growth, and adaptation. It's not a matter of inevitability but choice. The question is whether they can overcome their inherent flaws and learn from the mistakes of the past. The walkers may be a relentless force, but the real challenge is within themselves.

Aizen: (smirking) Quite the optimistic view, Yhwach. However, history has shown that the allure of power and the struggle for survival often lead to the same outcomes.

Yhwach: (stoic) True, but individuals have the power to defy expectations. Clementine, for example, has risen above her circumstances, becoming a leader and a protector. It's a testament to the potential for change within each person.

Aizen: (mockingly) Ah, the power of one against the tide. Do you truly believe that individuals can alter the course of the collective? Or is it just a fleeting spark in the grand scheme of things?

Yhwach: (firmly) Every significant change begins with a spark, Aizen. It's up to individuals to ignite that flame and inspire others. Whether it's enough to reshape the world depends on the choices people make collectively.

Aizen: (intrigued) An intriguing perspective, Yhwach. So, what role do you see yourself playing in this uncertain future? A guiding force, a protector, or perhaps a catalyst for change?

Yhwach: (serenely) My role is to ensure the survival and well-being of this group. Whether that means guiding, protecting, or catalyzing change, I'll adapt to the needs of the moment. The future is shaped by the actions we take in the present.

Aizen: (amused) Adaptability, the key to survival. An admirable trait, Yhwach. Let's see if this group can indeed navigate the challenges ahead and carve out a future in this world.

As Yhwach continued to gaze into the fire, the flames flickered, casting shadows that danced with the uncertainties of the future.

The Next Morning

I opened my eyes glancing around to see AJ still sleeping in his bed, But Clem and Sarah were gone. I sat up stretching as I stood from my mattress. 

I replaced my mattress on the top bunk and glanced over noticing the map to Ericsons, sitting on the desk. 

I made my way over to it and smiled as I noticed Clems hand writing. She had everything drawn in place showing how it would look once we were done fortifying the place. 

The door opened behind me and I turned to see Clem and Sam entering the room.

Clementine: Good afternoon, you're finally up.

She smiled walking over to the map. 

Lee: I just got up. I was just looking at this map. Everything's looking pretty good.

I chuckled wrapping my arm around her shoulder. 

Clementine: Yeah, Sarah and I got up early and met Yhwach and Kenny outside. Their out there training the others right now. We've got a lot done so far.

She nodded. 

Sam nudged my leg with his nose and whined as he looked up at me.

Lee: Hey Sammy Boy. You want some attention huh?

I smiled kneeling down to rub his ears. His tail wagged as he licked my cheek causing me to smile.

Lee: You're a good boy.

I chuckled scratching behind his ears and under his neck. His tail continued to wag quickly as he enjoyed the attention I was giving him. 

AJ: Mom?

AJ mumbled with his eyes closed as he turned his head to the side. I looked up as Clem made her way over to him sitting down on his bunk. 

Clementine: It's okay, Goofball. I'm here.

She said rubbing his hair as she looked down at him with so much love and admiration. 

Lee: He'll be fine. Come on let's go see if Kenny needs any help.

I spoke. Clem nodded and snapped her fingers to Sam, pointing at AJ's bed. 

Clementine: Stay with AJ, Sam.

she commanded. Sam jumped up onto AJ's bunk and laid his head on his back. Clem rubbed the top of Sam's head before we headed outside.

As we stepped outside, Yhwach was showing Kenny how to use the bow and arrow. I looked around to see that they had already put up the barbed wire around the top of the walls. 

Willy stood near Kenny, smiling as he watched him struggle with the bow and arrow. I chuckled shaking my head.

We made our way over to them as Brody next to Yhwach tried to explain how to use the bow and arrow. 

Brody: it's really easy once you get the hang of it. You just have to practice.

She smiled.

Kenny sighed aiming the bow and arrow at the target. He took a deep breath before pulling it back and sending the arrow flying into the target, barely missing the bullseye. 

Yhwach observed Kenny's attempt at using the bow and arrow, acknowledging the effort. Aizen's voice, as always, echoed within Yhwach's mind.

Aizen: (sarcastically) Oh, bravo! A commendable display of archery. I'm sure the walkers will be trembling in fear at such precision.

Yhwach remained stoic, choosing not to respond to Aizen's sarcastic remarks. Instead, he turned his attention to Kenny.

Yhwach: Good effort, Kenny. With practice, you'll become more proficient.

Kenny smirked, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead.

Kenny: Yeah, yeah, I'll get the hang of it. Just give me some time.

Brody chimed in, offering encouragement.

Brody: You're doing great, Kenny. It's all about patience and precision.

Willy, standing nearby, clapped his hands.

Willy: That was awesome, Kenny! I wanna try next!

Kenny handed the bow and arrow to Willy, chuckling.

Kenny: Knock yourself out, kid.

As Willy prepared to take his shot

asWilly released the arrow, and it landed far from the target, causing him to scratch his head sheepishly.

Willy: Maybe I need a bit more practice.

Kenny chuckled, patting Willy on the back.

Kenny: Don't worry, kid. It takes time to get the hang of it.

Yhwach, assessing the situation, decided to offer guidance.

Yhwach: Willy, pay attention to your posture and aim. Control your breathing, and focus on the target. It's about finding the right balance.

Willy nodded, eager to learn, while Kenny shot Yhwach an appreciative glance.

Kenny: Thanks, Yhwach. You seem to know your way around this stuff.

Yhwach simply nodded, acknowledging Kenny's words. As the archery training continued, Aizen's voice lingered within Yhwach's mind.

Aizen: (curiously) Archery, barricading walls, crafting explosives. Quite the versatile skill set you're accumulating in this world. I wonder, do you ever miss the days of commanding the Quincy?

Yhwach listened to Aizen's lingering voice, his thoughts briefly reflecting on the distant past. With a measured tone, he responded to Aizen's inquiry.

Yhwach: The days of commanding the Quincy are behind me, Aizen. In this world, survival demands a different set of skills. Adaptability is key.

Aizen: (teasingly) Oh, adaptability, the hallmark of a true leader. So, what's next on the agenda? Crossbow lessons, perhaps?

Yhwach: (ignoring Aizen's sarcasm) Crossbows, firearms, any means of defense. We must equip ourselves with the knowledge to face any challenge. Now, let's continue the training. Willy, adjust your stance, and focus on the target.

As Yhwach delved into instructing Willy, he noticed other members of the group watching with interest. Clementine and Sarah, joined by Louis, Mitch, and AJ, stood at a distance, curious about the archery training.

Yhwach: (addressing the group) Archery requires discipline and precision. It's a skill that can prove invaluable in a world like ours. Today, we'll focus on the basics.

Clementine stepped forward, her eyes glinting with determination.

Clementine: Teach us, Yhwach. We want to learn.

Yhwach nodded, appreciating their eagerness to acquire new skills.

Yhwach: Very well. Let's begin with the fundamentals. Louis, Mitch, AJ, grab some bows and arrows. The rest of you, observe and learn.

As the group gathered the necessary equipment, Yhwach guided them through the basics of archery – from the proper way to hold a bow to the correct stance and the art of aiming. His instructions were clear and concise, a reflection of the disciplined leader within him.

Clementine, always quick to learn, absorbed the lessons attentively. AJ, with his small hands, struggled a bit but remained determined. Louis and Ruby, not accustomed to archery, faced the challenge with a mix of curiosity and excitement.

As the training progressed, Aizen's voice echoed once again, this time with a hint of curiosity.

Aizen: (intrigued) Archery lessons in the midst of an apocalypse. How quaint. Do you think these skills will truly make a difference, Yhwach?

Yhwach: (steadfast) Survival often depends on the unexpected, Aizen. A well-placed arrow can be just as effective as any other weapon. Plus, it fosters discipline and focus.

Aizen: (teasingly) Ah, discipline and focus, the building blocks of a well-rounded warrior. I suppose even in this chaotic world, the principles of a leader remain the same.

We spent the day training and leaning to use the bow and arrows. I couldn't do it with one arm but I think they all knew I would make it work like I always have with what I had. 

Days went by and the group was finally ready for battle. The school was fortified, and we were all prepared for war. Kenny was on edge about seeing Lilly again. I could only imagine how she would react knowing that we were still alive and we made it this far together. 

Everything was prepared and it was only a matter of time before Lilly and her group arrived. 

Night time came and we all went to our rooms to rest.

AJ: Mom... can I sleep with you, like I use to do?

AJ asked as Clem climbed into her bunk.

She smiled and nodded.

Clementine: Ofcourse. Come on.

She said moving over to make room for him. He climbed up next to her and laid his head on her shoulder. 

I smiled and turned over on my mattress closing my eyes.

Lee: Goodnight guys. Sleep tight.

I sighed as we all went to sleep. 

Yhwach stood alone on the school's balcony, the night air carrying a sense of tension. In his hand, he twirled a knife with practiced ease, the moonlight glinting off its blade. The traps set around the perimeter were a testament to the group's collective efforts – a web of defenses awaiting the approaching storm.

As he continued to play with the knife, Aizen's voice echoed within his mind.

Aizen: (curiously) A knife, Yhwach? A rather primitive choice of weapon. Are you planning to join the front lines in close combat?

Yhwach didn't break his focus on the knife, his eyes scanning the traps and the surrounding darkness.

Yhwach: A knife has its advantages, Aizen. In the right hands, it can be a tool of precision and stealth. One should not underestimate the simplicity of a well-crafted blade.

Aizen: (mockingly) Precision and stealth, indeed. But in the face of an impending war, do you believe such subtleties will tip the scales in your favor?

Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on the traps, his mind contemplating the imminent confrontation.

Yhwach: War is unpredictable, Aizen. It's not about relying solely on one strategy. The traps, the archery, the barricades – each element plays a part. But victory is not guaranteed. The outcome hinges on the choices we make and the adaptability of our plans.

Aizen: (intrigued) Adaptability, once again. It seems to be your mantra. But tell me, Yhwach, do you truly believe we can emerge victorious in this war against Lilly and her group?

Yhwach's grip on the knife tightened, his eyes reflecting the weight of the impending battle.

Yhwach: Belief alone does not ensure victory. It's a combination of preparation, strategy, and the resolve to face whatever challenges arise. Lilly is formidable, but so are we. The outcome remains uncertain, yet we fight.

Aizen: (teasingly) Ah, the uncertainty of war. The thrill of the unknown. It's almost poetic, isn't it?

Yhwach's expression remained stoic, his thoughts delving into the complexities of the situation.

Yhwach: War is never poetic, Aizen. It's a harsh reality that demands decisions and sacrifices. Our goal is to protect this group, and we will do whatever it takes to achieve that.

Aizen: (amused) Protecting the group, guiding them to victory. Quite the noble aspirations, Yhwach. But tell me, have you considered the alternative? What if Lilly's group prevails? What then?

Yhwach's eyes flashed briefly, his grip on the knife unyielding.

Yhwach: We cannot afford to entertain thoughts of failure. Our focus is on ensuring the safety of those under our protection. If Lilly's group prevails, we adapt, we survive, and we find another way. Giving up is not an option.

Aizen: (curiously) Determination in the face of adversity. Admirable. But remember, Yhwach, sometimes the most strategic move is knowing when to retreat.

Yhwach paused, considering Aizen's words. The night remained still, a quiet prelude to the storm that awaited them.

Yhwach: Retreat may be a tactical option, but it's not always the path to victory. We press forward, adapt, and face whatever challenges arise. The group depends on it.

Aizen: (playfully) Forward, always forward. Well then, let's see if your convictions can withstand the tempest that approaches.

As Yhwach continued to stand on the balcony, the moon casting shadows across his determined face, the night held its breath, anticipating the clash that would determine the group's fate.

Clementine Pov

The next morning, AJ and I woke up before Lee and Sarah and we headed outside to see who else was up. 

Sam rushed over to the grass like he did every morning when we woke up as he sniffed around.

Clementine: You ready to work today, Kiddo? 

I questioned as I smiled down at AJ. 

He sighed.

AJ: Bad dreams always make me more tired.

He replied. 

I nodded agreeing.

AJ: But I slept better in your bed.

He added causing me to chuckle. 

AJ looked up as Tenn stood on the lookout waving to him.

AJ: It's my turn to be lookout. I'll see you later, Mom.

He smiled before running over to Tenn and climbing the ladder to the lookout.

I smiled watching him before glancing over to see Violet and Louis kinda arguing near the main building. 

Louis: I have other stuff I need to do.

Louis said. 

Violet: What stuff??

Violet questioned causing him to sigh. 

Louis: Nothing.. it's just... it's important. 

He explained as I made my way over to them.

Violet: God dammit Louis! Take this seriously for once in your life!

Violet exclaimed.

Louis: I've been taking this seriously for fucking days! Almost two weeks!

He shot back. 

Violet: So has everyone! Get over yourself!

She glared at him. 

Louis shook his head and walked away leaving her standing on the steps alone. Violet approached me sighing. 

Violet: Hey, Clem.

She said. 

Clementine: Hey, I thought Lilly and Abel would show up days ago. I wonder why they're holding off.

I sighed. 

Violet: Don't know. All I wanted was time to prepare, but now this waiting sucks. And everyone's on edge.

She replied. 

I nodded looking around.

Clementine: I'll check on everyone. We have everything set up now, so we are more than prepared. Everyone just needs a pep talk I'm sure.

Violet: That would be great, Clem. Thank you. I guess I'll go board up the back hallway since Louis isn't gonna do it.

She sighed walking away. 

I turned around noticing Sarah and Lee stepping out of the door leading to our room. Marlon walked over to Sarah and they started chatting while Lee made his way over to Kenny.

I spotted Mitch sitting alone at one of the picnic tables that hadn't been overturned. I walked over and sat down across from him. 

Clementine: Hey, Mitch. What are you doing?

I questioned looking at the bottle in his hand. 

Mitch: just a little a test. Gotta see if the bomb will go off. 

he responded causing me to raise an eyebrow.

He looked up at me and smirked.

Mitch: Don't worry, this little thing won't hurt anyone. Just gotta see if it'll light. 

Clementine: Yeah, it better. Our whole plan rests on that bomb. If they get in, I'll need you to set the bomb off while I distract them.

I said giving him a serious look. 

Mitch: Expect the unexpected.

He nodded.

I nodded in agreement. 

Clementine: Yeah something like that.

Mitch: I read that on one of those stupid inspirational posters. School used to have them everywhere. Soon as things went to shit, I tore them all down. 

he explained as he tried to use the spark thing to light the small bomb. 

Mitch: Ugh, could you? My hands all fucked up from messing with it all day.

He held it out to me. I nodded and leaned down lighting the string for him. 

Mitch: Stand back.

He said as we stepped away from the table. The flame sparked up the string before fizzling out, but nothing happened. 

Mitch: Fucking shit . If it doesn't work... Shit!

Mitch exclaimed angrily. 

Clementine: It's okay, Mitch. Just keep trying. I'm sure you'll get it soon.

I tried to comfort him. 

He shook his head. 

Mitch: It's not like I have all the time in the world to play scientist and figure this shit out!

He spoke before sighing.

Mitch: I'm sorry, I'll figure it out. I just need more time. Alone time. To think.

He sighed. 

I nodded understanding.

Clementine: Alright, I'll leave you to it. I know you can get it working.

I smiled.

Mitch smiled back. 

Mitch: Thanks... for helping.

He said as he sat back down and went back to working on his homemade bomb. 

I turned around and walked over to where Lee and Kenny were talking.

Kenny: I just think it's strange, that's all. You said they wanted to take the whole group. It's been weeks and they still haven't showed up.

Kenny sighed as I approached them. 

Lee: Think of it this way, this just gives us more time to prepare. You can never go wrong with more training. 

Lee replied. 

Kenny: I know... you're right. It's just frustrating sittin' here waiting for that bitch and her group to attack, It's just too stressful.

Kenny shook his head in frustration. 

Clementine: Whenever they do decide to show up. We will be prepared.

I crossed my arms nodding. 

Kenny smiled at me. 

Kenny: You're right darlin. We will be ready. 

He nodded.

Lee: What are you up to, Sweet Pea?

Lee questioned as he looked up at me. 

Clementine: Just checking up on everyone. Violet said they're all on edge about the raiders. 

I sighed looking around. Not everyone was outside. 

The only people I spotted were, Sarah, Marlon, Lee, Kenny, Tenn, AJ, Mitch, and Louis. Everyone else must have been inside the main building still getting a few more things prepared.

Lee: We're all a little on edge about them. You just tell them that they aren't alone and we are prepared to do whatever we can to protect them all.

Lee nodded. 

Clementine: I'm gonna go check on AJ and Tenn first. I'll talk to the others later.

I replied. Lee smiled as I turned to walk away making my way towards the lookout. 

Tenn: Do you think Sophie and Minnie might be with them when they get here?

Tenn asked AJ.

AJ: I don't know, maybe.

AJ shrugged looking down at his feet. 

Clementine: Hey Tenn, AJ.

I smiled up at them. AJ looked down and smiled. 

AJ: Hey mom. We're doing watch. For danger.

He said. Tenn nodded in agreement with his arms crossed. 

Clementine: I know, Goofball. I just came to check on you two, that's all.

I nodded.

Tenn: We're doing okay, Clem. Just nervous about the raiders. And my sister's.

Tenn sighed. 

Clementine: Whatever happens, we are here for all of you. I promise.

I said genuinely. 

Tenn nodded and smiled.

Tenn: Thank You Clem. That really means a lot.

Clementine: It's no problem. Well I'll let you two get back to your watch. AJ, if you need me, I'll be over there checking on Louis.

I motioned towards where Louis stood practicing with his bow and arrow. 

AJ nodded and I turned around heading towards Louis. He was trying to shoot the target and was failing miserably. I chuckled as I approached him causing him to look over at me.

Louis: What's so funny?

He raised an eyebrow at me. 

Clementine: Your aim. You gotta loosen up and take a breath. Here let me show you.

I said picking up the extra bow that was on the ground. I grabbed and arrow and aimed it at the target. 

Clementine: Hold it like this, but try to loosen up your muscles. Don't be too tense.

I directed watching as he held the bow and arrow up aiming it as well. 

I sat my bow down and moved over to him touching his arm.

Clementine: You're still too tense. Just relax, take a deep breath.

I said causing his face to turn red. 

He sighed and took a deep breath slightly relaxing.

Clementine: Now aim, and look down the middle where the arrow is. It might help better if you close one eye.

I explained holding his arm up as I glanced at the target. 

Clementine: Relax. Take a breath, and then fire.

I added. He did as I told him and shot the arrow hitting the target. I smiled and stepped back. 

Louis: Thanks Clem. You're pretty good at this.

He smiled back. 

Clementine: Yhwach did a pretty good job at teaching me I guess. How are you doing though, Louis?

I asked as he sat the bow down. 

Louis: I'm just... nervous... the raiders could be here in hours... days...weeks... we don't know when they plan to show up. I feel like the second we let our guards down, they're gonna pop up and take us by surprise.

He sighed. 

Clementine: Don't say that. That's not gonna happen. We won't let our guards down because we know they are going to show up at some point. We have to be prepared at all times.

I said comforting him. 

Louis nodded. 

Louis: I know. But I'm still a little nervous. I mean, The twins could be with them when they come. Marlon just...gave them away. It's gonna be weird seeing them again and knowing they aren't on our side anymore. What if they show no mercy towards us.. what if they are willing to kill us all if they have to?

He vented to me. 

Clementine: You guys aren't alone. We won't let anything happen you all. I promise.

Louis smiled and nodded. 

He was silent for a second before he spoke up hesitantly. 

Louis: Can I ... ask you a question?

He asked. 

I raised an eyebrow curiously, and nodded for him to go ahead and ask. He stared at me for a second before speaking.

Louis: I was just ... wondering. About the guy you told us about when we played war. Do you...still like him? 

He questioned.

I chuckled and nodded.

Clementine: I still have some feelings for him.. but it's nothing I can do about it now. I might not ever see him again. The way the world is now, he might not even survive long enough for me to see him again.

I shrugged. 

Louis: So... does that mean there's a chance? For.. you know, someone else?

He asked shyly. 

Clementine: Someone else? Like who?

I asked raising an eyebrow at him. He chuckled nervously before responding. 

Louis: Um.. no one in particular... is there... anyone here that you like?

I shrugged. 

Clementine: Maybe... I guess we'll just have to see.

After talking to Louis for a little while longer, I noticed Violet walking back out of the main building. She looked over at me and smiled. 

I made my way over to her and sat down next to her on the steps.

Violet: Back hallways secure. How is everyone? Okay? Or, you know, a total fucking mess.

She asked as I sat down. 

Clementine: They're all a little nervous, but overall everyone is ready for this.

I nodded. 

She smiled.

Violet: Really?

 Clementine: Really, The school is defended and everyone's eager to get the fight over with.

I replied just as Willy and Aasim walked out of the main building arguing.

Willy: Because you're boring and your idea is stupid!

Willy snapped glaring at Aasim. 

Aasim: Oh, I'm being stupid?? You're the one who can't think straight. If you could hear yourself-

Aasim started to reply as I stood up with Violet next to me. 

Clementine: Guys! Stop arguing! What the hell is going on?

I asked looking between them. 

Lee and Kenny stood up making their way over to us along with everyone else except AJ and Tenn who were still on lookout duty. 

Willy: Violet told us to work on the traps together, but Aasim won't listen to ANYTHING I SAY!

Willy glared up at Aasim. 

Louis: That doesn't mean you have to scream at each other.

Louis spoke up causing Aasim to look over at him with a scowl. 

Aasim: Stay out of this!

He shot back before turning to look at me.

Aasim: I have an Idea for duffle bags filled with bricks. We drop them on the raiders if they get to the admin building. Willy here wants to use a giant, idiotic log to take out one raider at most. It's completely stupid.

He shook his head as Kenny placed a hand on Willys shoulder. 

Kenny: Don't downplay his idea just because you didn't come up with it.

He said before looking down at Willy giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze.

Clementine: You two are arguing for no reason. They're both great ideas. Just use both, that way if the raiders somehow make it past the first trap, they'll be stepping right into another one.

I sighed crossing my arms. 

Lee: Clems right, we can't work together to defend the school from the raiders if we're fighting with each other.

Lee agreed causing me to smile. 

Aasim: Fine. I guess that's a good idea.

Aasim sighed crossing his arm. 

Louis: We're all just on edge. I think a little game will help us break the tension.

Louis smiled pulling out a deck of cards. he made his way over to the couch. Everyone followed him to the couch as we all sat down. 

Lee: Kenny and I are gonna sit this one out. We'll be on lookout so AJ and Tenn can join you I'll ask Yhwach if he wants to join. 

Lee suggested as they walked away. 

Louis glanced over at Aasim.

Louis: I mean, if you wanna go ask Ruby to come play, I don't mind waiting.

Louis smirked.

Aasim: Shut up, dude! I swear to God.

Aasim glared. 

Violet: You've got a crush on Ruby?

Violet asked with a smile. 

AJ: What are we playing?

AJ asked as he and Tenn walked over to the couches and sat down. 

Louis: Truth or Dare!

Louis responded as he shuffled the deck of cards in his hands. 

Violet: You know, You don't need cards for Truth or Dare..

Violet raised an eyebrow. 

Louis: You do in this version. Everyone draws. Highest card gets to ask, lowest card has to answer. 

He explained the rules as he handed the deck of cards to me. 

Yhwach observed the group from a distance, his stoic expression betraying none of the thoughts swirling within his mind. Aizen's voice, as expected, resonated within Yhwach's consciousness.

Aizen: (mockingly) Truth or Dare? Really, Yhwach? I can't believe you agreed to play another game with these children. What happened to the fearsome leader of the Quincy?

Yhwach: (calmly) Games serve a purpose in fostering camaraderie and easing tension. Besides, understanding the dynamics of this group is crucial for effective leadership.

Aizen: (teasingly) Camaraderie? I never thought I'd hear that word from you. But fine, indulge in your little social experiment. I'll be here to witness the spectacle.

As Yhwach joined the group, Louis took a moment to explain the rules of the game to him.

Louis: Alright, Yhwach, we're playing Truth or Dare. Everyone draws a card, and the person with the highest card gets to ask someone else Truth or Dare. The person with the lowest card has to answer or complete the dare. Simple, right?

Yhwach nodded, understanding the rules. Aizen, ever the commentator, couldn't resist chiming in.

Aizen: (sarcastically) Oh, how thrilling. The fate of the game determined by a deck of cards. I'm on the edge of my metaphysical seat.

Yhwach: (ignoring Aizen's sarcasm) Let the game begin.

Louis distributed the cards, and as fate would have it, Yhwach drew the highest card and Tenn had the lowest. He looked around, assessing the group with a measured gaze.

Yhwach: Tenn.

Tenn looked up, slightly surprised.

Yhwach: Truth or Dare?

Tenn hesitated for a moment before choosing.

Tenn: Truth.

Yhwach nodded, contemplating his question.

Yhwach: Tenn, what do you fear the most in this world?

Tenn's expression shifted, his eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and contemplation.

Tenn: I fear losing the people I care about. In this world, where danger lurks at every corner, the thought of losing someone close is terrifying.

Yhwach acknowledged Tenn's response with a subtle nod. Aizen, ever the instigator, couldn't resist commenting.

Aizen: (playfully) Ah, the vulnerability of youth. How poetic.

Louis: Onto round two. 

Louis smirked handing the deck of cards to me again. 

Everyone pulled a card again and this time I had the highest card, and Aasim had the lowest.

Sarah: This should be funny.

Sarah smirked as she sat next to Marlon, who's arm rested on the back of the couch behind her. 

Clementine: This is definitely a dare.

I smirked. 

Aasim looked slightly nervous as he spoke. 

Aasim: O..okay, do your worst.

Clementine: I dare you to go ask Ruby for a kiss.

I said causing everyone to burst into laughter excluding Yhwach. 


Aasim exclaimed.

Louis: The most legitimate of dares.

Louis taunted causing Aasim to groan. He stood up and made his way over to Ruby. We all watched silently as he approached her. She turned to look at him as he spoke. Her eyes widened and she bald her fist and punched him in the chest causing us all to laugh excluding Yhwach. 

Aasim, still recovering from the unexpected punch, returned to the group, his face flushed with embarrassment. Louis couldn't contain his laughter.

Louis: Man, that was worth it!

Aasim shot a playful glare at Clementine.

Aasim: You just wait, Clem. Your turn will come.

Clementine chuckled, unfazed by his threat. As the game continued, Aizen's commentary persisted within Yhwach's thoughts.

Aizen: (teasingly) Truth or Dare, Yhwach? I'm curious to see how you handle the spotlight.

Everyone pulled a card again and this time Louis had the highest card, and Yhwach had the lowest.

Yhwach: Truth.

Louis grinned, ready to pose a question.

Louis: Yhwach, if you could choose one person in this group to lead in your absence, who would it be?

The question hung in the air, prompting everyone to look at Yhwach with anticipation.

Aizen: (intrigued) A leadership question. How fascinating. I wonder if Yhwach will reveal his true thoughts.

Yhwach remained composed, his gaze steady as he considered his response.

Yhwach: If circumstances required me to pass on the mantle of leadership, I believe Clementine possesses the qualities necessary to guide this group.

Clementine looked genuinely surprised by Yhwach's choice. Aizen's voice echoed once again.

Aizen: (teasingly) Ah, a commendable choice. It seems you have a soft spot for the girl, Yhwach. Could this be the beginning of a profound bond?

Yhwach: (stoically) Leadership is not solely about strength or strategy. It requires trust, adaptability, and a connection with the group. Clementine embodies these qualities.

Aizen: (playfully) Trust, adaptability, and connection. Perhaps there's hope for you yet, Yhwach.

We passed the cards around again, Aasim had the highest and Tenn had the lowest. 

Tenn looked down nervously. Aasim smiled.

Aasim: Don't worry, I'll go easy on you. What's something you've never told anyone because you were afraid they'd make fun of you for it? 

He asked.

Tenn: I, um... I think... I think walkers won't always be around. They'll go away, someday. Cause the world goes in cycles, right? Ice age, stone age, um, some other ages. So it's like that. This age will end and another one will start.

Tenn explained causing me to smile. 

Clementine: An age without walkers. Like it use to be. I think that's beautiful, Tenn.

I nodded encouragingly. 

Tenn smiled back.

Tenn: It'll be better than before. And we'll all be together in this age.

He added. 

Aizen's voice resonated within Yhwach's mind, his tone carrying a mix of amusement and contemplation.

Aizen: (teasingly) Well, well, Yhwach. Tenn's answer was surprisingly optimistic. Do you find such sentiments appealing? The hope for a future without walkers, where the group remains united?

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) Optimism has its merits. Tenn's perspective reflects a desire for a world beyond the current state of chaos. It's a sentiment that resonates with the innate human yearning for a better tomorrow.

Aizen: (playfully) You sound almost poetic, Yhwach. Could it be that you, too, harbor a desire for a brighter future?

Yhwach: (stoically) The future is shaped by the choices we make in the present. If the group holds onto hope and works towards a collective goal, they may indeed forge a path to a better world.

Aizen: (amused) Ah, the idealistic leader emerges. It's a refreshing change from the stern facade you often wear.

Yhwach: (calmly) Leadership requires adaptability, Aizen. Understanding the hopes and fears of those under your guidance is essential.

Sarah: I like the sound of that.

Sarah smiled. 

Sarah: You're smarter than people give you credit for, don't ever be afraid to speak your mind. Because if someone ever made fun of you for having that mindset, they're irrelevant and you shouldn't listen to a word they say to you. 

She added. 

AJ looked down sadly causing Tenn to look over at him.

Tenn: What's wrong AJ?

He questioned.

AJ: It's just... I don't know what it's like. I know you all do... but I don't remember a time before monsters. 

He sighed. 

Sarah: Aw AJ.

Sarah eyes softened as she looked over at him. 

Louis: You know what, little dude? It's okay that you don't. Believe me, the world before this one was pretty shitty. 

Louis smiled down at AJ. 

AJ smiled back and nodded. I gave Louis a thankful look.

Violet: That sounds like a good place to end it. We should finish up our work, anyway. It's getting dark.

Violet sighed. Everyone got up and went their separate ways. 

Ruby: It's my turn to do lookout. Clems after me.

Ruby spoke as she approached us.

AJ: Can I come?

AJ asked looking up at her. She smiled and nodded.

Ruby: Ofcourse you can little guy.

She said as they both walked away taking Kenny and Lee's spot on the lookout. 

Violet: I'm headed to the bell tower. I want to check out our defenses on the back wall before bed.

Violet sighed as she stood up from the couch.

Clementine: Do you need some help?

I asked. 

Violet: Sure.. if you want.

She smiled. 

Louis: You could always help me instead I'm on piano duty.

Louis smirked. 

I rolled my eyes and chuckled shaking my head. 

Louis: What? I gotta get in some practice before one of you decides to chop it into firewood.

He joked causing me to chuckle.

I decided to follow Violet to the bell tower. Checking our defenses was far more important than playing music on a piano. 

Yhwach found himself back in the library, a haven of solitude where he could retreat into the world of books. The soft glow of a lamp illuminated the pages, and the familiar scent of aged paper surrounded him. Yhwach made his way to his special spot, a quiet corner where he could delve into the knowledge hidden within the pages.

As he settled into the worn-out chair, he noticed a random book nearby. Without much thought, he picked it up, its cover bearing the marks of time. Opening it, he began to read, the words pulling him into a different realm.

Aizen's voice echoed within his mind, a constant companion even in moments of solitude.

Aizen: (intrigued) A war approaches, Yhwach. Can you not feel the tension in the air? The anticipation of conflict that lingers like a storm on the horizon?

Yhwach continued to read, his eyes scanning the pages as he responded to Aizen.

Yhwach: War is inevitable, Aizen. It is the nature of this world, a cycle of conflict and resolution. But in the midst of it, one must find the path that leads to survival and victory.

Aizen: (mockingly) Survival and victory, yes. But do you not tire of these petty skirmishes? Why not listen to my counsel? Together, we could shape a future without the chaos of war.

Yhwach's gaze remained fixed on the book, his mind focused on the words before him.

Yhwach: Your vision of a peaceful future is built on manipulation and control. I seek a path where individuals can make their own choices, where strength and resolve determine the outcome.

Aizen: (teasingly) Strength and resolve. Such noble ideals. But in the end, is it not power that dictates the course of history?

Yhwach closed the book for a moment, his eyes narrowing in thought.

Yhwach: Power alone may shape history, but it does not define the essence of life. The survival guides within this book offer practical knowledge for navigating the wilderness, for thriving in the face of adversity.

Aizen: (intrigued) Practical knowledge, you say? Perhaps I should lend you my wisdom, and together, we could transcend the limitations of mortal understanding.

Yhwach opened the book once more, turning the pages with deliberate focus.

Yhwach: Your wisdom is tainted, Aizen. I seek knowledge that empowers without compromising the essence of humanity. This book, with its survival guides, provides insights that may prove invaluable in the challenges that lie ahead.

Aizen: (playfully) Ah, survival in the wilderness. A quaint pursuit. But remember, Yhwach, sometimes the wild is more honest than the civilized world.

Yhwach continued to read, delving into the practical wisdom offered by the book. Aizen's commentary persisted, a constant presence in the background of Yhwach's thoughts.

Yhwach closed the survival guidebook, its weathered pages resting in his hand as he prepared to delve into his inner world. As his eyes closed, the surroundings of the library faded away, replaced by the ethereal realm of his consciousness.

In this inner world, Aizen had crafted a Japanese-style house, a serene haven within the depths of Yhwach's mind. Aizen sat in front of the house, beckoning Yhwach to join him.

Aizen: (smirking) Yhwach, welcome. I thought we could discuss matters in a more comfortable setting.

Yhwach approached the house and sat down in front of Aizen, who gestured towards a shogi board placed between them.

Aizen: Care for a game of shogi? It might help clear your thoughts.

Yhwach sighed, contemplating the intricacies of the game before him.

Yhwach: A game, Aizen? I have more pressing matters to attend to than engaging in a leisurely pastime.

Aizen: (smiling) Ah, but is it not in the simplicity of games that we find moments of clarity? Didn't you play with those children, Truth or Dare and the like?

Yhwach hesitated for a moment before relenting with a nod.

Yhwach: Very well, Aizen. A game it is.

The two opponents began their match, moving the shogi pieces with a practiced ease. As the game unfolded, so did their conversation.

Aizen: You see, Yhwach, even in games, there is strategy and choice. Each move shapes the outcome, much like the decisions we make in the real world.

Yhwach: (skeptical) Do not mistake this for a trivial diversion. The challenges we face demand focus and resolve.

Aizen chuckled, making his move on the shogi board.

Aizen: True, true. But sometimes, understanding the subtleties of a game can offer insights into the complexities of life. It is in these moments of reprieve that we find clarity and perspective.

Yhwach considered Aizen's words, his eyes narrowing in thought as they continued their game.

Yhwach: Perspective is crucial, but my concern lies with the imminent threat we face. There is a war approaching, Aizen.

Aizen: (calmly) Wars are battles of perspective, Yhwach. Each side believes in the righteousness of their cause. But let us not forget the importance of understanding one's opponent. In games and war alike.

Yhwach moved a shogi piece, his mind still focused on the impending conflict.

Yhwach: I understand the need for strategy, but time is of the essence.

Aizen: (smirking) Patience, Yhwach. As we play, consider the choices before you, both on the shogi board and in the world outside. Perhaps you'll find that they are not so different.

The shogi pieces moved with a rhythmic precision, each player contemplating their moves carefully. The game became a canvas for their thoughts and words, a subtle dance of strategy and conversation.

Aizen: (smirking) You're quite formidable at this, Yhwach. But tell me, have you ever considered the parallels between our game and the upcoming war?

Yhwach glanced at the shogi board, his eyes calculating the possibilities.

Yhwach: War is not a game, Aizen. Lives are at stake, destinies are forged, and the outcome shapes the very fabric of existence.

Aizen: (thoughtfully) True, but in both war and games, one must understand the intentions of their opponent. Predict their moves, and you control the flow of the conflict.

Yhwach: (raising an eyebrow) Are you implying that war is a mere manipulation, a strategic endeavor?

Aizen: (leaning back) Not mere, Yhwach. War is the grandest of games, played on the canvas of existence. Strategies unfold, alliances shift, and power dynamics dictate the course of history.

The shogi pieces continued their dance, and the air in Yhwach's inner world seemed charged with anticipation. As the game progressed, Yhwach couldn't help but let his thoughts drift towards the wars that had shaped their worlds.

Yhwach: (calmly) Let's delve into the past, Aizen. Your war against the Gotei 13—what were the flaws that led to your defeat and subsequent imprisonment?

Aizen reclined against a cushion, a wry smile playing on his lips as he responded to Yhwach's inquiry.

Aizen: (smirking) My defeat, Yhwach, was an anomaly. It wasn't the result of a fundamental flaw in my strategy. No, it was the unforeseen intervention of Kurosaki Ichigo and that clever tactician, Kisuke Urahara.

Yhwach raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Aizen's perspective.

Yhwach: (curious) Unforeseen? Surely, you, of all people, would have anticipated variables in your plan.

Aizen: (nodding) I accounted for variables, but the emergence of Ichigo's unique abilities and Urahara's ingenious methods were beyond my calculations. It was a convergence of exceptional circumstances.

Yhwach considered Aizen's words, his mind delving into the intricacies of battles where unforeseen elements could tip the balance.

Yhwach: (thoughtful) Unforeseen or not, a comprehensive strategy should account for all potentialities. How do you view your defeat in light of that?

Aizen leaned forward, his eyes locked onto Yhwach's.

Aizen: (smirking) It was a lesson, a reminder that no matter how meticulous one's plans, the unpredictable nature of individuals can alter the course of destiny. In my pursuit of transcending Shinigami and Hollows, I overlooked the wild card—humanity.

Yhwach nodded, acknowledging the significance of Aizen's revelation.

Yhwach: What lessons did you learn from that defeat?

Aizen's smirk widened, his gaze steady.

Aizen: Never underestimate the power of individuality. No matter how meticulously you plan, the choices and actions of a single person can reshape the entire landscape. It's a lesson I've carried with me.

Yhwach processed Aizen's words, contemplating the significance of individuality in the grand scheme of war and conflict.

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) And what about your imprisonment? Was that merely a consequence of your defeat, or was it a deliberate choice?

Aizen's gaze turned distant, as if revisiting the memories of his incarceration.

Aizen: (calmly) The Gotei 13 sought to suppress me, to erase the threat I posed. But even in imprisonment, I found solace in the pursuit of greater power. It was a necessary step in my evolution.

Yhwach: (raising an eyebrow) Evolution, you say?

Aizen: (smirking) The pursuit of power is endless, Yhwach. Even in the confines of imprisonment, one can grow stronger. It was a calculated sacrifice, a momentary setback for the sake of eventual transcendence.

Yhwach nodded, acknowledging the twisted wisdom in Aizen's words.

Yhwach: Your perspective is unorthodox, Aizen. But I suppose one must be willing to embrace unexpected paths to achieve true power.

Aizen: (leaning back) Indeed, Yhwach. True power lies not only in grand plans but in the ability to adapt and evolve in the face of unforeseen circumstances.

As the shogi game continued.

Aizen: (smirking) Now, Yhwach, let's turn the tables. Your war with the Shinigami, what led to your demise? Who were the key figures, and how could you have emerged victorious?

Yhwach met Aizen's gaze, his eyes piercing with the weight of introspection.

Yhwach: (calmly) My demise, as you call it, was the result of a culmination of factors. The key figures were many, but I must admit, the flaws in my own approach played a significant role.

Aizen raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Yhwach's admission.

Aizen: (curious) Flaws in your approach? Elaborate.

Yhwach: (reflective) I underestimated the importance of unity among my soldiers, the Sternritters. My vision of an army bound by loyalty and fear led to dissent and internal strife.

Aizen nodded, understanding the implications of a divided force.

Aizen: Unity is indeed crucial. What else?

Yhwach: (acknowledging) Mistreatment of my soldiers, the Soldat, also played a part. Their loyalty wavered, and the discontent within my ranks grew. A leader must inspire allegiance, not instill fear.

Aizen's smirk widened, appreciating the irony of Yhwach's revelations.

Aizen: (teasingly) Fear can be a potent tool, but it must be wielded with finesse.

Yhwach: (firmly) Finesse, yes. I failed to balance power with wisdom.

Aizen gestured towards the shogi board.

Aizen: And the external factors? Kurosaki Ichigo, Uryu Ishida—how did they contribute to your downfall?

Yhwach sighed, acknowledging the pivotal roles played by his adversaries.

Yhwach: (thoughtfully) Kurosaki Ichigo's unpredictable growth and Uryu Ishida's Quincy abilities posed unforeseen challenges. But my main vulnerability was the silver arrow, the one flaw in my otherwise impenetrable future sight.

Aizen's interest piqued.

Aizen: (intrigued) The silver arrow? A seemingly simple weapon became your Achilles' heel?

Yhwach: (nodding) It temporarily halted my powers, disrupting the foresight that had guided me thus far. In that moment of vulnerability, Kurosaki Ichigo and others seized the opportunity.

Aizen: (musing) The smallest crack can shatter the mightiest fortress.

Yhwach: (grave) Indeed, Aizen. It was my own momentary weakness that paved the way for defeat.

Aizen leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Aizen: (inquiring) In hindsight, how would you have approached the war differently? What strategies could have ensured your victory?

Yhwach paused, contemplating the alternate paths he could have taken.

Yhwach: (regretful) Unity and respect for my soldiers, strategic alliances, and a more nuanced understanding of the unpredictability of individuals. Perhaps then, the war could have been won without sacrificing the very essence of what I sought to achieve.

Aizen nodded, acknowledging the complexity of waging wars and the delicate balance required.

Aizen: (wise) Wars are not just battles of power but of strategy, foresight, and the ability to adapt. A leader must be as versatile as the pieces on this shogi board.

Yhwach: (reflective) I failed to embody that versatility. My vision became my own undoing.

Aizen: (smirking) The irony, Yhwach, is that sometimes the pursuit of power blinds us to the subtleties of the game.

As the shogi game reached its conclusion, the two beings sat in silence, contemplating the lessons gleaned from their respective wars. The echoes of their conversation lingered in the serene haven of Yhwach's inner world, a testament to the complexity of conflicts that transcended the pages of books and the boundaries of consciousness.

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