
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
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133 Chs

Biography ( Read Before Reading the Fanfic )

Name: Yhwach (ユーハバッハ, Yūhabahha)

Mental Age: Unknown

Physical Age: 33

Age: 1,200+

Height: 200 cm (6'7")

Voice Actor: Takayuki Sugo in Japanese And In English Richard Epcar

Appearance: Yhwach is a tall man with a long face, broad chin, and pronounced cheekbones. He has long black hair, which reaches to his lower back, and reddish-brown eyes with thin eyebrows. He has well-kept mutton chops and a connected mustache, but is otherwise clean-shaven. His usual attire consists of a white, double-breasted trench coat, which has the Wandenreich symbol on the middle, with large buttoned cuffs and lapels, white trousers, and trench boots. Over this, he wears a tattered, ankle-length maroon-black cloak, which has a red ribbon near the neck and is fastened to the left with a single large button.


Due to his past, Yhwach is a morally warped and contradictory man whose words often have double meanings. While proclaiming himself a lover of peace who hates conflict, he actually has no issue waging war and just wants battles to be ended as quickly as possible. His true, warmongering nature is perhaps best shown in his respect toward the first generation of the Gotei 13, for they were Shinigami who could strike fear into his heart. He especially admired Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, whom he called a demon for treating his subordinates as expendable ashes. Yhwach despises values like justice and honor, which is why he hates how the Gotei 13 became "weak" during the 1,000 years of his absence. He also dislikes lies and does not give any falsities to the existence of his subordinates.

Yhwach treats his subordinates and the Quincy very differently. He is very fond of some of them, calling them his sons. He puts great effort into forcibly recruiting them into his empire. Yhwach can show mercy and appreciation, thanking Royd Lloyd for sacrificing himself in a suicidal mission and granting him a quick death via obliteration after the latter lost most of his torso. Yhwach dislikes blind loyalty and was glad that his Sternritter showed outspoken discontent with his choice of successor.

In front of his subordinates, Yhwach is a man adamant in his disapproval of infighting, though he will not hesitate to stop the conflict using the most brutal methods possible. Yhwach's contempt for Arrancar is apparent, mercilessly wounding and slaying even those who have sworn allegiance to him when he deems them to have fulfilled their use. After his awakening, Yhwach heartlessly robbed "impure" Quincy of their powers, causing many to die. Yamamoto states this same disregard extends to all of his underlings, regardless of species or position, and is an attitude that Yhwach has allegedly always possessed; this is proven when he ultimately uses his Auswählen to fatally steal power from Gerard Valkyrie, who was at one point his father's heart, and Jugram Haschwalth, his trusted second-in-command and other half, after absorbing the power of Ichigo Kurosaki.

Yhwach believes that he and his Sternritter are comrades and that they should be prepared to assist each other whenever necessary, even if it means certain members should be sacrificed for others; he demonstrated this belief by using Auswählen to steal the life force of the Sternritter who had been left behind in order to revive his fallen Schutzstaffel.

Yhwach wants to create a world without fear of death, which is done by collapsing the Human World, Soul Society, and even Hueco Mundo together. Yhwach also cannot stand his father's existence as the Soul King, a sealed and mutilated linchpin made to stabilize the Soul Society and keep the worlds separate. Seeing his father's role as "endless humiliation" that he wishes to cease, Yhwach's desire to end his imposed suffering is so strong it seeps into his subjects and other Quincy who inherited his blood, and they will be forced to slay the Soul King.


Yhwach was born in what seemed like an ordinary village, but the details of his birth are a bit murky. We're not exactly sure if he had a mother, but there's this snippet from the anime showing a woman carrying a baby Yhwach. However, things get a bit complicated because the Soul King was already gone by the time Yhwach came into the world.

As a baby Yhwach could not see, hear, speak, or even move. Despite this, he was not afraid and would not have cried even if he had the ability to because he knew, despite having no means of survival, that he would continue to live on. The people around him treated Yhwach with great reverence because everyone who touched the child found that they gradually gained something that they lacked. This occurred because Yhwach possessed the power to share out his own soul. Those who touched him received fragments of his soul, and those fragments healed the wounds that their own souls alone could not. At the same time, as their wounds slowly healed, the various qualities of each person (their knowledge, abilities, talents, etc.) were all ingrained into Yhwach's soul fragments that they carried until those fragments returned to Yhwach at the moment of the carriers' deaths. Even though none who touched Yhwach lived for much longer, the people continued to gather around him. As he regained the fragments of his soul that he had shared, Yhwach's body began to gain function. In time, when his deaf ears became able to hear, Yhwach realized the people had begun to call him by an unusual name: "Yuu... Haa...Bah...Ha". He understood this was the name of the God whom these people worshiped, but he chose nonetheless to make that name his own.

Moving on Yhwach is credited with being the progenitor of the Quincy, revered by them as their King earning the title Your Majesty/His Majesty, and his blood flows in every Quincy. At some point (seemingly in his youth), Yhwach discovered a much more potent way to impart his soul: by engraving a letter, signifying an ability, directly onto the soul of another, he could share out his own soul more deeply and with greater power. Lille Barro was the first Quincy onto whom Yhwach ever bestowed a Schrift. At some point, Yhwach assigned himself the letter "A" to designate his ability of 'The Almighty'. He founded an empire of Quincy that he built up over the 200+ years following his birth, called Lichtreich. Otherwise known as The Light Empire. This empire conquered the "northern territories" in the Human World where Jugram Haschwalth's and Bazz-B's castle and forest were located, both of which he burned down. Five years later, Yhwach informed Zeidritz that he wished to create a new army. When Zeidritz pointed out how they had conquered all the nearby countries, Yhwach stated they had not yet conquered Soul Society before revealing that he intended to create a unit called "Sternritter" for this purpose.

Eventually, Yhwach sent out two of his personal guards, Hubert and Argola, to inform nearby villages in the Lichtreich of the Sternritter's formation. While Bazz-B was confronting Hubert, Yhwach arrived and pinned almost everyone present to the ground with his Reiatsu. Declaring his intention to find a right-hand man, Yhwach selected Haschwalth, whom he recognized as his "other half". 

Yhwach declared that Haschwalth was to join the Sternritter as his imperial adviser before preparing to leave. However, when Haschwalth claimed that Bazz-B would be a better right-hand man to him, Yhwach noted that this was just as he had foreseen before revealing that Haschwalth, like himself, shared his ability to grant power to others. After explaining how this was the catalyst behind Bazz-B's prodigal powers, Yhwach told Haschwalth that he needed the latter at his side before being defended from Bazz-B's Heilig Pfeil by Haschwalth.

At some point between then and 1,000 years ago, Captain of Squad Zero Ichibē Hyōsube learned of the Lichtreich planning to invade Soul Society and personally traveled to the Human World to negotiate a truce with Yhwach. Ichibē proposed that the Lichtreich be allowed to unify the Quincy race in peace if they agreed to let the Shinigami maintain the balance between realms, but Yhwach knew that the world's current state was not its original state and pressed Ichibē for information about the one responsible for leaving all living things with a fear of death, becoming disgusted upon learning that the Soul King arranged it as such. 

When Yhwach refused the truce due to wanting to disrupt the balance so that he could create a world without death, he attacked Ichibē using The Almighty, but Ichibē revealed that he had taken the Soul King's Left Arm as his own and used its powers to disable The Almighty, though Yhwach claimed the arm in the process. Ichibē thereupon left, proclaiming that Yhwach shall never again be able to use The Almighty until his death, and Yhwach decided that it was for the best since he would not have to see the worlds becoming a gravestone.

About 1,000 years ago before the plot started, Yhwach and the Lichtreich invaded the Soul Society and battled against the original Gotei 13. Yhwach himself fought Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto, witnessing the capabilities of Yamamoto's Bankai, Zanka no Tachi. As he prepared to battle Yamamoto one-on-one, he was stabbed from behind by Chōjirō Sasakibe, allowing Yamamoto to deliver the finishing blow. 

Following this decisive battle with Yamamoto, Yhwach supposedly lost his powers. Quincy folklore spoke of him as "The Sealed King": after 900 years of being sealed, he was to regain his pulse; after another 90, he would regain his intellect; and he would absorb the power of every "impure" Quincy to make their abilities his own, regaining his strength after 9 more years. With his Auswählen, Yhwach did so to Kanae Katagiri, killing her, and to Masaki Kurosaki, who died during her fight with Grand Fisher due to the loss of her powers. All "impure" Quincy were killed except for Uryū Ishida. Yhwach later reveals this song to be called Kaiser Gesang also known as The Emperor Song. or The King's Hymn and to have another verse stating the "Sealed King" was to regain the world after 9 days.


Moving on now you realize how sad Yhwach's childhood is the guy couldn't even do anything as a baby he killed people without moving not because he wanted to but because of his innate ability. The Quincy his kind is being hunted down until their all dead every single Quincy that died Yhwach could feel their suffering and regret. For those that'll say he doesn't care about the Quincy. He used to care for them but after experiencing their death and suffering for hundreds of years it would probably get to that point, wouldn't it? and just like Thanos said "The hardest choices require the strongest wills" Man is willing to sacrifice his own to reach his goal and the reasons why are listed above.And his father got mutilated by the Soul Reapers/Shinigami. The worst part is he was so close to victory and now he's experiencing something worse than death._____________________________________

If you still want to learn more about Yhwach and what happens next I suggest you Watch/Read The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. 


Power Status: Sealed ( Note this is Soul King Yhwach's stats at the end of the TYBW arc )

Physical Strength: Universal+

Attack Potency: Universe+

Durability: Unknown, likely at least Universe+

Stamina: Extremely High likely Nigh-Limitless via Hax

Range: Interdimensional

Intelligence: Genius, likely higher (One of the smartest characters in Bleach, is a military commander with likely over 1000 years of experience in warfare, managing to bring the Gotei 13 and the Soul King's force to their knees, know the equivalent of millions of years of history about the origin of the Soul King and the universe. Since his birth, he Has absorbed knowledge, power and abilities from beings that got in touch with him and he absorbed them into himself. Possesses future sight and reality warping with his 'The Almighty' which allows him to look at all the possible futures and fates further amplifying his knowledge and especially making him even deadlier in battle giving him full knowledge on almost everything he needs)

Primary Skills

Master Swordsman, Master Marksman

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant

And Weapon Mastery

( Yhwach is a highly experienced warlord, conqueror, and swordsman. He has been conquering nations and fighting for decades, and is skilled in the use of a variety of Bows and Swords)


Noteworthy Techniques and Abilities:

Soul Distribution: (魂を分け与える力, Tamashī o wakeataeru Chikara): This is the opposite of Quincy's general ability to absorb reishi from their surroundings and turn it into their power. Those who receive part of Yhwach's soul have their lifespan shortened, but in return all of their ailments- whether spiritual, physical, or mental - are healed, and all of their knowledge, experience, and skills are engraved in that shared soul. Once their short lifespan ran out, the piece of soul Yhwach shared returned to his possession, ultimately gaining everything that was engraved inside that piece of soul, this is established the lore and this is how Yhwach learned to see and breathe for example, those are simply abilities he gained by taking back souls. Later on, Yhwach discovered a more powerful way by directly engraving letters signifying abilities onto the individual's soul. All of the stenritters have gone through a ceremony where they drank Yhwach's blood, so after the sternritters died their ability allegedly returned back to Yhwach, it is also explained that by getting in touch with Yhwach soul, means that at your death, you'll be absorbed, in fact Yhwach should have absorbed not simply his sternitters but all the shinigami.

Auswählen: ( Ausuvēren; German for "Select", Japanese for "Holy Selection"; "Consecration" in the Viz release ): is an extremely fast beam of light that follows its targets, to have a comparison it has a similar speed of, though some have been lucky enough to survive. Even those that dodge the light and are near it, lose their powers, including the ability to use Vollständig. Reishi barriers cannot stop Auswählen at all, it is transfers of not physical accumulations of Reishi, but pure energy

Absorption: Yhwach can gain the power and abilities of people that came in contact with it, absorbing their very own being. He can nearly instantly absorb those weaker than him, but those that are stronger take a longer amount of time.

Self-Power Restoration: Yhwach is able to restore his physical and spiritual abilities by summons ribbons of Reishi inscribed with Roman letters, this restoration has even conceptual nature since it can even restore a "name" to Yhwach which is a concept or and abstract idea, or more concrete things like simply spiritual pressure or damage.

Sankt Altar: Yhwach creates orbs of Reishi near his opponents to hit them with a powerful beam of light. Yhwach can also use this ability to steal all kinds of powers from its target.

Sankt Zwinger: A beam of light which is, Quincy's ultimate offensive and defensive spell according to Yhwach. After making several energy constructs, it hit the target leaving no trace.

Blut: An advanced Quincy technique that grants one inhuman offensive and defensive capabilities, generated by making Reishi flow into the user's blood vessels. The independent forms of attack and defense cannot be employed simultaneously. Yhwach is also able to regulate the strength of Blut for the entire Wandenreich and can alter it as required.

Blut Arterie: Blut's offensive form.

Blut Vene: The defensive form of Blut, which grants the user inhuman durability, it is represented by a faint blue pattern tracing the veins beneath the surface of their skin, which is only visible on the afflicted area when struck. Additionally, Blut Vene can be used to aid the user against critical wounds that have already been inflicted by stopping the severe loss of blood that would result from said wound

Blut Vene Anhaben: Yhwach extends his Blut Vene out from his body to create a powerful forcefield that consumes those around it, breaking down living beings, to fuel and maintain itself.

Hirenkyaku: is an advanced Quincy movement technique, allowing the user to move at high speed by riding on the flow of Reishi created below their feet. Essentially, it is the Quincy equivalent to the Shinigami's Shunpo

Sankt Bogen: Yhwach's Spirit Weapon, an immense bow that he can manifest in his hands or somewhere in his surroundings, using it to fire at his opponents with similarly large arrows.

Heilig Pfeil: The primary form of attack for Quincies, spiritual energy manifested as arrows and fired from the Sankt Bogen, or in Yhwach's case, even just from his fingertips. He can fire them as a rapid-fire barrage capable of completely obliterating a foe in short order.

Reishi Broadsword: Yhwach can fire an immense arrow around his own height from the Sankt Bogen to the ground at his feet, an arrow that will transform into a large, extremely powerful broadsword once he grabs it.

Sklaverei: This technique tears away the components that make up spiritual objects and beings or environment, and absorbs them.

Shadow: The user's shadow expands and becomes a doorway between dimensions, including but not limited to the nature of the dimension, it worked for the Soul King Palace, and even one's inner world, and the user's Reiatsu instantly disappears from the area of departure.


Stand- I mean Shinigami Side

Name: Sōsuke Aizen

Appearance: When he was a member of the Gotei 13, Aizen appeared as a mild-featured man with brown scholarly hair enhanced by square glasses, along with soft brown eyes. He wore the standard Shinigami uniform with a captain's haori. during his ascent to Hueco Mundo, he removed his glasses and swept his hand through his hair, revealing menacing eyes and a very different hairstyle; his hair is now swept back, with a strand hanging down his face. In Hueco Mundo, Aizen initially wears Arrancar-style clothes over his shihakushō. Aizen wears full clothing similar in style to the Arrancar, complete with a pink sash around the waist. While imprisoned in Muken, he wears an almost entirely black outfit with white trimming, a large black eyepatch over his right eye, and black boots. A tattered white rag is wrapped around his shoulders.

Personality: Aizen is a polite, soft-spoken intellectual, often addressing his subordinates by their given names. He rarely shows any sign of alarm or distress and often has entire situations planned out well in advance. Whenever confronted, Aizen is casual and uncaring, attempting to draw out a conversation and make small talk, which often infuriates those he is talking to.

However, this was just a mask to disguise his dangerously manipulative nature. In truth, he cares very little for his underlings and is willing to use almost everyone around him as pawns to achieve his goals. He is willing to stop at nothing to further his ambitions, including manipulating or killing anyone if he deems it necessary.

By the time he is released from Muken, he has reverted to his calm, casual personality, brushing aside Shunsui Kyōraku's praise regarding his current abilities, and somewhat undergoes a change of heart, even being willing to fight against and assist Ichigo before returning to Muken.

He disagrees with Yhwach's philosophy about combining all three planes of existence to eliminate the fear of death and believes that people would never have the courage to move forward against such a threat in Yhwach's world.


Power Status: 

Attack Potency: Solar System Level

Physical Strength: At least Moon+ level striking (Fought Ichigo) possibly Galaxy, possibly Universe+

Speed: FTL+

Stamina: Extremely High likely Nigh-Limitless with the Hogyoku

Durability: Solar System Level

Range: Interdimensional

Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius. Arguably, the most fearsome trait of Aizen is his tremendous intellect. He is well-versed in the history, strategy, and tactics of Soul Society, and is privy to knowledge unknown to many, such as the existence of the Ōken, as well as the obscure method in which to create one. He has created several Hollows and Arrancar while avoiding arousing any suspicion from the majority of his fellow Shinigami. For over 110 years, he had been engaging in experiments that involved unique and highly dangerous manipulations of Reiryoku and Reishi, including experiments involving the Hollowfication of Shinigami, something which had never been done before. He has an innate knowledge of the Hōgyoku, rivaling that of its creator, Kisuke Urahara; he even knows how to destroy it. He figured out the true nature of Shinji Hirako's Shikai and deduced it produces an optical illusion, allowing him to counter its effect. He effectively deduces the true nature of the Hōgyoku via trial and error of the situations that revolve around it. He was also aware of several events, which happened in separate dimensions, as he knew about Ichigo fighting and winning against Grimmjow and Ulquiorra, while simultaneously awakening a "new power", despite being in the Real World with the Espada at that time


Shunpo: A Shinigami movement technique that allows the user to move faster than the eye can follow. As speed is the main factor of the technique, the method is best characterized by how fast one can get from point A to point B in the least amount of steps.

Shikai: The initial release to a Shinigami's Zanpakutō. It is activated by a command while declaring the name of the Zanpakutō Spirit. It changes the shape of the Zanpakutō and/or grants special abilities. Aizen's Shikai is Kyouka Suigetsu, released on the command "Shatter".

Perfect Hypnosis: Aizen can control the 5 senses of his opponents with the Shikai of his Zanpakutō, who'll completely succumb to the Hypnosis once activated.

Bankai: The ultimate and final release to a Zanpakutō. The difference in power between Shikai and Bankai is generally around 5-10 times more powerful. Even though Bankai is the final stage of a Zanpakutō, it does not mean the Shinigami's growth ends there. A Bankai, especially one recently obtained, can evolve even further as its Shinigami gets stronger. Aizen's Bankai is unknown. For Now.

Kidō: Spells cast by Shinigami with strong enough Reiryoku and Reiryoku control. Kidō is divided into mainly three categories: Hadō for attacks, Bakudō for battle support and Kaidō for healing. The spells are ranked from 1-99 with 1 being the weaker and easier spells to cast and 99 being the most powerful and difficult to cast. Skilled users can use Kido without incantation; however, casting without incantation does reduce Kido's effectiveness to less than a third of its potential.

El Escudo: A light green Reiatsu barrier that Aizen can summon around his person to block an incoming attack.

Millón Escudo: An advanced form of El Escudo, Millón Escudo is simply a million El Escudo that Aizen can form around any part of his body for even greater protection.

Hadō #63: Raikōhō: Lightning Reiryoku is gathered into the caster's arm and released towards the target like a shock-wave.

Bakudō #81: Dankū: Upon activation, the caster generates a barrier that is capable of the complete nullification of any Hadō of level 89 or lower. However, this barrier is not solely limited to Hadō as it can nullify the effects of abilities that are similar to Hadō.

Hadō #90: Kurohitsugi: The target is sealed inside a large black coffin and is seemingly cut while inside. A large torrent of gravity is located inside that distorts space and time while restricting any chance for escape.

Hadō #99: Goryūtenmetsu: Five large pillars of light are generated around the caster composed of Reiatsu that resemble large dragons. A forbidden Kidō as it not only destroys the surroundings, it absorbs nearby Reiatsu to enhance itself.

Hōgyoku (infused into his being ever since he turned into a true trascendental being)

This is the reason why Aizen is immortal, and can keep evolving and adapting if he wants to, because Hōgyoku brings into reality Aizen's Will.


Hollow Side ( Very outdated btw )

Name: Zaegar Ignacio Portador del Vacío

Background: Zaegar, the Primordial Hollow, stands as the very first of his kind, a colossal entity that predates the existence of all other Hollows. Born from the void and the essence of bleach, Zaegar embodies the raw, untamed power of Hollows, coupled with ancient and profound wisdom. 

Appearance: Zaegar's immense form towers over all, a grotesque yet awe-inspiring sight. His hollow mask is a tapestry of cracks and patterns that seem to tell the story of countless eons. The empty eye sockets glow with an eerie, ethereal light, and his body ripples with the spiritual pressure that surpasses even the mightiest beings in bleach. 

Personality: Zaegar's personality is that of pure Hollow instincts, driven by an insatiable hunger for spiritual energy. However, unlike other Hollows, his immense age has bestowed upon him an unparalleled wisdom.

Powers Unknown


Sōsuke Aizen's First appearance in the fanfiction is in the Chapter "Echoes of Fate in the Endless Void"

Zaegar Ignacio Portador del Vacío's First appearance in the fanfiction is in the Chapter "Kill The Fate"



Yhwach: If you cannot understand it, then allow me to explain. Nobody can take anything away from me, even with the power you hold, Hyōsube Ichibē. If you were unaware, then it is time for you to learn. Everything in this world exists to be taken by me!

Yhwach: The future diverges from a single point in time... like countless grains of sand scattering in the wind...Now, if you could see them, each and every grain of sand would be considered a 'future', which means there are as many 'possibilities' as there are grains of sand... Ichigo I enjoy speaking of hope, the future can be chnaged, that is a fact, a fact filled with such great hope, but changing the future simply means jumping from one grain of sands to another, And I can see every single grain of sand clearly from high above

Yhwach: The path has now closed, Ichigo. The path to a world without fear. The Human World, Soul Society, Hueco Mundo. They belong together as one. They should have been brought together, that life and death may mingle as one. But now that path exists no longer. All thanks to you, Ichigo. How disappointing. Because of you, life and death will not lose their form. All living things will continue to live their lives in fear of death...for all eternity.

Yhwach: How do I feel, you ask? Do I look like I am in poor spirits? Division Zero reign supreme over all other Shinigami, and even you, their leader, fear my power so greatly that you saw fit to strip me of half of it. Could anything be more satisfying? However, I am afraid you may be disappointed. For even that half of my power which you have stripped away, I can quite easily grant to myself once more. If you cannot understand it, then allow me to explain. Nobody can take anything away from me, even with the power you hold, Hyōsube Ichibē. If you were unaware, then it is time for you to learn. Everything in this world exists to be taken by me!

Aizen: You should learn this well, Hitsugaya-kun. Admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding.

Aizen: From the very start, no one has stood upon the heavens. Not you, not I, nor even gods. However, that intolerable vacuum has come to an end. Henceforth...I shall stand upon the heavens.

Aizen: You should not dwell on the betrayal that you can see. The truly terrifying betrayal is that which lies utterly hidden from your eyes, Captain Hirako.

Aizen: To trust in another is the same as to rely upon that person. Reliance is for the weak. It is of no use to us.

Aizen: It is the nature of all living things to find some being greater than themselves and place their trust in that being, following it blindly. In order to escape from the pressure of that trust, those beings seek a still greater entity in which to believe, and those greater beings too seek still greater, still stronger beings to follow. This is how all kings come to be, and this is how all Gods are born. Do not trust in me yet, Hirako Shinji. I will take my time to teach you the nature of the God whom you face. Then, you shall believe.

Aizen: Yhwach, the world that you desired to create may indeed have been devoid of fear. However, in a world without the fear of death, men could not face that fear and seek out hope. Certainly, they could keep walking onward by merely living, but that would be very different from walking onward while conquering their own fears. That is why we give the act of walking onward a special name. We call it 'courage'.

Yhwach: Courage...

Zaegar: (whispering) Because, Quincy King, even in the deepest abyss, there are truths to be unveiled. The balance of souls, the dance of fate, and the echoes of survival—they all resonate here.

Zaegar: I have awakened the latent power within you, Quincy King. The journey you embarked upon is far from over. The next Soul King shall not be shackled by the limitations of mortality.


Warning Reader Disclaimer:

This message will probably stay here until I rewrite the entire of the first season. Moreover, some stuff may be frustrating for some, like MC/Yhwach being a bit Passive in a few situations. Before you rage or flip your virtual finger at me, I reassure you that Yhwach will grow as a Character so will Aizen and Zaegar 

...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now, so this time, you are allowed to virtually flip your finger at me. I am prepared to take it. 

This is just a warning for future readers who are planning to give this story a go. Don't want to waste your time reading something that you might end up disliking. Saves your time.

Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. Please write why you disliked it so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction. 

Highly recommended to begin reading from Season 2.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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