
Neo Soul King Yhwach [Being Rewritten]

You may have noticed the new title—I'm planning on rewriting the entire first arcs and Might even reboot the entire story. Once you see the title of the book without "[Being Rewritten]" or if this message disappears—it means the rewrite is out! Outdated Will make a new one during rewrite: | Please Read Everything Below Before You Start The Story | I've been struggling to nail down the perfect synopsis, and I have to admit, it's been a bit frustrating. But they say practice makes perfect, right? So, before we jump into the story, let's have a little chat about Yūhabahha, or as we'll simply call him, Yhwach. Yhwach is the final villain of the Bleach manga and is the father of the Quincy and the Soul King's son, his demise due to a deus ex machina felt like a disappointing end to such an important character. It reminded me of how Kishimoto dealt with Madara Uchiha, and I understand Kubo's health issues played a role in that. But what if I told you that Yhwach's story isn't over? Instead, he's been granted a second chance at life by none other than the Soul King. Some may dismiss this as just another cliché multiverse story where Yhwach goes on a rampage, defeats the main villains of each verse, and collects girls along the way. But let me stop you right there— First of all, no, and second of all, absolutely not. Think about it. How many multiverse stories have you read that actually have a well-paced plot? Not many, I bet. well, But this story? It's different. It's got a plot that'll keep you hooked from start to finish. If you stick around and join me on this journey until the end, you'll undoubtedly realize that this is one of the best stories you've ever read. For those who might not be up to speed, let me break down what a multiverse is. definition of the multiverse. a hypothetical space or realm consisting of a number of universes, of which our own universe is only one. And the folks who wander through these multiverses? Well, they're called Multiverse Walkers... This book will show what Yhwach could have accomplished if he had been given a second chance at life. But it's not just about him... (Please read the bio it contains a lot more info and the story is way better than my synopsis) _______________________________________________________________ Reader Disclaimer : Please note that the biography provided here is outdated and only reflects Yhwach's old stats at the end of The Thousand-Year Blood War arc. Additionally, the bio introduces two other main characters to the story. If you're curious about romance, I'll be clear: there's no romance or harem involved. Admittedly, the beginning of the story isn't the strongest.  Yhwach's personality feels off, and I acknowledge that. This message might stay here until I rewrite the entire first season and address other scenes that feel out of place. Some readers might find certain aspects frustrating, like Yhwach's passivity in certain situations. ...in the first place, I wasn't really writing seriously. Like, you can tell by the quality of the first few chapters. It's also too late to change it now Consider this a heads-up for future readers. I wouldn't want you to invest time in something you might not enjoy. It's a way to save your time. Also, if you're planning on leaving a low rating. Please don't just put emojis on it and leave. If so I will delete them. And please provide constructive feedback so that I and future readers can understand the flaws of this Fanfiction.  _______________________________________________________________ First World: TellTale's The Walking Dead ( Completed ) 2nd World: Akame Ga Kill ( Completed ) 3rd World: High School DxD ( Completed ) 4th World: Fate/Yhwach? No, it's Fate/Zaegar ( Completed)  5th World: Rwby ( Completed ) 6th World: Jujutsu Kaisen ( Completed ) 7th World: One Piece ( Ongoing )

MisunderstoodKing · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
133 Chs

'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh

Yhwach nodded slowly, acknowledging the wisdom in Ginjo's advice and the bounty hunter's warning. Pursuing a lower-level wanted criminal seemed like a more prudent course of action, especially considering his lack of experience in bounty hunting.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Ginjo, you're right. We need to be cautious and take a step-by-step approach to this. Starting with a smaller target seems like a smart move.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his tone approving as he responded to Yhwach's decision.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Sounds like a plan, Yhwach. Better to play it safe than to end up as fish food in the New World. Now, let's see what other targets are on that list.

Yhwach turned his attention back to the posters spread out on the table, scanning them for a suitable target. After a moment of consideration, his eyes settled on a poster featuring a muscular man with cropped green hair. The bounty listed beneath his image is significantly lower than Kid's, but it still promises a decent reward.

Yhwach pointed to the poster, indicating his choice of the bounty hunter.

Yhwach: I'll take this one.

The bounty hunter's expression shifted from surprise to curiosity as he followed Yhwach's gesture to the poster of Roronoa Zoro, the swordsman of the Straw Hat Pirates.

Bounty Hunter: Roronoa Zoro, huh? Interesting choice, old-timer. He's a member of the Straw Hat Pirates, a crew that's been causing quite a bit of trouble for the World Government lately.

The other men seated at the table exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a mixture of amusement and skepticism as they observed Yhwach's bold decision.

Man #1: You sure you know what you're getting yourself into, old man? Zoro's no pushover, that's for sure.

Man #2: Yeah, he's a beast with those swords of his. You'd have to be crazy to go after him.

Yhwach met their skeptical gazes with unwavering determination, his expression serious as he responded to their doubts.

Yhwach: I'm aware of the risks, but I'm confident in my abilities. Besides, every bounty hunter has to start somewhere, right?

The bounty hunter regarded Yhwach with a thoughtful expression, his gaze lingering on the newcomer for a moment longer before he nodded in acknowledgment.

Bounty Hunter: Fair enough, old-timer. If you're sure about this, then who am I to stop you? Just remember, Zoro's no ordinary opponent. He's a skilled swordsman with a bounty to match. You'll need to be at the top of your game if you want to stand a chance against him.

Yhwach nodded in understanding, his determination unyielding as he prepared himself for the task ahead.

Yhwach: Thank you for the warning. I'll keep that in mind.

With that, Yhwach rose from his seat, his mind already racing with plans to track down Roronoa Zoro and capture him for the bounty. As he made his way out of the bar, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of his first bounty hunt.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his tone supportive as he offered his encouragement.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Good luck out there, Yhwach. Remember, we're in this together. If you need backup, just give me a shout.

Yhwach smiled inwardly at Ginjo's words, grateful for his friend's unwavering support.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Thanks, Ginjo. I'll keep that in mind. Let's do this.

Meanwhile, the bounty hunter and the men seated next to him watched Yhwach's departure with a mixture of amusement and admiration. Despite their initial doubts, they couldn't help but respect the newcomer's boldness and determination.

Bounty Hunter: Well, would you look at that? Looks like we've got ourselves a new player in the game.

The men seated next to him nodded in agreement, their expressions filled with newfound respect for Yhwach.

Man #1: I'll give him credit, that old-timer's got guts. Going after Zoro takes some serious balls.

Man #2: Yeah, but will he be able to handle it? Zoro's not exactly known for going easy on his opponents.

The bounty hunter chuckled as he watched Yhwach disappear into the bustling streets of Sabaody, his gaze lingering on the newcomer with a hint of curiosity.

Bounty Hunter: I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But one thing's for sure, this just got a whole lot more interesting.

With that, the bounty hunter turned his attention back to the list of wanted individuals spread out on the table, his mind already racing with plans for his next bounty hunt.

As Yhwach walked through the bustling streets of Sabaody, his mind focused on the task ahead, he couldn't help but notice the vibrant energy of the island. Merchants called out their wares, pirates swaggered through the streets, and the sound of laughter and chatter filled the air.

Lost in thought, Yhwach rounded a corner and collided with a small figure. The impact sent the girl tumbling to the ground, her belongings scattered around her. Yhwach barely registered the collision, his thoughts still occupied with his upcoming confrontation with Roronoa Zoro.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, a constant presence even in the midst of chaos.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Watch where you're going, Yhwach. You don't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

Yhwach shook his head slightly, refocusing his attention on his surroundings. His gaze fell upon the girl he had knocked over, her face pale with shock as she looked up at him with wide eyes.

Girl: I-I'm sorry, sir! I didn't mean to get in your way!

Yhwach glanced down at her briefly, his expression unreadable, before continuing on his way without a word. The girl scrambled to her feet, hastily gathering her belongings as she watched Yhwach disappear into the crowd.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) You could at least offer to help her, Yhwach. It wouldn't hurt to show a little kindness.

Yhwach sighed inwardly, realizing his oversight. He paused in his tracks, casting a brief glance back at the girl who was still picking up her things.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) You're right, Ginjo. My apologies.

Turning back, Yhwach approached the girl, who flinched slightly at his approach.

Yhwach: Allow me to assist you.

With a gentle touch, Yhwach helped the girl gather her scattered belongings, his demeanor calm and composed.

Girl: Th-thank you, sir.

Yhwach nodded in acknowledgment before continuing on his way, his thoughts now divided between his bounty hunt and the brief encounter with the girl.

The young girl watched Yhwach's retreating figure with a mixture of relief and awe. She scrambled to her feet, brushing off her clothes as she muttered to herself.

Girl: That was close... He looked scary...

Meanwhile, Yhwach pressed forward, his steps steady and purposeful.

Ginjo's voice chimed in through their mental link, a playful edge underlining his words.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Smooth sailing, huh?

Yhwach couldn't suppress a smile at Ginjo's banter, appreciating the lighthearted moment amid their endeavors.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) I guess you could say that. Thanks for the support, Ginjo.

Ginjo's voice resonated in Yhwach's mind, his tone laced with amusement as he replied to Yhwach's gratitude.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Anytime, buddy. Just remember, it's not all about the bounties and battles. Sometimes, it's the small acts of kindness that make the biggest difference.

Yhwach pondered Ginjo's words as he made his way through the bustling streets, the encounter with the young girl lingering in his thoughts. Perhaps there was more to this bounty-hunting business than he initially thought.

As Yhwach made his way through the bustling streets of Sabaody, his senses heightened by the anticipation of his upcoming bounty hunt, he suddenly heard the sounds of commotion nearby. Startled shouts and the rapid footsteps of fleeing individuals echoed through the crowded streets.

Turning his head towards the source of the noise, Yhwach's sharp eyes caught sight of a chaotic scene unfolding before him. Pirates and other criminals were running in every direction, their faces twisted with fear as they attempted to escape whatever danger lurked nearby.

Amidst the chaos, Yhwach's keen ears picked up fragments of conversation among the fleeing crowd. One phrase in particular caught his attention, causing his eyebrows to raise in surprise.

"Straw Hat punched a Celestial Dragon!"

The mention of a Celestial Dragon immediately piqued Yhwach's interest. Memories of his previous encounter with the celestial dragons flashed through his mind, reminding him of the destruction he had caused in Mary Geoise.

In his mind, Ginjo's voice chimed in, his tone intrigued by the unfolding events.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) A Celestial Dragon, huh? That's quite a bold move. Seems like things are about to get even more interesting.

Yhwach's gaze hardened as he scanned the chaos, his instincts telling him that there was more to this situation than met the eye. Without hesitation, he moved towards the nearest fleeing criminal, his steps purposeful and unwavering.

Reaching out with a firm grip, Yhwach seized the criminal by the collar, halting his frantic attempt to escape.

Yhwach: Where is this Straw Hat?

The criminal trembled in Yhwach's grip, his eyes wide with fear as he stammered out a response.

Criminal: I-I swear! Straw Hat is at the auction house! That's where the commotion is! P-please, let me go!

Yhwach leaned in closer, his gaze piercing as he pressed the criminal for more information.

Yhwach: Are you certain? If you're lying to me, you'll regret it.

The criminal nodded frantically, his voice trembling with fear.

Criminal: I-I swear, I'm telling the truth! Please, believe me!

With that confirmation, Yhwach released his grip on the criminal, his mind already racing with possibilities. Without wasting another moment, he turned around and dashed towards the auction house.

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his tone laced with anticipation as they prepared to confront this new development.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Looks like our bounty hunt just got a lot more interesting. Let's go see what this Straw Hat and his crew are up to.

Yhwach soon found himself approaching the auction house. However, what he encountered outside was far from the usual scene.

A large number of Marines had their guns trained on three individuals, their expressions tense and wary. Yhwach paused for a moment, observing the scene with a curious yet unfazed expression. Suddenly, one of the Marines turned around and spotted Yhwach, his voice ringing out in a commanding tone.

Marine Officer: Hey! Don't come any closer!

The sound of the Marine's voice caught the attention of everyone present, and they turned to see Yhwach approaching. However, Yhwach remained unperturbed, his gaze fixed on the auction house as he continued to walk forward.

Ignoring the Marine's warning, Yhwach strode confidently towards the entrance of the auction house. It was at this moment that the leading Marine officer's expression changed drastically. His face turned deadly pale, and he shouted out in panic.

Marine Officer: Idiots! Don't you realize who that is? That's Dragon Slayer!

The mention of Yhwach's moniker sent a shiver down the spines of those present, and murmurs of fear rippled through the crowd. Yhwach, however, paid no heed to the commotion around him as he approached the entrance to the auction house with purpose.

The Marine officer's voice trembled as he spoke, his realization sinking in.

Marine Officer: We... we need to inform headquarters immediately. The Dragon Slayer is here...

As the chaos unfolded outside the auction house, Yhwach swiftly disappeared from view, utilizing his Hirenkyaku to move with unparalleled speed. In an instant, he reappeared directly in front of the Marine officer who had just issued the command to inform headquarters about his presence.

The Marine officer's eyes widened in terror as Yhwach seized him by the neck, pulling him close with an iron grip. Despite the officer's struggles, Yhwach held him firmly in place, his expression unreadable as he listened intently to the officer's panicked words.

Marine Officer: P-please! Don't hurt me! I'll do anything you ask! Just let me go!

Yhwach's gaze bore into the officer's, his voice low and commanding as he spoke.

Yhwach: You were about to inform headquarters of my presence. Why?

The officer gulped nervously, his voice trembling as he responded.

Marine Officer: W-we received orders to report any sightings of the Dragon Slayer immediately. I-I didn't mean any harm, I swear!

Yhwach's grip tightened slightly, his eyes narrowing as he considered the officer's words. Meanwhile, a few meters away, the three individuals who had been at the center of the confrontation with the Marines watched the scene unfold with keen interest.

Kid, Law, and Luffy stood together, their expressions a mix of curiosity and wariness. While Luffy seemed oblivious to the gravity of the situation, Law and Kid exchanged knowing glances, recognizing the old man who now stood before them.

Kid's eyes narrowed as he observed Yhwach's confrontation with the Marine officer, his expression thoughtful yet cautious. He exchanged a brief glance with Law, silently communicating their shared understanding of the situation.

Meanwhile, Luffy, oblivious to the tension in the air, simply scratched his head in confusion as he watched the scene unfold.

Luffy: Hey, what's going on? Why are those Marines so scared?

Kid and Law exchanged incredulous looks before turning their attention back to Luffy, realizing that he was completely clueless about the infamous bounty hunter.

Kid: You really don't keep up with the news, do you?

Law: Let's just say he's someone you don't want to mess with, Strawhat-ya. Trust me on that.

He turned his attention back to the Marine officer, his grip tightening ever so slightly as he contemplated his next move. Then Yhwach's gaze flickered between the three pirates before him, his mind racing with possibilities. He recognized Kid as the target he had initially chosen for his bounty hunt, but now that the opportunity presented itself on a silver platter, he couldn't help but hesitate.

Yhwach: (Mental Link) Ginjo, what do you think? Should I try to take Kid's head while he's here, clearly offering himself up to me?

Ginjo's voice echoed in Yhwach's mind, his tone thoughtful as he considered the situation.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) It's hard to say, Yhwach. We don't know how strong these pirates are. You could try flexing your reiatsu to gauge their strength That should give us a better idea of whether they're worth pursuing.

Yhwach nodded in understanding, his expression serious as he turned his attention back to the three pirates standing before him. With a subtle flicker, he released his spiritual pressure, allowing it to radiate outward in a palpable wave.

As Yhwach released his spiritual pressure, a powerful wave emanated from him, causing everyone in the vicinity to feel its overwhelming force. The Marines, caught off guard by the sudden surge of energy, found themselves unable to withstand its intensity. Their bodies trembled as they struggled against the invisible force pressing down on them, but it was futile.

With a resounding crash, the Marines collapsed to the ground, their bodies hitting the pavement with enough force to create dents on its surface. Yhwach's display of power left no doubt about his strength, and even the seasoned pirates, Kid, Law, and Luffy, felt the weight of his Reiatsu bearing down on them.

Kid's eyes burned with defiance as he glared up at Yhwach, his jaw clenched in frustration. He could feel the weight of Yhwach's Reiatsu pressing down on him, making it difficult to even breathe.

Yhwach, unperturbed by the chaos he had caused, merely increased his Reiatsu, intensifying the pressure on everyone present. The ground beneath them cracked and buckled under the strain, creating deep dents as if it were about to collapse under the sheer force of Yhwach's power.

Luffy, Kid, and Law could only watch in awe as their foreheads were pressed against the earth itself, unable to move or resist. Despite their formidable strength as pirates, they were completely outmatched by the overwhelming might of the Dragon Slayer.

As Yhwach maintained his imposing presence, the Marine officer who had been in his grip slowly began to disintegrate into dust, his body unable to withstand the overwhelming pressure exerted by Yhwach's Reiatsu. With a final gasp, the officer crumbled into nothingness, leaving only a small pile of dust where he once stood.

Yhwach released the remnants of the officer, his gaze lingering on the spot where the man had stood mere moments ago. He then turned his attention towards Kid, Law, and Luffy, who were still struggling against the oppressive force of his Reiatsu.

As Yhwach took a step forward towards Kid, he sensed something off, a warning prickling at the edges of his consciousness. It was then that Ginjo's voice resounded in his mind, urgent and filled with concern.

Ginjo: (Within Yhwach's mind) Yhwach, quickly! Dodge!

Reacting swiftly to Ginjo's warning, Yhwach instinctively dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding a sudden strike aimed at his face. Before he could fully process what had happened, he felt a powerful impact against his cheek, sending him hurtling backward through the air.

Yhwach crashed into several buildings with bone-jarring force, the impact sending cracks spiderwebbing through the walls as he skidded to a stop on the ground. Pain lanced through his body as he struggled to regain his bearings, his mind reeling from the unexpected attack.

Slowly pushing himself to his feet, Yhwach scanned his surroundings, his senses alert for any further threats. His eyes narrowed as he caught sight of a figure slowly walking towards him.

The figure stopped, his voice firm as he addressed Yhwach.

???: I don't know who you are, but I won't let you take out these youngsters. Their era is only beginning.

Yhwach narrowed his eyes, focusing on the figure approaching him. As the person drew closer, Yhwach's gaze fell upon an elderly man with a muscular build, tan skin, and a scar over his right eye. The man's round glasses and embattled facial hair gave him a distinctive appearance.

Yhwach rose to his feet, his expression a mixture of annoyance and curiosity as he regarded the elderly man before him. Despite the unexpected turn of events, he remained composed, his mind already analyzing the situation.

Yhwach: I don't know who you are either, but interfering in my affairs will only lead to your demise. But know this, I am not your enemy. I merely seek to fulfill my own objectives.

The elderly man approached Yhwach with a measured expression, his gaze steady as he assessed the situation. Despite the older man's calm demeanor, he could sense the underlying power emanating from him, a power that rivaled even that of Gold Roger.

???: Your actions speak otherwise. It seemed like you were prepared to eliminate everyone here. Before things escalate further, I need to know: what is your objective?

Yhwach scoffed, his expression disdainful as he regarded the elderly man with a hint of amusement.

Yhwach: My objectives are none of your concern, old man. But if you must know, I am a bounty hunter, and those "youngsters" you speak of happen to have bounties on their heads. As for why I chose to take them out, it's simply business. Nothing personal.

The Elderly man's gaze remained steady, his demeanor calm yet firm as he responded to Yhwach's words.

???: Business, you say? Taking out potential threats without so much as a warning doesn't seem like the actions of a mere bounty hunter. But regardless, if you're here to cause trouble, then you'll have to deal with me.

Yhwach's eyes narrowed as he regarded the elderly man before him, his expression growing more serious.

Yhwach: You speak boldly for someone who knows nothing of the situation. But if you insist on standing in my way, then I have no choice but to deal with you accordingly.

Yhwach drew his sword from his cloak, the blade gleaming in the sunlight as he assumed a defensive stance.

Yhwach: I won't hesitate to eliminate anyone who gets in the way of my objectives. If you wish to test your strength against mine, then prepare yourself. But be warned, I won't hold back.

The elderly man's eyes narrowed as he observed Yhwach's defensive stance, his grip tightening on his double-edged straight sword. He remained calm and collected, his years of experience evident in the way he carried himself.

???: Very well, if that's how you want it. But know this, I won't go easy on you either. Let's see if you're truly worthy of the title "Dragon Slayer."

With that, the elderly man charged forward, his movements swift and precise as he launched a barrage of powerful strikes at Yhwach. Yhwach met each attack head-on, his sword clashing against the elderly man's with resounding force.

As the elderly man's strikes came down with incredible speed and force, Yhwach parried each one with equal agility and precision. Their swords clashed with a resounding clang, sending sparks flying as they engaged in a fierce battle of strength and skill.

With a swift movement, Yhwach attempted to counterattack, aiming to slice the elderly man in half. However, the elderly swordsman proved to be as swift as he was formidable, dodging the strike with a graceful leap to the side.

Undeterred, Yhwach pressed on, aiming a powerful blow at the elderly man's right side. But the seasoned swordsman anticipated the attack, dodging once again with effortless grace.

The elderly man seized the opportunity to launch a swift counterattack, his sword slicing through the air with deadly accuracy. Yhwach, recognizing the danger, vanished from sight in a blur of motion, utilizing his Hirenkyaku to evade the strike.

In an instant, Yhwach reappeared behind the elderly man, his sword poised for a devastating blow. However, the elderly swordsman managed to evade the attack just in time.

As Yhwach stepped back, his mind raced with thoughts and memories. He couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity in the elderly man's movements, reminiscent of his encounter with Mihawk. Was it Haki again, or something else entirely?


With a swift motion, Mihawk raised his legendary blade, "Yoru," once more, the gleaming black steel poised to strike. Without waiting for Yhwach's response, he surged forward, intent on pressing his advantage and ending the duel swiftly.

Yhwach's eyes snapped back to attention as he registered Mihawk's movement, his instincts kicking into overdrive as he prepared to defend against the impending strike.

With a fluid motion, Yhwach grabbed his own sword, the blade flashing in the sunlight as he met Mihawk's attack head-on.

As Mihawk's blade descended towards Yhwach, ready to slice him in half, Yhwach's instincts kicked in with lightning speed. With a swift movement, he activated Hirenkyaku, the Quincy technique allowing him to move at incredible speeds, disappearing from Mihawk's sight in an instant.

Mihawk's blade cleaved through the air, slicing only empty space as Yhwach reappeared behind him. Before Mihawk could fully turn to face him, Yhwach launched his own attack, aiming to catch Mihawk off guard.

However, to Yhwach's surprise, Mihawk barely looked back, his instincts honed to perfection as he sensed the incoming strike. With a deft motion, Mihawk raised his blade, intercepting Yhwach's attack just in time to prevent it from landing a fatal blow.

Yhwach's eyes widened in astonishment at Mihawk's swift reaction, his respect for the swordsman growing with each passing moment. Without missing a beat, Mihawk seized the opportunity to launch his own counterattack, his blade flashing with deadly precision as he struck at Yhwach with ferocious speed.

Yhwach, slightly caught off guard by Mihawk's sudden assault, found himself on the defensive, parrying the flurry of strikes with all his skill and focus. Each clash of blades sent sparks flying, the intensity of their duel escalating with each passing moment.

Then, suddenly Yhwach launched himself forward, delivering a powerful kick aimed squarely at Mihawk's chest. The force of the blow sent Mihawk staggering backward, his footing unsteady as he struggled to regain his balance.

As Mihawk regained his footing, he couldn't help but notice a peculiar detail about Yhwach's fighting style. Despite the intensity of their duel, Yhwach had yet to utilize Haki, the invisible armor and weaponization of one's spirit, a technique commonly employed by skilled combatants.

Mihawk's curiosity piqued, and he couldn't resist voicing his observation.

Mihawk: Tell me, Yhwach, why do you refrain from utilizing Haki? As far as my observation Haki can tell, you haven't employed it once during our duel.

His words held a note of genuine curiosity, tinged with a hint of perplexity. Mihawk was renowned for his keen perception and analytical mind, and Yhwach's apparent disregard for such a fundamental technique intrigued him.

Yhwach, taken aback by Mihawk's question, furrowed his brow in confusion. The term "Haki" was unfamiliar to him, and he couldn't comprehend its significance in the context of their duel.

Yhwach: Haki? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with that term. What exactly does it entail?

His tone betrayed his genuine curiosity, a hint of confusion lingering in his golden eyes as he awaited Mihawk's explanation.

Mihawk's eyebrows raised slightly in surprise at Yhwach's response. He hadn't anticipated encountering someone unaware of Haki, especially given Yhwach's apparent skill in combat.

Mihawk: Haki is a latent power that resides within every living being. It's not some flashy trick or magic spell; rather, it's a manifestation of one's spirit and willpower. There are three types of Haki: Observation, Armament, and Conqueror's. Observation Haki allows one to sense the presence and intentions of others, predicting their movements before they even make them. Armament Haki hardens one's body or weapons, allowing them to bypass defenses and strike with incredible force. Conqueror's Haki is a rare ability possessed only by those with exceptional willpower, capable of exerting their dominance over weaker minds and even causing physical harm to those who lack the strength to withstand it. Haki is a crucial skill for any serious fighter, as it can level the playing field against opponents of greater strength or ability.

(End of Flashback)

Yhwach's mind raced as he dodged the elderly man's attacks, his thoughts consumed by the memory of his encounter with Mihawk and the concept of Haki. Despite his lack of familiarity with the term, Yhwach couldn't deny the similarities between Mihawk's observations and the situation unfolding before him.

With a lightning-fast reaction, Yhwach leaned closer as the elderly man rushed towards him, his hand shooting out to grab the elderly man's sword with a vice-like grip. the elderly man's eyes widened behind his glasses in shock as Yhwach effortlessly snapped the blade in two, rendering it useless.

Before the elderly man could react, Yhwach delivered a powerful kick, sending the elderly swordsman hurtling backward with tremendous force. 

Scene Break

Kid, Law, and Luffy struggled to shake off the lingering effects of Yhwach's overwhelming Reiatsu. Kid's frustration surged within him, a potent mix of embarrassment and anger coursing through his veins.

Kid: Bastard I'll kill him!!

Kid seethed through clenched teeth, his fists balled tightly as his veins bulged with rage. Beside him, Trafalgar Law turned his head to glance at Kid before speaking.

Law: Considering his unusual abilities, do you think we stand a chance against him? We've already used all our strength just to get here.

Law's words hit home with a heavy truth. The oppressive weight of Yhwach's Reiatsu had left them feeling drained and defeated before they even had a chance to fight. Sweat soaked their brows, and their limbs felt heavy with exhaustion.

Seriously, how do they even stand a chance? How could they possibly overcome him? The plain truth is, they can't—at least, not for now.

However, Kid ignored Law's words completely. Because at that moment, his heart was consumed entirely by humiliation and anger.

Kid: Enough of this. I'm going alone. You two are just small-fry pirates. Step aside and let me handle this. I'll make that old man pay for what he's done to us. Consider yourselves lucky to have me take care of this mess.

After his declaration, Kid waved dismissively and pivoted, striding purposefully back toward the Auction House's entrance. Law and Luffy, upon hearing Kid's remarks about them being small fry pirates, found it difficult to contain their emotions.

Law: Who are you calling small fry, you bastard?!

Law's anger boiled over at Kid's words, his voice sharp and cutting. Meanwhile, Luffy couldn't resist chiming in.

Luffy: Yeah, you're the only small fry around here!

However, before Kid could retort, they were all hit by a tremendous shockwave that sent them staggering backward, accompanied by the deafening sound of an explosion.

Instinctively, the three pirates turned their heads to see a figure crashing through the solid wall of the auction house. It was none other than the elderly man they had encountered earlier, Silvers Rayleigh.

Witnessing the extraordinary sight, Kid, Law, and Luffy all widened their eyes in disbelief.

Luffy: What the heck just happened?!

Luffy exclaimed, his confusion evident. While Kid stared at the man-shaped hole in the auction house, his expression was a mix of shock and awe.

Kid: Did that legendary man just get sent flying?!

Law's disbelief was palpable as he voiced his incredulity.

Law: This can't be real, can it?

What the three pirates didn't realize was that Yhwach was standing there right in front of them, his expression unreadable as he regarded them with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. Without a word, he slowly walks past them, his gaze fixed on the elderly man, Silvers Rayleigh, who lies sprawled on the ground nearby.

Kid, Law, and Luffy watch in stunned silence as Yhwach passes them by, his presence looming large over them like a shadow. Despite their shock and confusion, they can't help but feel a sense of dread at the sight of the rumored dragon slayer in action.

As Yhwach approaches Silvers Rayleigh, he stops and turns to face Kid, his reddish-brown eyes burning with intensity.

Yhwach: You there, Eustass Kid. I have business with that old man, but once I'm done with him, your bounty is next on my list.

Scene Break - Location: Marine headquarters

In the Marine Headquarters, Fleet Admiral Sengoku receives a report from a marine officer detailing the events that transpired at Sabaody Archipelago. According to the report, aside from Straw Hat Luffy, there are also pirates Eustass Kid and his crew, as well as Trafalgar Law and his crew. In total, there are thirteen wanted criminals, five of whom are newcomers with bounties above 100 million berries.

Sengoku's expression darkens as he listens to the report, however, a call comes through on his Den Den Mushi.

Sengoku: (Answering the call) This is Fleet Admiral Sengoku. What's the situation?

The voice on the other end crackles with urgency, conveying the gravity of the situation.

Surviving Marine: Admiral Sengoku, this is Warrant Officer Jeff reporting. Dragon Slayer has engaged in combat with 'Dark King' Silvers Rayleigh at the auction house. The situation is escalating rapidly, and casualties are mounting. We need reinforcements immediately.

Sengoku's expression hardens as he listens to the report, his mind already in motion.

Sengoku: Understood, Warrant Officer. I'll dispatch a unit to your location immediately. Maintain surveillance on Dragon Slayer and the other pirates. We can't let this situation spiral out of control any further.

With that, Sengoku ends the call and turns his attention to his subordinates, his voice firm and commanding.

Sengoku: Inform Admiral Kizaru of the situation. Tell him to mobilize a unit and head to the auction house immediately. We need to bring Dragon Slayer and the other pirates under control before things get any worse.


Alright, Here are the opinions on Yhwach's next move.

A) Should Yhwach engage in battle with Silvers Rayleigh or attempt to negotiate with him?

B) Should Kid, Law, and Luffy intervene in the confrontation between Yhwach and Rayleigh, or stay back and observe?

C) Should Yhwach prioritize capturing Kid or focus solely on dealing with Rayleigh?

D) Any other choices you'd like to introduce to the story?

Donate more power stones and comment more to motivate me!

MisunderstoodKingcreators' thoughts