

Yukina would clear her throat. "So did they say exactly what forest to meet them at?" Yukina asked. Nenma would stop moving and Yukina would as well. "Want the bad news or the bad news?" Nenma said. Yukina would open her mouth when suddenly a gust of wind would breeze past them blowing leaves on the ground. Nenma would look at the leaves. The leaves would make a path on the ground. Yukina would sigh, "I must be going crazy…" Yukina said. Nenma and Yukina would follow the path of leaves until they got to a field surrounded by trees. Standing in the middle of the field was the same hooded figure from before except it had human hands. "I thought I told you to come alone…" The hooded figure said. The hooded figures' voices sounded oddly different this time, It sounded a little less scratchy like a normal man. "Yeah, maybe you did… But when a creepy ghost thing asks me to come out to the woods alone, it sounds pretty sketchy, don't you agree…" Nenma said. The man would stand there. "You could have brought anyone else but of course, you had to bring your sister…" The hooded man said. Nenma would look at the hooded man in confusion. "EARTH RELEASE: EARTH CORRIDOR!" Yukina yelled. Suddenly the ground would start surrounding the hooded man. Right then, wood would fly out from the trees, putting Yukina in a cage made out of wood. Suddenly the ground surrounding the hooded figure would start crumbling. The ground would collapse with a huge cloud of smoke. Suddenly, Airin Senju would walk out from the trees, standing next to the wooden cage with Yukina inside. Airin would be wearing her normal clothes but in all black. Airin would point at the cloud of smoke, and Nenma would look over in confusion. The cloud of smoke would fade revealing an adult Boruto Uzumaki with his Karma activated and his right eye closed. "Boruto…" Yukina said. Boruto would deactivate his karma and put his hood back up. "You aren't supposed to be here… Especially harassing your Nephew…" Yukina said. Suddenly a blue aura would cover Yukina's mouth. Nenma would be sweating and shaking in fear. Boruto would start walking towards Nenma. "S-Stay away from me…" Nenma said. Nenma would put his palm out trying to push Boruto away. Boruto would sigh, "You don't need to be afraid Nenma… If you come with me I can help you." Boruto said. Nenma would shake his head in denial.

Suddenly a gust of wind would blow past Boruto's face. Boruto would look around the forest in shock. He would then look at Airin and put his hood up. Airin would do the same and they would hold hands. The two would then vanish.

Koruto Uzumaki, The 9th Hokage would run into the forest with a ton of anbu. Koruto had the same hair type as Minato Uzumaki but it was red. Koruto would walk over to Yukina helping her out of the wooden cage. Yukina would look her Dad in the eyes. "I didn't know Boruto would show up today, I thought it was just one of Nenma's friends playing a stupid joke…" Yukina said. Koruto sighed, "It's not that big a deal. Take Nenma back home and we'll research what's going…" Koruto said. Yukina nodded, "Nenma, Come on. We're headed back home…" Yukina said. Nenma nodded and the two would start walking back toward the village. "Pop's told me he has a mission for your squad tomorrow at 6 Am," Yukina said. Yuki would smile and put his hands behind his head. Nenma smiled, "I'm excited!!" Yuki said.

The next day, Nenma, Tahira, Takumi, and Konira would be standing in the Hokage's office, standing in front of his desk. "Today, I will be sending you on your first mission as a squad," Koruto said. Nenma would start whistling. "So~ what's the rank…" Nenma asked as he looked up at the ceiling. Tahira would then hit Nenma in the head. "HE WAS JUST GETTING THEIR KNUCKLEHEAD!!" Tahira yelled. Nenma would rub his head, "Why'd ya do that…" Nenma whimpered.

Koruto would laugh, "Alright then… settle down…"