
PROLOGUE CHAPTER 5: Ghost in the woods…

He would walk into his mom's office and see her sleeping at her desk. "What are you doing home so late?" A deeper female voice asked. Nenma would look over to the kitchen and see his older sister Yukina. She was 17 years old, about 5 feet and 5 inches tall with dark burgundy hair in a messy bun, with a white and black short-sleeved crop top and black leather pants. She had black eyes and black eyeliner on. "I was getting put into a three-man squad…" Nenma said as he walked over to the kitchen and leaned back on the counter next to Yukina. Nenma would walk over to the fridge and open it. He would grab a can of soda. He would open it and lean back on the counter. "I thought you were supposed to be hanging out with a boy today?" Nenma said. Yukina chuckled, "Yeah, but I found out he was a dick so I dumped him." Yukina said. Nenma would look surprised. "You wanna bet if Dad is coming home tonight?" Nenma asked. Yukina would chuckle. "I'm not making a bet with a 13-year-old," Yukina said. She would be drinking an energy drink. "H-Hey Yukina…" Nenma said. Yukina would look at her phone. "What's up?" Yukina asked confused. Nenma would hesitate, "C-Can you come with me somewhere?" Nenma asked. Yukina would look at Nenma confused. "Yeah, just let me go get something…" Yukina said. She would walk out of the kitchen and walk up the stairs. Nenma would sigh and sip his soda. A door would close and Yukina would walk down the stairs with a drawstring backpack on. "Alright, so where are we headed?" Yukina asked. Nenma would be sweating. "I'll tell you on the way…" Nenma said. Yukina would have a worried look on her face. Nenma would put his can on the counter and walk over to the door. Yukina would follow and Nenma would open the door, walking out. Yukina would walk out behind him closing the door. They would walk down the streets of an active Konohagakure. "So… What the hell is going on Nenma?" Yukina asked. Nenma would look at her and sigh. "I don't think you'll believe me but, While I was at the Academy with my squad… Something transported me… It was the Academy… But different…" Nenma said. Yukina would look at Nenma confused. "I saw this… Dark ghostly thing… Its right arm had blue highlights… And it asked me to meet it in the woods tonight…" Nenma said. Yukina would look confused. Nenma would look down at the ground. "I know that sounds crazy…" Nenma said. Yukina would shake her head. "Not crazier than the stories dad tells about his life growing up…" Yukina said. Nenma chuckled, "Yeah, like that time he said he fought uncle Yusuke to bring him back to the village…" Nenma said. The two would laugh. Nenma would look at Tahira confused. "So what's with the bag?" Nenma asked. Tahira would look at Nenma. "Oh, I brought this just in case the 'Ghost' that talked to you is harmful…" Yukina said. Nenma would nod, "That's a good idea, nice job big sis." Nenma said. The two would keep walking as it became silent. The walk would seem very awkward when Nenma would ask, "What do you think of the Hokage?" Tahira would look at Nenma confused. "Dad eh… He's uh, an amazing Dad… When he's around at least." The two would approach the main gate of the hidden leaf village. The two guards on the post at the gate would look at the two siblings. "We're closing the gate in an hour so don't spend too long out there…" Said one of the guards. Yukina nodded as they walked out of the village. They would walk down a dirt path surrounded by trees. Yukina would clear her throat. "So did they say exactly what forest to meet them at?" Yukina asked. Nenma would stop moving and Yukina would as well. "Want the bad news or the bad news?" Nenma said. Yukina would open her mouth when suddenly a gust of wind would breeze past them blowing leaves on the ground. Nenma would look at the leaves. The leaves would make a path on the ground. Yukina would sigh, "I must be going crazy…" Yukina said.