
Nemo in the modded world of kenshi

Making a trade with the goddess of equivalent and exchange Nemo is forced to choose this world for more points and another chance. Currently rewriting it due to how much it diverted from my original plans

Rauon · Video Games
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6 Chs

Chapter 2

He decided to add points to the most essential parts.

Head 10/10 > 60/60

torso 10/10 > 60/60

Stomach 10/10 > 60/60

left arm 10/10 > 60/60

right arm 10/10 > 60/60

left leg 10/10 > 60/60

right leg 10/10 > 60/60

Tail 200/200 > 300/300

0.228 Health regen per minute

addable points for health 0

it felt incredible for the strange surge of strength that he felt, his body gained weight as it sunk a little into the ground.

the other interesting thing was upon adding 100 points to the tail it gained an additional 1% damage reduction which is something he would never say no to even if it was still in the negatives thanks to his abysmal toughness.

the additional points added to health regen was like pumping him with adrenaline as he felt more alive thanks to it.

Nemo decided to save the status point for when he really needed it since he can just train to gain more. because who knows if there was a future bottleneck he might come across and requires it?

it was a good start and his tail's ability gave him a point to remember the number of points he had gathered was how many rats and people he had his tail 'devour' the past few weeks meaning that everything is worth the same its just people themselves that put a tag on others.

Nemo was about to find himself a spot to rest however the alarms in the city were going of they were using the old ones for air raids and such.

but this one sounded different from the usual one they used for the other raids using his echolocation compared to the past he can 'see' farther and the people that were running away were more than the ones charging to defend the town.

One of the weaker ones that worked at one of the three farms people that was running away yelled out in fear.

"The horde of zombies are coming!"

Alarmed reactions followed as murmurs of despair and dread began to spread, according to gossip and some snitches the Shek kingdom managed to lure this horde away using some of the war slaves they had caught from the holy nation.

Those bastards they sent out brought them here since this place wasn't too far away, as for the war slaves that brought this plight here, Nemo was able to 'see' the price they paid by being beheaded.

since one of them was bitten the town guards weren't willing to risk an infected spreading it to the others inside the city.

But now, they had an even bigger problem, the walls weren't completely patched up from the last time they were sieged and with how the zombies moved and attacked the sheer weight of them scaling each other can ruin it.

which was why they 'asked' for volunteers to help fend off the smaller hordes while the engineers patched up the walls and reinforced them to handle this upcoming onslaught.

Nemo didn't care he needs to get stronger as quickly as possible thus the faceless man readily volunteered for the "points" he can collect thanks to this.

he asked for some leather gloves, pauldrons, and some martial bandages for better protection from the poisonous bites, and hid the gear that he collected from the other raids since that might get the attention of some unsavory people.

many of the town guards manned the mounted crossbows that could easily tear a person to pieces and despite this horrifying situation many of the people were eager for these zombies to arrive the conversations around him helped understand the people a little more on how demented they were.

"Looks like we're gonna be able to have more meat tonight!"

yes, they were talking about eating these zombies as it turns out their bites or scratches can infect however if they cook them after boiling the meat for 2 hours in a certain way, they are edible not that Nemo needs such precautions, however, the next thing they were talking about was downright disgusting.

"imma catch meseld a biga boobed slut!"

apparently fucking a zombie was welcome, hell you can make a child too!

however, they were required to kill the baby as half zombies are hard to kill as they can regenerate even after chopping them to pieces as even one part was missed can mean the halfbreed will come back stronger than ever making them a menace against all races.

Whenever other races the child is never mixed but through a zombie, there can be hybrids.

Nemo was tempted to keep one of the zombies since they can be taught and trained like a dog but he had to worry about his safety first as he wasn't willing to be stabbed in the back by some greedy bastard for some zombie!

while he would love to have a companion that can keep him company and possibly find a worthy follower that will/can speak for him, Nemo wanted to play it safe for now.

While his faceless head caused some complications with the people hiring him the man he 'talked' to simply shrugged while saying "it's your funeral" before sending him as one of the possible baits to be used in case the first line collapses to give the engineers more time to retreat.

Nemo was part of the second defense line, he was hoping to be part of the first line which numbered around 5000+ thanks to the rewards that could be received, but there wasn't much that could be done thus he settled with devouring some bugs or some lucky zombie that managed to slip through the blockade made from trenches that were 70 meters deep, well less than thanks to some idiot raiders and unlucky holy nation crusaders getting thrown into it as for the beasts.

Nemo has 'seen' the atrocities the people of this city deliver upon crusaders of the holy nation, from leaving them limbless then tossing what is left to a pack of wolves, to leaving them nailed to the walls to burn under the sun, shiver at night, starve to death, to have their flesh picked at by the birds to suffer a slow and painful death they forcefully give them water(piss) to prolong their suffering or the best solution was to feast on them while they were alive as their blood can slake ones thirst for some time.

Nemo expanded his echolocation only to find some of the frontlines people getting overwhelmed by the sheer number of the zombies, the greed these people had to the point where they would stab another in the back increasing the chances of being overrun by the horde for reasons that will be mentioned later.

this acted as a reminder for Nemo to take care as one of his own future allies might do the same to get revenge or for greed, they won't give a fuck for the rest of the other people then again they would just use the people as bait.

cruelty is common here, backstabbing is as well.


Comrades in arms?

Good luck finding that or who knows maybe someone did but failed to notice at the time before throwing the very person to preserve their own life in the most selfish manner.

The wails and gurgled screams could be heard by everyone as the horde began feasting upon the men and women of the first defense line that were drowned by the horde of zombies.

Nemo thought at the moment when the looks of delight the survivors had when their fellow defenders fell, it was the same as the ones that wanted to make the zombies into their cocksleeves or sex toys.

the engineers finished their tasks before rushing back into the city either by getting pulled in from the top of the wall or using their own two feet or even getting carried in. The warriors from the front lines were retreating with some extra baggage the people that were turned into zombies, it was obvious what their fate will be since their new owners no longer had to pay for whores to relieve themselves of 'stress.'

the trenches were quickly filled by the zombies, well, mushed-up ones due to the others trampling them just to get to the living people.

Nemo was near the trenches as he was using his tail for an all you can eat buffet he was only able to eat 3 at once which would take him half a minute to fully devour before getting more forcing him to grow his skills in martial arts and dodging thanks to his battle-ready body skill it shined in the heat of this moment.

The plated tail stuffed with zombies tore through the torso of his enemy before flicking the body away causing it to crash into multiple others, a shek zombie charged with its sword! It was one of the smarter ones attempting to cut Nemo in half with a downward swing barely dodging it in a frantic manner before the swordsman delivered a side swing with his sword that was blocked by the plated tail!

Sparks flew about as the strength difference sent Nemo rolling away in a ragged manner before digging his tail into the ground to stop his body from rolling.

The shek zombie was already close to him flailing its sword with random and wild swings.

Nemo was forced to take a defensive stance!

While the majority of the people that were at the back lines with him had retreated already leaving the brave or stupid or heroic ones behind including Nemo.

He needed the points gathered by his tail to increase his chances of survival which is why he was acting stupid to the majority of the town guards.

Nemo had a plan, he was willing to get chopped by the rusty sword in exchange for disabling the swordsman thus he spread his arms out letting the zombie swing its sword downward as it roared heatedly cutting deep into the right side of his torso before swinging his tail to meet with the elbows of his attacker thus crippling it.

the zombie looked at its dangling arms in confusion while groaning before a plated tail pierced its head from under the chin.

Nemo was staggered backward due to the pain the smell of his blood attracted more zombies and to his lack of strength now as the injury was heavy he knew he had to get it treated fast as his eyes blurred slightly from the heavy blood loss he devoured a few more before retreating the looks of greed from the people was foreboding.

If there are any mistakes please let me know other than that have a fun read.

p.s. I am writing this for fun so it will be a very slow book

Rauoncreators' thoughts