
Nemesis of Sinner

In a world of superpowers, Clyde's life takes a dark turn when a heroic act leads to the tragic loss of his wife and son. A corrupt justice system exonerates the hero responsible, leaving Clyde with a burning hatred for those who abuse their powers and manipulate the truth. As his comatose daughter fights for her life, Clyde's world crumbles, and he vows to take justice into his own hands.

Numero · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: Divine Retribution!

Chapter 3: Divine Retribution!

An order? So god can give me an order through this weird box. And it appears that she shows little regard for my life, seeing failure will result in death.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!" Said the masked man. "Who are you? and what are you doing here?"

Clyde moved his attention away from the system to deal with the unknown man. "That's the question I should be asking." He said while exhaling a large amount of smoke. "Who the fuck are you!"

The masked man's body jolted a little, it seemed he was a bit surprised about something. "You don't know me?" He said, pointing to his mask face. "I'm a Hero called Night Claw. How can you not know me?"

"Ah, I see. I'm sorry about that, it's just too dark in here." Clyde said. He walked closer and stretched his left hand, offering to shake Night Claw's hand.

However, the masked man stepped back. "What are you doing? Don't come any closer." He warned, he seemed to be on guard towards him. "Wait, are you a Villain?"

"Why the fuck would you ask me that question? If I'm a villain do you think I would just admit to it?" Clyde exasperatedly replied. "Anyhow, why the fuck would you think I'm a Villain or even a Supes?"

The masked man tilted his head a little, he seemed confused about something. "If you're not a Supes, why would your eyes be glowing? And in all seriousness, it is a bit terrifying."

"Wait, my eyes did?" Clyde was astonished by this revelation. He took out a phone from the back pocket of his black denim pants, scaring the masked man for a bit. He looked through the dark screen of his phone and saw his two glowing eyes. "Well, I'll be damn. I guess I'm indeed a Supes."

"What are you doing?" The masked man became more on guard towards him, maybe due to his weird actions. "Are you going to call for backup? Even if you did, I'll defeat you before they get here."

"No, no, don't get me wrong." Clyde reassuringly said. "I'm just looking for my wallet." He reached from his back again taking out his wallet this time. "Ah, here it is. Here, take a look, my badge is inside." He threw his wallet at Night Claw.

Night Claw caught the wallet and did what Clyde suggested. "Y-you're a police officer?"

"That I am," Clyde confirmed.

"Wait, did I just let a criminal escape?" Night Claw looked surprised about the realization. "I'm sorry about that! Wait here, I'll chase him."

When Night Claw was about to dash away, He stopped him. "Wait! Can I at least get a handshake? I'm a fan you see."

"Fan?" Night Claw looked at him strangely. "you can't even recognize me; how can you be my fan?"

"Well, you can't blame me for that. It's too dark in here. Come on, give this man a favor."

Night Claw hesitated for a bit, but after thinking about it he agreed and stretched his hand to Clyde.

Clyde smiled widely showing his appreciation for the favor. Night Claw seemed to be happy too as he also smiled revealing his canine fangs and letting his guard down.


Five gunshots resounded in the dark alley, breaking the deafening silence of the surroundings.

Clyde sneakily took the gun behind his waist and shot Night Claw multiple times in his stomach. However, the gunshot did nothing, only Night Claw's tight suit was damaged in a sneak attack, showing how resilient the skin of a Supes was.

Night Claw instantly jumped away from Clyde, as he held his stomach where the bullet hit him. Although he was not wounded, it seemed he was still hurt by it.

"Why did you shoot me?" Night Claw asked. "Wait, are you really a police officer? Now that I think about it, no Supes will want to become a lowly police officer!"

"Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm a police officer." Clyde corrected Night Claw's assessment. "You seemed to look down on us police officers, but never mind that. I should be the one asking, are you a Hero?"

"What do you mean?" Night Claw asked, as he slowly used his ability to shape his nails like a cat's Claw.

"Well, every person who's a brain will be suspicious of you," Clyde said while flicking an almost exhausted cigarette in Night Claw's direction. "Think about it, why would you be here in a dark and secluded place?"

"Why? Because I'm trying to find a crime to prevent it from happening, and in this kind of area it frequently happens." Night Claw defended himself.

"Pretty solid defense." Clyde smiled, even though Night Claw couldn't see it… or could he? "That's where my second point is coming. The moment you fell from wherever you came from, you didn't even ask what was going on and instantly assumed that I was the bad guy while letting the man escape. It either, you know that man and let him escape, or you're just a very stupid Hero, and which I can agree."

"Did you just insult me?" Night Claw hissed like an angry cat ready to fight. "Why would I do a crime when I'm comfortable with my profession?"

"Who knows." Clyde shrugged his shoulder. "Maybe you're a bottom-rank Hero who no one recognizes and receives a poultry amount of salary from the Hero association. I don't fucking know."

"Shut up!" Night Claw shouted agitated by Clyde's words.

He lunged forward, in front of him his claws, ready to use it as a killing weapon. Clyde calmly watched Night Claw charge, he was fast, but maybe because of the stats he received, Clyde could discern Night Claw's movement.

When Night Claw's nail was almost on Clyde's face, he moved his head with minimum movement to evade the attack. His face was grazed while doing his daring evasion. The moment Night Claw's hand passed his head, he held it with his left hand and pointed his gun below Night Claw's chin, and he shot him point blank multiple times.

Night Claw groaned as he tried to pull his arms away from Clyde's grasp. However he failed, their strength was almost exactly the same. Therefore, he used his claw to Clyde's arms. Like butter, Night Claw's sharp nails easily passed on Clyde's flesh with no hint of interruption.

With this, Clyde let go of Night Claw's arm and jumped back. He glanced at his wound and his damaged jacket with an expression of annoyance.

"God damn it, this one is my favorite." He complained. "Supes sure are tough, normal people would die with that point-blank shot, but here you are touching your chin like it was nothing."

"You talk like you yourself are not a Supes." Night Claw counter.

"Ah yes, I'm also a Supes myself."

Upon saying that, Clyde raised the gun and shot at Night Claw. Night Claw seemed ready and predicted his action. He used the narrow walls of the alleys as a tool to jump around Clyde like a nimble cat, making him a hard target to hit.

However, something was wrong with his movement. Sometimes he jumped too short or too long, he even hit his head on the wall one time. As if he was not used to his own movement.

Then Clyde remembered what happened to him earlier, where his body was still getting used to his own stats. If he was right, Night Claw was suffering the problem he just faced, due to his skill—Nemesis of Sinner.

 Clyde sought to take the opportunity before his enemy could get used to his new stats. As he let his back wide-open inviting Night Claw with this enticing bait. Night Claw couldn't resist the temptation and grabbed it, not even thinking or any suspicion on this great opportunity.

As the Claw of Night Claw curved its way on his back. Clyde endured the pain, turned around with much speed, and immediately grabbed Night Claw by his neck.

Maybe Night Claw was still adjusting to the change in his body, but the damage he did to Clyde was only a superficial wound if talking from a Supes perspective.

Clyde didn't give Night Claw any more chance and used his free hand to beat the shit out of Night Claws face. Of course, Night Claw wouldn't just stay still and let his enemy beat him to a pulp. He fought back using his sharp nails to claw Clyde's body.

 The two endured each other attack, giving their all with each blow. It might look like Night Claw had an advantage due to his sharp claws. But Clyde's determination, was not normal, as he poured all his frustration and anger towards Night Claw that he didn't even feel the pain from his chest.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Clyde screamed like a berserker, his terrifying eyes were enhanced together with his demonic-like face.

For an unknown amount of time, He was lost in his own madness punching Nigh Claw's face like no tomorrow. Finally, he stopped, regaining himself from the trance. Glancing on now bloodied Night Claw, who lost consciousness for who knows when.

Clyde let go of him, letting his body fall on the ground full of his and Night Claw's blood. He glanced at his wounds, groaning as he fell on his knees. 

It seems I push myself too much.

He slowly stood up and turned around to leave, but before he could go far, a screen appeared in front of him.

[The God of Punishment orders you to deliver the punishment.]

[Quest: Deliver punishment to the Sinner in front of you.

Reward: 50 Sinner Points

Failure: Your God will be disappointed: Death.]

Clyde looked up and whispered. "Is that not enough? What do you want from me?"

[Failure: Your God will be disappointed: Death.]

The blue box showed itself again, but this time only the failure.

Clyde growled, understanding what the God of Punishment wants. He went back to where Night Claw was. "It seems I entered a fuck up relationship." He said. "Don't blame me, in your next life don't do stupid things." After convincing himself, he kneeled down and pointed his gun point blank at Night Claw's eyes.
