
Nemesis of Sinner

In a world of superpowers, Clyde's life takes a dark turn when a heroic act leads to the tragic loss of his wife and son. A corrupt justice system exonerates the hero responsible, leaving Clyde with a burning hatred for those who abuse their powers and manipulate the truth. As his comatose daughter fights for her life, Clyde's world crumbles, and he vows to take justice into his own hands.

Numero · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Sinner’s Pursuit.

Chapter 2: The Sinner's Pursuit.

Name: Clyde Vindict.

Level: 1 [0/100 Sinner Points]

Title: [Nemesis of Sinner] [Champion of God]



Available Stat Points: 0

Strength: 13 (+5)

Dexterity: 11 (+5)

Agility: 11 (+5)

Intelligent: 12 (+5)

Vigor: 12 (+5)

Willpower: 13 (+5)

Endurance: 13 (+5)


[Weapon Mastery Lvl.1]

[Eye of Judgement Lvl.1]

[Gate of Hell Lvl.1]

"What the fuck is this thing?" Clyde complained. The multiple words inside the blue box were a bit confusing for him. "Is this supposed to be my ability? What the fuck is the meaning of Nemesis of Sinner?"

Upon saying that a new notification appeared in front of him.

[Nemesis of Sinner Description: As an Apostle of the God of Punishment, you must punish those who have sinned. They'll tremble in your presence, seeing you as their greatest enemy.

Effect: -10% of every stat to the Sinner that you set your eyes upon.]

"I see so you also gave a description, useful." He said. "Then what about the Champion of God."

[Champion of God Description: As a Champion of God, you need to have the power to defeat those who defy your God.

Effect: + 5 For every stat.]

"Yes, I need power, plenty of it!" He widened his eyes in greed, as he set upon his sight to his status. So just like video games. I don't know if I have a high stat or low, but if I can increase it, can I fight a Supes with it?

Done with his status, he turned his gaze to his three skills. "What about these skills? Weapon Mastery."

[Weapon Mastery Description: A skill that will let you master any weapon that lay your hands upon.

Effect: 20% learning speed of any type of weapon.]

"Any weapon? So, if I want to defeat a Supes, I need a weapon that can hurt them. Where the hell am I supposed to find those things?... Never mind with enough preparation I can probably defeat a lower-rank Supes." He said, convincing himself that it was good enough. "Eye of Judgement and Gate of Hell."

[Eye of Judgement Description: As a Punisher you must be able to discern those who have sinned and those innocent.

Effect: Ability to see the Sin of a person]

[Gate of Hell Description: A Soul of Sinner must be punished for its Sin and imprisoned in the torturous place called Hell.

Effect: Ability to imprison the Soul of Sinner and send it to Hell, in exchange for power.]

"Of course, ability to track and to imprison." He said, unconsciously smiling with maliciousness. "Very, fitting skill for someone of my profession. According to this, I can exchange the Soul of a Sinner to Hell for power. Sound ominous, I should definitely try it."

He glanced at the broken pieces of his house one last time. Just wait Emily and Carson, I'll avenge your death. With that, he turned around and went back to his car.


The rain stopped when he arrived at Block 6, one of the most dangerous places in the City of Margel. A place where criminals or even villains like to stay, due to the heavy entertainment industry in the place. A lot of light could be seen from the name board of shops and businesses, together with people scattering around and entering their favorite establishments making the place livelier.

This place was the best place to find his first target. Substantially, He didn't even need to wait for long and he already sighted someone dragging a girl in a dark alley.

After Parking his car near the alley's entrance, he got out of his car and followed the man. As he walked, he took a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one inside, and put it in his mouth.

Using his silver lighter, he lit the cigarette up, illuminating his face and the surrounding area for a second, and took a puff.

Because of this, the man noticed his presence as his action was too eye-catching. "Hey, where the hell do you think you're going?!" He screamed, showing his bravado.

"Me? I'm not going nowhere. But you, on the other hand, will." Clyde slowly said, giving his husky voice more power.

"What did you say Punk?!" The hoodlum said, he took out a knife from his pocket and started swinging it in the air. "Now, let's see how tough you are."

"Ahhhhhh!" The girl screamed in fear after seeing the knife in the hand of her kidnapper.

"Shut up bitch!" The man slapped her, maybe afraid that her scream might attract unwanted attention.

Clyde didn't really care about the girl, but now he was here, he might as well save her. "Eye of Judgement." With those words, the skill was activated. Even though he never used it before, it was like an instinct that acted up if he needed it.

His black eyes started changing, their circled shape slowly became slit like the eye of a snake. And the color, became bloody red, like the eye of a legendary monster who liked to suck blood.

On top of the head of the kidnapper the words.

[Sin Lvl: 1]

Although Clyde could feel the slight change in his eyes, he didn't think that it was actually changing in shape and color. What made it worse was the darkness that cloaked his appearance, and only the light of his cigarette in his mouth and his two glowing eyes was visible to those who'd sight of him.

This scenery, which could only be seen in a horror movie, instantly paled the faces of the kidnap girl and her kidnapper. They trembled as they witnessed the change in Clyde's now glowing eyes.

"Ahhhhh!" The girl screamed once again with much intensity, resulting in her losing consciousness.

The kidnapper dropped his knife and ran far away from Clyde at full speed, entering deep into the dark maze-like alley. He didn't even hesitate to leave the girl he was trying to kidnap behind. Seeing this, Clyde didn't want to waste time and followed the kidnapper.

However, he lost control of his speed and planted himself on the ground. He didn't understand how his speed almost doubled in a single night at first. But then, he remembered that he gained + 5 for every stat when he received the Title Champion of God.

Huh, with just five points I gained this much? Amused, he stood up and chased the kidnapper again.

At the start, his pace was slow, as if he was just someone who was lagging. But eventually, he increased it bit by bit, steadily letting his body get accustomed to his new speed.

As he ran, he couldn't help but be excited at his newfound ability. With this, he could maybe have a chance to see his own justice delivered to those who sin him and his family.

The kidnapper screamed in terror when he looked back at him. "Ahhh! A Demon… There's a Demon help me!"

Clyde ignored the shout of the kidnapper and continued his chase. When he was just a few meters away from him he jumped intending to cut his path off. The kidnapper looked back once again appearing concerned about his distance from Clyde.

But when he did, he saw nothing, his pursuer was gone. Due to Clyde jumping at the perfect timing, he cut off the path of the kidnapper who was now turning his back on him.

The kidnapper immediately turned his head around the moment Clyde landed behind him, it seemed like he heard the sound of his landing. When the kidnapper saw his glowing eyes once again, he fell back right on his bum. "D-don't come any closer!" He said while stuttering.

Of course, Clyde didn't listen and slowly walked towards the kidnapper while he blew a smoke that sometimes made his glowing eye more terrifying.

"P-please d-don't k-kill me!" The man begged Clyde to spare his life, he even wet his pants due to his fear. "I-I do anything p-please just let me go."

Clyde stopped a few steps away from the Sinner who was now on his knees, begging. The smell of the kidnapper's piss attacks his nostril, forcing him to not take another step

"What a dirty scumbag," Clyde said, disgusted by the pathetic man in front of him. "Tell me, where are you planning to take that girl?"

"I'm plan-," Before the kidnapper could speak, another voice interrupted him.

"What do you think you're doing!" Shouted the uninvited guest who suddenly dropped down from the sky, landing between Clyde and the kidnapper.

Even though it was dark, the unknown man's clothing could still be discerned due to its absurdity. He wore a black tight suit that stuck to his body and a mask of a cat… or was it a tiger, he couldn't properly tell.

"Are you okay?" The masked man asked the kidnapper. He seemed to misunderstand the situation. "If you can run go now, I'll deal with this."

The kidnapper didn't even hesitate or say any appreciation and just ran away without looking back.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Clyde asked, annoyance clear in his voice. Then he noticed the floating window on the masked man's head.

[Sin Lvl: 2]

Upon seeing the Sin of the masked man, a notification popped up in front of him.

[The God of Punishment sends her first order]

[Quest: Deliver punishment to the Sinner in front of you.

Reward: 50 Sinner Points

Failure: Your God will be disappointed: Death.]