

This is a world that's nearing its end. A reality where humanity is forced to face the consequences of their ignorance and idiocy but the difference is that, In this universe they are not alone. Welcome To The World of NEKROPOLIS! 7 formerly known as Sebastian is a World War 3 veteran , and now a special agent working for UFC corporation a vastly spread out and highly secretive and advance corporation. In one of his missions to secure some classified information from a mysterious group that has the source of some strange artefact, he finds a little girl with bright red eyes. What would this girl bring into his so lifeless life? What kind of sinister truth is hidden behind those red eyes? What are the motives of this mysterious group? Come and join me while we follow 7's adventures and uncover secrets of their world and ours. And find what will be the conclusion of his journey.

Nautilus_Darkstar · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


12 ft away and 2 ft apart from each other, 3 dark figures sit in front of him.

"Hope you are not mad at us for calling you all the way out here." a middle-aged manly voice says, his words echoed through the large room.

There are two ray lights placed behind the 3 figures and they are burning his eyes.

He lifts his hand to shield his eyes.

"Yeah. Yeah. Can you just tell me why I was dragged here all the way from sterling?" He demands.

Looking at the three figures from Sebastian's perspective, we see the one sitting in the middle being handed a paper from the person to his left. After reading through it, he says to Sebastian,

"Name is Sebastian Phoenix, a 25-year-old veteran who once served under the Valiant Wing of The British Air Force during the 3rd World War. You were part of a Special Operation company, all records of whose has been destroyed."

Sebastian used to feel uncomfortable whenever someone brought up his past in his presence.

Letting out an annoyed sigh,

"You Guys. Brought me. Alllll the way here. From Stirling. Just to give me a summarised form of my past?" He says to the dark figure in a sarcastic tone.

"Geez! Give this veteran a rest, would ya?" He leans back onto the chair with his arms crossed.

A female voice tries to pursue him, saying,

"We know this is not to your liking. But we are desperate. Because of a mishap that occurred 2 years ago, we have lost a significant number of our agents and this we are facing a lack of members in our hound regiment. You have the skills and experience that we need here at Sector 17. Other Sectors are taking similar actions since the number of our-" She gets interrupted mid sentence by Sebastian.

"So what? Why should I care if your business is having problems? I am not entitled to help you with your 'lack of agents' problem! Cut This veteran some slack!"

"A veteran? You could have been a National Hero." The same middle-aged voice from before says to him.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" He asks, intrigued by such a comment.

"A national Hero! That's what you could have been! But you were denied that honor. All of your comrades were denied that honor. Brothers in arms of whom you don't even know the names of. Tell me, Sir Sebastian. Where are they now?"

He was caught off guard. Sebastian knew the answer to that question. And he did not like that answer.

"What is it? Can't tell? The truth is that you can't! How would you know anything about those people?"

The company that Sebastian served in had many strict rules. One of those was to address other members with code names and never reveal your true identity.

"And now here you are. After all those years of loyal service to your country, they have left you with nothing. Everything that was ever dear to you now lost. You don't even have a thing to name as your purpose."

During the entire time the man spat his words at him. Sebastian just stayed with his head down, his body leaned forward and his elbows resting on his knees. He could not dare to face those words. He was not that brave. He had seen the carnage of war, he has been shot many times, stabbed many times. He knew pain very well, like a close friend. But as it has been stated, 'Truth hurts worse than any injury'.

"We are giving you a chance." The man says to Sebastian.

Sebastian lifts his head up and looks at the figures sitting in front of him.

"It's your choice. You can die like a loyal Hound with comrades and friends you find here at Sector 17. Or you can live the rest of your life like an old lone Wolf."