
A very bad bath, kind of

Max rested in his bed sleeping a good bit. He was awakened by a very soft feeling on his body. However, a second sensation caused his skin to burn. Sleeping defenses didn't activate since the person was an ally.

"Get off me." Max said sternly. Evangeline had her mouth attached to his shoulder. "I do not do loli's!" She was flung from the bed into the wall.

*Bam!* The noise was loud enough to wake the other in his bed as well as make Kaede charge into the room. Mist immediately covered her exposed areas.

"Master are you ok?!"

"Why so noisy?" Mana asked groggily. She looked around at Evangeline pulling her head out of the wall. Trying to figure out while mist was covering her mostly. "What happened to her?"

"I am fine Kaede." Max dressed himself with a simple spell. As well as Kaede and Evangeline. "I have know idea why she was biting me. Being in my bed is a second matter that can wait."

"OOf!" Evangeline gave a little shout popping her head out. The wall restoring itself. It was hard as steel and made her regret sneaking in a little. But the mana he released was to good to pass up. Especially with the traces of blood, he had mixed in. "Why so violent with this lady!?"

"You have the body of a brat! Disgusting as hell!" Max balled his fists at her. "Take an older form and I wouldn't care in the least!" Walking to the bathroom, he cleaned up the old-fashioned way. The water caused his face to throb. "Damn it. New pores. Forgot about that."

*Thump!* Max disrobed turning on the water. Fingers weaving a few spells as herbs mix in slowly. The biggest was a portal that showed mountains releasing snow essences. Straight from the arctic. A breeze passed into the room since the door was open.

"Cold!" Kaede shivered. She started circulating mana to protect herself. "What are you making?"

"An infusion bath to turn the corruption into refinement essences. My pores are new from my recent breakthrough. Which is not bad. But it is really intense on my body for certain things. As well as mixing mana in my saliva naturally. Speaking of which.." Max removed a few vials and a bowl. The sweat remaining on his body went into the bowl as the vials were attached to tubes around his upper and lower canines. ". might as well collect this for later use."

*Brrrp!* Concentrated dark liquid entered the vials. Max couldn't use either personally but that did not mean he couldn't use it for other stuff. Like trades or raising a beast. Or making a familiar.

"So what we did hurt you yesterday?" Kaede asked.

"No. I became stronger. It just was something I forgot is all. Well, it was not guaranteed that my body would shed the old for new. A chance oppturunity is all. A byproduct of the purity and the contracts maybe?" Max shrugged. New stuff happened all the time. "How are you doing?"

"I am doing great. Best I ever have." Kaede peaked in seeing Max naked she pulled back embarrassed. A very angry Mana and Evangeline looking at her. "Hehehe.."

"You could close the door Max." Mana said.

"You step out of my room." Max countered. "Also, why were you in my bed to?"

"I.. was lured by a smell.." Mana said embarrassed. Remembering walking into his room determined, she couldn't get over her actions. But something in Max called to her. A hunger that was easily satiated by holding him. A calming peace that got rid of her nightmares from the past. "Surely you are not uncomfortable by it?" She said daringly.

"Not in the least. You are of age, unlike Kaede." Max stopped once the vials were filled and the bowl almost went above the rim. "Gonna need a lot of time drinking for this. Haaa, need some Pure Water. Or maybe Fox saliva."

*Swirl!* Mixing the bathing water, Max got in. The frosty surface melted against his skin. In an instant, one inch of the water disappeared.

"Hmm." Evangeline peaked in. Seeing him submerge she walked in sitting down on a chair she conjured. "I do not have Fox Saliva. But I have Ouroboros Blood. It is about 6 years old. A student had some and I swiped it. Before they got themselves killed of course." She felt the need to defend her actions.

"The temple has some Quinlin Blood. Tiny amount that they might trade for something good." Mana added in. She and Kaede stepped in trying to peak past the mist. 'Stupid mist.'

"Nah, we will not trade with them just yet. Let them owe us a little." Max said. "Just more to add to the list. If you have Ouroboros blood, why are you still afflicted with that shitty curse?" Evangeline just looked away instead of answering.

"Oh, the thing you had me check on.." Kaede left to go and get something. The room was quiet until she came back. "..these three students are part of the Library Club like you said. I have the schedules that they go to in detail."

"Konoka and Nodoka, I have already intruded enough as their teacher. Time to let them develop a little by themselves. Haruna Satome.." Thinking about the overthought black-haired girl was easy enough. Her interest in manga was a good way to use her. But memory from what happened with her and the others ruled her out. Not someone to rise past the typical situation. To damaging to her psyche. ".. a no go. Yue Ayase.." A girl who falls in love with Negi but stepped to the side because of her friend Nodoka. ".. weak-willed and easily manipulated."

"You wouldn't?" Kaede did not think he would target her. "Why not just have Konoka lead us inside? Better yet, just.."

"I know a little about the Library. I can take you to a few places." Evangeline intoned helping her out. "I am sure you just want to look at some of the books." Max turned to look at them smirking. Kaede shuddered as did Evangeline. Slightly scared from the glint in his eye. "Unless you wish to go into the Forbidden Section."

"Of course. But that can wait till later." Max closed his eyes and sunk down for a bit. Popping back up, a sheet of frost burned away. His skin looks tan slightly. "I just want to read. Acquire knowledge. Part of my "Design" after all."

"You said that once before. What does that mean." Evangeline was the first to ask. "Or does my contract not allow me to know?"

"It does not." He smirked annoying her. "Care to add an amendment?" She nodded. "For you to know.. a decent price. Let me see.. Oh, I know. I will let Mana decide."

"Me?!" Mana looked at Kaede and cheered internally. A small victory somehow to her. "I say.. she allows you to read her mind. For one minute. No barriers in place." She went straight for the jugular.

"Humph! What can he learn in one minute?" Evangeline doubted much could be learned. And with her contract already saying he couldn't hurt her unless provoked it was more than enough. "One minute and nothing more."

"Bats'ahaytir k'ez .. Vampirik ants'yali tsagman kety." Max muttered the full incantation. Surprising Evangeline with the different language an the oldness of the words. "..Satanan veratsnvum e imanal tsagman masin."

-Reveal thee.. origin point of Vampiric Past.- Two-part Armenian incantations. -A devil requests to know of origin.-

*Brrrp!* Mana rippled as it bridges a connection between Evangeline's head and Max's Fingertip. Despite the agreement, she did not let her mental guard down. Instinct not allowing it.

A castle in England. An old Noble family screwed over by greed, love, and lust. A desperate father and a dying mother. A crying child caught in the middle of it all. Max appeared in the middle of them. Striking the vampire sire after he placed his mark on Evangeline.

"Kuk!" The unknown vampire coughed up spiritual blood as Max had wound him. "What are you?! She is my prey!" Looking at the fake, Max was amused. The man was a spell projection after all.

"My most insincere apologies, but she is my student." Max destroyed the imprint that was inside Evangeline. A small mutter as he poured out his mana to cast a Death Transformation spell. Which destroyed an entire Vampiric line across the World over. "Oh, can not be a complete dick. Sanctuary." White doves flew out after the spell was cast. It killed those with evil intentions.

A series of spells inside her mind gave a different story. Originally like what is revealed in the Manga, she was attacked at a Noble's place. Changed and upon waking she found she drank the blood of a caretaker.

"All this cause by the Mage of the Beginning. How weird he went through all this trouble despite having gained immortality supposedly. It does not add up considering..." Max mumbled to long wasting his time.

Gathering the blood of the sire. It would be a while before Max would gain the blood in the end. Looking at the scene unfolding still, it seems the mother was at fault. Crying as she held her daughter with the last of her strength. Several knights came in. A strange symbol on them.

A Dragon Phoneix eating its own tail. Wings spread out largely. The symbol of Cosmo Entelecheia. Which would explain a few things considering they were a group that lived on Mars causing all kinds of shit show problems. Max added it to the list of crushing the brat from the future. She was so involved with Mars, it begged the question of which side she was on.

*Ding!* Time was up. So Max left her mind. Evangeline just rubbed her temples in annoyance.

"How interesting. A problem solved." Max watched as the water had decreased by 5 inches. "Oh dear, used way to much mana just then. At least I am.. almost.." Turning to the side, a very adult Evangeline loomed over him. "What?!"

"I saw you.. in my memory. How did you do that?! Did you alter my past?! What happened!?" Evangeline lifted Max out of the tub shaking him around. Considering his state, he did not fight back. Legs dangling like a limp noodle. "Who was that guy?!"

"Gale Hands!" Kaede created hands of wind that ripped Evangeline from Max. Flinging her outside the room through the reinforced walls. "Know your place!" In an instant, she was in full battle dress. Spiritual armor powered by her magic that fit perfectly.

*Crash!* Evangeline broke through a reinforced wall all the way into the living room. Magic swirling as she jumped up ready to fight.

*Kachak!* A Sniper Rifle fired pinning a large rail through her stomach. Four more crucified her and glowed with a restriction spell.

"To think you would attack him. With both of us here!" Mana was livid. The rifle disappeared as two Uzi's appeared. Gloves on her hands glowing with raw power. "Big mistake!"

Max was in the tub trying to recover from the pain of his pores getting flooded. He was kind of spasming from the aftermath. Evangeline shaking him was neither bad nor good. Just a distraction.

'I want a drink. But.. still dehydrated.' Unable to really move to much. Max just floated till he would be ok again. 'She had a nice rack. What did she ask me again just then?'

Dazed, Max dozed off. The spells were quite draining.

"You brats are gonna pay!" Evangeline yelled. She was more emotionally charged than rational right now. Defintely gonna cause some problems for the fight against the two. Especially since Kaede didn't have full control of her power and Mana was more charged up from last night than she knew.

Name: Maxmillion (Negi) Springfield

Class: Ancient Sorceror

Realm: Transcendent Sorceror

Str: 25

Con: 40

Dex: 25

Int: 55

Wis: 45

Cha: 22

Spells: Growth, Wayward, Tresspass Alarm, Traps, Vines, Curse, Summoning

FrozenTidezcreators' thoughts