
Need You Now

Javier, head of the Mexican mafia has but only one child; Gabriella. He has protected and sheltered her since an accident back in their homeland. Worried for her future he married her off to Nikolai. A strong and respected member of the Russian mafia. Once married and their organizations uniting problems start to arise for everyone involved. Would these once strangers fall in love and manage to uncover their families secrets?

Ilecce_Venegas · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 6


I'm confused for a second when I wake up in a strange bed; until I remember the hazy memories of yesterday. Right, I'm probably in his bed. Realization hits me, Wait... I'm in his bed? Oh god, what happened last night? I can't remember anything past having a ring on my finger. Peeking under the cover; I sigh in relief when I notice I'm still in the same underwear. Even though I'm in his shirt. My face turns red when I think of who could have possibly put me in it. It's huge, I feel like I'm swimming in it.

In an attempt to figure out what happened last night I started to check around his room for any evidence of last night. I notice his room is clean and seems organized. Did he tidy up before the wedding? I'm still feeling a little lightheaded. I hold my head in my hand, when I hear shuffling outside the door followed by a knock.

"Are you awake? Are you feeling any better?" A deep voice calls out from the other side.

Covering my mouth with my hand, I'm too afraid to make a noise. I think he suspects that when he continues, "It's me, Nikolai...Um I just want to make sure you're okay in there. You were pretty sick yesterday."

He seems kinder than his appearance, or well what his back looked like. Gaining a little confidence to respond, "Yes, thank you"

My voice sounded weird to me just then. I squinch my eyes in embarrassment.

"Do you need anything? Are you hungry? You should probably eat, you threw up a lot last night."

Now I'm humiliated. Was I that sick? Wait, did he take care of me last night? I wouldn't have expected that from a man I just met.

"I don't really remember much of last night... uhm what happened?" I cautiously question. A little afraid of his response.

The door slowly creeps open, and he steps into the room. I haven't really seen his face until now. His eyes are green; his facial features are sharp. I'm feeling a little intimidated again.

"Well after the wedding you were really hot and seemed sick. I carried you inside the car and took you back home." Nikolai's eyes widened "To my home, I mean. I laid you on the bed. I was going to let you rest for the night but then you ended up throwing up all over your dress" He motions over to a trash bag. Oh god, how embarrassing. I must have looked like such a mess. I notice he is staring at the ground when he hesitates to speak.

"I cleaned you up a little which is why you're in my shirt. I swear I would have left you in your dress if it wasn't for you throwing up." I feel my face turn hot.

"It's alright, I believe you." I whisper, incapable of making any sort of eye contact. He starts to head out of the room.

"I made you some soup, I'll go get it for you. you must be hungry."

As soon as I made sure he was gone to the kitchen and out of earshot. I start to look through his things. What kind of person is he? Is his room always this organized? I tell myself I'm just looking for some pants. Trying not to feel guilty about snooping.

I've learned something about him while looking through his things. He likes to take care of himself hence the moisturizer and skin care. He is coming off quite differently than what my father said men are like.


Memories of last night flood my mind. The way she appeared when I removed her wedding dress. Wiping her face and body with a warm wet cloth. Her caramel skin gleamed under the fluorescent lighting. Cleaning her was such a difficult task and I tried to be as respectful as I possibly could. I did catch a glimpse of her body. Oh my, it was curvy. her hips... Come on Nikolai. I immediately shut those thoughts down. She is my wife by force but haven't earned her...yet.

I served two bowls of soup I had made earlier. I've been waiting for her to wake up so we can eat together. Figured she would feel more comfortable eating if she had some company. A part of me is using it as an excuse to get to know her a little. Convincing myself it's in my best interest since I'm now stuck with her, and not because I might be intrigued by her. Her almond eyes flash through my thoughts. She has such beautiful big brown eyes.

I head back in when I find her in the middle of my room. Pausing in front of the door, trying to figure out what she's doing. She seems to be looking for something. My eyes narrow at her

Clearing my throat to catch her attention, "Do you need anything?"

She stops in her tracks and looks at me. Looking like a deer stuck in the headlights. "Oh, um... I'm just looking for..." Her eyes dart around the room "Pants! Sorry, I got embarrassed when I realized I wasn't wearing any." She's lying. I can tell by her demeanor. It's surprising how easy it is to read her, considering she's Javier's daughter. I try not to think of it too much. Setting the bowls down on the dresser I open the bottom drawer.

"Here, try these." I pull out some sweats. She chuckles as I pull them up to her, "Never mind, your pants wouldn't fit me."

"Right, I should have thought of that. Don't worry, your things should arrive tomorrow."

She looks around the room, "What time is it?"

"It's noon, Come, let's eat in the kitchen instead. you seem to be feeling better." Exiting the room. I introduce myself, "Oh, by the way, my name is Nikolai. Just in case you didn't know."

"Nikolai? Do you have any nicknames?"

"My mother would call me Nicky." I answer avoiding any sort of eye contact.

A smile forms on her lips "Nicky? That's cute" Her voice sounds so soft saying my name.

"No one calls me that anymore, I personally don't like it." I clarify heaving a sigh.

Her face scrunches and her doey eyes stare at me in confusion. Makes me want to pull her close. To touch her soft skin again. How does this stranger make me think these unfamiliar thoughts? I should really push them out before I go too far.

"But you could call me that if you'd like." I blurt out. What's wrong with me?