
NecroNovice : The Necromancer In Academy

Arnes Hyouki, a necromancer shunned and feared for his magic powers who got treated badly in society,Enrolled in Seirei Academy amidst a looming world war, he battles prejudice and his own inner demons. Struggling to master his curse, he must decide whether to use his necromancy for good or let it consume him. But he couldn't let others know about his magic completely hiding. The world couldn't accept his him, But he was given chance to prove not being a threat to humanity, the only chance to turn his life upside down with his cursed magic.

Azakami_02 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Challenger

 "Look who it is... our transfer student making commotions... I guess you're going to be expelled, my dear student."

Uwah, she suddenly stepped in. I got scared by her presence, but it was just the principal.

"Ugh... expelled even before the session starts?"

"Just kidding."

"Just kidding, my ass. Don't ever make a joke like that in such a serious tone."

"Well, if it weren't for me, the way you speak to me would get you expelled eventually if you talk to other teachers with that attitude."

"Yeah, my bad. I get it... anyways, what do we do with my new summon?"

"I wonder too. Well, why not just say she is your maid? She will be able to tag along with you during class."

"Yeah, thanks for that idea. I feel really comfortable with someone tagging along behind me everywhere, haha."

"I hate your sarcasm, but still, you have no choice, Arnes."

*Tch* I guess I have no choice after all. I got used to staying alone as I was confined for seven years straight in a cell.

"Anyways, Principal, how did you know about us? Do you live somewhere nearby, or did someone report to you?"

"Well, it's my magic, Fatal Sense. When I use my magic, I can sense presence within the academy's radius. When you both were engaged in battle, I sensed it already, but when the newcomer came, it was hard to describe. It felt like she came from nowhere. I actually can't locate humans with my magic, but I can sense dangers, so I stepped in as fast as possible, but you already took care of it."

Didn't she say her magic is Fatal Sense? There is no way someone would even try to stop a combat with that magic. She is definitely hiding her true powers, or why else would she be in the position of principal of this prestigious school?

"Anyways, I have high expectations from you. Have a good night."

"Same, good night, Principal."

She left the garden as if nothing happened after greetings, which means she was already watching us. She didn't interfere in our fight to test me probably. I took a deep sigh and commanded the new summon to follow me towards my room.


As I entered the room with my summoned lich, there were bricks from the window side with no window, completely destroyed by my snake corpse.

"Ah- I forgot to report to the principal about the damage to my room...wait, she probably already knew about the damage and ignored it...god dammit!"

The wind was freezing, and I commanded the lich to guard me as there was no wall on one side, cold breeze passing, but it wouldn't affect a lich since she was undead and didn't even need sleep. So I got to my bed for a good night's sleep, completely exhausted after the battle, thinking about my new summon that I would test tomorrow. I was quite excited about my own success in pulling off high-tier necromancy.

"Good night, master." Robotically giving me the farewell to my sleep.

"good night", I closed my eyes in tiredness.




With that cold air which touched me violently, waking me up in the morning was really uncomfortable with sunlight directly falling into my eyes since I had no wall.

"Good morning, master."

"Good morning, Lic-" Hmm, calling her lich sounds bad, she should have a name, right? "Hey, what's your name?"

She stared at me with her dead fish-like eyes and replied, "I don't have any name, master. It would be better if you gave me one."

"Name? Hmmm, you are small, kind of cute, with that kimono...yosh! I will call you Imeki from now on." As I gave her a name, a strange feeling started lingering in me suddenly.

W-what is this feeling? I feel like a dad somehow. I shook my head to snap out of it, and all of a sudden, I heard knocks on my door. It was the principal's assistant. She came to pick me up for breakfast, I didn't knew where the dining hall was so she showed me the way. And she is the one who prepared food for me since there were no chiefs around. They will arrive after few hours and I can't wait that long for my meal.

"By the way, I never got time to ask your name, Miss Assistant?"

"Rebecca Stafford. By the way, Arnes-sama, who is this person beside you?" She pointed out Imeki as she saw her for the first time.

"Oh, she is someone the principal appointed to take care of me, a personal maid."

Imeki followed me around everywhere with her cute little steps as she walked. I sometimes felt bad, so I slowed down to her pace so she wouldn't feel tired. As the assistant Rebecca noticed her, she kept staring at Imeki.

"Arnes-sama, if you don't mind, can I be friends with Imeki?"

"W-well, she is quite introverted, b-b-but you can try." Sweat drenched me as she came up with the friendship idea. Imeki was a spirit-like puppet, not to mention she couldn't do anything unless I commanded her, and if she realized Imeki was a lich, probably the threat level could increase to AA, and mages would get her exorcised.

"I-Imeki, can you be friends with Rebecca?" I asked her hesitantly, giving her the command.

"Understood, master. I would try my best to put up the friendship role with the person named Rebecca."

 That was an unpredictable response. She does speak weirdly, but could she really pull off something like acting human? Even though she was human before, she is a lich now, so her feelings and everything got abnormal as not being human.

 I don't understand if it was dumb, but Rebecca kept questioning, and Imeki kept answering all her questions. Just like that, even though they both talked like puppets, it is safe to assume they are like friends right now.But they have been discussing the topic of farming potatoes for thirty minutes straight, and even I am done with my breakfast while listening to that stupidly cute conversation they were having.

 The dining hall was large. Morning breakfast was with eggs, bread, and a carrot, which was healthy and luxurious food for a person like Arnes who had nothing for breakfast when he used to be imprisoned.

After completing my food, I washed my hands and picked up Imeki, who was sitting with Rebecca at the counter table of the dining hall.

"Sorry, Rebecca, I am borrowing Imeki now. I got some stuff to do."

"It's alright. Also, students will be entering the dorm from today. It wouldn't be a problem for your maid to stay because she is just a maid. Take care of her, she is adorable."

I nodded in agreement, and Rebecca waved at Imeki with a smile which was completely ignored by Imeki.

"Master, thirty more minutes until class starts."

"Ah, I just remembered I asked you to give appropriate timings to me. Thanks, Imeki."

I went back to my room and changed my civilian clothes to the combat mage outfit of the academy. I put on my gloves since I am a necromancer, and touching a corpse directly would make it my puppet, which I didn't want.

I tried to stop controlling Imeki, but it looked like she is my puppet permanently. She is more like my familiar rather than a puppet. After a little test, I started walking towards my own class which was introduced by Rebecca earlier this morning.

*Slam* I pushed the door of my class gently with style to make it a memory of attaining a magic high academy.

"Hm, looks like I am the first one to enter the cla-"

Just when I thought I would pass my time as a regular mage like everyone in the academy. Uncertainty just kept hitting me.

"Ooh, Arnes, and little sister, welcome."

*Slam* "Nope, wrong class." I closed the door in disbelief.

*SLAM* The girl forcefully opened the door without caring if the door broke down. She would have to pay the expenses.

"Why did you shut the door as soon as you were going to enter the class, huh? Why do you look disappointed after looking at me, A-r-n-e-s?"

"Aah, I had enough! Just when I asked you yesterday about being friends, I never thought we would really be in the same class." It would be problematic to hide my powers from Tsuki.

"Hey, sister-chan, what's your name? Also, sorry for yesterday." She frowned and tried to be friends with her.

"She isn't my sister; she's my maid." I exclaimed.

"..." Tsuki stared at me, dumbfounded.

"Imeki, follow me, run."

"M-maid? Didn't you tell me it was your sister? Oi, why are you running away? Oi, hold it."


"Looks like I got away from her."

Aah, she is so annoying. Who knows when she will blow up the classroom, a total psycho. As I ran away, I ended up at the main gate where mage students kept entering. I just felt lighter thinking about starting a new life in this academy, just when another uncertainty hit me as a curse. A weird guy approached me with a challenge just when I thought I kept hitting with uncertainty and it was real.

"New student, I hereby challenge you to a duel as a memorable!"

"Now, this is totally a random scenario," I sighed, touching my forehead in annoyance mumbling myself.

To be continued...