
NecroNovice : The Necromancer In Academy

Arnes Hyouki, a necromancer shunned and feared for his magic powers who got treated badly in society,Enrolled in Seirei Academy amidst a looming world war, he battles prejudice and his own inner demons. Struggling to master his curse, he must decide whether to use his necromancy for good or let it consume him. But he couldn't let others know about his magic completely hiding. The world couldn't accept his him, But he was given chance to prove not being a threat to humanity, the only chance to turn his life upside down with his cursed magic.

Azakami_02 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chaos & Explosions


"Sigh, Yamata will be furious when he sees his mother's condition." I sighed, knowing my pet snake I picked up seven years ago would be mad at me. His mother's corpse no longer even resembles a snake; it's just torn-apart flesh.

Incidentally I used the mama snake as a corpse to protect me from the impact.

"Hoh? Now that your little pet is dead, what do you have up your sleeve?" The silver-haired woman smirked in amusement, eagerly waiting for me to show more of my magic.

"What's your name, fellow mage? I respect your strength," I asked, as she piqued my interest too.

"Tsuki Ernie, and what's yours." 

"That's a weird name you got, by the way I am Arnes Hyouki."

"Woah, a girly name how cute." She did a comeback as I made fun of her name saying its weird.

Ugh- she is definitely making fun of me; well, I did tell that her name is weird afterall so it's the aftermath karma.

"I am going to be expelled if I don't end you here, I can't let anyone know about this."

"Well, I more or less don't care about whatever you were planning to blow up this academy, related something with your club, but since you picked a fight with me, I'm not going to end it without winning," I told her confidently.

"Hahaha you really are something else, Arnes so shall we continue, needless to say I shall be taking the victory." Tsuki replies in confident tone.

A refreshing breeze blew through both mages as they continued their standoff. The intense pressure between them, each prepared to go all out, was palpable. Neither wanted to lose. As the wind touched them, they both touched the ground in sync, prompting their magic. A mixed neon red and violet circle shone within the battleground, which was more like a garden.


I dodged, but without any corpses with me currently, and with the monster snake now unusable, I had to find a suitable corpse within this academy to control. Necromancy is my magic, and I can control at least five dead bodies at will. I can't bring someone back from the dead, but I can make a corpse dance like a puppet at my command. In this situation, I needed to summon any monster, human, or anything's corpse to shield me from my opponent's blast.


"Ah, another explosion, well I guess I am dead" Just as I mumbled I was just saved by sheer of luck as some kind of monster was already there for to shield me.

"Uwaah your explosions are terrifying." As I cleaned the mud that splattered because of her explosion.

"A-Arnes...W-what in the world...you had accomplice?" Tsuki's voice trembled being on guard with someone unknown's presence.

Her words caught me off guard. I knew I was alone, with only my pet snake, Yamata, hiding under my bed in room. There shouldn't be anyone else besides us. The explosion had kicked up a cloud of dust, making it hard to see. I took a defensive stance. Could it be that the principal had noticed us making commotions and got present? The noise of the explosions was overwhelming.

As the dust settled, a woman with a sword stood between the two mages. She had short black hair and wore a red sakura kimono. Her height reached my shoulder, and she looked as though she was from the Great Dragon War era.

"Hey, you girl, are you his accomplice? And what's with your fashion? It's so outdated."

She paid no attention to Tsuki Ernie and turned towards me, her mouth starting to move."Master, what's your next command?"

"Ugh... Don't ignore me, brat!" Tsuki's voice grew smaller as she continued to step back...

"M-master?" I was shocked. She was someone I had seen for the first time, yet she was calling me master. But what shocked me even more was the failed summoning. I had always managed to summon even a dead bug from underground. There was no way there wasn't a single corpse lying beneath the grounds of this academy, it was not possible.

"Hey, Arnes who is she? What is she doing in male dorm." She asks me again.

She asked me with confusion, staying on guard. Two versus one was indeed risky for her, and she knew she wouldn't be able to keep up. The woman who called me master had already defended me with her sword alone, shattering the magic circle which had popped up from nowhere to explode under my feet. She was easily able to cut off the magic circle, yet it exploded. That's all I could see.

"Oi little girl who are you? We understood you are strong but It's not safe here as you can see, we are having battle."

"But aren't you the one who summoned me master?" She tilts her head emotionless giving her reason that pinched his brain nerves.

Yes, in my 17 years of practicing necromancy magic, I had never summoned a corpse puppet who could speak freely. I had attempted necromancy on humans before, but they were all hollow inside. She shocked me with how she didn't even look like a corpse; she appeared more neat and normal, resembling a human rather than what one would expect being a corpse.

"Arnes what is even your magic? I thought you had Taming magic because you had a snake?" She looked concerned and kept taking steps back on guard as she spoke.

I couldn't reveal my necromancy; I needed to hide it. "Taming magic" would be the perfect cover name, but how was I supposed to explain the girl I just summoned? More than that, I wanted to learn more about my new summon. I needed to make it quick.

"I am sorry this is my sister, I am really sorry on her behalf for ruining our battle." I faked my reason to my opponent.

"Oh, well anyways I don't want to get expelled but since your sister is with you, I don't kill children and I don't want her to get traumatized because of your death." She spoke haughtily.

It seemed she was considering retreating from the battleground. I respected her decision; after all, it wasn't honorable for it to be two versus one. So, I let it slide. I couldn't afford to create more commotion, especially when my room was already half destroyed.

"Sigh, don't worry I won't tell anyone about this Tsuki, but in return I want you to become my friend since I am new here and I don't know many things." I asked her with a smile.

"Well I will think about it tomorrow, but don't, don't ever tell anyone about me or you will see your end." 


The explosion made the dust blow and Tsuki Ernie was nowhere to be seen after giving off her threat.

"Now then, little miss, you're telling me I summoned you?" I turned my eyes on the girl who claimed to have been summoned by me.

"Yes master." She gave a robotic response.

"Can you go two meters away from here so I can prove it to myself that you are my summon."

"Yes master." With her robotic reply she did what she was told.

"Summon" I created magic circle near me, the magic circle glowed, and she got out from the circle as if she was underground. No matter how far my puppet is I could use my magic to easily summon it, and it's proved that she was summoned just as she got teleported from two meters afar.


"Now then, I think you can speak so, tell me how you are able to speak and think at your free will?"

"There is a labyrinth under the academy's Chapple, I am someone who died about 300 years ago, but I became lich because of my huge mana capacity unable to move on from earth to heavens guarding the labyrinth for eternity, and it was supposed to be my role."

"Lich, you say huh? Lich are basically human beings who are undead but with feelings and are almost human, but just they are somewhat like a spirit, if I am not wrong."

"Yes master."

As I was checking up on my new summon I got disturbed by sudden someone's footsteps.

*Step, step, step, step*

A sudden chill gone through my spine.

"Look who it is... our transfer student making commotions... I guess you're going to be expelled, my dear student.~"

To Be Continued...