
Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Some time in the future Humanity conquers death! life continues, on and on in the endless stretches of a virtual paradise called Elysium. or at least that's what the Brochures used to stay. Elysium was no different from Earth, the only difference is that with each new reincarnation, you get a chance to live differently, better, and a chance to achieve more with pieces of your memories from your old life intact. But Elysium needs balance, why? no one really knows. but to keep that balance the death classes were created, and any who comes to posses such class or the traits that come with it; gains the ability to deliver the (True Death) a fitting end to immortality and endless life. and as such people with these classes are feared and hated. Now Rezar is spawned in a prison mine to serve a sentence of all eternity and all reincarnations as a slave. and all for a crime he doesn't remember commiting but knows that he did, now forced to live based on consequences from a life he also doesn't remember. but he tries to look at the bright side, there's much to achieve........the only downside would be the fear people have for him, after all.........who would want to shake hands with the Son Of Death. The cover image is made by UFAN studios! https://discord.gg/aCbKJX permanent discord link. Please check out my other WSA novel Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Anone · Games
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342 Chs

Death Returns (VII): Woman of Death

She wasn't as dark skinned as he was, if there were on earth Rezar would be considered African to the core, but the woman in front of him had a skin tone that was synonymous with Hispanics or were they Latinos or Latinas? It was hard keeping track of all those terms, he felt as if he should know those words and they were hanging right at the tip of his tongue but now it just felt weird.

Her hair was rather rough; it was the first thing he noticed. It was afro like but curly, normally hair like that would be a fashion statement if not for the fa t that there were stones and the skeletons of dead rodents suspended and weaved into the hair. But there were also diamonds, emeralds, sapphire's and rubies weaved into the hair, and a coupled of bones too. It was downright spooky, and then there was this intricate tribal tattoo on the side of her face that glowed with the colors of the rainbow, but that Rezar felt only he could see.

Her eyes were blue, well it was weird but they were actually green on the top and blue at the bottom, like the blue was filling and covering the area of the green. It was confusing, but Rezar had a theory. There were shadows floating around her, spectral skulls that seemed to fade in and out of focus, turning to skulls with dull sockets filled with blackness to people of all races with a vibrancy of life and then back to skulls again.

Rezar was sure everyone else saw skulls, maybe it was also different for Screet and the others. Her face on the other hand… it wasn't right, not one bit. Lenore was a demonic beauty, she gave Rezar pause more than once and set this teen body on fire with a single look, and that may or may not have been the reason why he had decided to bring her along. But this woman… she made him feel like death was the most beautiful thing on earth.

She was older, like she looked somewhere around her late twenties to early thirties, but in the face of a loved destined on the eldritch blessings of death, what could stand in it way… maybe nothing but an annoying undead by the name of Neema, who wanted to get in the way of her master's love filled gaze.

"Master if you stare any harder your eyes might fall off" and she was standing right beside him when she said that, spooking Rezar and forcing him to yell out in pain as he was currently still poked full of spears.

"Here master let me help you with that."

"No Neema Wait!... OOOWWWWWWUUUUU!!!"

The undead demon mole queen harshly wrenched all three spears out of Rezar's body, and seeing as she had used her recently developed telekinesis skill, there was no finesse in what she did, and it hurt like a bitch, forcing Rezar to make a rather unmanly squeal. Blood poured out of the wounds and flowed to the ground, but it only took Rezar five seconds to register the pain before he was standing up and the wounds could be seen rapidly healing with a hint of golden light. The holy energy coming out of the wound was so thick and heavy that everyone apart from the undead were shocked.

"How… how is this possible!" Priest asked in surprise as he came forward, but Screet stretched forth his metal staff and blocked his path.

"Not now old man the master is working." Rezar smiled when he heard that, then he turned to the gorgeous woman who was obviously the priestess he's heard so much about. Apart from the five that he had made short work of, there were still seven other people behind her with their crude spears that for some reason could pierce armor and hurt him.

Sure the armor he had on was made of leather and the defense wasn't that strong, but spear's made with less than stellar wood and stone shouldn't have slid into his body that easily, it was fucking painful and also quite impressive. Rezar looked at the three who still had his chains in them, the skill would run out of duration in 3 minutes, couple with the already wasted two that was a whole five minutes speaking volumes of how high a level it was at the moment.

And Rezar realized he could also use other skills with it, so if he so chose, he could torture the hell out of this three and their Priestess would not be able to stop him. He moved back, and the seventh chain rapidly folded itself into a platform that he sat on cross legged while floating on the air while the remaining six was stabbed into the legs of three people.

"I'm escaping this place and I'm going to make a kingdom where all sorts of weird things and people can live without any kind of trouble, you want to come with? I already set fire to the town, of course you would have to sell yourself to me and all that shenanigans seeing as I don't trust you. But soon as I do ill set you free." Priest slapped a palm on his face as he muttered under his breath, Lenore shook her head.

She's since just how scary this kid could be when he's serious, how deep and Insightful he was. But that wasn't him, the real Rezar would smile and laugh while he pulled your intestines out of your body. His natural disposition was joyous and straight forward, if the kid wanted to play politics he would, but he didn't feel it was necessary. The priestess was not his equal, but he was not underestimating her either.

"You're the necromancer that once lived here? The one the slaves called Rezar the Un-killable?" her voice was really deep and sultry and Rezar felt as if he could just fall asleep listening to it. But that won't happen, it would take a whole lot more than that to shake him.

"well that is me, I'm not so sure about that Un-killable part, but yeah as you've seen, it's pretty hard to kill me. None the less you should…."

"I've been waiting for you! I take it you would be heading to the Giant Ant Queen's lair, I've kept the tunnel secure and the area around it has been cleared of any beasts. My people and I will wait for you there while you go carry out your…. recruitment. I apologize for the attacks, after my people told me there was a revolt I feared the worst, I didn't know you were the one responsible as I didn't see a revolt in my vision of your return. It seems you're one to go against destiny, that is good, you will need such a power.

Please release my people so that I can treat their wounds, they would be quite valuable to you as anyone of them dying would mean you won't get a single help from me. And just so you know I'm not kidding around, I can tell you the clues needed to find the Necron. So let my people go Lord Rezar."

Everyone blinked, Rezar turned to face Lenore and Priest, the look on his face said it all. He folded his hands and said to them.

"You didn't tell me she could see the future! Now I feel so exposed!"

"No you don't!"

"We didn't know she could do that either!"

Lenore and Priest replied to Rezar as he retracted the chains out of the legs of her people. They weren't human though, the wild tribe were humanoid like elves and beast people, but they were a whole other race entirely.

As soon as he released them, the others behind the priestess quickly came forward and retrieved their comrades, Priest went forward to lend a helping hand and heal the wounded. Rezar shook his head, scheming as that man was he was still a bleeding heart, let them heal themselves, no one seems to be worried he was poked by spears until his insides became his outsides.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me, Priestess that can see the future who's name I don't know." Rezar said with a hint of annoyance in his voice, turns out this woman was his equal. She had something he needed and as such she had him by the balls, making her an equal rather than an asset to subdue, Rezar did not like that one bit, guess this wasn't love at first sight.

"Yes! My name is Gynaika De La Muerte. And you should be careful with the queen, she's gotten stronger." Rezar shrugged his shoulder as he made his way up a familiar path, calling out behind him so that Gynaika could hear him.

"So have I… Skeleton Lady!"

I'm so sick, I used two languages to make a name for the female lead. and yes everyone the scary looking Chick in front of the cover! she's finally here. she's also the second main character for the novel, this story is just as much hers as it is Rezar's, though it would focus more on Rezar. Gynaika or Aika as I'll be calling her is very special, very, very special.

thanks for reading and God bless you all. it's almost 9am and I didn't sleep the entire night, I'll try to do so now.

Anonecreators' thoughts