
Chapter 5: Agreement and another year

After about an hour of seeing the breathtaking view in front of me, promising most of the animals and surprisingly talkative trees that I would come back soon, I reluctantly left the place.

After reaching the hall, with my mind cleared, I sat in the corner and just drank some fruit punch.

I saw Daphne walking towards me, and I just up and left. I did not have the patience to deal with this issue right after calming myself down.

She however chased after me till we reached a corridor.

She blocked me and said, "Hey, I am sorry, I thought you're the one who arranged this and got mad."

I looked her straight into her eyes and said nothing. She kept going by saying, " I don't like this anymore then you do, so how about this, we just get engaged first at our first year, and then we deal with this later in Hogwarts."

I just looked at her and saw the hope she was feeling and felt like laughing out load.

They will make us sign a magically binding contract, which is going to be Iron Clad with no loop holes. We won't exactly have a choice. But I didn't want to spoil her little dreams so I just nodded and left.

And so came our 'agreement.' Now I first had to change my personality. Completely. I cannot talk to anyone about anything. By doing this I will be giving my mother lesser leverage.

My mother probably threatened my Teacher to tell her about my studies, and that's how she found out about my recipes.

One should know that for a potion maker, their recipes and their reputation is as important as their life. If your recipes are leaked anyone can make your stuff and if your reputation is not famous or negative, nobody will by your items.

Not only did my mother steal my recipes, she took away probably more than half the reputation, maybe more of which I would have gotten and so called 'donated ' it to the Markus family.

So for the next few hours I just went back to my room and said nothing.

I just meditated and saw the changes in my subconscious.

I observed the magic core and realised that due to my my anger, the amount of Magic my core was absorbing increased by 5 times.

For the book, I flipped it to the second chapter and saw it blank.

'It would be nice if I had gotten something regarding ancient runes.'

The book then started to magically fill itself up, and suddenly the chapter title was.

'Chapter 2: Beginners guide to ancient runes.'

Then it clicked for me. It didn't seem to just be a coincidence. It seems like the book shows whatever topics I want, and there are circumstances for it to flip to the next chapter.

But I couldn't tell for sure with just two tries.

So, I started my intense grind for another year.


It's been another year.

This entire year, I had barely spoken. It was a message to my parents, more specifically my mother, that I won't play her game. But she seemed to take it more like a challenge, and tried to make me talk.

Whenever my father tried to get me to open up I would walk off. Even though he wasn't a hundred percent into whatever her plans were, he was still on her side.

As for my little sister, even though it was heart breaking at first, I ignored her. The more she was near me, the more danger she would be in. If my mother sees her near me too much she will without hesitation use my sister against me.

I spent most of my time on a few things. Potions, charms, mind magic, Magical ruines, and lastly, going into the forest to meet and communicate with nature.

My potions had reached N.E.W.T level, and I was allowed to brew potions with my teacher as well. I have not said a word to my teacher. Even if my teacher was probably threatened, I showed him the recipes in hopes that I would be able to discuss it with another person without fear of this happening.

The potions teacher also realised this and said nothing about it.

I had come up with dozens of high level potions which could have changed the world, but I didn't tell anyone about it. At least not yet.

My charms has already reached the N.E.W.T level and I could cast spells until the second- year of Hogwarts. This was obviously a ridiculous amount for a 7 year old. It was still annoying to be restricted by My Magic.

Magical ruines seemed easy enough and after looking into my family private library, it seemed like I was able to reach N.E.W.T level in one year.

Don't get me wrong, I could probably have done it in six months but I had other things going on as well. Now it was clear to me that my teachers were purposely teaching me slowly so that I don't learn too fast, and I knew why.

After my teachers told my mother about me almost reaching N.E.W.T level I could see it in her aura that she was scared and worried.

I mean, I would be scared as well. You don't mess with the bloody dragon just because it's sleeping.

I was also coming up with a project for magical ruines with my current knowledge, but it seems that I needed more information on magical ruines and I needed to start on arthimency.

My magical core was progressing well, due to staying with nature so much. I realised that whenever I am calm and happy the core progresses faster.

And I have to say, the trees where the most exited that someone would talk to them after years of just standing there.

And for me, today was a big day. I am seven today and I am going to gringots with my father to take in my heir ship. And this is where I can finally implement a few planes.

Okay I know it seems like the MC is wasting the magical book on magic ruines when he could just go to his library and see the knowledge but the reason he does this is so that his mother doesn’t realise what he is doing.

Going to the library to ‘research on potions’ is one thing, and studying magical ruines is another

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