
Necromancer's Evolutionary Traits

Adrias Cromwell. The story starts with a veteran soldier who lost his will to live, he spends his time playing video games, and he is obsessed with a specific video game that turns out to be anything but an ordinary game... Other Name: The strongest necromancer with evolution traits Author: TBD GHOST / JANGJAK Original Publisher: INTIME, NAVER Translator: ChatGPT + manual editing

Mususshi · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Chapter 18: The Bondage of Sloth and the Past

In truth, it wasn't certain whether the opponent had an item related to 'Sloth' or not. However, I could make a reasonable guess. If they didn't have an item related to sin, they wouldn't mention 'Sloth' in the first place.

"This is troublesome."

I delved into my memories, trying to recall what items were related to sin, particularly Sloth. There weren't many items related to sin, so I could think of one thing. "Codex Apocalypse."

It was an item that would summon the final boss of the game when all its pages, consisting of the main body and seven torn pages, were collected. Each page possessed tremendous power. It was highly likely that the item the opponent possessed was the page of Sloth from Codex Apocalypse.

Thud! Thud!

I dodged the rushing people and retraced my steps to join my team members. Figuring out where the opponent was would come after reuniting with them.

Fortunately, thanks to the stamina and athletic talent I had steadily improved, I managed to evade the people running like zombies and find Hajal and Vivian. They were in good condition, with Vivian drenched in blood, wielding her sword skillfully, slaughtering those around her, and Hajal standing there with an expressionless face, merely observing as Christopher lay sprawled on the ground.

Even in a crisis, their true nature was revealed too quickly, wasn't it?


Only now did Hajal notice me and glanced at me in surprise? Then he quickly pretended to be inspecting Christopher.

I should play along. "What's happening...?"

I acted as if I didn't know anything and responded with a question.

"I'm glad you're safe. Seems like Vivian has lost her mind. I've never seen her like this before," Hajal said, his previously cold expression vanished, replaced by a bewildered act.

"But where did Ivy go?"

"She's trapped. It seems she got caught in a trap and is trapped in a barrier."

"Where is the opponent?"

"I'll check again now."

Vivian, who was mercilessly cutting down the rushing people, was terrifying, but Hajal, who was hiding his true intentions as I did, became more suspicious. Is it scarier to have an ally than an enemy in this situation?

For now, I activated Mana Detect.

"Pity, pity, pity," a voice echoed. "Do you know that the people you're killing are innocent villagers? Do you, do you, do you?"

"Whose voice is this?"

Hajal looked around, seemingly hearing the voice for the first time. I concentrated as much as possible, trying to find the source of the sound. Taunting them again was just an extra.

"So what? Are you saying that killing you is God's will while killing us is a sinful act?"

"How unfair, how unfair, how unfair. How can a young mortal who hasn't even discovered a crack in the truth understand God's deep intentions, intentions, intentions?"

"I found it."

Although I didn't know if it was a trap again, I located the position. Surprisingly, it was the same place I had gone with Ivy earlier. The initial guess seemed to be correct.


Hajal nodded after a moment of contemplation. "I'll go alone. Vivian is rampaging here, so the situation shouldn't be too dangerous."

"But Hajal, it could be dangerous for you."

"I understand. However, with only me who can go, there's no other choice. Take care of Christopher."

He left those words and quickly ran to the location I had informed him about. Left alone, I watched Vivian's frenzied figure and gave Christopher the healing and regeneration potions I had in my backpack.

Bang! Boom!

People exploded once again. Anxious, I looked towards Vivian, who was running around with an unknown liquid smeared on her body, not knowing if it was her blood or the villagers' blood. Vivian would be quite a decent character if it weren't for her madness.

"It's a pity. These materials shouldn't have been wasted."

"Are you out?"

Observing Christopher's condition, I responded to the voice that casually spoke.

"You're not surprised?"

"I had a rough idea."

Leaving Christopher behind, I stood up from my position, and there, on the opposite rooftop with a mask covering their face, sat the revealed figure of the Dark Mage.

"Did you know?"

"I had a hunch."

Even though I knew, I sent Hajal anyway. To be honest, Hajal wasn't helpful and was even potential danger. If given the chance, he would take us hostage and escape alone.

"Why are you so confident? Have you accepted death?"

"Die? Me?"

I looked straight at the opponent. "I will never die. At least not here."

"Why are you so arrogantly confident? Do you know something?"

"Whatever. I consider your courage virtually non-existent. Nonetheless, I shall give you a trial, acknowledging your courage."


Before I could continue my thoughts, the same barrier that had trapped Ivy before suddenly emerged from the ground and engulfed me.

"Kim Jinhwan."


What was it?

It felt like I had a dream, but now wasn't the time to talk about dreams. Following the signal from my team leader, Kim Hyunwoo, I moved cautiously.

The point man, Jeong Yongho, was already waiting at the forefront. I stuck close to Yongho Hyung's back, and Park Seongbo, the youngest, attached himself to the opposite column.

"Our target is assassination, and all other individuals should be eliminated immediately on-site."

Yongho Hyung began cautiously climbing the building, maintaining vigilance in the front. The special equipment attached to our hands allowed us to effortlessly climb the building's exterior wall.

As I guarded the rear and surveyed the surroundings, a strange sensation washed over me. It felt like I had experienced this somewhere before...

As Yongho Hyung finished climbing the building, a signal came from his direction. I tried to focus on my mission and began my ascent on the opposite side of the building.

That's when it happened.


With the brief and intense code word from the team leader indicating the appearance of enemies, gunshots rang out. Then, I was struck by an immense blast that sent me flying.

My ears rang with tinnitus, and my vision turned white. However, due to repeated training, my body instinctively reached for the gun in my holster.

It was difficult to identify the enemy. Only the flashes from the muzzle were visible in my field of vision, especially since it was a night operation.

When I touched my forehead, there was no sign of the night vision gear; it must have been blown away by the explosion.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots and screams filled the air.

I remained in a prone position and continued to fire my weapon.

Swiftly, I moved my body to find cover and engaged in a fierce gunfight with unseen enemies.

Despite the inconvenience of my left hand, which was injured, I managed to maintain a steady one-handed shooting posture.

The relentless gunfire and screams finally subsided, and silence fell upon the battlefield.

As I realized I had survived, I couldn't help but attribute it to divine intervention. Slowly, I cautiously surveyed my surroundings.

In the dimly lit darkness, the only recognizable structure was the building that had been designated as our mission area, now reduced to rubble from the explosion.

As I walked forward, I noticed scattered bodies strewn about.

Bang! Bang!

I meticulously performed confirmation kills, searching for my team members in the chaos.


There, lying amidst those dressed like me, was one of my teammates.

Although I was eager to check on him, securing the safety of the area took precedence.

Finally, after confirming the kills of all the enemies, I turned back.

I approached the first teammate I had discovered and checked his breathing and pulse.


He was still warm, but that was all.

I lifted his mask slightly to confirm his identity.

It was Seongbo, the youngest member.

"You, Seongbo, how did you go before me?"

Uttering those words quietly, I retrieved his night vision goggles, unable to speak any louder.

As a covert unit, we couldn't carry anything that could reveal our identities, not even dog tags.

Reluctantly, I took the goggles, suppressed my emotions, and searched for other team members.

They were like family to me.

For someone like me, who had no family, they were the only relationships I couldn't afford to lose.

And every time I discovered the bodies of my team members, my heart shattered.


I forced back the tears that threatened to overflow, feeling a deep ache in my bones.

Should I just die too?

If I die here, won't it be the end of me, falling in the line of duty?

My hand, holding the pistol, found its way into my mouth.

The pungent smell of gunpowder permeated my senses.

"Who's there...?"

Faintly, I heard Korean words.

I withdrew the gun from my mouth and turned my head.

Amidst the rubble of the collapsed building, I saw Yongho, his mask torn off.

Desperately, I rushed over, carefully clearing the debris to free Yongho.

His condition was not good, and I trembled at the thought that he might die soon.

"Who is it, Jinhwan?"


"Hey, don't tremble. I can feel it. I'm not dying, damn it."


Leaving my immobile left hand behind, I managed to lift Yongho with my right hand and carried him out of the scene.

Can we survive? Won't the enemies come after us?

How do we escape?



"It's not your fault."

The fact I had denied started to resurface.

Nighttime shooting.

A situation where it was impossible to distinguish friend from foe.

Did my bullets really only hit the enemies?

"There's nothing wrong with you."

The doubts I had harbored began to resurface.

In the midst of all the chaos, I had a sudden realization.

"This is not reality."


Because I had made a promise not long ago.

"For family."

For the new family, I found.

I had made a vow to break free from the shackles of the past.

There was no reason for me to ponder over this issue anymore.

I don't backtrack on decisions and dilemmas I've already faced.

That's why this place is not a reality.

With that realization, I understood that this was a barrier created by the dark sorcerer.

"I have regretted it a lot."


"I've regretted and reflected a lot. That's why even after you were discharged, I continued to stay in the unit and perform missions. But, you know..."


"I've already let it go. Since I've become someone new, I want to start again."

Though I tried hard to forget, it was an unforgettable past.

But as I resolved to live as Adrias Cromwell, already partially destroying my past, I became aware.

I gently let go of Yongho, a reflection of myself, and quietly made a promise.

"I won't have any regrets this time."

"Yeah? Who decides that?"

"I do, in my own way."

The bird struggles to break free from the egg. The egg is the world.

Whoever wants to be born must destroy the world.

Recalling the lines left by Hesse, I aimed the gun at the person who resembled Yongho.

"I will move forward. I won't stay stagnant in a place like this."

"Why aren't you becoming complacent? How come?"

"If you thought I would feel despair, you're half right. But I have truly become someone new."

I, both Adrias Cromwell and Kim Jinhwan, don't deny either.

Both are me.

With that realization in mind, I uttered my final words with determination.

"I am Adrias Cromwell. I will no longer deny that."


[Kim Jinhwan - Adrias Cromwell, synchronization 100% achieved.]

[Kim Jinhwan inherits the talent 'Combat (Prodigy).']